Star Trek

Chapter 25 Binlet Copy 8

It should be said that after this period of exploration, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting have made great improvements in their base management. So far, Liu Zheng has fallen behind the enemy for three years.

Moreover, after a period of reconnaissance, Liu Zheng finally found the most suitable blocking site. It was a ditch, and if the enemy wanted to come over, they must also go far to the left end of the ditch. Liu Zheng only deployed his combat strength completely on the north side of the river ditch, and the enemy's chariots must have gone west along the river from the south side, and then bypassed the ditch.

In this way, when the enemy's combat power is detouring, Liu Zheng's crossbow guns deployed on the other side of the ditch can start attacking the target through the small ditch. The crossbow is a long-range attack weapon that fires steel arrows, and the steel arrows it fires can explode after firing. Moreover, its attack distance and lethal strength are quite powerful, and they start to attack at the target. The crossbow is a long-range attack weapon that fires steel arrows, and the steel arrows it fires can explode after firing. Moreover, its attack distance and lethal strength are quite powerful, and its power is naturally far beyond that kind of catapult.

Now, there are several catapults of the enemy, several heavy cavalry, several swordsmen, and several magic hands, led by a divine elephant soldier, rushing along the extremely narrow river ditch towards Liu Zheng's city center. However, soon, they encountered more than a dozen crossbow guns on that road.

"Attack!" With Liu Zheng's order, I saw the steel braze flying out with a gust of wind, and the sound of "whisling" when piercing the air was endless.

"Ah~~ah~~" and with the steel hammers crossing beautiful arcs, it accurately hit the target, and the sound of explosion was endless, and the enemy's three catapults, as well as the cavalry fighting power, came out after the steel braces hit the target one by one. In the sound of the explosion, it was quickly blown away. Then the difference in combat power caused by the differences in the era of science and technology is vividly reflected.

And just after destroying some of the enemy's combat power, Liu Zheng's era has been upgraded again! Wow, wow, this time, Liu Zheng has upgraded to the era of revival so quickly. The advent of the era of rejuvenation also made the dozen crossbow cannons in Liu Zheng's hand change and suddenly turned into long cannons! Long cannon, what is the concept of this cannon? That's a real cannon! Liu Zheng has escalated to the era of revival so quickly. The advent of the era of rejuvenation also made the dozen crossbow cannons in Liu Zheng's hand change and suddenly turned into long cannons! Long cannon, what is the concept of this cannon? That's a real cannon! After possessing the artillery, Liu Zheng's ambition naturally expanded.

"Mom, mother, I have artillery, but my opponent is still using a catapher! This time, I finally figured out how to operate the base! And after holding these cannons, I naturally have a stronger attack power!" After thinking about this, Liu Zheng's heart naturally felt a little sweet.

However, Liu Zheng also knows very well that although he now has more than a dozen long artillery vehicles, this thing belongs to the kind of long-range attack weapon after all. This kind of long-range attack weapon is very good to attack from a long distance, but once it is close to the enemy's close combat power, it is likely that it will not be able to exert its huge lethality. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng decisively decided that he must produce some melee troops. After opening the battle power list, Liu Sen decided to produce that kind of heavy cavalry. As another kind of combat power, he cooperated with his dozen long artillery vehicles. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng decisively decided that he must produce some melee troops. After opening the battle power list, Liu Sen decided to produce that kind of heavy cavalry. As another kind of combat power, he cooperated with his dozen long artillery vehicles. In that case, it will have a better attack effect.

Five minutes later. Liu Zheng produced 12 heavy cavalry. Therefore, Liu Zheng numbered the first attack force and named his 15 long artillery vehicles the second attack force. Then, two attacking troops, one in front and one behind (naturally the heavy cavalry unit in front, and the long artillery vehicle unit behind), attacked the territory controlled by the enemy.

In this way, Liu Zheng's two attacking troops went down the stream along the small river ditch. On the way, I unexpectedly met another batch of enemy troops. And these troops, whose combat effectiveness level, are almost still like the Iron Age, and have no marching weapons at all. Liu Zheng took a closer look at the most advanced combat power, probably the kind of guy called "horse cannon", carried by an infantry force, shaped like *. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that it was quite primitive.

There is still a long way from the enemy's unit, but Liu Zheng's cavalry force has already rode up. The dozen strange soldiers looked like sharp arrows one by one. The horse's hoofs sounded and the gray smoke and dust flew all the way. There is still a long distance from the enemy's unit, but Liu Zheng's cavalry unit has already rode up. The dozen strange soldiers looked like sharp arrows one by one. The horse's hoofs sounded and the gray smoke and dust flew all the way.

"Kill, kill!" Liu Zheng's strange troops, some with long guns in their hands and some with big knives in their hands, are all weapons that are very suitable for fighting on horseback. At this time, Liu Zheng's cavalry had already fought with the enemy's miscellaneous soldiers. For a moment, just next to the coconut forest, a fierce battle began.

Liu Zheng's strange soldier danced the cold weapons in his hand. For a moment, he saw the cold light and cold air. The knife and gun cut some of the enemy's long-range attack weapons, such as the trebe or the crossbow cannon, making a sound of rattling generals, gold and stones collided, and Mars shot everywhere. I danced the cold weapons in my hand, and for a while, I saw the cold light and cold. The knife and gun cut some of the enemy's long-range attack weapons, such as the trebe or the crossbow cannon, making a sound of rattling generals, gold and stones collided, and Mars shot everywhere.

Originally, Liu Zheng's cavalry fighting power, which was comparable to the enemy's trebuting machine-based combat power, was not at a disadvantage. After all, their melee combat power and the most primitive close combat against the enemy's long-range attacks are naturally powerful. However, at this time, the attack power of Liu Zheng's long cannon began to play! With the sound of fire, the two were still serving a long cannon and began to attack the target. Shells roared across the air and a beautiful arc, with a sharp whistle, ready to hit the target. Then, there was a "bang" explosion sound. At the same time, a dazzling white light burst out, together with the thick smoke rising in the air, wrapped all the enemy's attacked forces in it, and it was impossible to see what was in it. And the most important thing is that Liu Sen has more than a dozen long artillery vehicles attacking at the same time! The shells flew down very densely, and it looked like rain! And the sound of the "boom" explosion, mixed with the explosion flash, almost completely drowned out some of the enemy's combat power.

And on the other hand, Liu Zheng also saw his own dock, which is constantly upgrading with the changes of the era of science and technology. In terms of appearance, it is no longer so rustic, but becomes very foreign, and it looks quite magnificent.

So, Liu Zheng immediately set up the production task of five armed merchant ships. At the same time, the production mission of three battleships was also set up. Soon after, when the production task was almost completed, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the eight or nine warships that had just been produced crossed the sea of the ground and rushed towards the enemy's base. Yes, Liu Zheng just wants to attack the enemy from both sea and land at the same time. Of course, Liu Zheng also had an idea, that is, to take a look at this armed merchant ship and that kind of battleship, so the eight or nine warships that had just been produced crossed the sea of the earth and rushed towards the enemy's base. Yes, Liu Zheng just wants to attack the enemy from both sea and land at the same time. Of course, Liu Zheng has another idea, that is, to see what kind of combat power this armed merchant ship and that kind of battleship have!