Star Trek

Chapter 26 Who Fights 1

After some efforts, although Liu Zheng and Mei Ting sometimes make some small mistakes, in general, they have done a good job. So far, they have entered the modern stage, but the development of their opponents is not slow, and it is precisely because of several small mistakes made by Liu Zheng, which has greatly increased the speed of their opponents to catch up. From the original three eras to the present, it is only one era. However, the opponent's development is not slow, and it is precisely because of several small mistakes made by Liu Zheng, which has greatly increased the speed of the opponent's pursuit. From the original three eras to the present, it is only one era.

When entering the modern era, naturally, the military units that can be produced are also upgraded quickly. Among those heavy military units, they can actually produce field guns and tracked anti-aircraft guns. In fact, Liu Zheng has always attached great importance to the production of air defense capabilities. Because of this, if there is no corresponding air defense force, it will naturally bring incalculable losses to itself. In fact, Liu Zheng has always attached great importance to the production of air defense capabilities. Because of this, if there is no corresponding air defense force, it will naturally bring incalculable losses to itself. Therefore, Liu Zheng set up the production task of eight tracked anti-aircraft guns in one go. At the same time, the production mission of ten field guns was also equipped. However, to Liu Zheng's disappointment, the system prompted that there was no oil supply in his city center.

Wow, wow, wow, we still need oil supply to produce this thing! However, Liu Zheng thought again, has the times changed? These modern heavy industry forces naturally need oil to be produced. This is also very logical.

Therefore, at the behest of Liu Zheng, Mei Ting quickly sent someone to build an oil well and sent several citizens to collect oil. Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Suddenly, it rained heavily again. The dense rain curtain, almost even within a very close distance, is difficult to see the scenery in front of it clearly. The rain is too big. However, those citizens are still working in the torrential rain. This made Comrade Liu Zheng feel very moved.

And what about this whole level of combat effectiveness at the level of the opponent's era? Without a dozen, Liu Zheng's heart is naturally inseparable. However, Liu Zheng now has an idea that as the level of the times gets higher and higher, even if it is only a higher level of the times, Liu Zheng's heart is naturally indifferent. However, Liu Zheng now has an idea that as the level of the times gets higher and higher, then, even if it is only a higher level of the times, then its combat power level may never be only a little different.

Thinking of this, Liu Zheng discussed with Mei Ting and asked Mei Ting to continue to operate the base in her base, while he led the five current chariots: two field artillery and three Hummer heavy tanks, and drove to the enemy's base.

"Wow, what a big map, what a big map!" Liu Zheng kept admiring as he led the five chariots forward. At this time, I don't know when the heavy rain stopped. However, there was a strong wind. Moreover, looking at that scene, there seems to be some precursors of a sandstorm.

In front is a mountain. It looks very towering. Judging from the map, if you can cross that mountain directly, you will naturally shorten the march distance. However, Liu Zheng soon found that the mountain range was really inesirable. There was nothing he could do. Liu Zheng looked at Shan and sighed for a while. After that, Liu Zheng decided to take a detour! Then, naturally, the marching distance can be shortened. However, Liu Zheng soon found that the mountain range was really inesirable. There was nothing he could do. Liu Zheng looked at Shan and sighed for a while. After that, Liu Zheng decided to take a detour! Therefore, the Lord led the five chariots and walked to the right along the foot of the mountain range.

Finally, after walking for a long distance, Liu Zheng found that the mountain range was finally finished. However, in front of us, which is basically in the same direction as the mountain range, is actually a coconut forest. The coconut forest in that area looks long and very dense. It is almost impossible to pass through that forest.

That coconut forest has finally come to an end. In front of it is a small river with a stone bridge. Look at that stone bridge, it is really exquisite! However, Liu Zheng is not in the mood to appreciate the exquisite stone bridge at this time! Instead, he hurriedly ordered his five combat forces to cross the bridge. However, it was not until I saw my three chariots driving to the other end of the stone bridge, where they just shook their heads and tails, but refused to walk forward, that they found that the other end of the stone bridge was a coconut forest and another coconut forest! Moreover, the coconut forest is also quite dense and difficult to pass. However, it was not until I saw my three chariots driving to the other end of the stone bridge, where they just shook their heads and tails, but refused to walk forward, that they found that the other end of the stone bridge was a coconut forest and another coconut forest! Moreover, the coconut forest is also quite dense and difficult to pass. In this way, his five chariots can't pass.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help scolding his mother: Wow, damn it, damn bad luck, what a damn bad luck! It's obviously a stone bridge, but why can't it be passed? I led these five chariots and walked thousands of miles! Is it possible to let me go back like this and not find a way?

In the end, although Liu Zheng was very unwilling, there was nothing he could do. It is such a kind of terrain, and this is what you can't change at all. Liu Zheng had no choice but to lead the five chariots again and return along the same road. However, suddenly, Liu Zheng remembered that he had set up the production task of three combat bombers before he set out just now, but he didn't know how the production task was completed at this time? If the production of the three combat bombers is completed, then you can easily bomb the enemy. Even if the enemy's city center cannot be killed, at least some other military facilities can be killed, thus delaying the enemy's base construction and combat production. If the production of the three combat bombers is completed, then you can easily bomb the enemy. Even if the enemy's city center cannot be killed, at least some other military facilities can be killed, thus delaying the enemy's base construction and combat production.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng changed his perspective to his city center and opened the air base. Wow, wow, sure enough, the three combat bombers have been produced! After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart was happy, which was simply needless to mention. That's needless to mention.

However, just as Liu Zheng was about to send his three-power bombers to take off to bomb the enemy's base, suddenly the system's prompt sounded: your base is under attack! Your base is under attack at this time!

"What? Is there any heavenly reason? Is there any heavenly reason? How can I be attacked by the enemy with such a strong combat power? You know, I'm an era higher than the enemy!" Liu Sen couldn't help but be a little confused for a while. However, when he switched his perspective to his base, he saw that a dense group of enemy infantry were slaughtering some citizens in Liu Zheng's base.

"Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng, it's not good, it's not good, our citizens are being slaughtered by enemy infantry! Well, our citizens are being slaughtered by enemy infantry!" Mei Ting almost shouted to Liu Zheng with a crying voice.

And Liu Zheng was about to say, but instead of what he said, there was a roar of cannon. With the roar of the cannon, a huge shell, after crossing an arc, accurately fell on the group of enemy infantry who were attacking the citizens of Liu Zheng, making a loud noise.

"Boom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" The infantry strength of several enemy troops was also blown into the sky. After seeing this situation, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very excited. Damn, damn, the field guns produced by Laozi's arsenal did not expect that the infantry forces of several enemy troops were suddenly blown into the sky. After seeing this situation, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very excited. Wow, wow, the field guns produced by Laozi's arsenal didn't expect that they would come in handy here! Haha, haha, that's great, that's great!