Star Trek

Chapter 27 Who Fights 2

Liu Zheng is now surprised to find that the enemy's base has been upgraded to that modern stage. Wow, wow, what's going on? What's going on! Originally, the era of its own base still has certain advantages. But now, it seems that this advantage is being reduced.

However, after all, the base of Liu Zheng and Mei Ting is an old modern level, so it naturally has a deeper foundation in combat power production. At the very least, the number of combat bombers on its side is far more from their opponents. Moreover, it is very likely that the opponent did not produce such a combat bomber.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng made a bold decision, that is, under the premise of doing a good job in the defense of the base, he might as well use his own combat bombers to kill some military facilities in the enemy's city center, so as to slow down the production and construction of the enemy to a certain extent. Speed, under the premise of doing a good job in base defense, you might as well use your own combat bombers to kill some military facilities in the enemy's city center, so as to slow down the enemy's production and construction to a certain extent, which is equivalent to helping you improve your combat effectiveness.

Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng already had six chariot bombers in his hand. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order and personally led his six combat bombers and flew to the enemy's urban center area. The map is really not big, even if the plane takes off from the plane factory in its base. And when they took off, the scene also looked quite spectacular. One after another of combat bombers began to glide from the straight runway. And when they took off, the scene also looked quite spectacular. One after another of combat bombers began to glide from the straight runway. When gliding, its speed is getting faster and faster, and finally soars into the sky and rises to the sky. After that, under the leadership of Liu Zheng, he flew to the enemy's urban area.

flew over forests, rivers and mountain beams. Finally, after a long journey, Liu Zheng's six combat bombers finally flew over the enemy's city center. Originally, Liu Zheng wanted to kill the enemy's Bingzhi first, but when Liu Zheng looked down from a high altitude, he found that an aircraft factory had also been successfully built in the enemy's base. Wow, wow, if the enemy has another airport, then they will die miserably. You know, I am now doing my best to fight, attack and defend. However, the construction and operation of the base are not taken seriously. Naturally, in terms of the development of the times, it is behind the enemy. You know, I am now doing my best to fight, attack and defend. However, the construction and operation of the base are not taken seriously. Naturally, in terms of the development of the times, it is behind the enemy.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to kill the enemy's airport first. Otherwise, I won't be safe. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng gave an order, and Liu Zheng's six strategic bombers kept hovering towards the target on the ground: the enemy's newly built aircraft factory began a fierce attack.

"yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo- Sharp screams. After that, they accurately hit the target: the enemy's newly built airport. Yes, in Liu Sen's mind, this aircraft factory is really powerful. Therefore, in the sound of the high explosion, after more than a dozen rounds of bomb bombing, the enemy's aircraft factory was finally blown up.

However, although Liu Zheng blew up the enemy's aircraft factory at this time, he found that an enemy's chariot force, with more than a dozen all kinds of chariots, was rushing towards Liu Zheng's base along a road. Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's current era was no less than himself. If he hadn't completely relied on the advantage of that old foundation, he would have been finished long ago. Therefore, before the enemy produced enough anti-aircraft firepower, he decided to use his six strategic bombers to destroy the enemy's chariots halfway! Therefore, before the enemy produced enough anti-aircraft firepower, he decided to use his six strategic bombers to destroy the enemy's chariots halfway! Try not to leave one and let it rush into your base.

When thinking about this, Liu Zheng had ordered his six strategic bombers to roar towards the enemy's more than a dozen chariot troops rushing towards his base. Naturally, the flight speed of this plane is unmatched by the enemy's chariots. Therefore, it didn't take long for Liu Zheng's six strategic bombers to roar and circle from the air, over the enemy's more than a dozen of them, which were traveling in a straight line along the road. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, another bombs were thrown at the enemy's chariots accurately at that speed visible to the naked eye. As the high explosive bomb hit the target one by one, the sound of "boom" explosion continued to come, and thick smoke also rose to the sky. And the enemy's chariots, one after another, turned into the wreckage of the scattered chariots in the sky in the explosion. Also in the sound of explosion, one after another, in the sky-high flame, turned into the scattered wreckage of the chariots all over the sky.

However, after all, the number of enemy's chariots is very large, and it takes a long time to blow up a chariot. Therefore, Liu Zheng commanded the six strategic bombers, almost following the enemy's chariot troops all the way. The chariot force of the poor enemy army has no air defense force at all, so it can only be beaten for nothing. Moreover, it has been chasing to the center of Liu Zheng, and there are still three enemy chariots left.

However, at this time, the chariot troops in Liu Zheng's base had long been waiting at the necessary intersection to enter and exit the base under the command of Mei Ting. Once the three enemy chariots had just appeared at the entrance and exit, the artillery tanks commanded by Mei Ting launched a fierce attack on the enemy's three remaining chariots in a semi-encirclement position. Eight or nine cannon tanks under the command of Mei Ting almost fired a volley at the target. I only heard the sound of shelling at the same time, which was almost deafening. With the continuous sound of shelling, the fire kept shining at the mouth of the barrel, and at the same time, shells were shot out rapidly, and the eight or nine cannon tanks under the command of Mei Ting almost shot at the target. I only heard the sound of shelling at the same time, which was almost deafening. As the sound of shelling continued to sound, the fire kept shining at the mouth of the barrel, and at the same time, shells shot out rapidly, crossed an almost indestructive arc, and then attacked the target fiercely, and in the sound of the explosion, there were groups of gunpowder. Smoke and flames rose to the sky. Naturally, the three enemy chariots almost had no power to fight back at all. They hardly fired a few shots, and then bombarded and exploded.

However, at this time, just after another attack by the enemy, something that surprised Liu Zheng soon appeared. I don't know when the two red enemy bombers have flown over Liu Zheng's base. With the sharp roar, Liu Zheng saw that high-explosive bombs were thrown out one after another by the enemy's two bombers that were also bombers. He didn't know when the two red enemy bombers had flown to the Liu Zheng base. It's empty. With the continuous sound of the sharp roar, Liu Zheng saw that high-explosive bombs were thrown out one after another by the enemy's two bombers that were also bombers. After that, he hit a barracks in the center of Liu Zheng's urban area very accurately. ~" With the violent explosion, a dazzling explosion light rose to the sky - however, it was just the flash after the bomb detonated, not the flash after Liu Zheng's barracks was detonated...

Fortunately, Liu Zheng had also produced several double-wing fighters before that. At this time, when they saw the two strategic bombers of the enemy spreading wild on their own airspace, how could they not easily let them go?

"tu tu tu tu! ~~~~~~ Sudden! ~~~~~~ Sudden! ~~~~~~ Sudden! ~~~~~~" With the sound of the strafing of airborne machine guns, a series of bullets kept shooting out of Liu Zheng's eight or nine or so fighters. The dense bullet hit the two enemy bombers and shot pieces of Mars...

"Whew" and at the same time, several other fighters, the missile launch tubes under the two wings of the two wings of the two-wing fighters, began to shoot air-to-air missiles. I saw the air-to-air missiles, with long orange tail flames in the rear tail, and dragging the long gray-white tail smoke, roaring and breaking through the air.

"Boom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" successively four or five airborne air-to-to-air missiles soon hit the target - the enemy's two bombers. Finally, the two enemy bombers could no longer withstand such a powerful attack and finally exploded in the air. Looking at the scene of the explosion, it was like a high-explosive bomb. Finally, the two enemy bombers could no longer withstand such a powerful attack and finally exploded in the air. Looking at the scene of the explosion, it was like a high explosive bomb, the same light shining, the same roar... After that, it was the scattered wreckage of the fighter plane, falling like rain...

"Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng, the opponent has now entered the electronic era! But we are still in the modern era. This can also be seen from the enemy's increasing weapon combat capability. I think we can't just be busy with fighting, and we should not forget to upgrade our era, um, and further upgrade our era. I don't know what Brother Zheng's intention is. I don't know what Brother Zheng's intention is. Mei Ting's voice sounded in Liu Zheng's ear at this time, which sounded very pleasant. Especially in the case of the war, such a sound of Yingyan added a little poetic feelings to Liu Zheng's mood.

"Well, Mei Ting said very well, very well! Well, okay, it's up to you! And this matter is up to you! It's up to you what military facilities need to be built. Anyway, now we have 20 or 30 fighters of all kinds. Although our ground combat strength is not very strong, with such a large number of fighters and bombers, I think the enemy can't help us! Anyway, now we have 20 or 30 fighters of all kinds. Although our ground combat power is not very strong, with such a large number of fighters and bombers, I think the enemy can't help us!"

"Well, okay, brother Zheng, then, I will follow your instructions, and I will follow your instructions!" As Mei Ting agreed, she selected two of the citizens who were producing Kimura, and then built a university, and at the same time, she also settled in the two citizens. In this way, Liu Zheng's base can produce scientific and technological points. And only when the technological points reach a certain level can the city center be upgraded to the level of the next era.

"Brother Zheng, the wood is out!" Mei Ting's voice sounded in Liu Zheng's ear again.

Because Liu Zheng has always been concerned about military command, he does not care about the construction and production in the base. However, now that Mei Ting said, she couldn't help looking inside the base. Sure enough, there were only two or three citizens cutting wood there, and the wood collection site was far away from the center of her city. However, now that Mei Ting said, she couldn't help looking inside the base. Sure enough, there were only two or three citizens cutting wood there, and the wood collection site was far away from the center of her city. Wow, wow! Such two people have to go so far, no wonder the timber production can't keep up!

"Mei Ting, Mei Ting! You pull out four or five citizens - if it's not enough, then produce a few more - and then transfer them all to the edge of the forest for logging, and build a warehouse there. In this way, the wood they cut will be sent directly to the warehouse there without having to run so far to our base. In that case, the efficiency of wood collection will naturally be greatly improved! In this way, the wood they cut will be sent directly to the warehouse there without having to run so far to our base. In that case, the efficiency of wood collection will naturally be greatly improved!" Liu Zheng thought about it and said to Mei Ting.

After hearing Liu Zheng's words, Mei Ting smiled and said in her silver bell-like voice, "Oh, yes, brother Zheng, you are really awesome. You are really awesome. Why didn't I think of it? Why didn't I think of it? Alas! Okay, okay, I'll follow your ideas right away, and I'll do it according to your ideas right away!"

So, Liu Zheng couldn't help but see that several citizens had built a warehouse next to the virgin forest on the edge of his base. At the same time, the sound of logging of "Dingding Chongchong" keeps coming...

However, at this time, an enemy missile cruiser actually circled around the continent and finally came to the coast of Liu Zheng's territory and was attacking one of Liu Zheng's two docks! Swish~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A long sword pointed directly at Liu Zheng's dock in front of him.

"Boom~~~~" With a loud sound, flashes rose to the sky. After the missile hit the target, in the dazzling flash, in the smoke rising from the sky, Liu Zheng's dock was constantly turbulent and shaking. And the sea around it is also constantly turbulent...

"Mom, this missile cruiser is really powerful, and this missile cruiser is really powerful! Well, when I stand firm, I will also get a few for him to try firepower! Wow, wow, it looks very exciting! Liu Zheng looked at the enemy's missile cruiser so majestically and couldn't help but be very warm-eyed. At present, Liu Zheng naturally has to kill the enemy's missile cruiser first. This is the top priority, this is the top priority!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng pulled out five of his 20 or 30 strategic bombers, and then began to bomb the enemy's missile cruiser moored offshore. As the sharp roar kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that high-explosive bombs were thrown out one after another by Liu Zheng's five bombers that were also bombers. After that, he hit the target very accurately, "hong ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" With the violent explosion The sound of explosion, a dazzling explosion light rose to the sky--