Star Trek

Chapter 29 Who Fights 4

Now, after the careful management of Liu Zheng and Mei Ting, they have also achieved quite remarkable results: first, their city center has been built to the third. In this case, it is equivalent to that they have built three temples and universities. The number of universities and temples directly determines the speed of evolution of their time. Soon after, Liu Zheng's base has been promoted to the Bronze Age. This is the most convincing example. Second, now, they have built two docks. Moreover, six or seven fishing boats have been produced. In this way, their food supply should be guaranteed accordingly. According to Liu Zheng's plan, in the next step, he will produce several more merchant ships to travel between the two docks to generate a large amount of gold wealth.

Third, Liu Zheng has also built eight catapults, and more than a dozen heavy soldiers have been produced and trained. In this case, he should still be able to resist the attack of the enemy at the general level with some combat power.

And the next step, Liu Zheng's plan is to continue to build several urban centers (no less than five) and strive to improve the earning of anti-technology points as quickly as possible. Only in this way, and only in terms of technology can the opponent be left far behind, so that the final cost (whether gold or other resources) can be spent to defeat all kinds of enemy attacks. Thus, a benign circular development mode is formed. Only in this way, and only in terms of technology can the opponent be left far behind, so that the final cost (whether gold or other resources) can be spent to defeat all kinds of enemy attacks. Thus, a benign circular development mode is formed.

In this way, because Liu Zheng and Mei Ting soon fell behind the enemy's three eras, they are naturally far ahead of each other in terms of combat power level. And now, Liu Zheng has been able to produce that kind of giant catapult. And that giant catapult is actually specially designed and produced for siege. Whether it is cost or its power, it is certainly not comparable to that kind of ordinary catapult. And that giant catapult is actually specially designed and produced for siege. Whether it is cost or its power, it is certainly not comparable to that kind of ordinary catapult.

At the same time, in order to respond to his long-range attack firepower - that kind of giant catapult to carry out long-range attacks, Liu Zheng also motioned Mei Ting and produced more than a dozen spear soldiers. This kind of spear soldier, holding a spear in one hand and a huge shield in the other, should be the best killer of the enemy's riding power.

Just as Liu Zheng and Mei Ting were preparing with relish, suddenly, more than a dozen enemy soldiers and two catapults had approached Liu Zheng's base. Seeing that the enemy was so eager to achieve success, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering and said to himself, "Wow, wow, look at the bear!" I don't know if I am several times ahead of you now? Really, ask for trouble! It's really asking for trouble!"

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng commanded his newly produced heavy catapults and began to attack the enemy's heavy batons and heavy cavalry. One of the soldiers raised a huge stone and put it in the depression of the catapult, and then the other soldier pulled the mechanism. There was a loud "bang", and then a huge stone shot up from the depression of the catapult, with a roaring sound of breaking through the air, crossed a smooth arc, accurately shot down the enemy's cavalry, and made a loud "boombling" sound. At the same time, a group of confused dust rose to the sky, covering people's eyes and covering the strength of the enemy's cavalry, which could not be seen clearly at all. However, when another boulder rose from the sky and hit the head of the enemy's combat power again and again, it roared with another thick smoke and the extremely dull explosion sound. This time, the infantry and cavalry of the enemy, as well as the cataping machine, finally It disappeared from the wreckage of the scattered bodies and the catapult.


In this way, after a fierce and tense battle, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting finally stabilized the situation. In the following period, Liu Zheng gave full play to their advantages of accelerated production technology through the three built urban centers. Finally, after a period of time, it has been successfully upgraded to the modern stage. But the opponent has only been upgraded to the revival stage. It should be said that it is still far away from its own era, or far away!

And now, Liu Zheng has enough combat power to occupy the whole map. Although, it does not have much advantage in quantity now. However, in terms of quality and above the combat level, it is beyond reproach. The war not long ago is enough to explain any problem.

Since Liu Zheng and Mei Ting have just built a wharf - a modern-level wharf. However, because it has just been built, naturally there is no time to produce a warship. Of course, the production task is not without setting, but it has not been produced yet. In fact, Liu Zheng has also set up a production plan for five missile destroyers. Seeing that, there will be one soon, the first missile destroyer will be produced! However, at this time, an enemy warship had come near its own dock and began to attack it! Moreover, that kind of attack seems to be still artillery - Liu Zheng then corrected his thinking. Of course, it took a lot of effort to revive the era. If there was no artillery, it would be strange!

"Boom~~~" With the sound of fierce gunfire, Liu Sen saw bursts of red light shining at the mouth of the thick barrel at the front end of the enemy's artillery ship. At the same time, every time the red light shines, a huge shell will ejected out and scratched a After the smooth curve, it accurately fell above the target, causing a loud noise. Soon, Liu Zheng's dock ignited the blazing fire.

"Mom, mother, why hasn't my warship been produced yet? Why hasn't my warship been produced yet!" Liu Zheng was really depressed at this time. Wow, I'm in the electronic era, but my opponents are still only in the era of revival, with a gap of five eras. However, I was stunned by the enemy! Moreover, he beat himself so awkward! Liu Zheng was really depressed at this time. Wow, I'm in the electronic era, but my opponents are still only in the era of revival, with a gap of five eras. However, I was stunned by the enemy! Moreover, he beat himself so awkward! They have fired several shots at their dock, and their docks have been on fire. However, they haven't even produced a warship. Damn, it's really embarrassing!

However, although he thought so, Liu Zheng was not panicked. After all, he still had enough combat power to deal with the enemy's artillery warship. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng shouted to Mei Ting: "Mei Ting, Mei Ting, use our two-wing strategic bombers! Let the enemy's artillery warship also taste the power of our powerful bombers! Let that enemy artillery warship also taste the power of our combat bombers!"

Since there is basically not much to do about the construction and production in the base, Liu Zheng has long discussed with Mei Ting to let Mei Ting be responsible for two combat tasks: one is part of the base defense operations, and the other is to control the air force operations.

"Okay, Brother Zheng, don't worry! I will definitely let the enemy's cannon warship disappear on the sea in the shortest time!" Mei Ting said confidently.

So, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen two-wing strategic bombers, like dragonflies in the sky, circled towards the coast and towards the enemy's artillery warship. Then, "yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo- Sharp screams. After that, they all hit the target accurately. In a dazzling light, the bombed enemy's artillery warship was almost crumbling, and the thick smoke rising from the sky almost covered a large area of the sky. In this way, with the bombing, heavy bombs fell from the sky one after another, roared away, and walked through the air. In the air-like scream, the artillery warship of the attacked enemy finally spread in the sky-shaked fire. In the thick smoke, between the huge waves that were blown up dozens of meters, they finally exploded into countless debris and debris, flying around.

Looking at the enemy's artillery warship finally being killed, Liu Zheng finally breathed a long breath. But Mei Ting also said to Liu Zheng very naughtyly, "Well, brother Zheng, is my commanding art okay? My conducting art is not that bad, is it?

"Ha ha, ha, Mei Ting, what are you talking about? What are you talking about! Very good, very good! Your art of conducting, that's absolutely unspeakable, that's absolutely nothing!" Liu Zheng said to Miss Mei Ting with a smile.

Soon after, Liu Zheng decided to leave part of his combat power under the command of Mei Ting, who was mainly responsible for guarding his base from attack. He led the main combat power and attacked a city center of the enemy's two bases. According to the resolution just discussed by Liu Zheng and Mei Ting, I saw that the opponent has escalated into a modern combat power. If you focus on defense without giving them a little color, then if you are not careful, it is really possible that you will be driven crazy by the opponent. If that's the case, I'm really unlucky. No, no, we must use force to suppress our opponents, and we must not let them develop like this! Otherwise, if that's the case, I'll be really unlucky. No, no, we must use force to suppress our opponents, and we must not let them develop like this! Otherwise, I really can't stand it here, and I really can't stand it here!

According to Liu Zheng's combat thinking, it is the second city center to kill the enemy first, thus weakening the root of its further development. Since the enemy's second city center is inland, it can only be attacked with ground combat power. Then the second step is to use the missile destroyers that have been produced (now, Liu Zheng has produced as many as five, and the next step is to produce several, reaching more than a dozen) to attack the enemy's first and most important city center. I believe that if your missile destroyers can reach more than a dozen, then it should not be a big problem to destroy an enemy's center!

And now, what Liu Zheng is worried about is the defense of his base. If you take away all the main combat power, then there is not much combat power available in the base. In this case, Mei Ting's defense pressure will naturally be greater.

"Brother Zheng, don't worry! I have so much combat power here, so there should be no problem! Moreover, isn't our arsenal still carrying out combat production? No problem, there must be no problem! I will definitely keep our base! I will definitely defend our base! Aren't our arsenal still carrying out combat production? No problem, there must be no problem! I will definitely keep our base! I will definitely defend our base! At this point, you can rest assured, and you can rest assured, Brother Zheng!" Listening to Mei Ting's vowed words, Liu Zheng finally nodded. After that, he led the brigade and rushed to the second base of the enemy inland.

However, at this time, Mei Ting made a suggestion. She said, "Brother Zheng, I think of one thing, that is, if the enemy's warplanes come to bomb, can we resist it? Anyway, I know that we have just found the land force now, but there seems to be nothing about the air defense force! If the enemy's warplanes come to bomb, can we resist it? Anyway, I know that we have only found the land force now, but there seems to be nothing about the air defense force!"

After listening to Mei Ting's words, Liu Zheng suddenly felt stunned. Yes, yes, why didn't he think of this problem just now? There is no air defense force in my current base! In this way, Liu Zheng had to make some adjustments to his combat plan: first build an aircraft factory, and then produce several, even more than a dozen fighters. Of course, he also has to produce several bombers. In this way, once the enemy bombers come to make trouble, then you will have no worries.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help saying to Mei Ting, "Meiting, thank you very much for your carefulness. Thank you very much for your carefulness! Alas, otherwise, if the enemy bombers really come, then I really have no way to use it! Otherwise, if the enemy bombers really come, then I really have no way to use it!"

"Well, Mei Ting, you are responsible for producing fighter aircraft, and I will not attack the enemy's inland base first. Let's teach the enemy's sea-by base through our maritime power first! I think it is ahead of the power of our dozen missile destroyers, and I will not attack the enemy's inland base first. Let's teach the enemy's coastal base through our maritime power first! I think we can teach them a hard lesson from the power of more than a dozen missile destroyers ahead of us!"

So, soon, Liu Zheng led the twelve missile destroyers to attack the enemy's coastal base. Twelve modern-class missile destroyers! The appearance of driving together over the sea looks really impressive! Although I dare not say that it is overwhelming, it can also be said to be vast.

Leading the attack fleet on the vast ocean, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling an extremely magnificent feeling in his heart. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the sea breeze is blowing. Fish farms passed by their fleet. And it is getting closer and closer to the target and the enemy's coastal base. It's getting closer and closer.

Finally, Liu Zheng led the fleet and arrived at the enemy's coastal base. Naturally, the first thing you see is their docks. Wow, wow, wow, three have been built all at once, and as many as three have been built at once! Damn, Damn, no matter how many you have built, in front of my warships, you will all be finished, and you will all be finished!

At this moment, Liu Zheng has also seen that around the three docks of the enemy, the enemy has also built seven or eight warships at this time, but it is obvious that its level is far from the same level as his twelve missile destroyers. Quite, under the attack of their own 12 missile destroyers, the enemy's surface warships can't resist a blow at all, and they can't resist a blow at all!

"Attack!" With Liu Zheng's order, the twelve missile destroyers fired missiles at the same time and shot at the target: the enemy's various warships around the dock. Those missiles roared, making the sound of tearing through the air. The tail sprayed an orange tail flame, dragging the longer, straight-looking gray-white tail smoke, and shooting at the target with an irresistible momentum and a power to destroy everything. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom