Star Trek

Chapter 30 Who Fights 5

Although the enemy's surface warships also launched some counterattacks against Liu Zheng's missile destroyers, after all, they could not be compared with Liu Zheng's missile destroyers. Finally, Liu Zheng had easily attacked the enemy without suffering any losses. Those surface warships were killed.

Then, by the way, the three enemy docks were also solved together. However, at this time, just as Liu Zheng was about to continue to attack the coastal military facilities of the enemy base that could be attacked by his own missile destroyers, suddenly, a roar kept coming above his head. After hearing the roar, Liu Zheng saw that three enemy biplane bombers flew over. This shocked Liu Zheng. Just as Liu Zheng wanted to continue to attack the coastal military facilities of the enemy base that could attack with his own missile destroyers, suddenly, a roar kept coming from above his head. After hearing the roar, Liu Zheng saw that three enemy biplane bombers flew over. This shocked Liu Zheng. Wow, wow, this thing, this thing is really awesome. The bomber came so soon! Fortunately, I just listened to Mei Ting's words. Otherwise, once these internal combustion engines fly over their base, what weapons should I use to defend themselves?

However, now, if the three bombers fly over his missile destroyer, Liu Zheng is not afraid of him. Yes, Liu Zhengzhen is no longer afraid of them. Because Liu Zheng knows that his missile destroyers are all equipped with air defense systems! It should be very easy to kill these fighters. I saw a bunch of ship-to-air missiles launched from the missile launchers of those missile destroyers, and the tail was also sprayed with orange tail flames, dragging a long gray-white tail smoke that was constantly thickening, making a harsh whistling sound, piercing the air and piercing The clouds roared through the air. In the process of flying towards the target, those air-to-air missiles constantly adjusted the direction of flight, swinging gently from left to right, and after the target had moved forward, they followed with a speed far higher than that of the enemy bombers. Finally, the distance between the high-speed missile and the bomber in front of it became shorter and shorter. Finally, with a loud "boom" sound, the missile finally hit the target fiercely. After several missiles hit the target one after another, the enemy's three bombers finally lost their stability. First, they suddenly shook, and then rolled from the sky into the ocean and exploded.

"Okay, okay, but kill the three enemy bombers! But the three enemy bombers were killed! Well, this also relieves a great burden for me! This is also a great burden for me!" At this time, Liu Zheng really felt that he was much more psychologically relaxed. In the next step, his attack target is naturally the enemy's nearest base on the coast. Now, all three docks of the enemy's base have been killed by themselves, which means that there is nothing terrible about the enemy's maritime power. At this time, Liu Zheng really felt that he was much more psychologically relaxed. In the next step, his attack target is naturally the enemy's nearest base on the coast. Now, all three docks of the enemy's base have been killed by themselves, which means that there is nothing terrible about the enemy's maritime power. The only thing that makes Liu Zheng feel that there may be any threat is the enemy's air power.

"Mom, mother, no matter what else, let's kill the enemy's various base facilities first! Anyway, as long as I kill his military facilities, it will definitely greatly affect the construction and production of the enemy, and naturally it will certainly be of great benefit to my production and construction. While thinking about it, Liu Zheng commanded his twelve missile destroyers to attack the enemy's military facilities on the shore that were too close to the sea.

"You-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you- Fast speed, breaking through the air and roaring. Their tails sprayed orange tail flames, and behind them were long gray-white beacon smoke, which looked like straight swords and hit the target. Several such swords roared at the same time and cut through the sky, almost forming a crisscrossing network, and the sea they flew over had long been shrouded by the diffuse smoke.

"Boom ~~~~" And as the missiles continued to hit the target, some of the enemy's military targets on the edge of the coast were also making a blazing fire in the continuous roar, filled with clouds and fog, rising to the sky. And with the roar of missiles one after another, it took only five minutes to destroy almost one of the enemy's military facilities on the coast.

At this time, two or three enemy siege cannons, driven by several soldiers, had arrived not far from Liu Zheng's fleet. After seeing this situation, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. He knew the flight speed and attack power of the missiles launched by his twelve missile destroyers. I believe that once your order is issued, you only need that order to kill the enemy's two or three siege cannons within two or three seconds, and will not give the enemy's siege cannons any chance to fire at all.

"Attack!" After thinking about this, Liu Zheng gave an order. Then, with a sound of missiles, they were continuously launched from the row of missile launch tubes in front of the missile destroyers, and they all roared. That extremely fast speed broke through the air and roared. Their tails sprayed orange tail flames, and behind them were long gray-white beacon smoke, which looked like straight swords and hit the target. Several such swords roared at the same time and cut through the sky, almost forming a crisscrossing network, and the sea they flew over had long been shrouded by the diffuse smoke.

Although only four or five missile destroyers fired at this cross-shore attack, it also has quite good destructive power. At the same time, after all, the number of siege cannons of the enemy is not very large, so they are really not given any chance to fire at all under one blow. That is, when they were about to fire, several missiles shot over the sea, and with the roar, as countless debris and debris rose to the sky, the enemy's two or three attack cannons were blown up one by one.

However, in the next step, Liu Zheng found that if he wanted to attack the enemy's facilities on land, it was beyond the range of his missile destroyers. Beyond the range, it naturally means that it can no longer attack the target. There is no way. Liu Zheng intends to intercept some of the enemy's chariots that came to attack here. In this way, he should also be able to relieve some defensive pressure for his base!

Because after all, if their 12 missile destroyers are placed here, the enemy will not be able to build any more docks. In this way, the opponent must feel very uncomfortable. And as soon as they feel uncomfortable, things will be much easier to do. Since there is no sea combat power, then use ground chariots to attack. However, just before they attacked their own warships, their warships will send them to the western sky through missiles one by one. Since there is no sea combat power, then use ground chariots to attack. However, just before they attacked their own warships, their warships will send them to the western sky through missiles one by one. Liu Zheng is naturally fully confident about this. After all, the range of the missiles carried on its twelve missile destroyers is quite good.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng found that the sound of an alarm suddenly came into his ears. Wow, wow, what's going on? What's going on? It seems that it is its own base that has been attacked by the enemy's ground forces. To be precise, it should be that the land forces guarding the base are fighting with the land forces responsible for the attack of the enemy.

Yes, Liu Zheng can only think about it this way. Because the enemy did not build a dock, it is impossible for the enemy's surface ships to attack their own docks or ground targets. However, when Liu Zheng changed his perspective, he found that what he thought was really wrong. It's really like that, it's really like that. Because although the enemy did not build a dock again on the coast close to Liu Zheng's 12 missile destroyers, they secretly built a dock far away from Liu Zheng's fleet. Moreover, next to that wharf, a fishing boat has just been produced!

And this is not enough. At Liu Zheng's own two docks, Liu Zheng was surprised to see that there were eight or nine kinds of warships attacking his two docks! At this time, some of my land forces could not arrive in time. And Liu Zheng's missile destroyer force is even more difficult to get there for a while because of the long distance. However, no matter what, Liu Zheng can no longer let the 89 warships of the enemy, and at this time, some of his land forces could not arrive in time. And Liu Zheng's missile destroyer force is even more difficult to get there for a while because of the long distance. However, no matter what, Liu Zheng can no longer let the 89 enemy warships show off their power in his territorial waters! Thinking of this, Liu Zheng commanded his twelve missile destroyers and sailed quickly in the direction of his base.

Of course, according to Liu Zheng's idea, his twelve missile destroyers will definitely pass through the shipyard that has just been built by the enemy on their way to their own base. In this case, take the opportunity to kill it. In this way, I also saved myself a worry.

However, just as Liu Zheng commanded his sea formation with twelve missile destroyers and marched in the direction of his base through the wind and waves, suddenly, I don't know when there were five or six enemy bombers facing him at high speed. The fleet rushed, and soon after, it hovered above the head of its own fleet. Yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo- The sound of shouting. After that, they all hit the target accurately. In the dazzling light, two of Liu Zheng's 12 missile destroyers have received obvious attacks, so they have been killed by about 30%.

However, Liu Zheng is not very worried about this. Because its own missile destroyer has very good anti-aircraft firepower. It is also missile fire and air defense, and the hit rate and lethality are all top listen to. Moreover, Liu Zheng's own order was hardly used, and four or five of the twelve missile destroyers had begun to attack automatically. I saw a bunch of ship-to-air missiles launched from the missile launchers of those missile destroyers, and the tail was also sprayed with orange tail flames, dragging a long gray-white tail smoke that was constantly thickening, making a harsh whistling sound, piercing the air and piercing The clouds roared through the air. In the process of flying towards the target, those air-to-air missiles constantly adjusted the direction of flight, swinging gently from left to right, and after the target had moved forward, they followed with a speed far higher than that of the enemy bombers. Finally, the distance between the high-speed missile and the bomber in front of it became shorter and shorter. Finally, with a loud "boom" sound, the missile finally hit the target fiercely. After several missiles hit the target one after another, the enemy's three bombers finally lost their stability. First, they suddenly shook, and then rolled from the sky into the ocean and exploded.

Not long after, Liu Zheng's missile destroyer force finally rushed near the enemy's newly built dock. Then, Liu Sen gave an order, so his twelve missile destroyers attacked the target at the same time: the enemy's newly built dock. I saw, "You-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you- Fast speed, breaking through the air and roaring. Their tails sprayed orange tail flames, and behind them were long gray-white beacon smoke, which looked like straight swords and hit the target. Several such swords roared at the same time and cut through the sky, almost forming a crisscrossing network, and the sea they flew over had long been shrouded by the diffuse smoke.