Star Trek

Chapter 32 Who Fights 7

With the sound of missile launches, Liu Zheng saw that one by one missiles were constantly shot out of those missile launch vehicles and hit the enemy's various fighting vehicles.

The bunch of missiles, dragging the long gray-white tail smoke, looked like a long sword, straight at the enemy's chariots. After that, at the moment of hitting the target, a sound of explosion, mixed with the black and red light fog and smoke rising to the sky, almost suddenly trapped the enemy's chariots in the endless artillery fire. After that, at the moment of hitting the target, a sound of explosion, mixed with the black and red light fog and smoke rising to the sky, almost suddenly trapped the enemy's chariots in the endless artillery fire.

And the enemy's chariots were already hitting the top just now, and the chariots opposite Liu Zheng were difficult to bear at this time. Seeing that they were about to be broken through the defense line by the enemy's chariots. However, at this time, there was a sudden behind them, which caught them off guard. Liu Zheng's chariots in front of the enemy chariots just took the opportunity to counterattack, so there was a two-sided attack in the two compartments. For a moment, the shells of self-propelled artillery and main battle tanks were bulleted like rain. And those missiles that fly by jet counter thrust are roaring through the air, and all attacks are directed in the same direction...

Finally, after a fierce battle, Liu Zheng finally completely killed the enemy's chariots through the two-sided attack.

In the next step, Liu Zheng also clearly felt a series of sense of urgency he was facing here. First of all, I am far behind in terms of the number of combat power on the ground. However, the quantity cannot be increased again because of the limit of building construction. This is one of them. Second, even if there is space for construction (in fact, there is really such space now, because in the fierce battle just now, more than a dozen chariots have been killed by the enemy, and naturally there is space), but now, on the accounts of Liu Zheng's base, it shows "gold depletion" . Wow, wow, just after being invaded by the enemy into the base, dozens of my citizens were hunted down by the enemy one by one. In this way, resources in all aspects, especially those of gold resources, are naturally seriously lacking. After being invaded by the enemy into the base just now, dozens of citizens have been hunted down by the enemy one by one. In this way, resources in all aspects, especially those of gold resources, are naturally seriously lacking, which affects their own combat production.

On the other hand, because his dock was also killed by the enemy's artillery ships, the original gold earning method of "shutling between the two docks can generate gold wealth" naturally cannot be carried out. In addition, whether it is the production unit or the construction of facilities, it is the greatest demand for gold! Naturally, once gold is lacking, everything will be unable to be talked about. That's really it.

Gold, gold, gold!

"Brother Zheng, there are only two ways to get gold as soon as possible. First, produce a few more citizens to obtain gold through the collection of gold ores; second, first build two docks, and then produce several merchant ships in critical condition to obtain gold by allowing those merchant ships to travel between the two docks.

"However," Mei Ting seems to solemnly want to point out, "to realize this idea, a very important issue, that is, you must make a period of stability and peace for herself. Otherwise, once the enemy's attack continues, then I'm afraid that I can't achieve such a goal. The so-called 'trees want to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop'!"

"Oh, I know what you mean. Well, in this case, let's show the enemy a little strength first! Kill the opponent's character, and then think of other ways to make our plan come true. Liu Zheng said with a very serious expression.

"Oh? Brother Zheng, are you thinking about those four bombers? Well, if that's the case, that's a good idea! Are you thinking about those four bombers? Well, if that's the case, that's a good idea! Well, it's a good idea to make a living!" Mei Ting seems to have had a plan for the four marble bombers for a long time.

"Hey hey, hey, Mei Ting, you are really a bug in my stomach. You know what I think! Hey hey, hey hey, you are really awesome! You are so awesome! Well, that's what I really plan to do! I just want to use our four nuclear bombers to kill a city center of the enemy! Destroy your opponents and sharpness! However, what I haven't decided yet is which enemy base in the center of the city should we kill first? This is really a problem. Mei Ting, please help me with your advice. Liu Zheng said to Mei Ting with a smile.

Mei Ting thought for a moment, pondered for a while, and then continued to say, "Well, I think we should start with our opponent's coastal local base first. Well, that's it. Because, first, the opponent's local base is closer to us, so we can naturally send follow-up attack forces more easily. After all, if we want to destroy a base, we can't just rely on air bombing. The opponent's local base is closer to us, so we can naturally send follow-up attack forces more easily. After all, if you want to destroy a base, you can't just rely on aerial bombing, even nuclear bomb bombing to solve the problem. Second, we have just taught the enemy's coastal base through the 12 missile destroyers through the naval forces. To a certain extent, we have caused some damage to the enemy's base. In this case, I believe it will be easier for us to strike while the iron is hot than to attack the inland base!"

After listening to Mei Ting's analysis just now, Liu Zheng couldn't help nodding frequently. Then, he said to Mei Ting, "Well, okay, okay, that's it, that's it, just rely on your little sister!" Let's kill the city center in the coastal enemy base first!" After saying that, Liu Zheng's action, Liu Zheng's nuclear bomb bombing operation, finally began.

With Liu Zheng's order, one nuclear bomber slowly drove from the hangar to the runway, and then glided out of the runway. The speed was getting faster and faster. Finally, with a roar The sound kept ringing, and one nuclear bomber rose from the straight runway and drilled into the sky. After that, the four nuclear bombers lined up in a combat formation, and then flew towards the enemy's base in the coastal area. Soon after flying over forests, mountains and rivers, it finally flew over the enemy's coastal base.

"Attack! Attack! Attack!" As Liu Zheng's several hysterical roars continued to sound, Liu Zheng saw his four nuclear bombers dive down to the center of the center in the center of the enemy base. Then, Liu Zheng saw that his four nuclear bombers swooped to the lowest point, and then slowly opened the bomb storage. Therefore, a nuclear bomb hit the ground in a free fall state. In the process of falling, the extremely sharp and harsh roar was very intimidating. . Giant bombs one after another - they look like children, whistling with that extremely sharp roar. In the sky that was still very clear, immediately, a loud sound that was about to break the diaphragm resounded across the earth. Then, a dazzling white light began to spread, expand, expand, and then transformed into a mushroom cloud and soared into the sky, and suddenly a dazzling snow white between heaven and earth. Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, a huge shock circle was formed around the starting point of the mushroom cloud, and almost all the military facilities in this shock circle, including various combat forces, were greatly damaged to a certain extent. Some military facilities or combat power had not been destroyed at that time, but soon after, with the destruction of high-intensity radiation, they also exploded one after another! However, what made Liu Zheng feel very strange is that the main target, the city center of the opponent, was not blown up, but only after the mushroom cloud slowly dissipated, a raging fire and bursting thick smoke. It seems that although it has not been killed, it has reached the limit of its health.

However, Liu Zheng regretfully saw that it was just a blow, just a blow! After that, his four nuclear bombers turned around and flew to their base. It seems that this kind of nuclear bomber only carries one nuclear bomb! Unfortunately, four nuclear bombs fell suddenly and did not blow up the enemy's city center. Damn, Damn, this is really stinky. His four nuclear bombers turned around and flew towards his base. It seems that this kind of nuclear bomber only carries one nuclear bomb! Unfortunately, four nuclear bombs fell suddenly and did not blow up the enemy's city center. Damn, Damn, this is really stinky.

and the actual situation is not only that. Because then, from the ground, I don't know what the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower is, the rear tail of several anti-aircraft missiles sprayed orange tail smoke, dragging long gray-white tail smoke, and quickly caught up with Liu Zheng's nuclear bomber at the end of the speed of the missile flight. Soon after, several anti-aircraft missiles hit their own nuclear bombers one by one. With the continuous sound of "boom", Liu Zheng's nuclear bomber finally exploded directly in the sky.

Liu Zheng felt very distressed when he lost a nuclear bomber. However, Liu Zheng also knows that the price must be paid. Now, the enemy's city center has been blown up like that. I believe that as long as it is given again, then, in any case, the city center in the enemy's base will not stand it. That's really the case. Liu Zheng is still very sure about this.

So, soon after, Liu Zheng led the remaining three nuclear bombers again and flew to the enemy's coastal base. When they finally flew some distance from the enemy base, Liu Zheng suddenly found that there were seven or eight enemy fighters hovering on the left side of their base. In this case, Liu Zheng naturally knew very well, and when they finally flew to a distance from the enemy base, Liu Zheng suddenly found that there were seven or eight enemy fighters hovering on the left side of their base. In this case, Liu Zheng naturally knows very well, that is, once his nuclear bombers still attack in the original direction, they will definitely be shot down by the enemy fighters, or at least one will be shot down. In that case, your attack power again will naturally be greatly reduced.

Yes, that will definitely be greatly discounted. Originally, there were four nuclear bombers, but now they have suddenly become three. One is missing at once, and the attack power has been reduced for a long time. However, if another one is killed (not to mention, it is at least one killed), then, although the city center in the enemy base has little health left at this time, it is still a city center after all! Moreover, the citizens of the opponent will certainly repair it as soon as possible. Although the city center in the enemy base has little health left at this time, it is still a city center after all! Moreover, the citizens of the opponent will certainly repair it as soon as possible.

You can't be shot down by the enemy again!

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng decisively led his three nuclear bombers and changed the direction of flight. Instead of rushing directly to the enemy's base, he turned a corner along the coastline, avoided the enemy's fighters, and flew to the side of the enemy's base. In this way, the enemy fighters were easily thrown behind by their own three bombers.

Finally, Liu Zheng's three nuclear bombers suddenly appeared from the back of the enemy's base again, and then dived again to the center of the enemy base at the fastest speed. When his three nuclear bombers dived to the lowest point, they slowly opened the bomb storage, so a nuclear bomb hit the ground in a free fall state, and in the process of falling, the extremely sharp and harsh roar was very intimidating. Giant bombs one after another - they look like children, whistling with that extremely sharp roar. In the sky that was still very clear, immediately, a loud sound that was about to break the diaphragm resounded across the earth. Then, a dazzling white light began to spread, expand, expand, and then transformed into a mushroom cloud and soared into the sky, and suddenly a dazzling snow white between heaven and earth. Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, centered on the starting point of the mushroom cloud, a huge shock circle was formed...

Finally, as the third nuclear bomb roared down from the sky, the city center in the enemy base finally collapsed in the sky-high fireworks. On the ground, the towering tall buildings can no longer be seen. Finally, it collapsed in the fireworks. On the ground, the towering tall buildings can no longer be seen. There are only pieces of ruins, and the smoke and fireworks everywhere...

And his three nuclear bombers, which finally completed the mission, were still the same on the way back, but were attacked by another enemy anti-aircraft missiles. Several anti-aircraft missiles sprayed orange tail smoke, dragging long gray-white tail smoke, and quickly caught up with Liu Zheng's nuclear bomber at the end of the missile at the speed it should fly. Soon after, several anti-aircraft missiles hit their own nuclear bombers one by one. With the continuous sound of "boom", Liu Zheng's nuclear bomber finally exploded directly in the sky.