Star Trek

Chapter 31 Who Fights 6

And as one after another missiles hit the target, the newly built dock of the enemy finally turned into scattered debris in the skylight and dispersed... Moreover, the countless fragments of buildings fell from the sky one after another. Above the sea, countless waves splashed around...

Finally, after defeating the enemy's newly built wharf, Liu Zheng decided to kill the enemy's cannons in any case. Damn, it was the enemy's artillery warship that killed its two docks. I must avenge this. I must report it! Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but further speed up the voyage. The twelve warships, to be precise, were the twelve missile destroyers, galeing through the wind and waves, rushing towards the location of the docks of their base. Each missile destroyer will stir up a snow-white wave at the bow when sailing, and the rear tail will also leave a long trace, which looks like dragging a long tail. The twelve warships, to be precise, are twelve missile destroyers, broken by the wind. The waves drove quickly towards the location of their base docks. When sailing, each missile destroyer will stir up a snow-white spray in the bow, and the rear tail will also leave a long trace, which looks like dragging a long tail, but it is also very spectacular...

However, what disappointed Liu Zheng was that when he led his twelve missile destroyers and finally returned to his dock site (which had been killed by the enemy's gunboats), he was surprised to find that not long ago, the gunboats that still looked like a vast enemy, But there is no shadow at all. Wow, damn, damn it, why do you run so fast? Damn, why do you run so fast? Without waiting for me, I didn't even say hello to me, so I ran away? Just run away like this?

However, Liu Zheng is no longer too lazy to catch up. After all, even the enemy's gunboats can't pose any threat to their bases. Moreover, a more important factor is that I still have more important things to do now, and naturally I will no longer be like those little thieves. Moreover, a more important factor is that I still have more important things to do now, and naturally I will no longer be like those little thieves.

Moreover, Liu Zheng also knows that now, the focus of his strategic attack seems to have shifted to another way. Either on land or in the air. Anyway, the attack on the sea has finally come to an end.

And when Liu Zheng returned his eyes to his base, he found that there were now four jet bombers parked in the hangar of his aircraft factory. And this kind of jet bomber is specially designed to occupy the advantage of air strike. Fast and flexible, it has a very good attack effect on enemy bombers and strategic bombers, which can be called the "hegemony in the air".

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, the overlord in the air? Okay, okay, the name of this overlord is really quite good, and it's really quite good! However, does this kind of air hegemony specialize in attacking the air, or does it also have the ability to bomb the ground at the same time? However, does this kind of air hegemony specialize in attacking the air, or does it also have the ability to bomb the ground at the same time? It seems that you have to try it yourself to know!" After thinking about this, Liu Zheng led the four jet fighters and flew towards the enemy's second base inland. Although Liu Zheng had also agreed with Mei Ting not long ago that the task of this air strike would be entrusted to Comrade Mei Ting, that was at this time of base defense. Naturally, it is not Comrade Mei Ting's turn to fight against the enemy base.

With Liu Zheng's order, one jet fighter slowly drove from the hangar to the runway, and then glided out of the runway. The speed was getting faster and faster. Finally, with the sound of a roar, one by one The fighter jets rose from the straight runway and drilled into the sky. After that, they lined up in a combat formation, and then flew to the enemy's second base inland.

Soon after flying over forests, mountains and rivers, the four jet fighters finally flew over the enemy's second base. Liu Zheng looked at the enemy's base and decided to kill the enemy's arsenal first, that is, the factory that produces chariots. The so-called "smashing snakes seven inches" is nothing more than such a truth.

"Fight!" With Liu Zheng's order, his four jet fighters quickly circled over the target, and when they found the best attack direction and angle, they only saw, "Yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo~~~ ~~~ The sound of breaking the air when a bomb fell from the sky kept ringing, and high-explosive bombs fell from the sky, cutting through the air and making a very sharp scream. After that, they all hit the target accurately. In a dazzling light, the bombed target was almost crumbling, and the thick smoke rising from the sky almost covered a large area of the sky. In this way, with the bombing one after another, blockbuster bombs fell from the sky, roared away, and broke through the air. In that shrill that cut through the air, the attacked targets on the ground finally filled the thick smoke in the sky-up fire. In the middle, the explosion became countless debris and debris, flying around.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, it seems that my own jet bomber can still attack the enemy's ground targets! Okay, okay, this is really good, this is really good! Well, it can not only attack air targets, but also be used as an anti-aircraft weapon. At the same time, it can also attack the ground and act as a good bomber! Such a good thing is really rare, and I'm really rare!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but love this kind of jet fighter that can attack both air and ground bombing.

As the heavy bombs kept falling down, the enemy's heavy factory finally couldn't help bombing like this, and finally exploded with a bang. The wreckage and debris rising into the sky almost hit Liu Zheng's jet fighters hovering in the sky like bullets.

However, just as Liu Zheng wanted to continue to attack the enemy's city center, he found that his four jet fighters were out of ammunition at this time! In this way, they will no longer accept Liu Zheng's command, but slowly set up the nose and start to return.

Next, soon after, Liu Zheng found that in the southeast of the enemy's second base, there was a large area of enemy signs in action - naturally through electronic maps, and the speed still looked very fast.

After seeing this situation, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very shocked. Wow, wow, is it possible that the enemy is gathering large-scale troops? When Liu Zheng finally changed his perspective there, he found that the problem was really quite serious. It turned out that those things that kept moving at high speed were actually some enemy fighters! Judging from Liu Zheng's experience, those fighters should have both strategic bombers and fighter jets. Those things that are constantly moving at high speed are actually some enemy fighters! Judging from Liu Zheng's experience, those fighters should have both strategic bombers and fighter jets. In this way, it is equivalent to bringing great pressure to Liu Zheng's air defense.

"Mom, mother, I have to kill them! I have to kill them!" After Liu Zheng saw the enemy's group of fighters constantly hovering in mid-air there, he couldn't help but have a crazy desire to attack. Therefore, Liu Zheng once again commanded his four jet fighters and rushed to the enemy aircraft group located in the southeast of the enemy's second base in the inland area. However, with Liu Zheng's order, one jet fighter slowly drove from the hangar to the runway, and then glided out from the runway. The speed was also getting faster and faster. Finally, with a roar, one by one The fighter jets rose from the straight runway and drilled into the sky. After that, they lined up in a combat formation, and then flew to the enemy's second base inland. Soon after, after flying over forests, mountains and rivers, "Attack! Attack! Give me a fierce attack!" Looking at those various enemy fighters hovering there like dragonflies, Liu Sen's attack order finally came down decisively. Although Liu Zheng also knows that in terms of quantity, he has almost no advantage in terms of this attack. There is really no advantage at all! Because the number of enemy fighters has to be at least about 120. But on my side, there are only four, only four! No matter how strong the attack ability of his four jet fighters is, after all, it is difficult for a good man to know his four hands. It seems that the result was known as early as this time ago.

With Liu Zheng's order, his four jet fighters began to launch missiles. The tails of the missiles also sprayed orange tail flames, dragging the long gray-white tail smoke, roaring and flying away. The sound of flying through the sky sounds extremely harsh. Those missiles, in the process of flying, constantly change the direction of their flight with the movement of the target, and closely follow the speed of the target. Moreover, it is often, after all, the flight speed of that missile is far faster than that of a fighter, so it won't take long for the target to finally be hit by a missile, and then there will be a loud "bang" noise...

However, after all, the number of their own fighters is too small to die with the number of enemy fighters. Therefore, although the performance of his four jet fighters was far better than those of the enemy fighters, in the end, under the siege of the enemy's nearly 20 fighters, three of their own jet fighters were finally knocked down one by one, and only one of them fled back to their own in confusion. I went to the base...

"It seems that it's really impossible not to increase the number of your fighters! It really doesn't work!" Liu Zheng couldn't help looking up to the sky and sighing. However, it's really impossible to increase the number of fighters. In fact, it's not because I don't have the resources to produce, but because I can no longer build houses to increase the population. And for each fighter produced, it takes three people. In fact, it's not because I don't have the resources to produce, but because I can no longer build houses to increase the population. And for each fighter produced, it takes three people.

"It's really strange, it's really strange! Why can't I build a house by myself?" In order to solve this problem, Liu Zheng also discussed with Mei Ting. Mei Ting's answer made Liu Ru also suddenly enlightened and understood at once. The reason is that at present, the houses in my base have reached the highest limit. Therefore, naturally, it can no longer be built. If you want to build more houses, the only way is to build another city center. But now, according to Mei Ting, she has tried on the whole map, and it doesn't work at all. It is impossible to build the city center at all, no matter where it is. In this way, if you want to build another city center, and if you want to build more houses, the only way is to build another city center. But now, according to Mei Ting, she has tried on the whole map, and it doesn't work at all. It is impossible to build the city center at all, no matter where it is. In this case, if you want to build another city center, there is only one way, that is, to occupy an enemy base. Or, occupy the city center of a neutral tribe for my use. But there is no other way but this method.

However, at this time, the enemy's ground offensive has also increased without decreasing. What should I do? What should I do? On the one hand, he also wants Lu to control the city center of a neutral tribe. However, on the other hand, the enemy is launching such a rapid attack on their base from the ground. In this way, of course, you can't abandon your base and occupy the center of the city of the neutral troops.

Therefore, Liu Zheng had no choice but to command some of his ground strategies and conduct a large-scale chariot battle with the large group of enemy chariots who came to attack. However, the result was not very good. Liu Zheng lost 15 all kinds of chariots in this chariot war. Among them, there are five self-propelled guns, six main battle tanks, and four rockets. Liu was in this chariot war and unexpectedly lost 15 all kinds of chariots. Among them, there are five self-propelled guns, six main battle tanks, and four rockets. Although it was also the attack that defeated the enemy's ground combat power in the end, it also greatly damaged Liu Zheng's ground chariot strategy.

However, this solves a problem for Liu Zheng from another aspect, that is, those who have been killed but have given their combat power to reproduce and take their seats, and they don't have to worry about not being able to produce combat power without vacancy. Moreover, at the same time, the production task of the four nuclear bomb bombers that Liu Zheng set up just now has also been completed. Looking at the four nuclear bombers stored in the hangar, Liu Zheng finally couldn't help but light up his eyes. Damn, I have to be cruel this time. This time, I have to be cruel next time! Kill one of your city centers first. Do you dare to be crazy with me?

However, Liu Zheng's idea was not realized immediately. Because just as he finished cleaning the battlefield, another small group of enemy ground attack chariots rushed towards their base. Fortunately, the number of enemy's attack chariots this time is not large, and Liu Zheng also feels that he should be able to kill them. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng decided to kill the enemy's attack force first with the idea of "cleaning the house before treating guests". After thinking of this, Liu Zheng pulled all his ground chariot troops - only seven or eight chariot troops left.

However, Liu Zheng did not completely fight hard, but deployed those main battle tanks and the two Hellcats M18. Because they were melee forces, they were all deployed at the front. On the other hand, Liu Zheng bypassed the forest and tried to launch a sudden long-range attack from behind it to catch it...