Star Trek

Chapter 58 Star Wars 4

Now, Liu Zheng has three urban centers, and naturally, he also has three bases. However, he relies most on two of them, that is, base No. 1 and No. 2.

Base No.1, bordering the sea. It is the location of Liu Zheng's base camp. The No. 2 base is located in the inland, that is, the throat of the peninsula that Liu Zheng intends to unify. And the No. 3 base is also on the edge of the sea, but because it is far away from his base camp, Liu Zheng feels a little difficult to reach. So, it's just a place to talk about it first. And Liu Zheng did not intend to operate there.

In this case, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting had a division of labor. She is responsible for the operation of the base camp, while Mei Ting is responsible for the second base. In this way, the two bases are horned and support each other under the premise of good defense, and then plan to attack.

Now, Liu Zheng has two enemies. One is the red enemy, whose name is Thomas. And the green player's name is Aliath. Considering that it is a great opportunity for an air strike now, Liu Zheng wanted to let Mei Ting guard their two bases, No. 1 and No. 2, but he wanted to sneak up on the enemy's base. Especially the red "Thomas" base.

Wow, wow, that guy's expansion speed is so fast, too fast! No, I have to show him some color first, otherwise, the subsequent conquest and battle will bring more trouble to myself.

Because Liu Zheng is now more scientific and technological than the two of them, Liu Zheng now has a nuclear bomber. In this case, Liu Zheng decided to send five nuclear bombers over and blow up Thomas's base first. Well, it's better to blow up all its city centers. Then, slowly clean it up.

However, Liu Zheng also thought that the five nuclear bombers must have several fighters to escort, otherwise, he would be intercepted by the enemy on the half squat, which would affect the overall situation of his combat effectiveness.

Do what you want. So, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the five nuclear bombers began to set out under the escort of five fighters. However, with Liu Zheng's order, a fighter (including the five nuclear bombers and the five fighters) slowly drove from the hangar to the runway, and then glided out of the runway, getting faster and faster. Finally, with a sound The roar kept ringing, and the jet fighters rose from the straight runway and drilled into the sky. After that, they lined up in a combat formation, and then flew towards the enemy's second base inland. Soon after flying over forests, mountains and rivers, it finally flew over the base of a red opponent Thomas.

"Attack, attack! Give me a fierce attack!" With Liu Zheng's order, the five nuclear bombers began to drop nuclear bombs at the enemy's city center. When his five nuclear bombers dived to the lowest point, and then slowly opened the bomb storage, so a nuclear bomb hit the ground in a free fall state, and in the process of falling, the extremely sharp and harsh roar was very audible. Giant bombs one after another - they look like children, whistling with that extremely sharp roar. In the sky that was still very clear, immediately, a loud sound that was about to break the diaphragm resounded across the earth. Then, a dazzling white light began to spread, expand, expand, and then transformed into a mushroom cloud and soared into the sky, and suddenly a dazzling snow white between heaven and earth. Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, a huge shock circle was formed around the starting point of the mushroom cloud, and almost all the military facilities in this shock circle, including various combat forces, were greatly damaged to a certain extent. Some military facilities or combat power had not been destroyed at that time, but soon after, with the destruction of high-intensity radiation, they also exploded one after another!

However, Liu Zhengwan never thought that the five nuclear bombers sent by him with so much time and energy only killed less than one-third of the lives of the enemy's city center. Value. This made Liu Zheng very angry. Wow, wow!

Moreover, just after their nuclear bombers dropped the nuclear bomb, they were about to return, but they were strongly counterattacked by the enemy's ground air defense firepower. So, in that scream, the five nuclear bombers were finally not spared, and all of them were shot down.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be dumbfounded. Wow, wow, it seems that this way of hitting the south in the air is really not enough. It really doesn't work!

He's a girl, she's a girl! It's really against him! Let's see how I deal with you this time! After thinking about this, Liu Zheng decided to adopt the strategy of starting first. On the one hand, he launched an offensive from the ground. Twenty of his strongest missile launchers with long-range attack capabilities were sent out and rushed to the main base of the red player.

And on the other hand, Liu Zheng received an attack from the sea. Yes, now, his maritime power has reached a fairly good scale, with more than 20 light missile destroyers. Moreover, Liu Zheng also knew that his missile destroyer had a very good air defense capability. Therefore, whether it is against the air, on the other side, or against the ship, it is almost impeccable.

"Attack! Goal: Destroy all the power of the red players, as well as their city center!" Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, the three armies went together. That scale, that situation, is simply quite spectacular, quite spectacular!

"Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng, I have a suggestion to tell you!" Mei Ting saw that Liu Zheng seemed to be a little crazy at this time, so she said anxiously to Liu Zheng.

"Well, say it, Mei Ting, I don't know what your opinion is?"

"I think we'd better use maritime forces to almost fight the enemy's combat strength first, and then send ground combat forces to clean up the mess. In this case, I'm more sure. I don't know what Brother Zheng thinks? Roughly fight the enemy's combat strength first, and then send the ground combat force to clean up the mess. In this case, I'm more sure. I don't know what Brother Zheng thinks?" Although Mei Ting's voice was not very loud, it sounded like a sudden lightning flash in front of Liu Zheng.

"Oh, oh, yes, yes, oh, why didn't you think of this? Why didn't I think of this!" Liu Zheng sighed and quickly adjusted the deployment of the action.

So, the more than 20 missile destroyers set out first. And dozens of their own missile launchers followed closely behind.

So, the more than 20 missile destroyers rode the wind and waves and went straight along the shore to the red player's base. However, as he marched halfway, he was suddenly intercepted by the same missile destroyer with as many as seven enemy ships. This made Liu Zheng angry. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order: Yaya, first kill the enemy warships that blocked my way!

So, Liu Zheng's more than 20 missile destroyers almost surrounded the enemy warships. Then, a large-scale naval encirclement and annihilating war began. The twelve missile destroyers fired missiles at the same time and shot at the target: the enemy's various warships around the dock. Those missiles roared, making the sound of tearing through the air. The tail sprayed an orange tail flame, dragging the longer, straight-looking gray-white tail smoke, and shooting at the target with an irresistible momentum and a power to destroy everything. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

At this time, watching, Liu Zheng's surface ship force has achieved a clear victory. However, in mid-air, the enemy's seven or eight heavy missile helicopters, like a group of beautiful flower butterflies, from a forest on the coast, towards Liu Zheng's group of battles. The plane roared.

"Wow, wow, maybe those guys think that my group of warships don't have air defense capability! Hey hey, hey, this time, he made a big mistake and made a big mistake! Let's see what kind of air defense capability these missile destroyers have!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so Liu Zheng's surface fleet, which had just finished a battle against the ship, began to fire on the eight or nine heavy missile helicopters of the enemy in the increased capacity. I saw a bunch of ship-to-air missiles launched from the missile launchers of those missile destroyers, and the tail was also sprayed with orange tail flames, dragging a long gray-white tail smoke that was constantly thickening, making a harsh whistling sound, piercing the air and piercing The clouds roared through the air. In the process of flying towards the target, those air-to-air missiles constantly adjusted the direction of flight, swinging gently from left to right, and after the target had moved forward, they followed with a speed far higher than that of the enemy bombers. Finally, the distance between the high-speed missile and the bomber in front of it became shorter and shorter. Finally, with a loud "boom" sound, the missile finally hit the target fiercely. After several missiles hit the target one after another, the enemy's three bombers finally lost their stability. First, they suddenly shook, and then rolled from the sky into the ocean and exploded.