Star Trek

Chapter 59 Star Wars 5

Finally, now, there are only two enemy opponents left. One is a Dutchman and the other is a dry man.

And in the battle that just ended, Liu Zheng almost used all his solutions. In this way, he was almost destroyed by the enemy. Wow, wow, it's really dangerous, it's really dangerous!

Just now, I actually used a small trick, that is, to drag my opponent with most of my combat strength. At the same time, he sent some other combat forces to circle behind the opposing troops that were attacking him in a roundabout way, and then finally formed a front-and-back attack situation.

In this way, the opponent naturally had difficulty in looking at the beginning and end, and finally, under the fierce artillery attack of his own fighting power, he was finally knocked out.

Of course, it is so easy and simple to say, but in reality, it is not so easy. Looking at the combat power of his vehicles, Liu Sen almost couldn't help himself when they were blown up one after another under the exchange of fire with the enemy. Wow, damn, this war is really quite cruel, really cruel!

And now, I have finally finished the first round of the battle with the enemy. And now, I am also reaching an alliance with the Dutch player, which has been submitted. Of course, what the final result will be depends on the reaction of the opponent.

And now, what Liu is doing is to further sort out some of his combat power, and then prepare for another attack by the enemy that may come. That is the most important thing. In fact, Liu Zheng can be said to be a little confused now. Yes, it's a little confused. For your own combat power type, performance, as well as the opponent's combat power type and performance, these parameters are naturally not so familiar with them because they are new to the planet. Therefore, it is naturally good to get to know and get familiar with it.

Of course, because Mei Ting has a lot of information in this regard, it is actually a good choice to ask her as soon as possible.

And there is another important aspect, that is, that is, you must build at least another base now. Otherwise, once the center of your base is destroyed by the enemy, then, at the same time, you can't build it within the specified time - you know, in many cases, this is really difficult. After all, the battle is so fierce! In the face of such a fierce battle, it is true that in many cases, it is difficult to take care of these things.

Therefore, when there is a little free time, try to build some city centers and build some bases of your own. For yourself, it must be a good thing to be prepared and very necessary.

At this time, it was snowing heavily. It's like heavy snow! Liu Zheng naturally took great pains to put aside the base he was about to build. Liu Zheng knows that now, the whole planet has been divided into many pieces of land. And on each piece of land, only a city center can be built and a base can be built. Therefore, since the base you are going to build is a secret base, it should have the following characteristics: First, you should be connected with your current base. In this way, it is also convenient for the two bases to support each other. Naturally, this is also very important. The second point is that since this second base is used for combat readiness, it should also have a certain secret and cannot be easily attacked by the enemy. And this is undoubtedly very important.

And now, Liu Zheng has finally found such a very good-looking site on the right side of his current base camp, where there is a passage connected to his main base. In this way, it is naturally convenient for your two bases to support each other. On the other hand, this territory is only connected to the outside world through two narrow valleys, which is relatively easy in specific defense. In a word, Liu Zheng is still very satisfied with his newly built base.


At this time, Liu Zheng found that in fact, at this time, only the red player was the craziest to attack his base. That is to say, the enemy's combat power is mainly launched from the left. Moreover, its combat effectiveness is basically dominated by that kind of machine gunnery, followed by several howitzers.

In fact, it can also be said that this is a pretty good combination. The artillerymen in front of them are often in pairs. Although it looks very weak, it also has a quite good combat ability. Generally speaking, four or five sets of artillery are enough to deal with several of the other side's chariots, even those heavy chariots. That's all.

However, in the face of the enemy's machine artillery as dense as bee ants, Liu Zheng did not worry about anything. Yes, he has a quite rich combat power in his hands now! Moreover, the type is also very comprehensive. Liu Zheng knows that although that kind of long-range artillery: howitzer is also very useful to deal with this kind of infantry combat power of the enemy, that kind of howitzer is mainly the most effective for the enemy's chariot combat power. For infantry combat power, there are some suspicions of anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes. Imagine that even a shell can kill a soldier of infantry, but if the dense infantry force rushes up, then you can only solve one with one shot, and your chariot has a cooling time to fire. Often, you haven't killed the enemy infantry for decades, but you are surrounded by the opponent's infantry and then annihilate them...

Therefore, the best way to deal with this kind of infantry combat power is to cause a wide range of lethal weapons. And this kind of weapon is the kind of "gun tank" for Liu Zheng.

As the name implies, that kind of artillery tank can spray flames at the target. Although that kind of flame spray does not have much killing effect on the chariot, it has a quite good killing ability for the infantry.

Five flame tanks began to rush along the thick snow-covered mountain path, or along the narrow valley, facing the enemy's artillerymen who were marching in a hurry.

"tu tu tu~~~tu tu tutu~~~tu tu tutu~~~~~~tu tu tututu~~~~~~~~~tu tu tutu tu tutu~~~~~~~~~] At this time, those enemy organs artillerymen of the enemy organs are ready to attack. They are all in pairs. One man was busy loading it, while the other guy kept spinning the barrel of the machine gun. As the golden light shines at the barrel, dense firepower shot out, hitting Liu Zheng's flame tanks, and there was a sound of metal impact, sonorous and sonorous.

"Boom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" Because the range of the enemy's machine artillery is still very far away, so soon after, Liu Zheng's two flame tanks have been blown up. However, at this time, the remaining three flame tanks have also rushed to the vicinity of the enemy's infantry forces. Then, the unique attack began. Only see--

"Woo-hoo~~~~" With the sound of a "hoo" flame spray, a mass of flames ejected from the three flame tanks, and the flames emitted from the flames of the three flame tanks can be It is said that it is basically a square circle of hundreds of meters. As a result, some enemy artillerymen within that range were burned into firemen one after another. Moreover, the firemen ran away with flames all over their bodies, looking very painful.

Finally, after the attack of flame tanks, the enemy's machine guns fell into the pool of blood one after another, and soon they were burned to ashes. And how could the three enemy howitzers following them resist the attack of the nine howitzers at Liu Zheng's position? Three to one!

Moreover, the attack distance of that howitzer is really quite large! Is it really a pretty good siege weapon? With the sound of firing, one by one, shells roared out, crossed a long arc, and accurately hit the enemy's three howitzers, blowing up flashes. At the beginning, the enemy's three howitzers also fought back. However, soon after, their counterattack could only become hatred. Because under the bombardment of the rain-like shells, the enemy howitzers were finally blown up. So, for a moment, the wreckage and debris of the chariot flew around. On the ground, the remaining snow flew away, and immediately added a few large deep pits...


At this time, Liu Zheng finally caught a good fighter again. That is, Liu Zheng found that the red player had built a market in the city not far from his base. Wow, wow, it seems that there is no money to spend it, and it's not just a market built there. Moreover, there are actually those hoarded troops!

By the time Liu Zheng discovered, those had hoarded machine artillery, at least 20 groups. Moreover, it seems that other combat forces of the enemy are constantly gathering there. In that way, there should be a big action.

"Wow, no matter what, once those troops are successfully gathered, they will definitely deal with me! That must be to deal with me!" Liu Zheng is very clear in his heart. Therefore, since he has encountered such a great opportunity, Liu Qingshan will naturally not let it go. So, he mobilized four atomic Annies and prepared to start a unique atomic attack on the enemy forces that had gathered there near the enemy's market!