Star Trek

Chapter 61 Star Wars 7

Now, the situation on the battlefield is not very good. Liu Zheng has also seen this very clearly.

And before that, there were two opponents in total. Moreover, the two opponents are not allies, so there are often battles. In this case, it is naturally very beneficial to Liu Zheng. The battle between them will naturally weaken each other's strength, and Liu Zheng is also happy to sit in the mountains and watch the tiger fight. However, now, the base of the light blue player has been completely destroyed by the opponent. In this way, Liu Zheng will directly face the attack of the red player.

At this time, the player named "Suzume" is gathering his combat power towards a base about dozens of kilometers away from Liu Zheng. At this time, dozens of artillery troops had been gathered there, and there was still a continuous flow of all kinds of combat power, continuing to gather there.

"He, it seems that this rosefinch wants to do something to me! Just now, he just destroyed the closest ally to him, and now, he actually pointed the spearhead of the attack at me! Humph, hum, maybe, who will kill whom first!" Liu Zheng sneered and began to actively prepare for the war.

At this time, 20 to 30 combat forces have been gathered in Liu Zheng's base, including howitzers and Mark 4 heavy tanks. Liu Zheng believes that with this combat power, it should be enough to resist any attack by the enemy. Liu Zheng felt that there should be no problem with this.

So, at this time, Liu Zheng has put his eyes on the base attacking the enemy. Yes, I just want to give him a straight yellow dragon! ~Because before, Liu Zheng had found through reconnaissance that now, there is not much combat power in the enemy's base to defend there! Therefore, it is the best time for you to sneak up. And if you don't fight for and cherish such an opportunity, God won't agree!

Moreover, at this time, a small sneak attack force sent by Liu Zheng has already touched the vicinity of the rosefinch player's base. In fact, there were only three chariots participating in this sneak attack mission, one with a howitzer, and the other two were Atomic Anne.

On the one hand, this "Atomic Anne" has an ordinary missile launch system, which can cause general damage to general targets. However, this guy, the most powerful one, is its kind of "small nuclear bomb" bombing. Good boy, that's an attack mode that can be enough to cause a wide range of lethal effects to the enemy!

However, the cooling time of Annie's small nuclear bomb launch is very long, and it takes more than half a minute. So, in this way, if you want to cause a continuous atomic Anne-style small nuclear bomb attack on the target, you only need to get three. However, because he came in a hurry, he only led two atomic Annies. In this case, that is, when the attack continues, it will take a little longer to wait. The question is whether it is possible to launch a real attack on the target in a timely and smooth manner! This is the most important thing.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that in the base of the "suzu" players surrounded by mountains, surrounded by barracks one after another around the city center. Wow, barracks? How could so many barracks have been built?

And just when Liu Zheng felt a little strange, suddenly, he finally seemed to have found something: in that barracks community, unexpectedly, at the same time, the enemy's infantry fighting power would be produced! Moreover, the pace is the same. Wow, wow, that rosefinch player, isn't it that they don't use any secrets? Otherwise, how can you produce so much combat power at the same time?

"He's a bitch, I don't care about him. Let's blow him up first!" Let's blow him up first!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng switched one of the atomic Annie's attack mode to the "small nuclear bomb" attack mode. Then, he launched an attack on the barracks of the group of the enemy. With Liu Zheng's order, a huge regret shot out of the atomic Annie's missile launcher, dragging a orange tail smoke and roaring away. Soon after, with a loud "bang" sound, an extremely huge orange flame rose to the sky, and its covering radius was actually hundreds of square meters, covering the combat power of a group of enemy troops. For a moment, in the explosion and fire that rose to the sky and scattered away, the earthy yellow smoke and dust spread everywhere, and the deafening sound of the explosion was like a thunderbolt, and the sound curled up to nine days. Boom----" "Boom----" is shrouded in the mushroom cloud rising from the sky, and some of the fighting power of the covered enemy army in it have turned into the wreckage of the sky and dispersed...

In this way, the first time Atomic Anne showed her great power, she blew up some of the barracks in the enemy's base, with a very dilapidated appearance, which could not help but appear in front of Liu Zheng. And those enemy machine guns that have just been trained are naturally all followed by the large explosion fog and the huge super shock wave, which turned into ashes in a blink of an eye...

"Ha ha, ha, this atomic Annie is really a good thing! Well, especially in terms of strategy, it is an extremely rare combat force! It's an extremely rare combat force!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing.

After the first nuclear attack ended, Liu Zheng began to prepare for the second attack. Yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-

"Boom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In this way, when the third small nuclear bomb hit the target, the building community of the enemy, especially the barracks, was completely blown up. At this time, there are only a few buildings left in the "Zuzume" player's base. There is only one city center, and there is a warehouse, chariot factory and so on.

"Haha, haha, as long as the enemy reinforcements don't come, I will soon kill his old nest! As long as the enemy's reinforcements don't come, I will soon kill his old nest!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking.

At this time, the player's base, the city center, still has about 40% of its health. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng knew that in fact, as long as he gave him another nuclear bomb attack, it should be almost the same.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng found that a group of enemy infantry were retreating from a distance to his base. It seems that after their old nest was attacked so fatally, they had no intention to go on an expedition, but came back to take care of their base first.

"If my atomic Annie can have that kind of instantaneous attack ability, then a nuclear bomb will kill dozens of enemy infantry fighting forces! Hey hey, hey, that must be a bang. In the extremely huge explosive area, all the infantry fighting power of the enemy will be killed. However, her own atomic Annie does not have that kind of instantaneous ability! Oh, what a pity, what a pity!

However, since he could not kill some of the enemy's returning infantry at the first time, Liu Zheng also knew that he could not resist relying only on these three chariots. Therefore, Liu Zheng came up with a way to kill some of the enemy's returning infantry. Then, Liu Zheng also knew that he could not resist these three chariots alone. Therefore, Liu Zheng thought of a way, that is, to transfer his three combat forces: two atomic Annies and a howitzer, to the back of the mountain beam behind the enemy base. However, despite this, it could not delay the attack of Liu Zheng's three chariots. Because they all have long-range attack power!

Moreover, at the foot of the mountain, there are dense forests, so if you hide the three chariots, the enemy's infantry power will not be found.

At this time, some of the enemy's infantry forces have entered their bases. Haha, haha, just right, just right! I will carry out a net attack on you! I will carry out a net attack on you!

Just right! At this time, Liu Zheng saw that another atomic Annie's small nuclear bomb system had ended its cooling process and could restart the nuclear bomb attack! Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order and saw a huge nuclear bomb shot out, quickly bypassing the mountain beam, and then fell from the sky and hit the enemy's city center fiercely. In the explosion and fire that rose to the sky, the earthy yellow smoke and dust spread everywhere, and the deafening and strong explosion sound was like a thunder, and the aftertow curled to the sky. Boom----" "Boom----" is shrouded in the mushroom cloud rising from the sky, and some of the fighting power of the covered enemy army in it have turned into the wreckage of the sky and dispersed...