Star Trek

Chapter 60 Star Wars 6

"Attack! ~" With Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his two atomic Annies did not attack the target at that time. Instead, a "dazzle bullet" was fired at the target first. Under the effect of that kind of "glare bomb", the infantry of the attacked enemy began to panic one after another and wanted to escape one after another. Wow, wow! This atomic Annie is really interesting! Well, it's really a high-tech product! It's really a high-tech product!

Yes, even under the effect of that kind of "dazzling bomb", the enemy's infantry strength has basically lost its offensive ability, as if their spirit has been controlled. And taking advantage of this "dazzling" effect during this period, Liu Sen's two atomic Annies began to launch that kind of "small nuclear bomb" at the target. Suddenly, the missile launcher behind the two atomic Annie began to stand up, and then a large missile shot out from the missile launcher and went straight to the sky. Soon after, he began to turn around and then hit the target fiercely: the newly built market. A nuclear bomb hit the ground in a state of free fall, and in the process of falling, the extremely sharp and harsh roar was very audible. Giant bombs one after another - they look like children, whistling with that extremely sharp roar. In the sky that was still very clear, immediately, a loud sound that was about to break the diaphragm resounded across the earth. Then, a dazzling white light began to spread, expand, expand, and then transformed into a mushroom cloud and soared into the sky, and suddenly a dazzling snow white between heaven and earth. Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, a huge shock circle was formed around the starting point of the mushroom cloud, and almost all the military facilities in this shock circle, including various combat forces, were greatly damaged to a certain extent. Some military facilities or combat power had not been destroyed at that time, but soon after, with the destruction of high-intensity radiation, they also exploded one after another!

And as the sound of the white man began to come out, the light spots of light kept shooting out from the missile launcher of Atomic Anne, and those cyan light spots that shot out one after another also kept shining with a dreamy color, which seemed to have A kind of mind control-like color.

And as the light blue light hit the target one by one, the enemy's machine-gun infantry stood still and motionless. In that way, they looked like puppets. It looks very cute. Influenced by the light beam of spiritual disturbance of their atomic Annie, the enemy machine gun infantry were already in a state of mental fear and looked panicked.

At this time, the more and more combat power of the enemy has been gathered here, looking dense, like a group of bees. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling coldly and then activated the small nuclear bomb launcher on one of the atomic Annie. At this time, I saw a missile launcher behind the atomic Annie car that had slowly stood up. Then a small nuclear bomb shot out and took off vertically, dragging a long orange tail flame and roaring out. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately changed its flight direction, and then the question The market where the enemy gathered flew away.

Liu Zheng found that this missile is obviously much larger than the ordinary missile, but its flight speed seems to be slower. The tail of the missile dragged the orange tail flame, followed by a long gray-white tail smoke. The bomb roared in the air, broke through the air, and finally hit the enemy's market soon after. For a moment, Liu Zheng saw that a huge orange flame rose to the sky, and its covering radius was hundreds of square meters. The fighting power of a group of enemy soldiers was all covered by it. For a moment, in the explosion and fire that rose and scattered in the sky, the earthy yellow smoke and dust spread everywhere, and the deafening sound of the strong explosion was like a thunder, and the lingering sound curled up to nine days.

"Boom----" "Boom----" is shrouded in the mushroom cloud rising in the sky, and some of the fighting power of the covered enemy troops there have turned into the wreckage all over the sky and dispersed...

Wow, wow, wow, the combat power of so many enemy troops disappeared at this moment after the loud noise. Hey hey, hey, this thing is really good, really good!

Time has passed for a long time, but Liu correctly found that the enemy seemed to be afraid of his powerful military power now, so he did not dare to continue to come. Take the initiative to attack yourself. However, Liu Zheng can't wait. Well, it's time to find a way.

Liu Zheng looked at the terrain and found that the only channel for the enemy to attack his base was the big narrow valley in front of his base. And I can use the terrain characteristics of that big narrow valley to make a surprise attack on the enemy. Not exactly, it should be an ambush against the enemy. Moreover, the specific combat power arrangement has been basically established, that is, first out some tempting forces to lure the enemy's most combat forces into the narrow valley, and then use their long-range attack forces to kill them. It should be said that in theory, Liu Zheng's combat idea is still very good. However, will it be fulfilled in the actual implementation? Liu Zheng dares not say that he is 100% sure of this, but he still has 80% or 90% sure. If you want to do it, just do it. Next, Liu Zheng listed the twelve howitzer vehicles he had produced on both sides of the narrow valley and prepared for an ambush. In this way, once the troops are attracted, then they can use these more than a dozen howitzer vehicles to fire and attack.

Moreover, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of howitzer vehicle not only has a long range, but also has a considerable lethality. Whether it is for infantry combat power or for enemy chariots, it has a considerable killing ability.

Moreover, Liu Zheng has also hidden his own howitzer vehicles on the two hillsides, and in the heart of the woodland hidden in the hillsides on both sides of the narrow valley, naturally, the woodland also has a strong ability to cover his own Naturally, they can find and attack their opponents, but it is difficult for them to find and attack them.

And Liu Zheng first sent several of his own Type 96 melee tanks to lure the enemy. Those 96 tanks are Liu Sen's main melee tanks! It does indeed have a very good attack ability. After passing through the narrow valley and crossing the dense forest, finally, his Type 96 melee tanks came to the enemy's base. Soon, a group of enemy artillerymen rushed out of the red player's base. Wow, wow, there are not enough dozens of enemy artillerymen! It seems that it is simply vast and endless!

And Liu Zhengyi saw that some of the enemy's combat power was really fooled by himself, so he naturally did not dare to fight with the enemy's combat power that had rushed forward, and quickly adjusted the direction of his more than a dozen Type 96 chariots, and then turned back to his base. In the direction, he hurried forward. And some of the enemy's combat power will naturally not stop there. It's not easy to rush out of their own base. Why did they just leave? Therefore, seeing some of the enemy's combat strength, he hurriedly began to chase Liu Zheng's Type 96 chariots.

For a moment, the cannon bombarded and the dust flew up. You know, if 30 or 40 enemy machine gunmen march at the same time, their movement is also quite large. However, when it comes to their speed of action, it is far worse than their own Type 96 tanks.

Finally, half a minute later, Liu Zheng's five or six Type 96 tanks had rushed into the ambush circle he had set up not long ago. At this time, the enemy's group, including the combat effectiveness of dozens of enemy artillery, has entered the big narrow valley.

After Liu Zheng sneered a few times, he turned to the Type 96 chariots that led the enemy's combat power into the ambush ground, led them around the front of the car and bypassed the mountain beam. Soon after, it was important to circle behind the dozens of enemy's cannons again. . At this time, the enemy's artillery and artillerymen have completely entered Liu Zheng's ambush circle. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, there began to fire fiercely from the left and right sides of the mountain beam.

"Yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo- They fell from the sky and fell on the enemy's ant-like cannons and exploded. In the sound of the shocking explosion, the sound of the explosion that kept shining the man's red light, the enemy's cannonmen were blown up into the air one after another...