Star Trek

Chapter 64 Star Wars 10

(Adam Stinis)

Now, it is really a very rare opportunity for Liu Zheng. That's really the case. Because on this planet, three tribes - of course, including myself - one of the red tribe Adams, has made a proposal to himself that he is willing to form allies.

In the face of this initiative, Liu Zheng felt that he could still consider it. Because it is naturally quite difficult for Liu Zheng to deal with two tribes at the same time. So, in this case, why do you have to work hard? Therefore, Liu Zheng also responded to Adams' request: make a temporary alliance with him first.

In this case, for Liu Zheng, he will first go with Adams to deal with another green tribe: Tinis.

"Well, if you kill one and talk about the other, I won't always be so reckless!" Liu Zheng said secretly with a sneer. Yes, I am also very clear about this task assigned by Yuan Zheng, that is, it is not easy to truly unify the planet.

In fact, one of its own interstellar team has just opened some joints, so that its own team is qualified to operate this planet. However, if you want to really fully obtain the resources on this planet, you naturally have to conquer all the tribes on this planet. One of my star teams has actually just opened some joints, so that my team is qualified to operate this planet. However, if you want to truly fully obtain the resources on this planet, you naturally have to conquer all the tribes on this planet.

"Now, I'm going to give the green tribe a down! Let's destroy its prestige! Otherwise, that guy will definitely keep coming - = disturb me! Yaya, isn't that too troublesome! I'll give the green tribe a majesty first! Let's destroy its prestige! Otherwise, that guy will definitely keep coming =-turb me! Yaya, isn't that too troublesome?" Thinking of this, Liu Zheng led some of the combat power that Mei Ting had produced: ten Type 96 tanks, attacking the territory occupied by Natines.

It's actually a long way from my own base to the base of Natinis. Moreover, along the way, it is not just a straight line to the destination, but a horizontal river blocking the journey. Therefore, it took a long time for Liu Zheng's expeditionary force, the dozen Type 96 tanks, to finally reach five or six miles away from the base of Natinis. Therefore, it took a long time for Liu Zheng's expeditionary force, the dozen Type 96 tanks, to finally reach five or six miles away from the base of Natinis. Stop, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that a fast horse had rushed out of the Timis base, followed by a dog. Wow, damn it!

And Liu Zheng naturally also knows the role of this "reprimand", that is, it is specially responsible for reconnaissance, and its action speed is quite fast. It can be said that it is almost unparalleled. It's just that I don't know what kind of news the rebuke brought to Natenis?

Then, Liu Zheng quickly understood that two spear soldiers, five swordsmen, and a field gun were coming in his own direction. It seems that the rebuke still informed Natinis of the news that he had sent his combat strength. Therefore, Natinis sent so many combat forces to "meet" himself: either spy or threaten. Anyway, Natinis sent troops to come, and he was also fighting with Liu Zheng. Or, this is what Natinese intended to arrange.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng has not set Natinis to a "hostile" state. When Liu Zheng completed some diplomatic settings, the fighting power of those Tinis had already fled. After all, the speed of the cavalry is still quite considerable.

And Liu Zheng is not going to pursue again. After all, it's just a small force. Let them go! Therefore, Liu Zheng continued to lead his dozen Type 96 tanks forward. The target is to point directly to the base of the green tribe Tinis. That is where my temporary goal is.

Soon, Liu Zheng led dozens of his Type 96 tanks and attacked the base in Natinis. There, there is the fighting power of the red player Adams, mainly two field guns, attacking the gate at a gate of Natinis.

"With the sound of "swish" continuous, a cannonball shot came out and hit the gate of Tinis fiercely and made a sound. The sound of a violent explosion came. However, the gate is not so easy to be knocked down. Therefore, although Adams' two field guns kept firing, the results were not obvious.

"Wow, wow, use such a weapon to attack the city? Really! What is the siege gun used for? Isn't it specially used for siege? What's his level!" The lame performance of Adam still made Liu Zheng feel a little disappointed.

Originally, this field gun belongs to the kind of attack force against the enemy's light combat power, such as the enemy's light armor, or the cavalry combat power against the enemy, which is their strength. However, it is obviously inappropriate to use them to attack the city. Absolutely inappropriate.

At this time, five or six enemy cavalry fighting power has been rushed out of the inner city of Natinis, and this cavalry fighting power has always been good at speed and belongs to the kind of extremely good raid force.

The strange soldiers kept shooting at the target. A crisp gunshot was intertwined with the roar of Adams' two siege guns. Finally, when the strange soldiers of Tinis finally rushed to the front of Adams' two field guns, Adams' long-range attack power naturally seemed powerless in the face of this melee force.

At the same time, the infantry fighting power followed also followed. Therefore, six or seven of Nathenes' melee troops soon surrounded Na Adams' two field guns. The sound of gunfire was a masterpiece for a while. In the face of so many melee forces, Adams' two field guns are really useless at this time. They have to be very helpless and helpless. They are killed by those shells one by one.

"Hey hey, hey, hey, you know nothing! He's a girl! Just two field guns want to attack the city? What a daydream! Look at me, let's see how I teach him a lesson!" After saying this, Liu Zheng held his hand, so the ten number of field guns under him rushed up and launched a fierce attack on the inner city of Adams!

"Oh, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my For a moment, the shells flew and fell like rain.

"hong hong hong ~ ~ ~ ~ ~hong hong ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ On the wall, Natinis built a lot of tower defense facilities. Naturally, even if Liu Zheng did not order, his Type 96 tank force would automatically attack.

However, soon, Liu Zheng realized that the inner city of Tinis was really not generally strong. Wow, wow, that, that, that's also too scary. More than a dozen Type 96 tanks attacked for nearly half a minute, but the inner city was still not broken at all. Therefore, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

And its own number of Type 956 tanks have been killed by the enemy's city defense forces. Looking at his own Type 66 tanks that rushed all the way from his base, Liu Zheng's heart was naturally very uncomfortable.

"Just change the direction and turn to the other side of the main city of Nathenes. Well, the wall hasn't been built yet! Simply change the direction and turn to the other side of the main city of Natinese. Well, the wall hasn't been built yet!" Liu Zheng finally saw a loophole in the defense of the city of Tinis, so he gave an order to his army, so the remaining 89 Type 66 tanks turned around and rushed to the right side of the inner city of Tinis.

Although in the process of rushing forward, Liu Zheng's Type 66 tanks still suffered a lot of losses and two more were knocked down. However, in the end, they finally reached the designated place. There, Natinis really hasn't built a good wall. It happens to be a very good breakthrough, just a very good breakthrough!