Star Trek

Chapter 65 Star Wars 11

In fact, Liu Zheng's original idea was just to teach that green player Tinis a lesson, or give him a lesson to let him know his power. After all, now that he has formed an alliance with the red player Adams, in this way, only Natenis may have some threat to himself. Therefore, it is also appropriate to give him a taste in advance.

However, the actual situation is not so simple.

When Liu Zheng led his expeditionary army, ten number of Type 66 tanks, bypassed the heavily defended place of Natinis and began to launch a fierce attack on his base, the development of the war situation made Liu Zheng feel unacceptable. Just as Liu Zheng began to attack a military factory in Natinis (the military factory produced a chariot and knocked it down, which really hurt Natinis), three Natinis mortars rushed out. The thick caliber made Liu Zheng remember the primitive after seeing it.

"Attack! Destroy his three mortars first!" Liu Zheng couldn't help shouting. So, Liu Zheng's remaining seven Type 66 tanks began to launch a fierce attack on the three enemy mortars. The dark red fire at the barrel kept shining, and with the sound of explosion, shells shot out of the long barrel, roaring away with a blue smoke. And the body of the battle was suddenly retreated by the powerful recoil, which seemed to strengthen the attack power of the shell. Shortly after the shell was fired, a continuous explosion began to sound. One after another of explosive artillery rose to the sky in the rolling black smoke~~~

Actually, Liu Zheng still likes this kind of mortar very much. Although its overall killing ability is not very strong, it has a cool appearance, a solid-looking car body, and its thin and long barrel make people feel that it is a real man's weapon. However, what Liu Zheng couldn't accept was that after that burst of artillery attacks, although Liu Zheng finally killed the enemy's three mortars, which made people feel that it was a real man's weapon. However, what Liu Zheng could not accept was that after the burst of artillery attacks, although Liu Zheng finally killed the enemy's three mortars, the attack from the wall of Tinis caused serious losses to Liu Zheng's remaining Type 66 tanks.

Yes, it is actually difficult for Liu Zheng to say what kind of combat power it is. However, there are two points that can be sure, that is, first, the range is long. Second, it is lethal. That is, mainly under the attack of those city defense weapons of Tinis, Liu Zheng's Type 66 tanks eventually disappeared, turned into pieces of debris and debris, and scattered and flew away...

"Wow, wow, he's thee! Originally, I wanted to teach him a lesson, but I bought a lesson first!" Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing at himself. Yes, that's true. However, this is also good. That is, through such a lesson, I can make myself more vigilant: even if I have the technological leadership of one or two eras, it is not easy to really destroy some of the enemy's military facilities and really give the enemy some kind of heavy blow.

No matter when you are, you must be careful and take it seriously. You can't underestimate the enemy. This is also a blood lesson Liu Zheng learned from it.

However, Liu Zheng is not good at swallowing this breath. He is really pissed me out. No, no, your morale can't be affected like this. Well, we have to find a way to hit Natenis. And it's against him!

"Mei Ting, Mei Ting, in your opinion, how can we punish Tinnis again? He, our ten Type 66 tanks are gone, and there is no sound even when they are thrown into the water. This doesn't work, this doesn't work!" Liu Zheng asked Mei Ting for her opinion.

Mei Ting thought for a moment and looked for Liu Zheng with a smile and said, "Brother Zheng, hehe, ha, punish that Tinis? It's better to take revenge! Ha ha, ha, the halberd sinks into the sand, but failed to succeed, um, it's miserable enough!"

"Ha ha, ha, Mei Ting, you can say whatever you want. Anyway, this time, I can't admit it like this. However, I found that our ground forces, facing the city defense of Tinis, have no fucking good effect. Well, I don't know if you have any good ideas? Say it and let me listen to it?" Liu Zheng sincerely asked Mei Ting.

He knows that although Mei Ting is a living player and is good at management, it does not mean that she really has no military mind. Moreover, in many times and in many situations, she can often put forward some combat ideas that Liu Zheng dare not think about, so that Liu Zheng can't help but look at her with new eyes!

"Oh, Brother Zheng, you said this is easy to do, easy to do, easy to do! That's it. Since the ground attack is not very effective, how about giving him an air bomb? Since the ground attack is not very effective, how about giving him an air bomb? Mei Ting said so.

"Oh? Air bombing?" Mei Ting's words really reminded Liu Zheng.

"Okay, just Meiting, I'll give him an air bomb!" Liu Zheng laughed. So, soon after, seven twin-engine strategic bombers have been produced. With Liu Zheng's order, I saw, and with Liu Zheng's order, I saw that one twin-engine strategic bomber slowly drove from the hangar to the top of the runway, and then glided out of the runway. The speed was getting faster and faster. Finally, with a sound The roar continued to sound, and one by one, the twin-engine strategic bombers rose from the straight runway and drilled into the sky. After that, they lined up in a combat formation, and then flew towards the enemy's second base inland. Soon after flying over forests, mountains and rivers, it finally flew to the vicinity of the base of Natinis.

So, a unique raid is about to begin.

"Attack!" With Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng's two-engine strategic bombers dropped several heavy bombs at the "car factory" in the base of Natinis. Yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo- The sound of shouting. After that, they all hit the target accurately. In a dazzling light, the bombed target - the enemy's chariot factory, in the fireworks rising into the sky, in the sound of a tight explosion, it was almost crumbling, and the thick smoke rising into the sky almost covered a large area of the sky. In this way, with the bombing one after another, blockbuster bombs fell from the sky, roared away, and broke through the air. In that shrill that cut through the air, the attacked targets on the ground finally filled the thick smoke in the sky-up fire. In the middle, the explosion became countless debris and debris, flying around.

"Ha ha, ha, I'll teach you a lesson first! Well, it's just for you to stare at me and get to know me! He, don't be blind to Mount Tai! Otherwise, I will come to trouble you, and I will come to trouble you again!" Liu Sen sneered and ordered his two-engine strategic bombers to roar back to his base.

However, soon after Liu Zheng just led his twin-engine strategic bombers back to his base, he saw that Natinis actually sent people very close to his base to start building a new base! Wow, wow, I really don't know what's good or not! I just blew you up, and you came to grab the territory with me! Moreover, it is still so close to Laozi's base, this, this, this, this is really...

Liu Zheng was so angry that he could hardly speak. In anger, Liu Zheng decided that this time, he must substantially punish the unselfishable guy. In fact, Liu Zheng is not unable to destroy Natinis' base, but Liu Zheng also knows that once Natinis is destroyed, the red player Adams, who is quite strong, will become his strong opponent. At that time, when his strength had not really become stronger, he really didn't have much confidence to let himself fight with Adams.

And it was precisely because of this, Liu Zheng decided to keep Natinis for the time being and not to destroy him. In order to counterbalance Adams through Nathenes. However, that Timis is so shameless! Then, don't blame your ruthlessness!

So, Liu Zheng led ten field guns around the mouth of a mountain, and quickly came to the vicinity of the green player Tinis's base built under Liu Zheng's eyes. In front is a warehouse in Denise. Uh-huh, okay, okay, I'll go to that warehouse first!

Then, Liu Zheng gave an order and saw that the fire flashed at the mouth of the gun, and the sound of fire was endless. Then, the shells spewed out, crossed an arc, and hit the target fiercely. After being hit, the target naturally made a dull sound of explosion. And in the sound of that explosion, the target's thick smoke rolled up and the artillery soared into the sky. Countless peeling debris and fragments flew away. And the health value of the attacked building was also falling at a speed visible to the naked eye... Finally, under the bombardment of the raindrop-like shells of the field artillery, the enemy's warehouse was quickly blown up.

Looking at the enemy's warehouse when it collapsed, Liu Zheng felt that he finally felt better. However, his goal will naturally not be limited to this. Well, yes, yes, he must take this land into his own hands. Only by building more colonies can we produce more units of combat power. Otherwise, you will always be at a disadvantage in the future battle...

And I don't bother to fight for other territory, but I have to fight for this piece of land under my eyes anyway. There are no restrictions on this. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng continued to lead his ten field guns and continued to move forward. Not far ahead is the enemy's city center.