Star Trek

Chapter 69 New Journey 1

In the lounge.

Yuan Qing: Liu Zheng, you are really two brushes! Ah? The two people are almost matched with Mei Ting, which is a tacit understanding! Haha, haha, I'm jealous! However, after all, objectively speaking, the cooperation between the two of you is really very good!

"It can be said that if it hadn't been for the excellent performance of the two of you, if you hadn't done so well in the game copy and provided such strong support for the Star Frontline of our team, and provided such strong support for the Star Front of our team, then Whether our Star Frontline and even our Star Team can still be maintained, then, whether our Star Front and even our Star Team can be maintained is still unknown! Ha ha, ha~~" Although Yuan Qing, the head of state, was joking, Liu Zheng clearly heard from there that Yuan Qing, the head of state, was so satisfied with the excellent performance of Liu Zheng and Mei Ting in the copy management!

He is obedient, and Liu Zheng is naturally not a fool. However, Liu Zheng also knows the truth of "being a man with a tail" and knows that everything can't be too arrogant, otherwise, it will definitely lead to bad consequences.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing and said, "Ha ha, ha, thank you for your praise! Well, in fact, that's also the result of your good leadership. Liu Zheng and Mei Ting have achieved such a little achievement under the wise decision and command of your Yuan Qing. Ha ha, ha, head of state, you are too ridiculous to praise us! What you just said, let me and Mei Ting really dare not be, but I really dare not! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha It is also the pride of each of us to contribute a little strength to the development of our Star Team!"

Good words, no matter who will say that. Moreover, when it comes to such a thing, it is the best thing for Liu Zheng.

"Yes, Liu Zheng, you don't know. Just some time ago, after we separated, you and Mei Ting were responsible for the operation and management of the copy, and we were responsible for the battle on the Star Front - alas, you don't know, our head of state, Mr. Yuan Qing, that's almost every day. The two of them said it hundreds of times. Alas, when it comes to implementation, I was really jealous! Isn't it, Comrade Qingping?" Jiang Ming said and laughed while winking at Qingping.

And that Qingping, of course, is also a person who understands, smiled and answered, "Yes, yes, it's really like this. However, when you consolidate and develop our base camp in the copy, we know the excellent performance of the two of you, but you may not know that on this interstellar front, when you consolidate and develop our base camp in the copy, we know the excellent performance of you two, but Yes, you may not know that it is not easy for us to be on this interstellar front! * clan, am I right?" Qingping also said to Liu Zheng with a smile.

"Well, all right, all right! We don't need to say anything else! Well, now, I want to announce a good news to you. That is, in order to commend everyone's excellent performance during this period, I decided to issue 50,000 yuan of incentive funds to each person. How's it going?" After speaking of this, Yuan Qing, the head of state, couldn't help saying to them with great interest.

"Wow, 50,000! So many!" Jiang Ming first took a breath of cold air.

However, Liu Zheng did not show too much surprise and surprise. Liu Zheng is still very good at his performance in the game copy with Mei Ting some time ago. Although Liu was still very low-key when he faced Yuan Qing, the head of state just now, he believed that Yuan Qing would definitely give a heavy prize with some of the contributions he and Mei Ting.

Moreover, there is another very important point, that Yuan Qing, as a classmate, Liu Zheng, as a friend, naturally knows very well. That is, once he was happy, then he had no money in his hand at that time, even if he borrowed it, and he was willing to spend it. He was a master who didn't care about anything when he was excited. In the face of the current performance of his Star Team, especially Liu Zheng's excellent management in the game copy, he is also willing to spend it. He is a master who ignores nothing once he is excited. In the face of the current performance of his Star Team, especially Liu Zheng's excellent operation in the game copy, it has brought great benefits to their Star Team! In the face of such a good situation, Yuan Qing naturally knows it.

Moreover, Yuan Qing is the owner who has accumulated a huge amount of wealth. Rich! And money is really just a tool for him. He is also greedy for money. In the face of his own command, these team members who personally recruited were so excellent, thus making his team more and more excellent. Yuan Qing, had been happy for a long time. Therefore, this reward fund must be large!

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything else. I have transferred the 50,000 yuan to everyone's account. Positive, I will announce another job adjustment notice. That is, starting from today, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting will terminate the operation in the copy and change Jiang Ming and Qingping to the copy for base operation. That is to say, the tasks of the four of them have been changed. And this is also a common practice for all teams.

"Originally, this kind of exchange should have been carried out a long time ago, but seeing that Liu Zheng and Mei Ting's management is very good, I also intended for them to accumulate more experience in operation and expansion. Now, such a goal has been achieved. In this case, naturally, you should also follow the rules. The four of you have to exchange tasks. Yuan Qing, the head of state, said a word.

And Liu Zheng actually knew something about what the head of state said. Moreover, the four of them also know that since the emergence of the "copy mission", all team members in each team will take turns to enter the copy and carry out their own team's base management tasks. Whether it is willing or unwilling, this kind of rotation is institutional. Therefore, no one has ever raised any objection.

"Brother Liu, you have to teach us some of your experience later! We know that during this period, you and Mei Ting have accumulated extremely rich experience in defense and expansion in the base!" Jiang Ming said to Liu Zheng.

"Oh, Brother Jiang Ming, you can rest assured about this. We are a collective, a collective, can I still keep anything? Then you underestimate yourself too much! Don't worry, after a while, I will definitely keep all my experience and lessons from more than a month. We are a collective, a collective. Can I still keep anything? Then you underestimate yourself too much! Don't worry, I will tell you all my experiences and lessons in more than a month! However, you have to take notes!" Liu Zheng jokingly said to Jiang Ming.

"Haha, haha, don't worry, we don't have other skills. We still have the ability to never forget. Ha ha, ha!" Jiang Ming said shamelessly.

"Oh, Mei Ting and I naturally have little experience in fighting on the interstellar front. I hope you can tell us your combat experience without any reservations!" Liu Zheng was also joking with Jiang Ming.

Next, according to the established schedule, it is the kind of communication between two people from both sides and the two people of the other. This is like a change of post, and naturally it needs to be handed over. And this process is naturally very important for a team. Liu Zheng is also clear about this.

Half an hour later, the communication between Liu Zheng and Jiang Ming has ended perfectly. The faces of the four of them also filled with satisfied smiles.

"Well, very good, very good. This kind of atmosphere is exactly what Yuan Qing appreciates the most. Well, time is urgent. On the front, let's go into our own positions! Well, Jiang Ming and Qingping, you two should hurry up and enter the copy game. Remember, when building the base, combat production, expansion and defense, please refer to the experience of Liu Zheng and Mei Ting. In this way, we can avoid many detours. Isn't it a fool to have ready-made experience but don't refer to it? Yuan Qing said with some uneaseasedness.

And the reason why he did this is naturally out of his understanding of Jiang Ming. Jiang Ming is quite happy. When he is doing things, he is often careless, and in many times, he is willing to go his own way. And this is exactly what Liu Zheng is worried about. Therefore, it is naturally necessary to tell him again and again before he is about to enter the copy.

"Don't worry, Head of state! Alas, although I, Jiang Ming, do have some hairy exercises sometimes, but our specialty is also obvious, isn't it? It's not blown out..." Jiang Ming unconsciously blew it again. This made all the people present laugh.


"Liu Zheng, Mei Ting, let's go! Let's see what the random map sent to us this time is like!" Yuan Qing, the head of state, said to Liu Zheng with great anticipation.

So, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting looked at each other, and then the two clicked on the golden button "Enter Star Front", so that in a whist of wind, it was like entering that kind of space-time tunnel. ( 1) Entry at the beginning of the game:

Liu Sen only saw the "Yes" button flashing gently. After that, it was dark in front of him, and his ears immediately sounded, as if flying in a time tunnel. Soon after, the sound of the wind gradually lowered, and Liu Sen felt that there seemed to be a light in front of him. Moreover, as the light became stronger and brighter, gradually, he was already on a very mysterious interstellar continent!


Because Liu Zheng and Mei Ting basically belong to the novice level - of course, that is, it specifically refers to the interstellar front. Therefore, there are naturally some strange things about this series of base operation and combat production of the Starfront. This, as seen in the copy task, is not a level at all.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting are silent, but silently watching Yuan Qing, the head of state, operating alone there. What heavy factories, fusion chips, supply stations, barracks, star ports, etc. Basically, what should be has basically been acquired.

Moreover, Yuan Qing, the head of state, didn't say a word. It seemed that he deliberately wanted Liu Zheng and Mei Ting to take a look at it by themselves. That seems to be saying, "Anyway, I have done it, and as for whether you can understand it or not, it depends on your talent!" Wow, after Liu Zheng saw this, he was naturally very unhappy. He said in his heart that he was still a classmate, and he couldn't even see such a little thing! Wow!

"However, that guy is also very likely to have his own plan! Well, don't leave him alone and have a look before you talk about it!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that Yuan Qing, the head of state, had produced two main battleships, three siege guns, and three Thor mechas. However, what puzzled Liu Zheng was that these fighting forces - two main warships, three siege guns, and the three Thor mechas, all left his main base, and Liu Zheng naturally did not know where they were sent.

"Yuan Qing, where are you going to send these hard-won combat forces?" Liu Zheng couldn't help asking.

"Ha ha, ha, brother Liu Zheng, look!" Yuan Qing said as he pointed to his main base with his hand. Liu Zheng then saw that there were two military facilities in his main base and had slowly left the ground! Their bottom is sprayed with orange flames, and their lift-up naturally has a very close relationship with the orange flame.

"Oh? Is it lift-up?" Liu Zheng couldn't help wondering.

In fact, Liu Zheng is very clear about this point, that is, there are some military facilities with this ability to transfer. That is to say, in order to facilitate the deployment, some military facilities, such as the main base, such as the Star Harbor, and the chariot factory, are mobile deployment sites. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the two big guys who had soared into the air - a star port, a chariot factory - suddenly, the rocket propulsion behind them also began to emit flames. Some military facilities, such as the general base, such as the star port, and the chariot factory, were all moved. The location of the deployment. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the two big guys who had soared into the air - a star port, a chariot factory - suddenly, the rocket thrusters behind also began to emit ahu�ing flame, so the two guys slowly flew towards the target location in the whirifying flame. Go.

"Wow, wow, I said Yuan Qing, what on earth are you playing? Well, where are these two important military facilities? Liu Zheng couldn't help asking.

"Ha ha, ha, old classmate, I'll tell you, have you seen it? Now, we have met this opponent, yes, although there is only one opponent, but it doesn't matter, because this guy's strength is obviously very strong. In this case, we naturally dare not have any care!

"So, I will take a star port and a heavy factory to a place far away from the opponent's base. First of all, in order to be close to the opponent and the base, once the enemy base is attacked in the future, it is easy to carry out in the shortest time. Second, it is also the most important point. Due to the strong strength of our opponents, we have to prepare more. And my move just now is actually just a means to deal with my opponents. Because the opponent is very strong, we have to prepare more. And my move just now is actually just a means to deal with the opponent.

"Oh? I hope to hear more about it." Liu Zheng was really moved by Yuan Qing's "crooked theory". And Mei Ting, who was also tilting her little head at this time, seemed to be full of surprise at Yuan Qing's theory that sounded like "evil theory".

"Well, all right. In fact, my hand is the so-called 'attack as defense'. Yes, it is to attack and defend. We first deployed two such facilities that are not very far away from the opponent's base, but it is said to be the most deterrent military facilities - a star port and a heavy factory - so that I can attack its base at any time! Ha ha, ha, but the actual situation is that I don't want to attack, and I don't attack. In this way, I will naturally contain the enemy's base sales force to a large extent, making him dare to attack Laozi's base with all his strength! In this way, it will naturally lay a solid foundation for us to further develop our strength..." Yuan Qing was quite proud and told Liu Zheng and Mei Ting about his plan.