Star Trek

Chapter 70 New Journey 2

After listening to Yuan Qing's macro talk, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting couldn't help nodding. You know, Liu Zheng is also a person who has been struggling from actual combat for many years. Naturally, he still knows this "attack as defense" strategy. However, the determination of Yuan Qing, the head of state, and the demeanor of command still made Liu Zheng curious.

"Well, but Yuan Qing, what are you doing with those combat power?" Liu Zheng couldn't help asking again.

"Alas, my old classmate, have you forgotten? Although our Xinggang and heavy factories have been sent, what should we do when they are targeted by the enemy's combat power when they have just landed? Therefore, if these combat forces are deployed in the past, it is to suppress the possible attack power of the enemy!" Yuan Qing said with a smile.

At this time, Liu Zheng has seen that the two important military facilities: a star port and a heavy factory are still in the air, flying slowly. Yes, due to their own weight, they are unlikely to fly so fast. However, this kind of military facility that can take off at any time still makes Liu Zheng feel an unspeakable pleasure. Yes, these characteristics are not seen in the game copy anyway. This kind of military facility that can take off at any time still makes Liu Zheng feel an unspeakable pleasure. Yes, these characteristics are not seen in the game copy anyway.

However, relatively speaking, the speed of those combat units is much faster, although they are not moving in a straight line, because most of them belong to the ground combat power except for the two battleships. From the ground, they have to take the rugged road! However, due to their fast travel speed, they have arrived at the designated place ahead of schedule.

At this time, Liu Zheng switched his perspective to the place where some of his combat power arrived. Here, it is indeed very close to the opponent's base, even the ethereal sounds in the enemy base, the sound of factory production, the sound of various combat forces colliding, the ethereal sounds in the enemy base, the sound of factory production, and all kinds of The sound of combat forces colliding with each other, etc., sounds very crisp and pleasant.

And of course, Liu Zheng knows that the opponent's combat power type belongs to that kind of "star spirit family" and also has a unique advantage in terms of combat power. In this case, it is no wonder that Yuan Qing, the head of state, will be so cautious.

Finally, the two giants finally flew over, and Liu Zheng immediately received the mission order of Yuan Qing, the head of state: Liu Zheng! You are responsible for everything about that base. Well, naturally, whether it is Xinggang or a heavy factory, it will be produced in your place. Don't forget your task! Your main task is to contain the enemy's combat power! Let their combat power not attack the general base of our team at will! Create conditions for the continued development of our general base! It is to contain the enemy's combat power! Let their combat power not attack the general base of our team at will! Create conditions for the continued development of our general base! Do you understand?" Yuan Qing's words at this time have a kind of seriousness, which is completely different from the laughing attitude just now.

"Liu Zheng understands, Liu Zheng understands! I will definitely operate our second base well, resolutely contain the enemy's combat strength, and create conditions for the development of our general base! I will run our second base well, resolutely contain the combat power of the enemy, and create conditions for the development of our general base!" Liu Zheng deliberately repeated his words, naturally, to show his determination and attitude.

"Well, okay, okay, Comrade Head of state, my respected head of state, don't worry, just don't worry! I will definitely complete the task, and I will definitely complete the task!" Liu Zheng has never had any doubts about his ability. This seems to be the reason for Liu Zheng's personality.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the two giants - a star port and a heavy factory - were still flying slowly under that flight state. Their bottom and rear tails are spraying that kind of orange flame, whirring, whirring... And it is also under the impetus of that stream of orange flames, the two huge guys, two very important to Liu Zheng's star team, are slowly towards the designated place. Enter.

Finally, the destination has arrived. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the two huge guys slowly landed from the sky. Moreover, just as they stopped, whether it was their bottom or their back tail, the fierce flames also stopped decisively. However, even after the flame spray stopped, there was still gray smoke at the huge jet tube, constantly circling. It looks very realistic.

Then, Liu Zheng landed the two huge guys - a star port and the heavy factory, and then restored them to their building state. Then, Liu Zheng couldn't help but look at the terrain characteristics of the base he was in charge of for the first time with that kind of appreciation. Of course, it seems that Liu Zheng has observed more, but still, it is still the scenery of the interstellar front. And these scenes, in that copy, can't be seen at all.

Liu Zheng saw that in fact, the so-called "continent" here refers to some large floating boulders. And the bases and military facilities of Liu Zheng's Starfles are actually deployed on those boulders. At the edge of those huge stones, there are wide cracks, and under the cracks are unfathomable voids. There is something similar to a cloud, flowing between the cracks. On the so-called "continent", there are also some strange creatures, and most of them, whether animals or plants, Liu Zheng really can't say their names. However, most of the plants, especially those, are simple, old, and seem to have more desolation.

At this time, in order to truly curb the attack momentum of the opponent and complete the task given to him by Yuan Qing, the head of state, Liu Zheng decided to build a "attack artillery array" according to the characteristics of combat power. Yes, it's that kind of siege gun array. And this so-called "castle of siege guns" is naturally formed according to the attack characteristics of siege guns.

Because Liu Zheng knows that the siege gun has two combat modes. One is the "tank mode" and the second is the " siege mode". And these two combat modes can be switched with each other. Under the general state, this kind of siege gun mostly appears in that tank mode. Under that tank mode, it can move and attack at will. However, its firepower is poor and its attack distance is smaller.

However, once it is switched to the siege mode, everything will change. Under that siege mode, whether it is attack distance or attack strength, it has at least doubled. However, under that mode, it is not possible to move. And this is also the biggest weakness.

"And if you form a siege artillery array and deploy it to the entrance and exit of the enemy base, then, can't you well prevent the entry and exit of the enemy's combat power? You know, the siege gun under the siege mode has quite strong killing ability! If you form a siege artillery array and deploy it to the entrance and exit of the enemy base, then, can't you stop the enemy's combat power? You know, that kind of siege gun in siege mode has quite strong killing ability!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

Wow, he's a girl. If you don't try it, how can you know? So, let's try it yourself. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng quickly produced seven siege guns and five battlecruisers to escort them.

"Haha, haha, let me give you a try, the power of the siege gun array independently developed by me!" Thinking of those siege guns, once the cluster attack advantage is formed, in the face of the enemy's attack power and some military facilities in the enemy's bases, it is almost impossible to attack, and it is even possible to carry out that kind of "flat push destruction" attack mode, Liu Zheng's heart can't help but be excited. Divide it.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that although his kind of " siege tank" is a very important artillery firepower output unit, it also has its shortcomings as a main battle tank. Although it is an excellent fire output unit, it often needs a lot of substantial troops to support it in order to obtain a position that can be used by it. And the enemy will often approach it by any means. If the enemy successfully enters the attack corner of the siege tank, this often means that the enemy can easily destroy the siege tank, because once the siege tank enters siege mode, it cannot attack units very close to it.

Yes, yes, that's it. And this is exactly the important reason why Liu Zheng has to equip that group of siege array with some escort forces anyway. Yes, Liu Zheng is naturally very clear about this common sense knowledge. That is to say, the best attack of this siege tank is the long-range powerful firepower output. Once they are driven crazy, then the overwhelming attack will almost destroy the target in one fell swoop, even a base, which is not to say. The best attack of this siege tank is long-range powerful firepower output. Once they go crazy, then the overwhelming attack will almost destroy the target in one fell swoop, even a base, which is not a problem.

Therefore, it is precisely because such a factor was taken into account, so Liu Zheng equipped the seven siege tanks with five battlecruisers. Liu Zheng knows that this battlecruiser is the most important main battleship in the type of "human" combat unit he used at this time. From a certain point of view, it is the support of this human combat power.

These huge heavy warships are actually air fortresses, and from the * information of this game, Liu Zheng has also learned that they were built to maintain the peace of the Krupp Star Area and control its main interstellar routes. These majestic warships equipped with vertical laser guns and strong armor are the strongest weapon firepower in the human starry sky. For a long time, battlecruisers have been a must-have for many commanders' flagships. In terms of the choice of attack mode, battlecruisers can choose between cannons, barrage missiles and defense matrix for intensive research.

"Let's go!" With Liu Zheng's order, the seven siege tanks marched towards the opponent's main base under the cover of the five battlecruisers in mid-air. The opponent's main base is basically surrounded by the edge of the void on three sides, and at the edge of the void, it is the bottomless cosmic space. On one side, there is a slope connecting other star stones, where there is a path. It can be said that the path is the only one that enters and exits the enemy base.

"All the siege tanks are allowed to enter that siege mode!" Liu Zheng shouted, and with Liu Zheng's order, the seven siege tanks were immediately deformed. Therefore, they settled down one after another, forming a seemingly strong fortress. At the same time, a circle of attack range instructions also followed. And this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be happy. The seven siege tanks were immediately deformed. Therefore, they settled down one after another, forming a seemingly strong fortress. At the same time, a circle of attack range instructions also followed. And this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be happy. Haha, hahaha, hahaha, this time, Liu Zheng developed his seven siege tanks, no, have switched to the combination mode of the "city siege artillery regiment". Its attack range can actually cover, and can actually cover most of the rivers and mountains of the opponent's base! In this way, he can also attack most of the covered river and mountain bases of the enemy!

"Attack!" With Liu Zheng's attack order, it can be seen that the siege guns, at first, slowly rotated, and naturally aimed at the target. Then, with a loud "boom", the fiery red light flashed at the mouth of the gun. At the same time, the siege gun was full of fierce battle, and the huge recoil caused it to retreat suddenly. Then, a huge shell shot out, so fast that it could hardly see its flight at all. The trajectory. The targets that were attacked also kept ringing with the roar of the siege guns. After the huge shells were hit, the whole body ignited with flames in an instant. At the same time, the targets also shook with the rhythm of the siege guns. For a while, the whole battlefield was almost shaking. In particular, when the seven siege guns were almost fired together, the attacked target became a sea of fire almost in a blink of an eye.

In this way, under the full attack of Liu Zheng's seven siege cannons, the enemy's part, which seemed to be abruptly located on a high platform, had been destroyed by the fierce long-range artillery fire of Liu Zheng's seven siege guns. More. Just now, it seemed that there was nothing left at the base of Mr. Lin Lin. At this time, it was empty and empty.

However, at this time, the opponent will obviously not accept such a cruel reality. Therefore, one after another, all kinds of combat power, including immortals, including hunters, phoenixes, and the largest void glow ships that look almost in a translucent state. At this time, they are all in groups towards Liu Zheng's seven vehicles. It became a siege gun that attacked the cluster battle array and rushed over!

However, Liu Zheng did not panic in the face of such a huge attack team of the enemy. He knew that under no special circumstances, some of the enemy's ground attack forces, no matter how powerful they were, were almost impossible to approach him in the face of his seven siege guns. Although Liu Zheng has also seen from the game materials that as long as his kind of siege tank force does not enter the dead corner without the enemy's ground combat power, there will be no problem. And the so-called "dead corner" is actually forcibly rushed to the front by the enemy's combat power. In that case, those who are good at long-range attacks will naturally lose the market. That is to say, if they are too close to the target, those siege tanks will no longer be able to carry out long-range attacks. Facing the target in front of them, they will be at a loss. Its specialty can't be brought into play,

However, in general, they will not allow the enemy's ground combat power to break through their own defense circle and forcibly attack in front of them. Look, now, in the face of the enemy's various ground combat forces rushing down from its base, the attack of Liu Zheng's seven siege tank clusters has also restarted. I saw, "Attack!" With Liu Zheng's attack order, it can be seen that the siege guns, at first, slowly rotated, and naturally aimed at the target. Then, with a loud "boom", the fiery red light flashed at the mouth of the gun. At the same time, the siege gun was full of fierce battle, and the huge recoil caused it to retreat suddenly. Then, a huge shell shot out, so fast that it could hardly see its flight at all. The trajectory. The targets that were attacked also kept ringing with the roar of the siege guns. After the huge shells were hit, the whole body ignited with flames in an instant. At the same time, the targets also shook with the rhythm of the siege guns. For a while, the whole battlefield was almost shaking. In particular, when the seven siege guns were almost fired together, the attacked target became a sea of fire almost in a blink of an eye.