Star Trek

Chapter 78 New Journey 10

Since Liu Zheng had already accepted the order of the head of state to chase him, he would not give up after seeing the troops flee. So he shouted softly to Mei Ting, and then led his troops to quickly pursue some of the remaining combat power of the enemy.

However, at this time, a new plan suddenly appeared in Liu Zheng's mind, that is, he might as well divide his troops into two routes, one by Mei Ting to find the base where the army was released. On the other hand, Zhihui, who can kiss, is tasked to eliminate those fleeing enemy troops. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help saying to Mei Ting: Mei Ting, in order to speed up the completion of our mission, I suggest that you and I lead a team of predators to find out where the enemy's base is. At that time, predators have the ability to climb over cliffs, so their actions will not be affected by any terrain. In this way, it will naturally create conditions for their free movement. Moreover, they move quite fast and have a certain firepower attack ability, so they should be the most important force to explore the location of the enemy's base. Mei Ting, in order to speed up the completion of our task, I suggest that you and I divide the troops into two routes, and you lead a team of predators to find out where the enemy's base is. At that time, predators have the ability to climb over cliffs, so their actions will not be affected by any terrain. In this way, it will naturally create conditions for their free movement. Moreover, they move quite fast and have a certain firepower attack ability, so they should be the most important force to explore the location of the enemy's base.

After listening to Liu Zheng's words, Mei Ting couldn't help nodding secretly and cooperating with Liu Zheng in the game copy, so that Liu Zheng's military ability could be well understood. So after hearing Liu Zheng's words, the bitch naturally agreed. So Liu Zheng produced five predators through Yuan Qing, the head of state, and then the five predators came to Mei Ting's side with Liu Zheng's order.

"Well, in this case, let's separate our tasks." Liu Zheng said solemnly to Mei Ting. So, next, Liu Zheng saw the five predators under Mei Heng and left his base and marched towards those unknown areas.

I saw that Mei Ting's five predators, one after another, looked like fire dragons, rushing straight to those strange areas. And with the continuous impact of the "fire dragon", the area was also quickly pulled open. Finally, at the bottom left corner of the map, I rushed straight to those strange areas. And with the continuous impact of the "fire dragon", the area was also quickly pulled open. Finally, in the bottom left corner of the map, the enemy's base finally revealed their true faces.

The five predators crossed the mountains, and the speed of action was quite rapid. The tail flame also sprayed very fast, which gave him a great flight speed. Moreover, after rushing into the enemy's base, the five predators attacked the barracks inside. And because the enemy had no defense at all, it kept ringing with the sound of the shooting. Soon, the enemy's barracks was quickly destroyed in the continuous gunfire. Boom~~~

However, Mei Ting's five predators' air raid actions have actually just achieved the goal of finding the target. But for a more progressive "attack", it is almost impossible. Moreover, although it was finally destroyed by an enemy's barracks just now, it was still succeeded on the premise that the enemy had no defense at all. And if the enemy's combat strength is tight, and, although it was finally destroyed by an enemy's barracks just now, it was still done under the premise that the enemy had no defense at all. And if the enemy's combat strength is tight, it is impossible to win. Liu Zheng's heart is very clear about this.

So, just as Mei Ting wanted to go further and command her own combat power, that is, the five predators, to carry out further attacks on the enemy's base, the situation suddenly changed dramatically. He rushed out of the enemy's base and suddenly rushed out three Thor mechas. That big guy, that's a daunting situation at first glance! That upright appearance makes almost all people who see it feel a chilly mood. Therefore, just as Mei Ting wanted to go further and command her own combat power, that is, the five predators, to carry out further attacks on the enemy's base, the situation suddenly changed dramatically. He rushed out of the enemy's base and suddenly rushed out three Thor mechas. That big guy, that's a daunting situation at first glance! That upright appearance makes almost all people who see it feel a chilly mood.

Mei Ting actually knows that guy is not easy to mess with. However, she knows more that since she has met such a guy, if she wants to escape again, it will actually be in vain. Because you can't escape at all. There was nothing she could do. Mei Ting had to fight hard with the three huge guys. I saw that with the sound of fierce shelling, the dense fire fired out and attacked the enemy's three Thor mecha not far ahead.

However, after all, that kind of Thor mecha is quite powerful. Not only does the clam have quite strong attack power, but also has quite good defense ability. Especially in the face of the seemingly dense fire attack, it is quite powerful. Not only does the clam have a very strong attack power, but also has a quite good defense ability. Especially in the face of the seemingly intensive fire attack, but because the killing ability of the predator's attack firepower is not so powerful, it does not cause much damage to it. However, immediately after that, their counterattack began! Moreover, once it starts, it is so terrible! It was seen that the three enemy's Thor mecha directly used their high-efficiency weapons: I saw that my five Thor mechas quickly switched their attack mode to the "250mm continuous attack cannon" attack mode one after another. After that, on top of the foundation, each Thor mecha "contracted" an enemy's void glow ship. The attack starts immediately! I saw that the four cannons above the Thor mecha were full of fire. Stretching and shrinking, interactive. And every time the barrel expands, it will shoot powerful shells one by one. This "250mm remnant enemy gun" can first stun the target within six seconds, and then continue to receive 500 points of damage and continuous damage. This is quite awesome!

And under the attack of the enemy's three Thor mechas, Mei Ting's five predators were naturally defeated quickly. Very helpless. Their dexterous bodies suddenly jumped back, so another fire dragon rose to the sky and flew away. However, just as they flew away, three of them were killed by the enemy's three Thor mechas. Looking at the bombed wreckage scattered in mid-air, Liu Zheng's heart naturally felt uncomfortable.


And Liu Zheng's side, just when Liu Zheng led some of the combat power he thought was the best and wanted to pursue the fleeing combat power of the enemy. After he had just marched a long distance, the target, the enemy's combat power, which had been defeated and retreated not long ago. When the enemy's combat power wanted to pursue the enemy's fleeing combat power, after not far away, what he did not expect, the target, the enemy's combat power, and some of the enemy's combat power, which had retreated not long ago, actually came back! However, in front of them, two Thor mechas led the way! Wow, wow, wow, two Thor mecha? It seems that those deserters went to move rescue soldiers just now!

Liu Zheng naturally knows that that kind of Thor mecha has quite good anti-aircraft combat ability. Yes, their air defense capability is indeed good. However, at this time, Liu Zheng's five battlecruisers had rushed over their heads and were very close to the two Thor mechas of the enemy. Therefore, it is impossible to escape.

"Oh, I saw the two Rayon mecha, suddenly, two shells protruding upwards at the shoulder, and then the two gunpipes began to fire one after another for air defense shooting. The dense anti-aircraft shells fired on the target one after another, and the one that rushed to the front of Liu Zheng, on the fuselage of the battlecruiser, sparked everywhere. Soon, although Liu Zheng's five battlecruisers also counterattacked, in the end, they still did not escape the attack of the enemy's two Thor mecha, and shot at the target one after another. On the fuselage of Liu Zheng's battlecruiser, which rushed to the front, Mars shot everywhere. Soon, although Liu Zheng's five battlecruisers also counterattacked, in the end, they still did not escape the attack of the enemy's two Thor mechas. With a loud noise, with a dazzling explosion firelight, countless wreckage and fragments, one after another The ground rises...

"Retracement, retreat! He's the son of a child, and he won't withdraw!" With Liu Zheng's successive orders, his remaining four battlecruisers finally slowly turned over their heads and retreated. And the two Thor mecha of the enemy naturally took their huge steps to pursue. Later, it naturally closely followed some of the enemy's other combat forces. It looked like a tiger.

However, for Liu Zheng, he just set a trap. Yes, it's just a trap. Because, with the follow-up of the enemy's combat power, Liu Zheng knew that his 15 siege tanks had already switched himself to "attack mode"! Moreover, the attack is about to begin! The so-called "waiting for the rabbit" is nothing more than this. In a word, whether it is waiting for the rabbit or waiting for work, it is a state of self-confidence and strength. At this time, some of the enemy's combat power, led by the two Thor mechas, has entered the attack range of Liu Zheng's batch of siege tanks! Then, the overwhelming attack has begun! I saw, "Attack!" With Liu Zheng's attack order, it can be seen that the siege guns, at first, slowly rotated, and naturally aimed at the target. Then, with a loud "boom", the fiery red light flashed at the mouth of the gun. At the same time, the siege gun was full of fierce battle, and the huge recoil caused it to retreat suddenly. Then, a huge shell shot out, so fast that it could hardly see its flight at all. The trajectory. The targets that were attacked also kept ringing with the roar of the siege guns. After the huge shells were hit, the whole body ignited with flames in an instant. At the same time, the targets also shook with the rhythm of the siege guns. For a while, the whole battlefield was almost shaking. In particular, when the seven siege guns were almost fired together, the attacked target became a sea of fire almost in a blink of an eye.

Under the attack of Liu Zheng's fierce artillery fire, the two enemy's Thor mechas finally could not hold on any longer. Finally, in the bursts of bombs, they bombarded and exploded one after another.

At this moment, the voice of Yuan Qing, the head of state, suddenly came to Liu Zheng's ear: "Liu Zheng, Liu Zheng! Listen carefully, listen carefully! I am now ready for ten infantry fighters, including five marines and five looters. Then, I will give you five medical transport planes to form a whole. I suggest that now, we might as well attack the enemy in such a way first!

"Well, yes, that's it. Because, if you always use that kind of siege gun and that kind of cruise ship to carry out tasks, the cost is mostly too big! Therefore, now, we should change a new force to carry out the task. After all, there is still a shortage of production and construction funds in our hands!" Yuan Qing's voice obviously sounds very anxious.

After Liu Zheng heard it, he couldn't help nodding his head. Then he said, "Well, well, okay! Well, let's leave this task to Mei Ting! And some of the heavy combat forces under my hands are firmly guarding our gate to prevent any enemy chariots from attacking again! I don't know what the head of state is going?"

"Well, good, good! It's up to you! After all, you are the former commander-in-chief of the enemy! Ha ha ha~~" Yuan Qing said with a smile.


"Mei Ting, the head of state has just given you a new task! Um, that's right, let you command ten infantry fighting forces and cooperate with five medical transport aircraft to attack the enemy's base! What I mean is that combined with the attack intention of the head of state, we can use that kind of 'mushroom tactic' to fight with some of the enemy's combat power. Shoot a few shots and leave. If the enemy's combat power chases again, cooperate with five medical transport aircraft to attack the enemy's base! What I mean is that combined with the attack intention of the head of state, we can use that kind of 'mushroom tactic' to fight with some of the enemy's combat power. Shoot a few shots and leave. If the enemy's combat power catches after it, it will run faster. And if it's the enemy

If those combat power goes back, you will never catch up with them again. When you are not tired, take advantage of them and bite them fiercely! Such a way of attack, well, that's also very good!

Liu Zheng said while thinking about it and criticizing Mei Ting.

"Well, okay, okay, brother Zheng! In this case, then I'll try it, I'll try it!" Mei Ting still appreciates Liu Zheng's operation and combat performance in the former copy battle. Therefore, naturally, he still shows great interest in what Liu Zheng just said, and it seems that he is quite eager to try.