Star Trek

Chapter 79 New Journey 11

What a defense battle! Wow! The fierce battle scene almost disturbed the interstellar space into chaos. However, now, Liu Zheng suddenly received a message from Yuan Qing, the head of state, saying that his veins had fallen into a state of exhaustion in his base.

After hearing this news, Liu Zheng was naturally shocked. You know, once there is no support from the vein, it is equivalent to declaring that there is no economic source. Then, the base construction and combat production of your own team will naturally be greatly restricted. Wow, wow, how can this work? How can this work? Without energy, everything will be zero! Anyone will understand such a very simple truth.

"So, Head of state, can we consider and deploy our base to other places? For example, deploy our base to those places rich in crystal veins, which may solve our problems. Liu Zheng proposed to Yuan Qing, the head of state.

"Haha, haha, Liu Zheng, no need! Now, I am ready to release a few tops, so that the released tops can be collected in the place with the richest ore resources. You know, the collection efficiency of that kind of ore gyro is not very high! And your task with Mei Ting is, on the one hand, we must catch some of our tops. After all, they collect ore far away from the base, so they are very dangerous. That must be protected by us! In addition, if there is a chance, you can also send a small force to disturb the enemy's base. Damn it, he doesn't want me to live a stable life, and he doesn't want to live a stable life! After all, they collect ore far away from the base, so they are very dangerous. That must be protected by us! In addition, if there is a chance, you can also send a small force to disturb the enemy's base. Damn it, he doesn't want me to live a stable life, and he doesn't want to live a stable life!" Yuan Qing gritted his teeth and said.

"Yes, Head of state! Liu Zheng and Mei Ting will definitely complete the task, protect our mineral collection gyro, and at the same time, wait for the opportunity to launch an offensive against the enemy's base!" Liu Zheng couldn't help "brushing" and saluted Yuan Qing, the head of state.


According to what Yuan Qing said, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting opened their eyes wide and stared at the landing site of the first mineral gyro. Suddenly, with a roar coming from the sky, and then, soon, a huge object fell from the sky, looking like a huge meteorite falling from the sky. After falling to the ground, the huge object quickly burst, bursting away some debris and fragments, leaving only a robot with a pair of robots. Then, driven by jet power, the guy began to automatically find the crystal vein, and then began to collect it.

And it was not until this time that Liu Zheng found that the mining efficiency of that kind of mining gyro was so high. Yes, it's quite high! It should be said that the mining efficiency of a mining gyro should be as low as the collection efficiency of at least 30 MCVs.


After seeing this situation, Liu Zheng was also deeply inspired. Therefore, Liu Zheng suggested to Yuan Qing, the head of state, "Should we deploy our general base to more resource-rich places? In this way, we can save some of our mining gyroes to travel so far and send us some of the crystal ores we have collected. Come to our civilian base. It can also save us from running so far away from our mining gyro and sending the crystal ores we have collected to our civilian base. Well, in that case, it's really too laborious! I don't know what the head of state is going?"

After listening to Liu Zheng's words, Yuan Qing, the head of state, thought for a moment, and then nodded and said, "Well, you can think about it." So, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that suddenly, in his base, the "general factory of construction" suddenly had a war millet, constantly shaking. Then, from the bottom of the "general factory of construction", a gray jet suddenly gushed out, and the huge reverse thrust Under the effect, a burst of war millet suddenly shook from the bottom of the "general plant of construction", and a gray jet suddenly spewed out. Under the action of the huge back thrust, the construction factory with such a large construction factory , finally took-up one after another! The roaring orange tail flame immediately reflected the ground brightly. Then, Liu Zheng saw that at the bottom and rear of the main factory, they were spraying that kind of orange flame, whiruffing, whir... And it was also driven by the orange flames that a huge guy, which was quite important to Liu Zheng's star team. A guy, building the main factory, is slowly going to the designated place under the action of the huge reverse thrust generated by the powerful flame spray.

crossed some scenes that can only be seen in the interstellar environment: bottomless valleys, strange plants, vast clouds, and towering peaks. At the edge of those boulders, there are wide cracks, which look like a boundary and an obvious channel. Under the crack is the unfathomable void. There is something similar to a cloud, flowing between the cracks. It is erratic and leisurely. Look at the scene. If it weren't for the fairyland, it would be a scene of the alien plane. And on the so-called "continent" (and the so-called 'continent' is actually just a huge star), there are also some strange creatures living there. Moreover, most of the creatures, whether animals or plants, Liu Zheng really can't say their names. However, most of the plants, especially those, are quaint, long, and even some desolate.

Finally, in a place rich in crystal ore, the construction factory, which is already in that kind of "lifting" state, finally fell down one after another. Then, under the control of Yuan Qing, the head of state, several mining gyroes were thrown out, and then, this Liu Zheng Their team's new home was settled like this.


At this time, according to the deployment of the head of state, Liu Zheng asked Mei Ting to protect those mining gyroes, as well as his own base. And he led the three battlecruisers to attack the enemy's base. Naturally, the goal was not to kill the enemy's base. At that time, Liu Zheng also knew that he did not have that strength. However, it's okay to disturb it first.

Three battlecruisers flew slowly. Soon after, they finally crossed several bottomless valleys and flew to the edge of the enemy's base. After reconnaissance, Liu Zheng found that the enemy's main construction factory, which had been upgraded to a "track construction factory", was actually close to the edge of his base. Such a position is undoubtedly very easy to be attacked. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng felt very happy. Therefore, he desperately commanded his three "battle cruise ships" and attacked the target.

"Yamato Cannon, attack!" Liu Zheng was extremely excited in the face of the good thing that might destroy the enemy's main factory at once. Yes, yes, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! As long as the enemy's main construction factory is destroyed, if the opponent has not produced its replacement at all, then this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for your own team in this operation and battle! As long as the enemy's main factory is destroyed, if the opponent has not produced its replacement at all, then its own team, in this operation and battle, has achieved half of the success and victory.

However, Liu Zheng also knew that his three battlecruisers would not actually carry out that kind of "Yamato cannon" attack at the same time. And only one after another, it is carried out in an orderly manner. However, Liu Zheng is quite, even if the enemy's main factory has quite good defensive ability, but it is still difficult to be self-sufficient in the face of three consecutive plasma artillery attacks of large and cannons.

However, when the three battlecruisers were already close to the target and were ready to attack, from the edge of the enemy base and close to the main factory, an enemy missile tower actually began to attack! With the sound of missile launch, the missile tower, in the rising smoke, launched one after another long-looking missiles, holding the long orange tail flame, flying rapidly and roaring through the air. Although the long arrow missiles were very large, their flight speed was very fast and their movements were very agile, so they hit the target very easily. And with the deafening explosion sounded one after another, Liu Zheng saw that in the golden explosion, the health of one of Liu Zheng's battlecruisers was suddenly lost more than 30%.

However, Liu Zheng can't control so much now. Anyway, for Liu Zheng, there is only one goal, that is, he must realize all the three major and artillery attacks of his three battlecruisers! In fact, it is not necessary to destroy the enemy's main building factory in one fell swoop, but it is true that Liu Zheng must master how much damage it can bring to the enemy's main building factory after three attacks. Yes, some data like this, especially some like this, can only be grasped during the battle, which is really quite important for Liu Zheng.

Finally, under Liu Zheng's careful control, the attack of the "Dahe cannon" of the battlecruiser finally began. A "buzzing" sound rose one after another, and then the orange light shone at the muzzle of the battlecruiser, as if it was constantly accumulating some energy. Finally, with the extreme rise in the frequency of the sound generated by the accumulation ability, a cannonball with dazzling golden light suddenly shot out from the mouth of the barrel. The shell crossed a straight line, dragged out a dazzling trajectory, and hit the target directly. And go. Moreover, its high-speed sound even melted the air around it. Then, the powerful attack shell named "plasma cannon" finally hit the target after a very short time of high-speed flight in the shortest time. So, a loud "boom" sound suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a strong explosion burst into the sky. The intensity of the explosive flame can also be seen from the brightness of the dazzling explosive firelight. Therefore, under this blow, the target was suddenly knocked out 300 points of health.

However, although the attack power of this Yamato cannon is indeed quite good, but then again, after all, it is a main construction factory of the enemy! Therefore, it must have a fairly strong defense ability. Naturally, it will not be killed by a blow. In short, after three consecutive attacks on the Yamato artillery, the target, the enemy's main factory, was only 60 percent of its health.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Wow, wow, I have to think of a new way! Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. In fact, Liu Zheng is very clear that from the current point of view, the missile bunker at the front of the enemy base is indeed the biggest threat to his battlecruiser. Liu Zheng's heart is actually very clear about this. Therefore, as long as you destroy the enemy's missile defense tower first, things should get better.

If you want to destroy the enemy's missile defense tower, you should choose that kind of long-range attack force. Moreover, because the enemy's missile defense turret is located very close to the inside, it is almost impossible to defeat it and rely on that kind of ground attack force. And if necessary, you have to use the power of the air. However, with the power of the air, if the distance is too close, it is bound to still be hit by the "long arrow missile" fired by it. However, what is the combat power that can carry out long-range attacks?

Liu Zheng knows that although the "Dahe cannon" of his battlecruiser also has a strong long-range attack ability, the "strong" here is only for its attack power, and Liu Zheng knows that the distance of its long-range attack It's not its strengths either. So, in addition, is there any other combat power and other long-range attack power available?

At this time, Liu Zheng finally came up with a way, which is to guide the fusion bomb with a ghost! Liu Zheng naturally understood how big the explosive power of the fusion bomb would be. Yes, how big it will be. However, it is not easy to get that kind of fusion bomb to a designated bomb. However, despite this, Liu Zheng decided to give it a try first. However, it is not easy to get that kind of fusion bomb to a designated bomb. However, despite this, Liu Zheng decided to give it a try first. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered one of his ghost soldiers to rush to the enemy's base, a place full of too much combat power.

I saw the ghost, tall and agile, but he had not yet reached his destination. Liu Zheng found that the enemy's combat power, especially the three battlecruisers, seemed to have found Liu Zheng's intention. He actually turned around the fuselage and flew past the ghost warrior of Liu Zheng. Come on.

Liu Zheng saw that the big thing was not good. In terms of attack power, his ghost warrior was almost the gap between the two battlecruisers of the enemy, which was not enough. Sure enough, although Liu Zheng gave the order to withdraw to his ghost warrior, it was too late at this time. At this time, the two enemy battlecruisers had begun to fire at the ghost chariot. I only saw that the continuous air-to-ground laser gun group began to fire and attack. And with that sound after another, the unique sound of attacks continued to sound, and Liu Zheng saw that the raindrop-like laser cannon began to shoot dense shells. This laser gun group shoots at a high speed with a damage value of 9 points per hit. Yes, although the damage value of nine points per hit is really not very powerful, then again, the shooting frequency of this laser cannon is quite high. And such a high firing frequency is enough to make up for the disadvantage of the lack of lethality of the single shell.