Star Trek

Chapter 96 Light and Shadow Fortress 9

What can I do? Liu Zheng couldn't help asking himself.

"Wow, damn it, he only has less than 30% of his health, and it's no longer worth using another fusion missile!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Just at this time, he saw and saw his own iron ravens, rolling around there! Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order and led the Iron Raven fighter over. Then, a new attack is about to begin!

"Hey, hey, hey, so, in this case, I'll give you a hunting missile first!" While sneering, Liu Zheng insisted on accusing his iron crow fighter towards the target, the Zerg king's nest, which only had less than 30% of the enemy's health at this time, began to attack!

However, just after Liu Zheng's order was issued, Liu Zheng suddenly found that his iron crow's "hunting missile" did not shoot out as scheduled. Wow, damn it, this, this, this, what's going on? For a moment, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused.

But soon, Liu Zhengquan understood how the incident happened. It turns out that the hunting missiles of their own Iron Raven fighters can only attack the other party's combat units, but they do not have the ability to attack enemy buildings.

However, in the face of the Zerg, there is only less than 30% of the vitality left. In particular, Liu Zheng found that there is no other fighting power to defend here, so naturally he will not give up the attack on this king's nest so easily. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he mobilized the battlecruiser that had just killed a rotten enemy again, and then attacked the Zerg's nest towards the target.

Because the time is still very loose, and there is no other enemy's air defense attack, this attack naturally seems more comfortable. It didn't use that kind of "Dahe cannon" to attack, but just use the most common "laser cannon group" to attack. I only saw that the continuous air-to-ground laser gun group began to fire and attack. And with that sound after another, the unique sound of attacks continued to sound, and Liu Zheng saw that the raindrop-like laser cannon began to shoot dense shells. This laser gun group shoots at a high speed with a damage value of 9 points per hit. Yes, although the damage value of nine points per hit is really not very powerful, then again, the shooting frequency of this laser cannon is quite high. And such a high firing frequency is enough to make up for the disadvantage of the lack of lethality of the single shell.

"Boom~~~" Finally, the Zerg's Wang Chao, the last bit of health, naturally couldn't help Liu Zheng's battlecruiser's attack, even if it was only a laser artillery attack. Therefore, under several stormy attacks, the target was quickly blown up. . Looking at the secretion of the Zerg rushing to the sky and the appearance of the broken limbs being blown into the air, Liu Zheng's heart couldn't help but feel happy. Hey hey, hey, although the victory of this battle is not very big, it is the most well-known and complete annihilation that Liu has fought since he stepped into this star battlefield and stepped into this real interstellar battlefield. Moreover, it also successfully used the function of the invisible ghost warrior, which greatly improved the success rate of the ghost chariot air raid.

After solving the enemy's Zerg sub-base, Liu Zheng stopped, and then loaded the five ghost warriors into the medical transport plane again, and then flew towards the unknown area.

Yes, there is not much time left in the game. He must find the enemy's Zerg headquarters and annihilate it in a short time. However, now, the fog of war still covers Liu Zheng's sight, so he must find out one by one where the target is.

So, the medical transport plane flew leisurely in the interstellar universe. And as the medical transport plane continued to break through the thick fog, the scene on the ground was also constantly revealed. The vegetation covers the ground and looks green. Similarly, there are all kinds of animals moving on it. A group of flowing clouds, drifting and looming. And as the medical transport plane passed through, the peaks on the ground, which looked very strange, were also completely exposed in front of us. At the edge of those boulders, there are wide cracks, and under the cracks, there is an unfathomable void. There is something similar to a cloud, flowing between the cracks. On the so-called "continent", there are also some strange creatures, and most of them, whether animals or plants, Liu Zheng really can't say their names. However, most of the plants, especially those, are quaint, long, and even some desolate.

In this way, the medical transport plane carrying the five ghost warriors walked out of thin air, and a distant and empty sound kept coming out, which sounded very ethereal...

"That doesn't work. Why, I have to send several frigates? Well, nothing else is needed. At the very least, a few battlecruisers should be sent to protect it! Otherwise, once you encounter any combat power of the enemy, you will really be blind!" Liu Zheng suddenly patted himself on the head. It was not until then that he realized that he had made such a big and unforgivable mistake.

However, at this time, suddenly, Liu Zheng heard the explosion of his business from the direction of his base. Wow, wow, it's broken. It seems that the enemy is attacking their base again! After switching the perspective immediately, Liu Zheng naturally wanted to experience it again after having a new experience of the fusion attack of the ghost warrior. Therefore, Liu Zheng reorganized a ghost warrior unit, and after having a new experience of the fusion attack of the ghost warrior, Liu Zheng naturally wanted to experience it again. Therefore, Liu Zheng reorganized a ghost warrior unit, carrying a medical transport plane and a medical transport aircraft, mainly relying on those siege guns to deal with the combat power on the ground, and using those battlecruisers to deal with the air combat power. As a result, it didn't take long to repel the enemy's crazy attack.

However, after this battle, Liu Zheng suddenly found that there was an enemy base close to his base. Wow, he doesn't know when the Zerg extended the base to the forefront of their own base. After having a new experience of the fusion attack of the ghost warrior, Liu Zheng naturally wants to experience it again. Therefore, Liu Zheng reorganized a ghost warrior unit, carrying a medical transport plane. After having a new experience of the fusion attack of the ghost warrior, Liu Zheng naturally wanted to experience it again. Therefore, Liu Zheng reorganized a ghost warrior unit, carrying a medical transport plane, and flying to the enemy's base on the edge of his base.

Soon after, it landed safely. Then, under Liu Zheng's personal command, the attack and a new fusion attack began. Moreover, fortunately, because the ghost is still in that kind of invisible production, the combat power of the enemy's Zerg has not been found. Then the attack officially began. One of the ghost warriors pointed gently to the enemy's command center with the C-10 shothand rifle in his hand, so a white beam of light came out, and then the target was locked in a gray-white aperture. Next, thirteen seconds passed in the strange sound of the tsunami. Finally, with an earth-shaking sound, an earthy explosive firelight rose to the sky, and then the skylight turned into a mushroom cloud and released a huge energy fluctuation. Even the whole enemy base was illuminated by the dazzling explosion. The ground shook violently for a while, and it was difficult to see the true face of the attacked target for a while, which was tightly shrouded and covered by the dark golden explosive light.

However, after such a blow, it aroused the vigilance of all the Zerg fighting forces in the enemy's base, such as bone needle worms, stinging snakes, rotten people, and thunder beasts, etc., almost went out completely and rushed towards the ghost warrior Liu Zheng.

After seeing this scene, Liu Zheng also knew that it seemed that his ghost warrior could not be preserved. Wow, it's up to him. If you can't keep it, you can't keep it. Anyway, that guy has made some contributions to himself.

"chi shi chi~~~" "tu tu tu~~~~~" "lei jiu di" All kinds of attack sounds are attacked by Liu Zheng's ghost warrior. And with the scream of "Oh~~~~" suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng's ghost warrior fell down like this.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng found a very good combat opportunity, that is, because the enemy was hit by the nuclear fusion just now, some of the almost all the Zerg fighting forces in the enemy base were crazy, from the exit on the left. , rushed down, and then rushed to Liu Zheng's headquarters. However, despite this, Liu Zheng knows that his headquarters has enough defensive combat power, so he naturally won't worry. However, he saw that the enemy's base not only had an entrance and exit on the left, but also had another...

"Haha, haha, that's right, that's right! In this case, can't I just enter the enemy's base from the entrance and exit of the right base?! Hey hey, hey, instead of always using those strange combat power, how can it be better to use those siege guns directly? That's the most pleasant!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng commanded some of his base defense forces, rushed out of his base with the enemy's group, rushed straight to Liu Zheng's production headquarters base, and carried out defensive operations with all his strength. At the same time, he pulled out more than a dozen siege guns from his base. At the same time, seven battlecruisers were added to it, and then began to attack the enemy base from the entrance and exit on the right side.

At this time, because most of the combat power has gone out and attacked Liu Zheng's base, there is almost only one empty city left. Looking at the surging secretions of the Zerg all over the land and the king's nest in the center of the base, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. After that, the dozen siege tanks have been switched to the siege mode by Liu Zheng, and almost around the enemy's base, it is almost half a circle.

"Attack! Heavy artillery attack! Kill all the military facilities and all the combat power in the enemy's base!" With Liu Zheng's order, the surging and overwhelming attack also began. I saw, "Attack!" With Liu Zheng's attack order, it can be seen that the siege guns, at first, slowly rotated, and naturally aimed at the target. Then, with a loud "boom", the fiery red light flashed at the mouth of the gun. At the same time, the siege gun was full of fierce battle, and the huge recoil caused it to retreat suddenly. Then, a huge shell shot out, so fast that it could hardly see its flight at all. The trajectory. The targets that were attacked also kept ringing with the roar of the siege guns. After the huge shells were hit, the whole body ignited with flames in an instant. At the same time, the targets also shook with the rhythm of the siege guns. For a while, the whole battlefield was almost shaking. In particular, when the seven siege guns were almost fired together, the attacked target became a sea of fire almost in a blink of an eye.

Yes, after all, the overwhelming attack of more than a dozen siege cannons, that kind of attack with thousands of cannons, is almost a devastating disaster for almost all the combat strength and military facilities in the enemy's base! The huge shells fell from the sky, roaring, one after another, falling into the enemy's base. Some Zerg military facilities and some Zerg' fighting power were soon submerged in the sea of destroyed fire.

On the other hand, those who rushed out of their base and wanted to attack the Zerg fighting power of Liu Zheng's base headquarters were forced to turn around in the face of the almost impeccable defense. After leaving the bodies of dozens of combat units, they had no choice but to turn around. Nai Di retreated to his other bases. However, when they passed the high platform of the base that Liu Zheng just occupied, Liu Zheng naturally relied on the fierce attack of more than a dozen siege cannons. With the ultra-long-range firepower coverage of those siege guns, he naturally suffered a fierce attack, and naturally dropped a large number of corpses...

"Ha, haha, this battle is really the extreme pleasure of his Yaya, and it's really the extreme pleasure of his Yaya!" Liu Zheng's mood at this time is really quite good. After taking advantage of the opportunity just now, he finally caught the enemy off guard.

"It seems that at the critical moment, this kind of combat power with super killing ability and the far killing range is the most useful! At the critical moment, this kind of combat power with super-large killing ability and the far killing range is the most useful!" It should be said that Liu Zheng's sigh is still very reasonable.

Yes, sometimes, it is true, but some combat skills are needed. However, most of the time, it still relies on strength. This has also been proved many times on the way. And this time, Liu Zheng just felt the same way again.

"In this case, I will also take advantage of the victory and chase him! Um, but of course, I can't be too reckless in this pursuit. Be sure to cooperate fully!" Liu Zheng thought for a moment, so he commanded the group of siege tanks that had just made great achievements. Under the cover of the seven battlecruisers, he chased in the direction of the retreat of the enemy's combat power.

So, on the ground that was already covered with dense broken limbs, the dozen siege tanks rumbled on it. In mid-air, seven battlecruisers buzzed and prepared for full air support.

At this time, although the fog of war is still permeated, with the continuous progress of Liu Zheng's combat power, the dark fog of war is also constantly pulled away, thus constantly revealing the still mysterious interstellar ground...