Star Trek

Chapter 97 Light and Shadow Fortress 10

It should be said that in that period, Liu Zheng's unit was caught off guard by the enemy, and even almost destroyed the whole army.

In fact, in detail, I really don't blame Liu Zheng's command. Almost entirely because those Zerg's combat power actually played "worm sea tactics" with Liu Zheng. Wow, that attack almost moved nearly a hundred kinds of worms, bone needle worms, alien dragons, and so on. There are countless kinds of them.

In the face of such an attack method that does not pay attention to strategy at all, Liu Zheng is almost speechless and almost impossible to do. Yes, there is nothing we can do about it. At this time, his own few combat power was almost surrounded by the hundreds of Zerg combat power of the enemy. Although Liu Zheng was also constantly mobilizing his combat power from his base, he did not escape the fate of being besieged and annihilated in the end.

And that battle gave Liu Zheng a profound lesson, that is, it seems that it is really impossible to fight against the strength of the Zerg by relying on any tactics alone. You must have enough strength. Strength? Yes, you must have real strength. And the most obvious manifestation of this so-called "real strength" is quantity. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help gritting his teeth fiercely, and then produced more than 30 battlecruisers in one breath, and then produced nearly 50 siege cannons. Yes, he is, since your Zerg combat power has some kind of "worm sea tactics" with me, then, well, I will play with you, and I will also give you a "sea of tactics". Anyway, the most indispensable thing for me now is production and construction funds!

And now, Liu Zheng is very clear that the combat power of the Zerg has occupied the nearest platform to his base. And next, it is obvious that the Zerg's combat power, if it wants to attack, is its own main base. Therefore, in any case, I can't let the Zerg's combat power stand on the plateau in front of me. Otherwise, once they are deployed there and stand firm, the matter will be really troublesome.

Since the combat power has been produced, the next step is to attack. Yes, attack, attack, attack! I must completely eliminate the Zerg's combat power on this platform through this number, which is no less than the enemy's Zerg combat power, without leaving any trace!

At this time, Liu Zheng's 30 siege guns had climbed to the slope of the high platform, and then Liu Zheng immediately switched their attack mode to " siege mode". And in mid-air, Liu Zheng's two same battlecruisers also followed, from the air, in any case, to ensure the safety of the siege tanks on the ground.

At this time, some siege tanks on the ground have unfolded and switched their attack mode to that siege mode. And with Liu Zheng's order, the attack began. And in Liu Zheng's mind, at this time, that kind of array of cannons had already appeared. That kind of scene when the siege guns trembled because the back seat force was particularly large. Now, for Liu Zheng, the strongest attack on his ground combat power has once again appeared in front of his eyes! I saw, "Attack!" With Liu Zheng's attack order, it can be seen that the siege guns, at first, slowly rotated, and naturally aimed at the target. Then, with a loud "boom", the fiery red light flashed at the mouth of the gun. At the same time, the siege gun was full of fierce battle, and the huge recoil caused it to retreat suddenly. Then, a huge shell shot out, so fast that it could hardly see its flight at all. The trajectory. The targets that were attacked also kept ringing with the roar of the siege guns. After the huge shells were hit, the whole body ignited with flames in an instant. At the same time, the targets also shook with the rhythm of the siege guns. For a while, the whole battlefield was almost shaking. In particular, when the seven siege guns were almost fired together, the attacked target became a sea of fire almost in a blink of an eye.

Of course, in this process, some of the enemy's Zerg will never be passively beaten. Some of them kept shooting at Liu Zheng's siege cannons, spraying huge corrod spheres one by one (this should be the attack of corrupt people), and some of them went out of thin air to the air. Liu Zheng's battlecruisers suddenly shot out of tentacles, looking like whips. The son rolled up the target, making it difficult for the target to move...

Attack, all kinds. However, after all, this time, Liu Zheng also learned the lessons of the previous attacks, or the Zerg combat power of the enemy, and practiced that kind of attack method of group attack. Therefore, this time, Liu Zheng almost did his best and basically exhausted all the funds in his base account. Kim, this has created such a huge war force of more than two or three hundred. And Liu Zheng's goal is to cleanly and completely eliminate all the fighting forces of the Zerg.

"Well, specifically, we must fight steadily, step by step, and gradually move forward! After occupying a place, you must consolidate it~~" Liu Zheng led his army to continue to move forward while constantly summarizing. Yes, this summary is a must. No matter what you do, only by constantly summarizing experience and learning lessons can we achieve success.


In general, the effectiveness of this kind of regiment is still very remarkable. Basically, Liu Zheng is a kind of fighting and has a smooth journey. Several enemy sub-bases were also disintegrated under Liu Zheng's mountain-like attacks. However, just when Liu Zheng deserved the victory and should be about to get it, the situation changed dramatically. It was after Liu Zheng's large unit gradually penetrated into the inner core area of the enemy's base, or until Liu Zheng's unit really broke into the enemy's forbidden land on that side, it finally found that there were so many Zerg forces ambush there! It seems that the enemy is not stupid enough to transfer all its combat strength! Instead, he left enough combat power in his own base to prevent the other party from attacking.

However, even if he encounters the core combat power of the enemy, Liu Zheng has no way back. Yes, he has no way back now. There is only one blow to the death! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng first put some of his ground combat power, mainly his own Thor mecha, to deal with all kinds of ground attack forces that appeared to be in the thicker Zerg secretions, and specially designed his battlecruisers to attack the enemy's base. The core - a king worm.

Liu Zheng knows that that kind of king worm is the core of the enemy base. Once it is eliminated, there will be no carrier for this Zerg base to produce follow-up facilities and combat power. Therefore, its function is equivalent to building a general factory in a human base.

Moreover, the number of battlecruisers with their own titles is particularly large, so it is not realistic to attack them with the super firepower of Yamato-style artillery. Therefore, Liu Zheng did not control it more carefully, but only used the most ordinary and ordinary laser gun group to attack it. I only saw that the continuous air-to-ground laser gun group began to fire and attack. And with that sound after another, the unique sound of attacks continued to sound, and Liu Zheng saw that the raindrop-like laser cannon began to shoot dense shells. This laser gun group shoots at a high speed with a damage value of 9 points per hit. Yes, although the damage value of nine points per hit is really not very powerful, then again, the shooting frequency of this laser cannon is quite high. And such a high firing frequency is enough to make up for the disadvantage of the lack of lethality of the single shell.

Yes, the dozens of battlecruisers attacked together, even if it was a laser artillery attack, it was quite powerful. The dozens of battlecruisers have surrounded the enemy's king insects into a semicircle, and the dense firepower, from all directions, to the enemy's king insects in the center, attacked with all their strength!

"Chi-choo-choo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

What Liu Zheng never expected was that his carefully prepared combat power would end up paying for the traffic.

Originally, Liu Zheng wanted to find some excuses for himself in terms of combat effectiveness, but now it seems that there is no need for those. The strength of the army, in any case, can't be used as an excuse for his failure. Up to now, it only shows that Liu Zheng, who has played the game, is indeed and still has a big problem in many aspects such as game control. Therefore, if you don't summarize it now, it will definitely trigger your control over the level of the game in the future. Therefore, although the battle is over now, Liu Zheng is also a real people. Naturally, he also has his own unique analysis and understanding of this battle. The reason is that, first, I have once again made the mistake I have made, that is, I am too neglecting the defense of my base. That's what the staff is like. And this is just like playing chess, just a pain in which to be greedy for attack. But he forgot the huge old danger facing his base.

And the check-out of each bill is actually a piece made by gritting your teeth. The way to solve it. Therefore, Liu Zheng's final decision is, first, resolutely do a good job in the defense of his base. As the saying goes, there will be no attack without defense. The second point is to further strengthen the understanding of those combat forces on your side. It is a specific law that divides the attributes of each combat power of God and the coordinated operation between them. The third point is also the most important point, that is, in any case, we should further add an understanding of the enemy's combat power, so as to truly achieve the combat effect of knowing yourself and knowing your enemy.

"It doesn't matter if you miss it once, but you can't go wrong forever. The so-called where to fall and where to get up, that's all. Liu Zhengtong felt a little smell from it.

Next, Liu Zheng and Yuan Qing, the head of state, made a self-pleath. Fortunately, Comrade Zhu Qing, the head of state, was still open-minded. He repeatedly stressed that this was mainly caused by Liu Zhengchu's entry into the interstellar battlefield, and said that it was much better than the cooperation between Duoming and Qingping. He also said that if Jing and Jiang Ming's performance had 30% of Liu Zheng, it would have been very good. Undoubtedly, these words gave Liu Zheng great confidence. Moreover, he is also secretly determined that he can't let himself down any more. Liu Zheng is not a person who always likes to deal with disappointment!


After trying several attack methods, Liu Zheng finally decided to try again and launch an attack on the enemy's headquarters base with that kind of ghost warrior. Of course, this kind of attack should belong to that kind of strategic attack, that is, to use their ghost warriors who have been set up as invisible mode to guide fusion missiles and launch attacks on the target and the enemy's headquarters base!

After making up his mind, Liu Sen didn't care, and another attack by the Zerg began towards his base. Instead, he carefully led his medical transport plane, carrying five invisible ghost warriors, and began to fly towards the direction of the enemy's headquarters base. As for why Liu Zheng has known the specific location of the enemy headquarters, it is naturally because, not long ago, Liu Zheng had commanded dozens of combat units and attacked the enemy's headquarters base. I wanted to succeed in one fell swoop, but I fell into a situation where I fled. The dozens of people didn't have a lifetime to live. And this is the main reason why Liu Zheng once again returned his tactics to the current strategic attack mode.

Because he was afraid of being discovered by the enemy's air defense force, Liu Zheng led the medical transport plane and was naturally careful when flying along that direction towards the target's position. However, after Liu Zheng's large-scale counterattack just now, the Zerg secretions on the ground have been much less, and many places have restored the unique vegetation in the interstellar space. However, after Liu Zheng's large-scale counterattack just now, on the ground, Some Zerg secretions have been much less, and many places have restored the unique vegetation in the interstellar, which seems to give people a sense of freshness. In this way, the medical transport plane, spraying the hooting tail flame, is flying in the direction of the enemy base headquarters at the fastest speed. At the edge of those huge stones, there are wide cracks, and under the cracks are unfathomable voids. There is something similar to a cloud, flowing between the cracks. On the so-called "continent", there are also some strange creatures, and most of them, whether animals or plants, Liu Zheng really can't say their names. However, most of the plants, especially those, are quaint, long, and even some desolate.

Finally, after about a minute of flight, Liu Zheng's medical transport plane finally stopped not far from all the plateaus of the Zerg headquarters base. In order not to attract the attention of the enemy, Liu Zheng led the medical transport plane to a jungle, and then invited the five invisible ghost warriors inside. They all slipped down the medical transport plane very skillfully along a thin rope that could hardly be seen, and soon fell into the jungle.

However, at this time, a rotten Zerg seemed to have found Liu Zheng's ghost warriors, so he actually flew towards their direction. However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng had long guessed that such a thing might happen, so he followed two battlecruisers. And now, such a scene has emerged.

Battlecruiser, attack! Weapon: Yamato cannon!" With Liu Zheng's order, the two Liu Zheng battlecruisers immediately turned around the fuselage and began their attack on the corrupters who were flying towards the five ghost warriors. A "buzzing" sound rose one after another, and then the orange light shone at the muzzle of the battlecruiser, as if it was constantly accumulating some energy. Finally, with the extreme rise in the frequency of the sound generated by the accumulation ability, a cannonball with dazzling golden light suddenly shot out from the mouth of the barrel. The shell crossed a straight line, dragged out a dazzling trajectory, and hit the target directly. And go. Moreover, its high-speed sound even melted the air around it. Then, the powerful attack shell named "plasma cannon" finally hit the target after a very short time of high-speed flight in the shortest time. So, a loud "boom" sound suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a strong explosion burst into the sky. The intensity of the explosive flame can also be seen from the brightness of the dazzling explosive firelight. Therefore, under this blow, the target was suddenly knocked out 300 points of health.