Star Trek

Chapter 98 Light and Shadow Fortress 11

Now, Liu Zheng's medical transport plane is stationed near the enemy's sub-base. Below is a very eye-catching vegetation, which looks very dense. Naturally, some interstellar creatures freely travel on it and fully enjoy the joy of life in the universe.

Originally, Liu Zheng's medical transport plane went to the enemy's headquarters base. However, now, Liu Zheng has suddenly changed his mind, that is, it is actually impossible to eat a fat man in one bite. Moreover, its current military operations, anyway, are only a sneak attack. In this way, it is almost impossible to cause large-scale damage to the enemy. It's true, it's very difficult. So, don't have too much appetite, it's almost enough!

So, later, Liu Zheng still changed his original idea of "straighting Huanglong" and set the goal lower and more realistic. In this way, when you attack and implement your own plan, you will naturally be more successful.

At this time, some of the enemy's combat strength, including the "Thunder Beast" running on the ground, and several "rotters" flying in mid-air, were rushing out of the main base of the Zerg and then running towards Liu Zheng's base. Moreover, these combat forces just flew by Liu Zheng's medical transport plane, but fortunately, they did not launch any attack on Liu Zheng's medical transport aircraft, which made Liu Zheng feel a little relieved. These combat forces also flew by Liu Zheng's medical transport plane, but fortunately, they did not launch any attack on Liu Zheng's medical transport aircraft, which made Liu Zheng feel a little relieved.

Then, soon after, Liu Zheng commanded his own medical transport plane to slowly fly to the enemy's sub-base. A sneak attack officially began.

After Liu Zheng's medical transport plane flew to the right position, with Liu Zheng's order, the two ghost warriors in it went down from the cabin of the medical transport plane along the rope, and their speed was so fast that it was shocking. Soon, the two ghost warriors stood still, and their bodies showed a translucent appearance - naturally Liu Zheng took the effect of invisibility treatment of them. Then, Liu Zheng prepared the "m fusion strike" missiles in the "Ghost Military Academy" in his base almost at that time, one, two, three~~~

"The fusion strike is ready!!" The fusion strike is ready!" The fusion strike is ready!"

Three consecutive "The fusion blow is ready!" After the system prompt sounded, Liu Zheng knew that the fusion attack could now be guided by the ghost warrior to attack the enemy's target, the sub-base! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the two ghost soldiers rushed to the enemy's sub-base one after another. They hold that kind of sniper shotgun in their hands and take that big step. Because they all look very slender, it gives people a feeling of "walking in".

The first attack target is an ore refinery with gas spring collection facilities on it. Around the ore refinery, there are all kinds of Zerg, which surged one after another, making the Zerg's secretion slurry into a mess. After seeing that scene, Liu Zheng couldn't help but have an impulse to vomit. However, Liu Zheng still resisted the evil feeling in his heart, and then continued to lead the two ghost warriors, causing the "polymer strike missile" successively. As a result, another fusion strike missile finally began. One of the ghost warriors, with the C-10 shotnel rifle in his hand, gently pointed to the ore refinery in the enemy base, so a white beam of light came out, and then the target was locked in a gray-white aperture. And that circle of gray signs is naturally the target area of the upcoming fusion missile. Soon after, the second ghost warrior carried out the same operation, which was naturally the second fusion missile attack triggered by Liu Zheng. At this time, the one that had just appeared a gray-white aperture. At this time, against the Zerg plasma, it had already turned blood red. Next, thirteen seconds passed in the strange sound of the tsunami. Liu Zheng knew that the tsunami-like roar was clearly the sound made by the fusion missile flying in the sky! Liu Zheng can imagine that two missiles broke through the wind in the sky, flying at a high speed, making a harsh roar, one after the other, one after the other... Finally, with a earth-shaking loud sound, an earthy yellow explosive fire light rose to the sky, and then the firelight that soared into the sky, It turned into a mushroom cloud and released huge energy fluctuations. Even the whole enemy base was illuminated by the dazzling explosion. The ground shook violently for a while, and it was difficult to see the true face of the attacked target for a while, which was tightly shrouded and covered by the dark golden explosive light.

Looking at the scene after such a spectacular fusion missile hit the target, Liu Zheng's eyes couldn't help staring wide. Wow, wow, it's really spectacular, it's really spectacular! The golden dazzling flash, the sky-like mushroom cloud-like storm waves, and the huge explosion wave triggered the scattered splashes of kingworm slurry around, all of which formed a perfect big explosion picture...

Then, at the sound of the first explosion, with the sharp and harsh roar, Liu Zheng knew that another fusion missile had flown again. Liu Zheng knows that for some general Zerg facilities, two fusion missiles are often necessary. For that core facility, such as Wang Chao, at least four fusion missiles can be killed...

"Boom ~~~" Another fusion missile roared and exploded. And this is the fifth fusion missile guided by Liu Zheng's two ghost warriors. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng has basically blown up the main facilities in this Zerg sub-base. And this fusion missile, Liu Zheng's bombing target, is the still dying ridge reptiles.

And this so-called "ji needle reptile" often propped out the slurry of the king worm's long front body, and it also sprays the white aerosol, which looks just like those cobras. , it looks very apprehensive.

However, no matter how terrible it is, it can't resist the explosive attack of the fusion missile. With a shocking noise, an earthy yellow explosive firelight rose to the sky, and then the skylight turned into a mushroom cloud and released a huge energy fluctuation. At the same time, the slurry of the king worms was blown away. After being blown into the air, they fell one after another. Moreover, in the process of scattering, there were countless broken limbs. The bloody stench blew with the wind, which made Liu Zheng almost nauseous.

Finally, after such a bombing, the Zerg base and the Zerg sub-base were finally blown up, and the fighting power of the Zerg and some Zerg military facilities in it also disappeared one by one. Moreover, with the disappearance of the king insect building, the Zergjiang everywhere slowly faded and faded, and finally restored the beautiful vegetation on the ground...


After that, Liu Zheng commanded his two ghost warriors, boarded the medical transport plane again, and then flew to the area shrouded in the dark curtain of war.

Liu Sen still knows a lot about this kind of medical transport aircraft, and he is also getting more and more appreciative. Yes, as a mobile reconnaissance and carrier air vehicle, this kind of medical transport aircraft has irreplaceable advantages. That is, its actions are very hidden. Or, more precisely, because this fighter does not have the ability to attack and does not have any weapons, it is naturally difficult to attract the attention and attention of the enemy. Yes, that's it. Even if it is discovered by the enemy's combat power during the flight, it doesn't matter. Almost all the enemy's combat power is interested in this kind of aircraft without any attack ability, so they regard it as a dispensable existence. Even if it is discovered by the enemy's combat power during the flight, it doesn't matter. Almost all the enemy's combat power is interested in this kind of aircraft without any attack ability, so they regard it as a dispensable existence.

In this way, it is naturally more free for this kind of medical transport aircraft. Therefore, it is still a good choice to use this kind of medical transport aircraft to carry some infantry combat power to carry out some tactical tasks.

At this time, a group of Zerg's combat power once again launched a fierce attack on Liu Zheng's headquarters base. However, Liu Zheng didn't take that as a matter at all. Liu Zheng is convinced that the defense of his base is enough to deal with all the threats of the enemy. As a military leader, Liu Zheng naturally has a very clear understanding of the existing defense forces in his base: 30 battlecruisers, more than 30 siege tanks, and 20 or 30 Thor mecha... In addition, there are more than 10 anti-aircraft missile launchers... Needless to say, just these battles Power, even if it is a rather strong attack, it will be more than enough to deal with the attack of the Zerg.

So, no matter where there was the sound of explosion, the screams when the Zerg' fighting power was killed, and even Liu Zheng saw the continuous explosion flash from there through the electronic map, Liu Zheng was almost indifferent. In addition, Mei Ting is still staying behind, which naturally reassures him.

So, his task is to lead his medical transport plane carrying two ghost warriors to fly towards the strange area. As the medical transport plane continued to move, the fog of war in front of it was torn away one after another, revealing the interstellar ground with good natural plants.

The rear of the medical transport plane sprayed the orange flame, and the fighter flew at a uniform speed at an altitude of several kilometers. Liu Zheng unconsciously switched his participation mode to the "role-playing" mode. He sat in the medical transport plane, looked through the string window, the lush interstellar vegetation on the ground, and looked at the mountains towering into the clouds retreating, the real empty space of the stars, Liao The distant scene made Liu Zheng sigh with emotion. At the edge of those huge stones, there are wide cracks, and under the cracks are unfathomable voids. There is something similar to a cloud, flowing between the cracks. On the so-called "continent", there are also some strange creatures, and most of them, whether animals or plants, Liu Zheng really can't say their names. However, most of the plants, especially those, are quaint, long, and even some desolate.

Finally, Liu Zheng led the medical transport plane carrying two ghost warriors and flew over another Zerg sub-base. However, in terms of scale, it is much larger than the one that Liu Zheng knocked down just now. In particular, it is obvious that there are a lot of Zerg fighting power, such as rotten people, eye insects, stinging snakes, thunder beasts and so on. Therefore, Liu Zheng couldn't help but hesitate. Wow, damn it, such a combat power, his own ghost warrior, should he not land here?

The main reason why Liu Zheng is considering such a problem is that although his kind of ghost warrior has a very good stealth ability, he also has a weakness, that is, the guy is too belligerent, and often without permission, it is always good. Open fire. In this way, the problem will follow. Since you opened fire and hit others first, the combat power of some Zerg will naturally be found in the attack. However, the actual situation is that when the two ghost warriors had just set foot on the continent, the two guys actually began to fire at the Zerg fighting forces in the enemy base!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was quite angry and said to himself, "Wow, damn it, how can you two little ghost warriors fight against those Zerg combat powers with various combat powers? Is this an arm as a car, or take an egg to touch a stone? Wow, you are looking for death!

Sure enough. The decomposers of the enemy flying in the air, several bright green rotten explosive balls suddenly fell down, and then there was a "bang" explosion. Then, Liu Sen's two ghost warriors were also wrapped by the green virus smoke. Then, as the screams kept coming, Liu Sen saw that the two ghost warriors of his own also died.

In fact, when Liu Sen saw his two ghost warriors just landed from the medical transport plane, from the first shot they fired, Liu Zheng had already determined that he, that is, those two guys, must be unlucky this time! Because from the way of fighting, they, the two ghost warriors, can only carry out that kind of sneak attack. However, in the face of such a large-scale enemy's combat power, they dare to fire. Mom, they really don't want to die!

Finally, soon, Liu Zheng's two ghost warriors were killed. Looking at the two guys lying on their backs, Liu Zheng knew that this mission had come to an end.

However, at Liu Zheng's current level of combat effectiveness, he naturally doesn't care about losing these two ghost warriors. Even if it's his medical transport plane, Liu Zheng doesn't care. Therefore, Liu Zheng immediately contacted Mei Ting and asked Mei Ting to send a medical transport plane again, carrying four ghost warriors (four ghost warriors, who are already the maximum load of the medical transport aircraft), and then went to those strange areas again. Anyway, now, Liu Zheng has recognized a little bit, that is, using this kind of ghost warrior to guide the fusion missile is definitely a very good way to attack. In particular, the kind of ghost warrior after setting up stealth, generally speaking, will not be found by the enemy. In this way, the attack of fusion missiles guided by them becomes possible.

And, judging from the previous practical effects, it's really good! Well, that's great! There is no need to use too many troops, just a few ghost warriors, guiding the fusion missiles in the base to attack. The lethality and the simplicity of the operation are highly appreciated by Liu Zheng!