Star Trek

Chapter 109 Step by step 5

In this way, under the joint attack of Liu Zheng's group of various combat forces, the enemy's group of Zerg forces that wanted to attack Liu Zheng's base camp retreated one after another and fled in the direction of Liu Zheng's base camp. However, at this time, Liu Zheng had informed Mei Ting to concentrate 70% of the combat strength of his base camp and formed a blockade line. Soon after, he met the Zerg combat power of the enemy who was retreating there. After a fierce battle, he finally annihilated the enemy's Zerg combat power department. Team...


In the following time, Liu Zheng originally wanted to use his own ghost warrior to guide the "polymer missile" with strong explosive power to hit the enemy's positions, but he did not expect that he would fail twice in a row. The reason is that in that piece of Zerg slurry, there is a spore reptile in ambush. He hit those enemy positions hard, but he didn't expect that he would fail twice in a row. The reason is that in that piece of Zerg slurry, there is a spore reptile in ambush. And that spore reptile can shoot a long tentacle, and once that long tentacle shoots out, it will firmly grasp the target without relaxing at all.

In Liu Zheng's two actions, although several ghost warriors were also sent out, none of them were beaten by the long tentacles of the spore reptiles and went away with the blood. One by one, Liu Zheng's ghost warriors fell into the pool of blood...< /P>

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help taking a breath of cold air and thought to himself: Wow, wow, damn it! I didn't expect that there were really some combat power in the Zerg's combat power! Well, it's really not to be underestimated, it's really not to be underestimated!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to take another small-scale disruptive attack. Therefore, Liu Zheng sent three iron crow fighters and began to attack from the side of the enemy's one, which seemed to be the side of the main base.

Naturally, if you use this "iron crow fighter" to attack, then naturally, it can only belong to that kind of tactical attack. Moreover, first of all, a defense network should be established. And this kind of defense network is exactly the unique defense ability of Liu Zheng's iron crow fighter, and it is also the reason for its unique skill, so naturally it cannot be abandoned.

"Setpoint defense target machine!" With Liu Zheng's order, the three Iron Raven fighters began to deploy that kind of "point defense target machine" at the edge of the enemy's base and its entrance and exit. In order to speed up the deployment of this "point defense target aircraft", Liu Zheng used the three Raven fighters at the same time and deployed them together. The Iron Raven fighter fought all over, and then released a fixed-point defense target plane to the designated place as if spitting out an object from its mouth. And the small fixed-point defense target machine, which looked like a small light ball, flew slowly, crossed a smooth curve, and flew. Finally, it stopped at that designated place.

In this strange sound of "yo-yo-yo", one by one fixed-point defense target aircraft were sprayed out by the three Liu Zheng's Iron Raven fighters, and then accurately laid in the designated place. Soon after, a defensive front with more than a dozen fixed-point defensive target planes was formed.

Moreover, just after the formation of the defense system of the fixed-point defense target machine, some of the enemy's Zerg combat power has begun to be eager to try in the face of the fixed-point defense target machines that are densely in the air. First, a corrupter, still in mid-air, is still carrying out the iron crow fighter set up in the defense network like a spider, projecting a series of green bacteria balls. First, a corrupter, still in mid-air, is still carrying out the iron crow fighter set up in the defense network like a spider, projecting a series of green bacteria balls. The series of green bacteria balls were constantly emitting layers of smoke-like light all over their bodies, and the goal was to directly hit Liu Zheng's three busy iron crow fighters.

However, just as the bacteria balls were about to hit the target, suddenly, Liu Zheng's more than a dozen fixed-point defense target machines, which had just stopped in the middle of the air, immediately began to shine brightly, and the counterattack against the series of launched green bacteria balls also opened. It started. I saw that with the strange and sharp sound of chirp calls, laser beams shot out from the fixed-point defense target machines one by one, shaking everywhere, flying up and down, and dancing wildly.

And in the network of laser beams formed by the dance of the flying and messy laser beams, some of the enemy's anti-aircraft missiles have basically been destroyed, and the laser beams emitted by the fixed-point defense target machine are still scattered, looking It looks very messy. The laser beams are shooting irregularly, and it looks like an art laser on the stage. So, in the forest of beams formed by the laser beam dancing up and down, the dark red light of the explosion shot away, and the sound of a roaring explosion was endless...

Seeing that the enemy's series of anti-aircraft missiles were knocked out by the laser beams emitted by his fixed-point target machine, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel a burst of joy. At the same time, he had a flash of inspiration, haha, haha, and then I continued to use the "hunting missile" of the iron crow fighter and hit him again! Anyway, I can beat you now, but you can't beat me!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the three iron ravens fighters shot their strongest blow - hunting missiles! Therefore, in the intersection of the laser beams emitted by the messy fixed-point defense target machine, the hunting missiles shot out one by one and buzzed. Although the speed of the flight was not very fast, Liu Zheng knew that the tracking ability of those hunting missiles was still particularly strong. . A metal sphere that looks like an iron thisrcus, with sharp iron thorns and a white beam of light, shoots towards the target. Although the flying speed of the ejected iron torcus ball is not very fast, it has a very good guidance ability.

While emitting that strange light, it rotates rapidly and slowly flies along a straight line. Wow, wow, damn it, Liu Zheng saw the hunting missiles and flew forward. Thinking of this thing, no matter what it met, it would be detonated. Whether it is the combat strength of the enemy or the combat strength of our own side, it is the same. So, in this way, the iron quincus ball looks like an unrelenting ghost, chasing the target of the enemy who is on the way. Finally, the chase was in place, collided, and exploded! Boom~~~~ Boom~~~~ With that loud sound, the firelight of the explosion went away, and at the same time, a fireball exploded golden yellow, looking like a small sun exploded. And the target, also in such a strong explosion, was almost blown out of all the health points...

In this way, Liu Zheng used the three iron crow fighters, mainly with its "point defense target machine", and after defeating several Zerg combat power in the enemy base, he was able to retreat completely. Leave more than a dozen fixed-point defense target aircraft and let some of the enemy's follow-up Zerg combat power fight there!

"Well, it seems that this is really a pretty good way! In the future, this method can still be used as one of the tactical means!" Liu Zheng couldn't help meditating.

However, for a period of time, it seems that I have not used the fusion attack guided by those ghost warriors at all. For that attack method, Liu Zheng knows that its lethality is absolutely not what some tactical missiles can achieve. That's almost a devastating attack! Therefore, once the attack is successful, especially for the critical military facilities of the enemy, once the attack is successful, it will bring great benefits to itself. Therefore, you should naturally grasp such an attack method.

So, Liu Zhengquan quickly produced another medical transport plane, and then loaded all four ghost warriors in. After that, he flew along the edge of the map to the core position of the enemy.

And the edge of the map is actually a series of cliffs, and the valley looks almost extremely deep - nature, interstellar space, of course, has no bottom, only a school of nothingness and illusory. Surrounded by smoke and clouds, the shadow of Liu Zheng's medical transport plane slowly passed by, and it looked like a ghost. And at the edge of the cliff, the trees that can only be seen in interstellar time and space stand tall, and some grow directly on the broken wall of the cliff, which looks even more dangerous...

The medical transport plane carrying the four ghost warriors, Liu Zheng, continues its journey. The reason why Liu Zheng chose such an action route is actually to avoid the attack of the enemy's anti-aircraft combat power. In this way, just try to walk on the edge of the map, and you can naturally avoid a lot of trouble. On the ground, there is still a very good interstellar vegetation, which looks very primitive and belongs to the pure natural situation. Occasionally, Liu Zheng saw that his medical transport plane would also fly over huge stones. Those stones looked strange, and at the edge of the boulders, there were wide cracks, and under the cracks, there was an unfathomable void. There is something similar to a cloud, flowing between the cracks. On the so-called "continent", there are also some strange creatures, and most of them, whether animals or plants, Liu Zheng really can't say their names. However, most of the plants, especially those, are quaint, long, and even some desolate.

However, although Liu Zheng was really well prepared for this operation, not long after his ghost warrior carrying four jumped to the ground from the medical transport plane to the target place. Those ghost warriors were besieged by a large number of Zerg combat power of the enemy - naturally, the famous ghost warriors could not resist the fierce attack at all. Soon after, they screamed and died with hatred.

After Liu Zheng saw this situation, he couldn't help sighing, wow, he! It's strange to be old. Obviously, he has set his ghost warrior to the invisible state, but how did it become like this? Once his kind of ghost warrior enters the enemy's base and meets the enemy's combat power, it seems that the invisible ability is almost invalid! Wow, wow, wow, he really can't hold back!

"Well, it seems that in order to give the enemy a fierce blow, now, I have to carry out the most heroic attack!" After thinking of this, Liu was in his second base and suddenly produced 30 Reaper mecha. Liu Zheng knows that the weapon used in this kind of "Reaper Mecha" is a weapon called "T2 explosive", which is very suitable for close attack. That is to say, once this kind of melee force is brought close to the goal, it also means that the goal will suffer great losses. After all, the explosive power of that T2 explosive is not a joke! It is very suitable for close attack. That is to say, once this kind of melee force is brought close to the goal, it also means that the goal will suffer great losses. After all, the explosive power of that T2 explosive is not a joke!

Soon after, 30 "Reaper Mecha" have been produced. Next, Liu Zheng sent fifteen Viking fighters, mainly to protect those Reaper mecha. After all, the anti-aircraft capability of that kind of Viking fighter is still very powerful.

"Let's go!" With Liu Zheng's order, I saw the 30 harvesters jumping directly from the high platform of Liu Zheng's base to the bottom of the high platform. Behind them, there is a long flame, which looks like that kind of flame tail. Yes, it's like a tail made of dragging flames.

"Huhu~~" In this way, the thirty Reaster mecha, under the cover of the ten Viking fighters, flew down the cliff, roared, and then jumped up a high mountain beam, and then came to the enemy's base camp. There, a Zerg's main factory: Wang Chong's nest, is stretching and shrinking there. The countless and depressed tentacles are stretching in all directions, curling, as if they want to grab everything, which looks very terrible.

However, in the face of Liu Zheng's sudden and large number of harvester mecha, although there is also a lot of combat power around the enemy's nest, after all, the number of Liu Zheng's harvester mecha is too large, and it is fundamentally difficult to eliminate the enemy's combat power at once. Therefore, at this time, the attack of Liu Zheng's 30 harvester mecha also began overwhelmingly!

"Boom ~~~~" Countless explosive bags have been projected into the Zerg's nest one after another, so a violent explosion continues to sound. Moreover, under such a dense explosive package attack, the health value of the most important unit in the Zerg base, the Zerg nest, has also dropped significantly. Finally, with a bang, it exploded. The countless remnants of the Zerg, impregnated with the countless dirty Zerg slurry, splashed up and shot away. Of course, after killing some of the king insect nests in the Zerg slurry, Liu Zheng's 30 harvester mechas were also killed one after another with the enemy's fighting power. The countless remnants of the Zerg, impregnated with the countless dirty Zerg slurry, splashed up and shot away. Of course, after killing some of the king insect nests in the Zerg slurry, Liu Zheng's 30 harvester mechas were also killed one after another with the enemy's fighting power. In the end, none of them could go back alive!

It's really the first time for Liu Zheng to have been killed so much at once! Liu Zheng actually has nothing to say about this. Yes, fighting has to pay a price and make sacrifices. However, the cost of such a one-time loss of 30 combat units is indeed a little big. However, after all, the most important Zerg nest in the locust enemy base was finally destroyed. In this case, this battle is worth fighting!