Star Trek

Chapter 110 Step by Step 6

There was no choice. In the end, Liu Zheng had to gather all his combat power, so dozens of battlecruisers, plus dozens of attack tanks and dozens of mecha, went into battle together. Finally, after losing a chariot factory, that is, the kind of "heavy factory" After the facility, he reluctantly drove out some of the enemy's Zerg combat power.

Reflection? Reflection!

Three minutes later, Liu Zheng finally woke up like a dream, and then, relying on his almost inexhaustible production and construction funds, he suddenly produced nearly 100 battlecruisers. Yes, now, Liu Zheng has really risked his life. If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent! Anyway, it's grandma's, whatever you like!

So, nearly a hundred battlecruisers formed a cluster and rushed from Liu Zheng's base to the base that had been mastered by the fighting power of the Zerg. Yes, since the war situation has developed to the current situation, there is no need to think about any combat tactics, mobilize all the forces, and then rush! See one to kill one, see two to kill a pair! Anyway, you can't keep the combat power of the enemy you see and the combat power of those Zerg alive! If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent! Liu Zheng made such a final plan!

At this time, the army had flown to the base of Liu Zheng, just on the plateau separated by a canyon. Then, looking at the Zerg military facilities one after another on the plateau base, Liu Zheng shouted calmly and softly, " Yaya, give it to me! See one to kill one, see two to kill a pair! Well, anyway, I just can't leave a living place! Light up and re-produce! No money? You deserve to lose!"

Yes, what is a sinking boat? What is reckless? It seems that this is nothing more than that. Facing the various Zerg combat facilities on the ground, Liu Zheng gave an order to fire all the nearly 100 battlecruisers to attack together! Imagine what the large-scale and large-scale attack effect will be caused when nearly 100 battlecruisers fire together?

Almost from all directions, a black battlecruiser opened fire at the same time. Of course, in this case, it is impossible to use that special attack mode - the attack of the Yamato gun. Instead, it is only the attack of the general weapon - the attack of the laser beam gun group. I only saw that the continuous air-to-ground laser gun group began to fire and attack. And with that sound after another, the unique sound of attacks continued to sound, and Liu Zheng saw that the raindrop-like laser cannon began to shoot dense shells. This laser gun group shoots at a high speed with a damage value of 9 points per hit. Yes, although the damage value of nine points per hit is really not very powerful, then again, the shooting frequency of this laser cannon is quite high. And such a high firing frequency is enough to make up for the disadvantage of the lack of lethality of the single shell.

Liu Zheng really didn't expect that the opponent he met would be so difficult this time. From a tactical point of view, Liu Zheng has basically exhausted all means. However, it is still difficult to work. On the contrary, some of the enemy's combat power still seems to have a tendency to fight more and more. Wow, damn it, this, this, this, what should I do?

"Well, it seems that I have to think of a new battle plan! Well, we have to think of a new combat plan!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but think of some methods used by the Zerg forces when fighting, that is, the joint use of multiple arms. Yes, Liu Zheng remembered some of his tactics. Basically, he relied on one kind of arms alone and rarely fought that kind of multi-arms mixed warfare. It seems that this should be a good strategy to defeat the enemy. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling and thought to himself: Wow, wow, it seems that you have to learn from anyone, even if you follow those bugs!


A earth-shaking battle.

It should be said that in that fierce battle, Liu Zheng almost used the combat power he used, and also relied on his own base to continuously produce a steady stream of combat power, and then it was also continuously transported to the front line. Even so, it is still Liu Sen's base. In the end, he was still besieged by the Zerg fighting power.

This really made Liu Zheng stupid. Wow, wow, wow, that's what he did! The combat power of those Zerg is powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, I didn't expect it to be so powerful! Laozi's power, but the jump has dozens of heads, whether it is battlecruisers, those iron crow fighters, etc. However, so much combat power, under the attack of some of the overwhelming Zerg fighting power, unexpectedly quickly turned into smoke and dust. Therefore, this is the situation where it has its own base and is besieged by the combat power of the Zerg. The situation is really not good!

Occasionally, Liu Zheng will also individually control a battlecruiser, and then use its special attack weapon - Yamato cannon, and then launch a fierce attack on some of the enemy's combat power targets with strong attack power. A "buzzing" sound rose one after another, and then the orange light shone at the muzzle of the battlecruiser, as if it was constantly accumulating some energy. Finally, with the extreme rise in the frequency of the sound generated by the accumulation ability, a cannonball with dazzling golden light suddenly shot out from the mouth of the barrel. The shell crossed a straight line, dragged out a dazzling trajectory, and hit the target directly. And go. Moreover, its high-speed sound even melted the air around it.

In fact, for Liu Zheng, this kind of attack of Yamato cannon is sometimes really a long and long time to wait. It seems that it has experienced several centuries of ups and downs. However, Liu Zheng also knew that once the attack was successful, he would definitely hit the target. Then, it will definitely cause great lethality. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that with the sound of the sound of the light bomb, the powerful attack shell named "Plasma Cannon" finally hit the target in the shortest time, after a very short period of high-speed flight. So, a loud "boom" sound suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a strong explosion burst into the sky. The intensity of the explosive flame can also be seen from the brightness of the dazzling explosive firelight. Therefore, under this blow, the target was suddenly knocked out 300 points of health.

However, at this time, suddenly, there was a sound of a tight alarm from the direction of Liu Zheng's base, which sounded extremely harsh. Wow, what, when I took advantage of Laozi's attack on its base, the main force of the Zerg also went to attack Laozi's base?

And now, Liu Zheng is also red-eyed, and no longer cares about those three-seven twenty-one things, just blindly attacks, attacks, and attacks again!

"It seems that now, it depends on who is fast! Well, which one is the fastest, then it often means that it can win the final victory!" Liu Zheng kept cheering himself up. However, just as the few Zerg military facilities were destroyed in the enemy's base, suddenly there was a news that "you have been defeated by the Zerg" came from the system.

"Wow! It seems that my base has been trapped in the end of that kind of Zerg combat power!" After seeing that news, Liu Zheng couldn't help but say nothing for a long time.


There was no choice but to retreat to his last backup base. Yes, that base is my last foothold in this interstellar space. Damn, I really didn't expect that I would fall to such a point! Alas!

"Start again! Just take it as if you pay the tuition fee once!" Liu Zheng had to comfort himself. However, at this time, Liu Zheng's hand involuntarily shook. Yes, anyway, this base is indeed my last base and my last homecoming. In any case, I can't make any more difference.

And this time, for Liu Zheng, that was almost the last opportunity, Liu Zheng decided to give his opponent a sudden attack first. It's also a bad breath for yourself! Damn, the battle just now is really too cowardly!

Therefore, after Liu Zheng consolidated his base, he then produced five iron crow fighters, and at the same time used two medical transport planes to load some ghost warriors (of course, Liu Zheng had also taken the lead in setting it up invisibility before that). After that, a Under the order, such a revenge expedition team flew towards the direction of the enemy's base (for Liu Zheng, that direction is also roughly judged).

It was not until this time that Liu Zheng found that in fact, this piece of land was an abandoned ship. However, because it has been too long, it is covered with thick dust. Moreover, what makes people feel very amazing is that there are actually some vegetation on it, which looks gloomy and vigorous.

In this way, in the air on the abandoned ship, Liu Zheng's five Iron Raven fighters and the two medical transport planes loaded with ghost warriors roared. At the edge of those huge stones, there are wide cracks, and under the cracks are unfathomable voids. There is something similar to a cloud, flowing between the cracks. On the so-called "continent", there are also some strange creatures, and most of them, whether animals or plants, Liu Zheng really can't say their names. However, most of the plants, especially those, are quaint, long, and even some desolate.

However, through those large and small gaps, Liu Zheng can also see that there is a strong light coming from those gaps. It can also be seen that this is a large shipwreck floating in the air.

At this time, Liu Zheng's unit has approached the enemy's base. It is a high platform, above which the base of the Xingling clan is undergoing intense and orderly production and construction. Liu Zheng thought for a moment and decided that it was also an attempt to use the ghost warrior to guide that kind of fusion missile to attack. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so a ghost soldier, with a long sniper rifle, walked towards the entrance of the enemy base. Its slender figure looks very thin. However, Liu Zheng knew that behind that thin body was a very terrible force.

At this time, at the entrance and exit of the enemy base, some of the enemy's star spirit forces also gathered there. At this time, Liu Zheng's ghost warrior has entered his attack position, and the guided fusion missile attack is about to begin! One of the ghost warriors pointed gently to the enemy's command center with the C-10 shotder rifle in his hand, so a white beam of light shot out, and then the target was locked in a gray-white aperture. Next, thirteen seconds passed in the strange sound of the tsunami. Finally, with an earth-shaking sound, an earthy explosive firelight rose to the sky, and then the skylight turned into a mushroom cloud and released a huge energy fluctuation. Even the whole enemy base was illuminated by the dazzling explosion. The ground shook violently for a while, and it was difficult to see the true face of the attacked target for a while, which was tightly shrouded and covered by the dark golden explosive light.

And some of the enemy's star spirit combat power, including several empty glowing ships, some hunters and so on, happened to be at the explosion point of the fusion missile. Therefore, naturally, there is no doubt that the combat power of those star spirit clans has been blown into nothingness by the huge explosive force. They happened to be at the bomb site of the fusion missile, so naturally, there is no doubt that the fighting power of those star spirits was blown into nothingness by the huge explosive force.

In this way, Liu Zheng continuously bombed the entrance and exit of the enemy base, creating the bombing of fusion missiles again and again, thus blowing up the battle power of the batches of the Xingling clan to scatter, and the wreckage with broken arms everywhere. It is also because the combat power of some Xingling clans has to start from the entrance and exit of that base and go to Liu Zheng's base to attack, so they often gather there first. And Liu Zheng, that is, seized this opportunity and used a ghost combat power to continuously attack through the extremely powerful "polymer missile", killing a large number of batches of enemy combat power.

Until there is no longer so much fighting power of the Xingling clan to gather there. Only then did Liu Zheng think that he should change the way of attack. That is, to throw the ghost warriors onto the enemy's base and launch a direct attack on the military facilities in the enemy's base. In that case, it will naturally be better to form a direct attack on the target. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng used one of the medical transport planes, that is, to throw the ghost warriors to the enemy's base and directly attack the military facilities in the enemy's base. In that case, it is naturally better to form a direct attack on the target. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng used one of the medical transport planes to take in the ghost warrior who had attacked many times, and then turned a big bend to fly to the enemy's base in that roundabout way to achieve the strategic goal of super-attacking the target.

The rear of the medical transport plane is spewing the powerful tail flame. Although its flight speed is not very fast, it is much larger than the infantry speed of the ghost warrior. And as the medical transport plane carrying a ghost warrior flew around, the shadow projected by the medical transport plane on the ground was also much larger. And as the medical transport plane carrying a ghost warrior flew in circles, the shadow projected by the medical transport plane on the ground also moved faintly...

And on the edge of the "world ship" some distance away from the enemy base, Liu Zheng's other strategies - another medical transport aircraft and those iron crow fighters, are waiting there. Once things go wrong, they will keep up immediately...