Star Trek

Chapter 111 Wind and Clouds 1

Liu Zheng calculated that this battle with those Zerg has been going on for a long time. However, the progress is still not very large. Perhaps the combat strength of those Zerg is particularly powerful, or perhaps it is that their technical and tactical level still needs to be improved. In short, Liu Zheng is really passive now. He is always summarizing experience and learning lessons, but the effect is not always very good. However, Liu Zheng also has to admit that if he wants to make progress, first of all, he must use that kind of mixed combat power to deal with some of the enemy's Zerg combat power. It seems that there is only one way.

However, Liu Zheng quickly realized that in fact, in the final analysis, the most important thing is the number of combat power. Yes, that's it. If you can have a continuous fighting power on your side, then you won't be afraid of the fighting power of those Zerg.

But often, in any case, the production speed of your own combat power here is always not as fast as that consumed on the battlefield. Therefore, Liu Zheng is now thinking about how to increase the number of combat power, which is naturally understandable.

"If you have multiple combat production units, for example, if you have multiple heavy factories or multiple star ports, what will it look like?" A proposition quickly entered Liu Zheng's mind.

"Well, okay, that's it!" Liu Zheng quickly verified the feasibility of this proposition. Yes, the reason is actually very simple. The production speed of three heavy factories is naturally much faster than that of one heavy factory! Therefore, Liu Sen decided to transfer a few workers from his base camp, and then build several heavy factories and several star ports on top of his second base. In this way, once you have enough heavy factories and Xinggang, things will naturally be much easier to do. Yes, that's it. Having three times the original heavy factory and Xinggang is naturally equivalent to having three times the original production speed.

returned to his base camp, and then loaded several workers into the medical transport plane. Then, Liu Zheng gave an order, and the medical transport plane began to set sail.

In fact, it won't take long to reach your second base from your own base camp. Along the way, it is naturally also the wind. Moreover, if you are not careful, you will encounter some resistance of the enemy's combat power. Fortunately, the target of your medical transport aircraft is smaller, and because it does not have any attack power, it often does not become some of the enemy's combat power attacks. Object.

Below, the interstellar terrain is full of strangeness. The peaks are constantly flashing, and the strange interstellar vegetation is also constantly showing the charm of the ** person to Liu Zheng. Moreover, often, between several mountains, there will be some valleys across, and the peaks are often as straight and steep as knives, towering. At the edge of those huge stones, there are wide cracks, and under the cracks are unfathomable voids. There is something similar to a cloud, flowing between the cracks. On the so-called "continent", there are also some strange creatures, and most of them, whether animals or plants, Liu Zheng really can't say their names. However, most of the plants, especially those, are quaint, long, and even some desolate.

Finally, after half a minute of flight, the medical transport plane finally flew over its second base. Then, Liu Sen released one of the five workers from the medical transport plane and began its construction. Yes, because of this kind of construction, you don't need too many workers, so you just need that one.

And on the other side, the enemy's combat strength, including some thunder beasts and so on, is attacking Liu Zheng's second base. However, it seems that the scale is not very large. Fortunately, Liu Zheng has also set up a defensive force there for a long time, whether it is air-to-air or ground, battlecruisers, siege guns, etc., as well as Thor mecha and Viking fighters, which are almost all-enhan. Therefore, if there is no real large-scale corps to provoke, it is not easy to break through your own defense line so easily.

Finally, after three minutes of busy construction, two star ports and two heavy factories have been built. In addition to the original Xinggang and heavy factory, there are a total of three Xinggang and heavy factories. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling and felt that the situation seemed to be very good.

"Well, that's it, let's start production! I want to let those Zerg's fighting forces see what efficient production is!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the three Xinggang and three heavy factories began to work one after another. Moreover, because Liu Sen has already set up, all the production of combat power is gathered at the "No. 5" high platform, so there is a continuous stream of siege guns, battlecruships, Thor mecha, etc. from their own No. 2 base. It was produced, and then rushed to the "No. 5" platform...

This time, it should be said that Liu Zheng has really moved his old capital. At the same time, three heavy factories and Xinggang are sending all kinds of combat forces to the target location. Of course, among these combat forces, they are still dominated by battlecruisers, siege tanks and Viking fighters. These two ground-to-air and air-to-air weapons have always been the main combat forces on the battlefield.

Then, Liu Sen turned his mind: Well, in this way, once he constantly sends combat power to the "No. 5" plateau platform, then the main combat forces of the Zerg will definitely send combat power from their base to the No. 5 plateau platform to eliminate their own troops there. In this way, it just provides an opportunity for yourself, that is, its main base will definitely be empty, so in this way, you will send a large number of troops there and then dig out its old nest~~~

In this way, as the "No. 5" platform highland was continuously sent a large amount of combat power by Liu Zheng. Sure enough, the enemy also sent troops from its base to there, such as eye worms, thunder beasts, corrupters, infected people, thorn snakes, etc., all kinds of Zerg combat power, from its In the old nest, they went to the No. 5 platform highland of the plateau one after another.

Liu Zheng knows that the reason why the enemy is very interested in the No. 5 plateau platform highland is that they value it so much. That is, the geographical location of that plateau platform is very important, which can almost be said to be related to the Zerg. The gate of the main position. And once it is lost, then the main position of the Zerg will also be lost, because there will be no more natural danger to rely on.

"Well, in this case, some of the enemy's Zerg forces, which value here so much, can be understood." After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help nodding secretly.

At this time, nearly 100 kinds of combat forces have been gathered at that plateau platform. Liu Zheng believes that the nearly 100 combat power can, in any case, delay the combat power of the enemy's Zerg, so as to make full preparations for himself to kill him.

"Up!" At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the combat power of the Zerg had basically been exerted a lot, so he gave an order that 30 battlecruisers (which had been specially produced for a long time to deal with the old nest of the Zerg) started from his base and walked slowly along the edge of the map. That Zerg's old nest base, rush!

"Wow, damn it, I'd like to see how powerful you are! Isn't it just an old nest base of the Zerg? What's great! What's so great? Laozi's 30 battlecruisers have quite sufficient attack power! There is no discussion about hitting you!" While gritting his teeth, he carefully commanded the 30 battlecruisers and rushed to the old Zerg nest base.

Naturally, there will not be without any defensive combat power. However, Liu Sen does not pay attention to the defense power of those Zerg that are no longer many. He knows that with the defense ability of his battlecruiser, he naturally does not want to defeat it at once. It's so easy.

Moreover, as long as they are cruel and grit their teeth and destroy some of the most important military facilities in the old nest of the Zerg, they will no longer have the power to produce and build. Whether it is their military facilities or their military strength, they will destroy some less and some less. .

In the great bombardment of the enemy's Zerg defense forces, Liu Zheng carefully searched for the "king's nest" of the Zerg. Liu Zheng knew that as long as the king's nest was destroyed, it would be equivalent to the most critical construction factory of the Zerg. Even if you pay a big price for this, it is still wishful.

Finally, finally, finally found it! Just at the place of the insects of the Zerg base, the long tentacles are stretched, looking like floating bath leaves floating in the depths of the sea. And now that you have seen the goal, you can't show mercy! Therefore, under an order, 30 battlecruisers opened fire at the same time, towards the target, and began to attack Wang Chao, the sacred tool of the Zerg clan, with all their strength.

Because 30 battlecruisers are controlled at once, it is naturally impossible to specifically control their "Yamato cannons" anymore. Therefore, the most general "laser gun group" has become the main attack force. Although that kind of "laser gun group" is much less powerful than that kind of Yamato cannon. However, if 30 battlecruisers fire at the same time, it is also quite terrible! At this time, 30 battlecruisers surrounded the target into a semicircular arc and attacked the nest of the Zerg with all their strength! I only saw that the continuous air-to-ground laser gun group began to fire and attack.

It is a high-density and high-frequency attack. Countless attack guns ignited one after another, looking as dense and fierce as raindrops. And with that sound after another, the unique sound of attacks continued to sound, and Liu Zheng saw that the raindrop-like laser cannon began to shoot dense shells. This laser gun group shoots at a high speed with a damage value of 9 points per hit. Yes, although the damage value of nine points per hit is really not very powerful, then again, the shooting frequency of this laser cannon is quite high. And such a high firing frequency is enough to make up for the disadvantage of the lack of lethality of the single shell.

In this way, after a full attack, under the attack of the absolute superior force, finally, Liu Zheng's unit, a force composed of 30 battlecruisers, finally knocked out the enemy's old Zerg nest base! Almost all the military facilities inside have been destroyed without any existence. Moreover, the Zerg combat power of those enemy troops, all those who rushed up, were also killed.

Liu Zheng knows that in this way, the whole war situation is already very beneficial to him. It can also be said that now, I have basically mastered the situation. However, now, the only enemy's combat power is the enemy's second sub-base that still persists in resisting. There, it seems that all the military facilities are intact, and the number of Zerg combat power is also quite large. After seeing this, Liu Sen couldn't help narrowing his eyes and meditating for a while. Soon, a battle plan was immediately taken out: with his condescending geographical advantage of his combat power, he concentrated dozens of siege tanks! Launch a fierce attack on the ground building in the second base of the Zerg!

Of course, what must be done is to achieve the support of air combat power! Well, the support of air combat power can be composed of battlecruisers or Viking fighters. Of course, as a "Thunder God mecha" that can be used both against the air and the ground, it should naturally play an important role.

After thinking of this, on the one hand, Liu Zheng sent nine Thor mechas to block the entrance and exit of his "No. 5" high platform position as a barrier to cover the attack of the siege artillery behind him. Then, Liu Zheng mobilized 20 siege guns from his second base, and also switched its attack mode to " siege mode". In this way, whether it is lethal or attack distance, it is naturally more powerful.

Fifteen seconds later, his 20 siege tanks were finally in place. When Liu Zheng unfolded it, he found that, as expected, his attack radius had covered some of the enemy's military facilities far away. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack also began!

Moreover, because Liu Zheng has been fully prepared for all aspects, especially the defense of the enemy's air power, he has achieved 100% of the situation. Therefore, the attack of the 20 siege tanks on the ground this time is quite reassuring and basically not disturbed by any combat power of the enemy. At first, the siege guns slowly rotated, and naturally they were aiming at the target. Then, with a loud "boom", the fiery red light flashed at the mouth of the gun. At the same time, the siege gun was full of fierce battle, and the huge recoil caused it to retreat suddenly. Then, a huge shell shot out, so fast that it could hardly see its flight at all. The trajectory.

"Wow, damn it! Look at that situation, it's almost earth-shaking! Tens of thousands of cannons are ringing, and these words are almost impossible! Haha, haha, happy, happy, this is simply too happy!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but be unaware of the almost spectacular scene in front of him. The targets that were attacked also kept ringing with the roar of the siege guns. After the huge shells were hit, the whole body ignited with flames in an instant. At the same time, the targets also shook with the rhythm of the siege guns. For a while, the whole battlefield was almost shaking. In particular, when the 20 siege guns fired almost together, the target of the attack became a sea of fire almost in a blink of an eye.

"Well, it seems that we need to push forward further! Push forward again. In this way, with the great power of these 20 siege tanks, I can push the remaining base targets of the enemy. In this way, with the great power of these 20 siege tanks, I can push the remaining bases of the enemy. Target the ground, catch it all!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order and saw that his 20 siege tanks immediately turned into the "tank mode". They rushed down the valley from the high platform and rushed to the last enemy base.