Star Trek

Chapter 115 Wind and Clouds 5

From that interstellar space, I suddenly switched back to this game copy, and I was really not used to it. Thinking of the right and wrong and smoke in the interstellar space, thinking of all the days of war in that space, and the struggle between the Zerg, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sigh in his heart.

Yes, compared with the emptiness of interstellar space, the world here is more calm and beautiful. The mountains are high and the water is green, the scenery is charming, the bees and butterflies dance, and flocks of cattle and sheep.

"Brother Zheng, how quickly did the enemy launch an attack on us? After all, it hasn't been in operation for a long time! Call, I really don't know what those enemies are thinking!" Mei Ting said helplessly.

"Hmm, the more powerful it is, the less powerful it will be. In this case, why are we afraid of it? Everything won't go anywhere." Liu Zheng couldn't help comforting, Mei Ting said.

"Aren't he attacking us with farmers? Well, how about we use our workers to fight against him? I don't believe that our workers will be worse than their farmers!" Liu Zheng said angrily.

"Well, you use farmers to attack my base, so can't I use workers to fight against you? Cut! Really! Even if you are belligerent, you can't send farmers to war!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but disdain.

At this time, the five or six farmers of the enemy were working hard, holding spears in their hands, and poking at Liu Zheng's barracks.

However, those workers, under the command of Liu Zheng, have also rushed over. At this time, a hammer suddenly came out of their hands, constantly waving, and collided with the furniture in the hands of some of the enemy farmers.

At this time, some of the lowest combat forces on both sides - in fact, strictly speaking, whether it is farmers or workers, it is not a real combat power. At this time, a heavy cavalry suddenly came out of the barracks. Haha, hahaha, hahaha~~ After seeing this scene, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing happily. Not bad, the production speed of my barracks is not very slow. Well, it's not very slow! Just as he sent his own workers to fight against the peasants of the enemy, he also set up a production plan for three heavy cavalry. Unexpectedly, it was produced so quickly.

With the appearance of the two or three heavily armed cavalry, they saw their battlefield shouting and rushed to the enemy's peasants. The spear in his hand stabbed forward and heard a "plop". Immediately, two or three enemy farmers were immediately killed.

"Hey, hey, hey, this special combat power is still powerful, or this special combat power is powerful!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing.

And then, Liu Zheng naturally continued to lead his workers to continue to look for resource fields. At this time, I don't know when it began to rain heavily in the sky, so I went to continue to look for the resource field. At this time, I don't know when it started to rain heavily in the sky. Moreover, from time to time, thunder and lightning crossed the sky, which looked very horrible and gloomy.

However, no matter how heavy the rain is, you have to find that resource place! Otherwise, you don't have the money to hire more scholars to go to your city center, and you have to find that resource place! Otherwise, there is no money to hire more scholars to go to your city center, so you can't accumulate more scientific and technological points, so that you can't compare with others on scientific and technological achievements, and eventually be defeated because of backwardness.

So, in the wind and rain, Liu Zheng continued to lead the workers and ran around in the wind and rain. Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that a yellow golden light shone in front of him! Wow, what kind of light is that? Is this dazzling? It seems that there are treasures there?

Thinking like this, Liu Zheng led his workers to have a look. Hey, hey, hey, just under a big tree, there is actually a golden god statue ~ Liu Zheng knows that once this kind of golden god statue is obtained, he can get a lot of funds or material resources. However, often, next to such a statue or temple, there will be something to guard. If you want to get that thing, you have to defeat the guarding thing. Sometimes, it is some crazy beasts, and sometimes some very weak tribes.

However, what made Liu Zheng very happy was that this time, next to the golden god, there was no guard power. This made Liu Zheng very happy. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

So, Liu Zheng commanded his workers to lean against the golden statue not far in front of him, and 350 materials were included in Liu Zheng's account. The beauty in Liu Zheng's heart can't be expressed in words. However, at this moment, a sound of alarm came from his base again. Hearing this, Dingdang's subsequent collisions continued. He was sure that his base must have been attacked by the enemy again!

"Wow, damn it, the other party is really a belligerent guy! Several farmers were sent here just now. What did they send this time? I'm going to go and have a look!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng changed his perspective.

And Liu Zheng looks at it, it doesn't matter! It turns out that there are nearly 20 people on the periphery of their base, including spearmen, archers and so on! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be anxious. Because at this time, the enemy infantry were attacking Liu Zheng's house outside the base! Moreover, with the deepening of their attack, the health value of the house has been destroyed by 30 to 40 percent, because at this time, the enemy infantry are attacking Liu Zheng's house outside the base! Moreover, with the deepening of their attack, the health value of that house has also been destroyed by 30 to 40 percent. Naturally, loyalty has also dropped significantly.

"That's okay, that's okay"! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be anxious. With an order, he gathered five Macedonian heavy cavalry that had been produced and rushed straight to the enemy's group of infantry.

"hui hui hui hui~~~~~~~" The war horse roared, and with the sound of the horse's hoof of "tattering", Liu Zheng saw that his five Macedonian heavy cavalry looked like arrows leaving the string. At this time, he had rushed to In the array of enemy infantry, the hands and guns fell, Dingdang, so another battle, another battle between cavalry and infantry, immediately began.

"Ah~~~~" With the powerful halberd of Liu Zheng's Macedonian cavalry flying up and down, people rely on horse power, and the two rely on each other. The combination of two forces is naturally much more powerful than ordinary spearmen. Therefore, soon, more than five or six enemy gunmen had been killed by this time.

"Wush~~~~" With the sharp sound of breaking wind, feather arrows broke through the air and shot at Liu Zheng's several Macedonian soldiers one after another. As a result, the health of one of his own Macedonian soldiers dropped rapidly. At this time, there was less than 20% of his health left.

"Long-range attack?" After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling and said, "What the hell, how dare you play this with me!" OK, OK, OK, OK, in this case, I'll let you try it. What is an all-outing attack? In this case, I'll let you have a taste. What is an all-out attack!" So, with Liu Zheng's order, he immediately pulled out two of the five Macedonian heavy soldiers, and then bypassed the spearmen, hiding behind, and constantly rushing to the target in front of him - Liu Zheng's Macedonian heavy cavalry archers who shot arrows!

Yes, Liu Zheng naturally knows that some archers are hiding in the end. The long-range attack power should be like this. In front of it, there are often some melee forces to cover their long-range attack forces. Otherwise, once they are approached by the enemy's melee forces, then some archers will become worthless.

In this way, as Liu Zheng's three Macedonian cavalry circled behind the archers of the enemy, they were killed in pain. And how could the archers of the enemy's tributes not stand such a powerful close-range killing? So, soon, one by one, were killed in the blood splash, and a miserable cry echoed in the wilderness. On the ground, blood and rain were mixed together, and for a moment, it really became a scene of blood flowing into a river.

However, at this time, after destroying the enemy's group of infantry, Liu Zheng finally saw that there was a factory and mining site next to the battlefield just now! Haha, haha, I finally found a material collection site! I finally found a material collection site!

So, Liu Zheng ordered his workers to build a warehouse next to the stone mine. Only after the warehouse is built there can their workers collect stone. So, I saw that my group of workers immediately went to the ground enthusiastically. The tools are dancing wildly, and the sweat is splashing everywhere. It's really a small sweat, a small sweat! And the progress of that warehouse has gradually revealed some prototypes over time...

In this way, with the successful construction of another material collection site, naturally, the speed of material collection in Liu Zheng's base has also accelerated a lot.

"Well, now, the base construction method has basically stabilized its position! It has basically stabilized its position! In this case, you should also produce more combat power in the next step! Otherwise, once attacked by the enemy's combat power, I have nothing here. If I don't have enough combat strength to support it, then I'm only afraid of building my base. Otherwise, once attacked by the enemy's combat power, I have nothing here and I don't have enough war. If the fighting force supports it, then, I'm afraid that the construction of your own base will not last long!" Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning and thinking carefully.

"We have to produce a few more Macedonian heavy cavalry, and then we have to produce a few crossbow guns! With the passage of time, the enemy must have produced a crossbow gun at this time! Therefore, instead of having your own combat power unnecessarily buried under the enemy's artillery or catapult when the time comes, it's better to produce some quickly! Guns against cannons, fight soldiers with soldiers!" Liu Zheng couldn't help meditating.

Just as Liu Zheng produced three crossbow guns, a larger attack by the enemy began. The enemy's attack this time is mainly based on long-range attack forces, bows and arrows. In front of them are more than a dozen halberd soldiers. In the face of such combat power, Liu Zheng really said something for a while. Wow, damn it, this time, it seems that the person who came really came is really bad.

It seems that the enemy naturally knows the way of fighting. Yes, that's it. The long halberd soldiers in the front are responsible for covering, while the "bow and arrow chariot" in the back is responsible for long-range attacks. In this way, it is really easy to cause great lethality when they cooperate with each other.

Fortunately, Liu Zheng and Liu Zheng already have three crossbow guns in his hand. And this kind of crossbow gun is relatively more lethal to long-range targets than the enemy's "bow and arrow chariot".

At this time, with the sound of horses' hoofs gradually fading away, Liu Zheng saw his group of Macedonian heavy cavalry, yes, the group of Macedonian heavy cavalry, which had rushed into the enemy's group of halberds in the front, and then rushed left and right there. The blade shook, where the long gun stabbed, blood splashed, and his own group of Macedonian heavy cavalry, yes, the group of Macedonian heavy cavalry. At this time, the group that had rushed into the front halberd of the enemy, and then rushed left and right there, the blade shook, and the spear stabbed it. There, blood splashed, and the miserable cry also echoed in the shadow of swords.

"Wosh~~~~" With the sound of the harsh feather arrow flying in the air, Liu Zheng saw that some feather arrows had crossed the arc-shaped tracks one after another. It looked like rain, hitting Liu Zheng's Macedonian heavy cavalry fiercely.

"Ah ah ah~~~" Liu Zheng's Macedonian heavy cavalry, immediately splashed blood under the attack of the rain-like arrow, and after losing the last bit of health, suddenly there was a long roar, and then even people and horses fell to the ground. Soon after, they died. Dropped. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but boil his blood. Wow, damn it, damn it. Where is my crossbow? Where is my crossbow? Why don't you attack me?

In fact, it's not that the three crossbow guns are not powerful. It's true. The cooling time of that kind of crossbow gun is indeed too long, too long! It takes at least seven or eight seconds between the two attacks. Although its lethality is still great, it is really a problem compared with their too long cooling time. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order, and the five stone machines went out together and attacked the enemy's infantry. One of the soldiers raised a huge stone and placed it in the depression of the catapult, and then the other soldier pulled the mechanism. There was a loud "bang", and then a huge stone shot up from the depression of the catapult, with a roaring sound of breaking through the air, crossed a smooth arc, accurately shot down the enemy's cavalry, and made a loud "boombling" sound. At the same time, a group of confused dust rose to the sky, covering people's eyes and covering the strength of the enemy's cavalry, which could not be seen clearly at all.

"Boom, boom, boom," huge shells fell on the enemy's bow and arrow chariots, soared to the sky with a burst of position explosion, and the enemy's bow and arrow chariots also flew into the sky as they were blown up. The dust and sand, mixed with the wreckage and fragments of the four-shot chariot, were bombed into the sky, and then fell from the sky one after another...