Star Trek

Chapter 116 Wind and Clouds 6

After defeating the enemy's large-scale attack, the enemy's attack seemed to have been suppressed to a certain extent and was no longer so rampant, just a small-scale attack. However, this is no longer a threat to Liu Zheng's increasingly powerful military power.

Under such a big*, Liu is building a second city center in the northwest of his first base. There is a stone mine, which is more conducive to the construction of a base. And this suggestion was put forward by Mei Ting!

According to Mei Ting, only by building several bases can we collect material points faster and earn production and construction funds faster. And these are the most basic guarantees that can quickly produce more combat power. Therefore, as long as conditions permit, more bases must be built first, so that a virtuous circle can be formed. And these are the most basic guarantees that can quickly produce more combat power. Therefore, as long as conditions permit, more bases must be built first, so that a virtuous circle can be formed. With more bases, more wealth and resources, and more combat strength, scientific and technological points will naturally be generated faster, and your own scientific and technological level will naturally be further improved. In this way, it will be more conducive to obtaining strategic initiatives.

Finally, with the passage of time, Liu Zheng was finally happy to see that he had finally accumulated more than 100 technology points! Haha, haha, my base can finally be upgraded, and my base can finally be upgraded! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but gently click the upgrade button with his trembling hand. At this time, he only heard a earth-shaking voice. Suddenly, Liu Zheng was surprised to see that his base level also sounded with the earth-shaking sound. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help gently touching the upgrade button with his trembling hands. At this time, he only heard a earth-shaking sound. Suddenly, Liu Zheng was surprised to see that his base level also sounded with that earth-shaking sound, and suddenly upgraded from the original state to the medieval era!

Then, Liu Zheng couldn't help but take a closer look at some of the changes in his combat effectiveness. Haha, the original " crossbow cannon" suddenly turned into a "balance catapult". And that kind of "Mathonian heavy cavalry" also entered the medieval era with the base era and suddenly became the so-called "knight".

"Well, let's take a good look at the characteristics of the balanced catapult and the knight!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking curiously. And Liu Zheng's words are really extraordinary. That kind of "balanced catapher" is more than twice as big as that kind of crossbow or something in terms of body shape! Moreover, the wheel looks like a windmill, and what is more distinctive is that the long projection lever, from which the projection lever shows that the projection distance of this "balanced catapult" will be larger. Naturally, its lethality will certainly be stronger.

And the difference between that kind of "knight" and the previous kind of "mathe Macedonian heavy cavalry" is that this kind of "knight" actually holds a sword in one hand and holds a spear behind him. In this way, that is to say, this kind of knight can have two combat capabilities: he can use a dagger to fight in close combat, or he can use a spear to attack long distances, thus greatly improving his combat performance. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing with relief. Haha, haha, looking forward to what kind of combat power the enemy will come, let me take a look again to see what kind of combat characteristics this "balanced catapult" and that kind of "knight" have.

"However, the current emergency is still a lot of construction in the city center! Again, if there are more cities in the city, then the production and construction funds and material resources can be more sufficient, and the production of combat power and the production of all kinds of combat power can also be guaranteed economically! Therefore, if there is no special situation, then the production and construction funds and material resources can also be more sufficient, and the production of combat power and all kinds of combat power can also be economically guaranteed! Therefore, if there is no special situation, then you must build more city centers first, which is the king's way!

"What's more, what's more, now, I already have a not bad fighting power! In this way, the general enemy attack can naturally be resolved! Therefore, it is better to concentrate on building more urban centers, quickly upgrade your base era, and improve the scientific and technological capabilities of your base as soon as possible, which is the only correct way to defeat the enemy in the end!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng then began to look for a location suitable for building his third city center on the map again.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that the entrance and exit facing the east side of his base was densely full of enemy combat power! Moreover, that kind of combat power is mainly the kind of "traction catapult" as the main chariot.

As soon as he saw the enemy, Liu Zheng's group of nearly 20 knights immediately whipped the horse and rushed to some of the enemy's "traction catapults". Originally, according to Liu Zheng's thinking, after his group of knights rushed forward, because they were very good at that kind of melee, some of the enemy's "traction catapults" would certainly lose their ability to attack long-range attacks, thus countering Liu Zheng's knights. After their own group of knights rushed forward, because they were very good at that kind of melee, some of the enemy's "towing catapults" will certainly lose their ability to attack long-range attacks, thus countering Liu Zheng's knights.

However, the actual thing is that when Liu Zheng's group of knights rushed towards the enemy's group of seemingly dense towing catapists, they didn't rush to the destination, just halfway up the road, with the dense ones, looking like falling rain. Stone bullets fell from the sky, and a violent explosion sounded one after another. Unexpectedly, almost in the blink of an eye, Liu Zheng's group of knights with nearly 20 people was blown up like this!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Liu Zheng's eyes almost stared at the attack.

Fortunately, his men already have the kind of "balanced catapult" chariot at this time, and its lethality is also very good, and in terms of quantity, it is also quite good. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order, and the five stone machines went out together and attacked the enemy's infantry. One of the soldiers raised a huge stone and placed it in the depression of the catapult, and then the other soldier pulled the mechanism. Only a loud "bang" sound was heard, and then a huge stone suddenly shot up from the depression of the balanced catapult, with a sound of breaking the air, crossed a smooth arc, and accurately shot down on some of the enemy's traction catapults, making a loud sound.

So, loud noises came one after another. At the same time, due to the huge explosive power of Liu Zheng's "balanced catapult", the enemy's "traction catapults" were attacked by stone bombs that seemed to be more explosive, with a series of "boom" In the sound of the explosion, the wreckage and debris of the chariots scattered, rose to the sky, shot into the air, and then fell down one after another... At the same time, a confused dust rose to the sky, covering people's eyes, covering the enemy's cavalry strength there, which was nothing at all. I can't see clearly.

In the end, Liu Zheng paid the price of three "balanced catapults" and the nearly 20 knights, which completely eliminated the enemy's more than a dozen "twing catapults".

For a while, at the entrance and exit of his base, there were many craters, and the remnants and leaves of countless destroyed trees were also scattered on the ground. More wreckage and fragments of the bombed chariots were also scattered on the ground, looking messy.

"Hmm, it seems that it is the level of technology that ultimately determines the battle trend! No, I have to build another city center as soon as possible to further accelerate the accumulation of scientific and technological points!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng led several workers and once again embarked on the journey of finding a suitable city and building a third city center.


At this time, after some painstaking operation, Liu finally made his era enter that kind of "colonial era". Moreover, now, his technological points have also reached more than 300 points. It is getting closer and closer to the next era - modern times.

"Well, as long as you enter the modern era, everything will be easy to do! Modernized combat weapons to deal with the original weapons of the enemy, in that case, the battle will be much easier! Modernized combat weapons to deal with the primitive weapons of the enemy, in that case, the battle will be much easier!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling and once again increased the number of scholars that could be hired in his city center.

In this case, although it costs a few dollars, it doesn't matter much. Because as long as your base level is upgraded to that "modern", the war situation will certainly change significantly.

However, at this time, another large-scale attack by the enemy began! Moreover, this time, the enemy used a huge number of crossbow guns to bombard their own defensive positions.

"Boom~~~~" Although the power of those crossbow guns is not very great, but the words come back. After all, the number is there. In this case, although Liu Zheng's "balanced catapants" are more lethal, after all, the number is limited!

"Boom~~" Liu Zheng's "balance catapult" was blown up, broken into countless wrecks and fragments, scattered, rose to the sky, and fell one after another. Therefore, soon, Liu Zheng, who originally had more than a dozen "balanced catapults", had only three or five at this time.

Seeing that the enemy's group of cavalry, under the cover of more than a dozen "traction catapters" behind, have rushed into Liu Zheng's base and began to use some important military facilities, such as manufacturing plants and barracks. The guns, knives and spears in their hands began to hit in pain.

A stream of flames has emerged from Liu Zheng's manufacturing factory, mixed with rolling black smoke. Moreover, its health value has been knocked out a lot at this time, and it has been knocked out by 40 percent.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng did not have too much production and construction funds and materials. He could only watch his base, which was wantonly attacked by the fighting power of the enemy's group, and only watched the health of some of his important military facilities drop and decline little by little.

Suddenly, at this critical moment, Liu Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up, haha, haha, wow, damn it! The current technological points of my base have finally accumulated 500, and finally exceeded 500!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very excited! Wow, wow, this is quite a critical time, this is quite a critical moment! And as Liu Zheng gently clicked the upgrade button, ten seconds later, finally, with another earth-shaking loud noise, Liu Zheng saw that his base level had finally been upgraded to the modern level!

"Modern level! Modern level!" Liu Zheng couldn't help clapping his hands and clapping his hands. Then, the five "balanced catapling machines" under his subordinates suddenly became howitzers after the level of their base became "modern level"! Liu Zheng saw that these newly transformed howitzers all had thick barrels, which looked square, like building blocks. Moreover, the barrel can be raised and lowered, which naturally means that the attack distance can be adjusted.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the thick and short barrel of the five howitzers had slowly pulled up. Then, with the sudden shaking of the gun body, the fire flashed at the muzzle, and the dazzling firelight looked very dazzling. Then, a huge cannonball, with the naked eye The visible speed roared, crossed an arc, flew through the air, and then hit an enemy's double crossbow car, so "hong ~ ~" was just such a blow. As a result, the target, the enemy's double crossbow car, just like this, under one blow, the target was blown up. Suddenly, the intact gun truck immediately broke apart. The wreckage and debris of the chariots rose to the sky one after another, and then fell to the ground one after another.

In this way, the five howitzers fired at the same time, and the huge cannonballs shot out one by one, crossed a beautiful arc, roared, broke through the wind, and hit the enemy's double crossbow cannon fiercely. It blew up the infantry and cavalry of the enemy who had rushed into their base and did something wrong there. So, a roar for the sound of explosions sounded one after another. In the explosion, finally, the three-minute battle was finally over. It blew up the infantry and cavalry of the enemy who had rushed into their base and did something wrong there. So, a roar for the sound of explosions sounded one after another. In the explosion, finally, the three-minute battle was finally over. Liu Zheng lost two howitzers, but destroyed all the enemy's combat strength!

"Wow, wow, he's thee! It seems that the power of this technology is really great, and the power of reception is really powerful!" Liu Zheng kept sighing.

Next, Liu Zheng then produced three modern-grade Mark tanks, four 88mm artillery, and three atomic Annie with tactical nuclear bomb strike capabilities. And Liu Zheng, who has such a combat ability, should really raise his eyebrows now!

Looking at his advanced combat power, Liu Zheng couldn't help nodding frequently. In front is a city center of the enemy. Damn, it's too rampant to be so close to his base! Therefore, after Liu Zheng became strong, the first thing he had to do was to blow up the enemy's city center first! After thinking about this task, Liu Zheng finally decided to give it to the atomic Annie. Um, well, well, let it be a good training!

"Let's go! Atomic Annie!" With Liu Zheng's order, the three atomic Annie, one after the other, rushed from their own base to the city center of the enemy, which was not far from their base.