Star Trek

Chapter 122 Fighting with the arms1

Now, Liu Zheng is facing another star spirit combat power type opponent. It should be said that he has not fought with the star spirit type of troops for a long time. Moreover, it seems that some of the combat characteristics of those Xingling troops have been forgotten.

has produced five battlecruisers, and then Liu Zheng deployed them to the front entrance of his base for defense. At the same time, seven siege tanks were produced and set to become a " siege mode". In this way, once the general enemy's ground combat power attacks, it will naturally not break through this defense line so easily. In this way, once the general enemy's ground combat power attacks, it will naturally not break through this defense line so easily.

Next, Liu Zheng felt that he had to disturb the bases of the enemy's stars and spirits? Otherwise, if they are allowed to carry out production and base construction too easily, then I will probably be miserable. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng once again produced five "Iron Raven fighters", and then flew to the star spirit combat base on the other side of the map.

And the landform of this map is special and prominent. It looks like the yellow sand is long and the wind is roaring. However, in the gaps in the ground, through those cracks, Liu Zheng still saw one dark blue crystal vein after another in the bottomless abyss. However, no one really knows how deep those veins are.

Although this map is very characteristic, it still looks like a towering mountain, and the characteristics of the interstellar space are also vividly displayed there. And Liu Zheng's five iron crow fighters continue to fly in that kind of environment, which looks quite ethereal and strange interstellar space. At the edge of those huge stones, there are wide cracks, and under the cracks are unfathomable voids. There is something similar to a cloud, flowing between the cracks. On the so-called "continent", there are also some strange creatures, and most of them, whether animals or plants, Liu Zheng really can't say their names. However, most of the plants, especially those, are quaint, long, and even some desolate.

However, after half a minute of flight, Liu Zheng's five Iron Raven fighters finally flew to the edge of the enemy's base. At this time, because the game has not started long ago, there is not much enemy defense there. In there, a large group of star workers are busy building the base there, looking very nervous.

"Well, haha, haha, just right, just right, just right! I just took this opportunity to beat him hard! Fry it hard! Five Iron Raven fighters, this time, it's really up to you! But it's really up to you!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order and ordered his five Iron Raven fighters to start the deployment of that kind of air defense force: the deployment of fixed-point defense target aircraft.

Liu Zheng naturally appreciates this kind of "point defense target machine" and is also very reliable. Yes, because this "point defense target machine" can produce a unique air defense laser beam, and under the interception of that unique "aircraft laser beam", it is almost all enemy air attack forces, especially some air attack missiles. Basically, there is no market, 7% Ten missiles will be ruthlessly intercepted. In this case, it is naturally a very good thing for Liu Zheng.

"Setpoint defense target machine!" With Liu Zheng's order, the five Iron Raven fighters have begun to deploy that kind of "targeted defense target". The Iron Raven fighter fought all over, and then released a fixed-point defense target plane to the designated place as if spitting out an object from its mouth. And the small fixed-point defense target machine, which looks like a small light ball, swings and flies slowly. At the same time, it keeps making a strange sound of "Yo-Yo". Then, the defensive target planes finally stopped on a void after a long flight, quietly waiting for the arrival of the enemy's air strike force. After a smooth curve, he flew, and finally stopped at that designated place.

At this time, just after the construction of Liu Zheng's "stationary defense target machine" defense front, several "fanatics" and several "hunters" of the enemy have rushed over. It seems that they still hate the air defense system set up by Liu Zhengbu very much, and they must get rid of it first and then quickly.

"Cho-joo~~~~" With a strange sound, Liu Zheng saw that some of the enemy's combat power, especially some anti-aircraft combat power, was launching a fierce attack on his "point defense target machine". However, the air defense network with nearly 20 "point defense target aircraft" is naturally able to display its solutions in the face of such a fierce attack, and a series of bright anti-missile laser beams are constantly counterattacking. I saw that with the strange and sharp sound of chirp calls, laser beams shot out from the fixed-point defense target machines one by one, shaking everywhere, flying up and down, and dancing wildly. And in the network of laser beams formed by the dance of the flying and messy laser beams, Liu Zheng's siege tanks and the attack missiles launched by the two battlecruisers were almost completely destroyed. And the protective wall formed by the dense laser beam network almost destroyed all the attacking missiles. Under the excitation of the laser beams one after another, the attack missiles after another exploded one after another. Therefore, in the forest of beams formed by the laser beams dancing up and down, The dark red light of the explosion shot away, and the sound of a roaring explosion was endless...

In this way, basically, with Liu Zheng's dozen fixed-point defense target aircraft, the enemy's anti-air defense attacks have been almost intercepted. However, at this time, Liu Zheng also found a new problem, that is, the enemy also has some ground combat power, but his "point defense target machines" cannot have much impact on them. Therefore, Liu Zheng suddenly had an idea. Yes, yes, yes, that's it, that's it!

"tu tu~~~tu~~~" With the sound of "tu tu" constantly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that those iron crow fighters were constantly projecting the automatic cannons onto the ground. As the automatic turrets fell to the ground, they immediately turned into small turrets. They all have stable brackets, and the small and exquisite barrels are constantly rotating, naturally capturing those targets that can be hit.

"Oh, then, soon after, some "automatic turrets" found the targets: some military facilities in the enemy base, heavy factories, barracks, etc., have all become their targets. Their barrels were constantly stretching, and at the same time, the gun mouth sprayed the flame, which looked as crazy as a famous swallowing beast. They have all become the targets of their attacks. Their barrels were constantly stretching, and at the same time, the gun mouth sprayed the flame, which looked as crazy as a famous swallowing beast.

Although Liu Zheng also knows that the attack ability of this kind of machine gun will not be very strong. However, what makes Liu Zheng very confident is that even if their attack ability is not so strong, constantly, because they belong to the kind of cost-free combat power, they can naturally produce a large number of production, so that a large number of them are laid on the ground. It seems that it is simply a A large array of "automatic cannons". And once any ground troops of the enemy approach the "automatic cannon" defense position, they will naturally be strongly counterattacked by them.

For a while, there was really not much enemy combat strength that could crack the "automatic cannon" position laid by Liu Zheng. On the contrary, under the fierce attack of more than a dozen Gate cannons, the attack power of the enemy, one after another, was gradually eliminated one by one.

"Wow, wow, he's thee! I really didn't expect it, really didn't think of it! Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this kind of automatic machine gun is quite powerful to attack the enemy's ground combat power! It's incredible~" Liu Zheng couldn't help muttering.

However, at this time, the enemy also seemed to have guessed Liu Zheng's intention and sent a combat force to rush towards their own base. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's combat power had rushed near Liu Zheng's base. And this naturally caused Liu Zheng's strong uneasiness. Although, I attach great importance to this raid. However, there is also one point, that is, no matter what, even if you attach great importance to the attack on the enemy's base this time, but come back, no matter what, you can't leave your base alone! Therefore, seeing that there were so many enemy forces rushing towards his base, Liu Zheng naturally was also in a hurry for a while, so he hurriedly switched the picture to his base.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that five Thor mechaon mecha, seven siege tanks, and some combat power in the air, mainly Viking fighters, had rushed to the edge of Liu Zheng's base. At this time, more than a dozen Liu Zheng's "missile towers" are making a fierce blow to it. Of course, the missile turret is actually an anti-aircraft turret, and naturally there is only that kind of air combat power that can be dealt with. With the sound of missile launch, the missile tower, in the rising smoke, launched one after another long-looking missiles, holding the long orange tail flame, flying rapidly and roaring through the air. Although the long arrow missiles were very large, their flight speed was very fast and their movements were very agile, so they hit the target very easily. And with the deafening sound of explosions, Liu Zheng saw that in the golden explosions, in the roar of anti-aircraft missiles, the target, the enemy's fighter planes, were shot down one after another.

"Boom ~~~~" At this time, the enemy's group of seven or eight siege tanks immediately entered the "siege" mode. Then, the cannon rumbled and shells shot away, towards the dozen missile turrets of Liu Zheng, who had just demonstrated his great power. , a fierce shelling began.

"Boom ~~~~" And with the huge rain-like shells falling one after another, looking at the shells of the rain-like siege tanks, they fiercely hit some of their own anti-aircraft missile turrets built on the edge of the base. The missile turrets were also helplessly Destroyed. With the sound of the explosion sounded one after another, in the shining dark red explosion fire, the target, some missile turrets, exploded one after another! And some of the wrecks and fragments after the explosion also shot up and took off one after another. In the shining dark red explosion fire, the targets and some missile turrets exploded one after another! And some of the debris and debris after the explosion also shot up and took off one after another, and then fell from the mid-air...

Yes, at this time, the dozen siege tanks originally deployed by Liu Zheng are far away from the enemy's ground combat power, after all, and the target has naturally exceeded the range of Liu Zheng's group of siege guns. However, it doesn't matter. The cannon is dead, but people are alive. Therefore, as soon as Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's seven siege tanks began to show their power, he hurriedly gave an order, so his 17 or 18 siege tanks then bombarded the ground and leaned towards the target. Of course, it is still within its own base.

"Fire!" At the target, some of the enemy's ground combat forces, including those siege tanks, had just entered the attack range of Liu Zheng's group of siege guns. Liu Zheng gave an order, and the attack officially began. You know, that kind of cluster shelling will naturally have a stronger attack effect. At first, the siege guns slowly rotated, and naturally they were aiming at the target. Then, with a loud "boom", the fiery red light flashed at the mouth of the gun. At the same time, the siege gun was full of fierce battle, and the huge recoil caused it to retreat suddenly. Then, a huge shell shot out, so fast that it could hardly see its flight at all. The trajectory. The targets that were attacked also kept ringing with the roar of the siege guns. After the huge shells were hit, the whole body ignited with flames in an instant. At the same time, the targets also shook with the rhythm of the siege guns. For a while, the whole battlefield was almost shaking. In particular, when the seven siege guns were almost fired together, the attacked target became a sea of fire almost in a blink of an eye.

"Haha~~~~" I saw the same Thor mecha of the enemy and the siege tanks. Under the attack of their nearly 20 siege tanks, they had been almost defeated and looked at the wreckage of the enemy's chariot. And the fragments rose into the sky, scattered away, and fell from the air to the ground one after another. Liu Zheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hey, hey, hey, it seems that my own kind of iron crow fighter, as a reconnaissance and assault force, is really quite good, and it is really quite good!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing.

However, Liu Zheng has also seen that the progress of the construction of the opponent's base is indeed very fast, really very fast. In less than half an hour, the opponent had occupied almost all the positions except for the small area occupied by his base! Everywhere, there are enemy military facilities, and everywhere is blue. However, Liu Zheng's own base only occupies such a small area, huddled in that corner. Wow, damn it, what a mother's breath, what a mother's breath! Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

"No, whatever I say, I have to expand the scope of my base first! Otherwise, there is no need to go to war. Even if you are sleepy, you will be trapped to death! Mother-of-law!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his five iron ravens suddenly rolled beautifully in place, and then sprayed the long tail flame and rushed to the unknown fog of war in front of him.