Star Trek

Chapter 121 The World of Scud Missile 2

In fact, Liu Zheng's current base is also dangerous. Although on its back is a mountain towering into the clouds, naturally, there will be no enemy's fighting power. However, it comes back. Even so, there is really no danger in other directions of his base.

Yes, on the outside of your own base, that is, on the east and northeast sides of your base, each has a gentle slope with a small slope. In this way, the enemy chariots can naturally easily rush forward. Therefore, for Liu Zheng, no matter what, he has to focus on defense.

Since he basically ended in defeat in the war just now, he had to retreat back to his base camp. It is also my last city center, yes, that's it. In addition to being almost there, there is no danger to guard.

Naturally, first of all, Liu Zheng is considering the construction of warehouses and the main market. And your own warehouse, within your own base, has a timber center. Next to that timber center, you can build a warehouse without having to run to build it in the distance. However, as for the market, you have to go to the forest outside your base to build it. First of all, the farther away from the center of your high jump, the more wealth will be generated. Second, it is very difficult to build in the core area of your own base, and even almost impossible. This will not be allowed.

At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that an enemy base, which should be the opponent called "Kedun", actually sent a group of infantry troops and rushed towards his base.

"He has not declared war on Laozi at this time. Has he begun to launch an attack on Laozi's base? This is too unreasonable!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning slightly.

Take a closer look at the combat power of the enemy troops rushing towards their own base. There are three-handed archers. In addition, there are also several combat forces, actually, actually, they are that kind of farmer! Wow, damn it, he didn't even let go of the farmer, even the farmer! Or is it too urgent? Farmer, isn't that kind of farmer a fighting force? However, it was also sent here! Even the farmer didn't let go! Or is it too urgent? Farmer, isn't that kind of farmer a fighting force? However, it was also sent here! However, can such peasant soldiers fight? What kind of combat effectiveness does it have? What a ridiculous!

Originally, Liu Zheng had produced several axe soldiers, but now, in order to meet the needs of time, Liu Zheng has once again formulated a production plan for three "stone throwers". Yes, stone throwers should be regarded as a kind of long-range attack power!

However, when Liu Zheng prepared all those combat forces, he found that fundamentally, some of the enemy's combat forces did not attack his base. Only then did he find that fundamentally, some of the enemy's combat forces did not attack his base, but rushed to a whole. A thing shining with golden light in the dense forest: mud pot.

"Wow, damn it! Why are they going to get those clay pots? Liu Zheng couldn't help but have some doubts. However, soon, this doubt was also solved: that kind of mud pot or something was originally some wealth, or capital, or resources. Anyway, that's all good things. However, those things are not that easy. Because it is originally some wealth, or capital, or resources. Anyway, that's all good things. However, those things are not that easy. Because every pile of "treasure" has some combat power guarding there.

However, it seems that those combat forces are not difficult to deal with. Several farmers of the enemy army, as well as several archers, divided into two, banging. The farmer stabbed the front with a spear, while the archers carried out a long-range attack behind - shooting arrows. In this way, after a series of attacks, the combat power guarded next to the pile of treasures was quickly wiped out. Naturally, the enemy's "adventure team" naturally took advantage of the opportunity to remove the pile of treasures.

And after seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart naturally felt itchy. Wow, damn it! When can I have such a blessing? Ha ha, ha, now, there are two choices for what is in front of Liu Zheng. Is it to send some combat power to find some treasures, or to fight steadily first and do a good job in the construction of its own city center. What is in front of Liu Zheng, there are two choices. It is to send some combat power and also to find some treasures. Or should we start steadily, do a good job in the construction of our own urban centers, and build more urban centers to obtain more funds and resources?

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng really had some difficulties. However, Liu Zheng, who has never been procrastinating, soon made a decision: Well, that's it! That's it! Send scouts to explore first. If there is a treasure nearby, it will be the best. Since the enemy can use several farmers and bowers to remove the treasure, naturally, I can also do that!

However, the most important thing is to build your own base, which is the king's way, that's the king's way!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling, and then, at an order, he sent the scout and rushed to some areas that had not yet been explored. As the scout's reconnaissance scope continued to increase, Liu Zheng saw that he finally saw a treasure in a dense forest. It is also a treasure belonging to the "mud pot attribute", and it also shines with the charming light.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed: Haha, haha, not bad, not bad! That's it, that's it! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng hurriedly ordered his three axe soldiers and the three stone throwers to rush towards the "treasure" place.

Naturally, Liu Zheng still put the three axe soldiers in the front to charge; at the same time, let the two stone throwers carry out a long-range attack in the back. Finally, Liu Zheng's air raid team finally arrived at the location of the target. There, five fierce-looking "heroes" with thin sickle in their hands were staring at Liu Zheng's air raid team.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering, and then gave an order: "Stone thrower, attack!" Therefore, the stone bullets were continuously projected from the hands of the stone throwers. After drawing an arc, they accurately fell on the heads of the five "heroes" waiting for the treasure.

The stone bombs exploded above the heads of the "Brave", causing those guys to burst their heads to burst into blood and screaming. However, this also aroused the anger of those guys to fight back. Therefore, the five "warriors" waved the sickle in their hands and rushed straight to Liu Zheng's archers, looking fierce and very scary.

However, Liu Zheng will naturally not let them succeed so easily. With an order, the three axe soldiers were also like fighting bulls, screaming, waved the axes in their hands, and went straight up to the "heroes". Therefore, for a while, the collision between the sickle and the axe was endless, sparks were everywhere, blood was flying all over the sky, and the battle looked really fierce.

At this time, the two stone soldiers are still continuing their attacks on the target one after another! The stones continued to fly, crossing the curves of the road, and the sound of breaking the wind sounded. Finally, in that miserable cry, the five "brave" who guarded the treasure were eliminated. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally smiled.


However, Liu Zheng did not feel very relaxed in the next battle. Yes, that's it. After all, now, he is dealing with two opponents at the same time. Moreover, although the two opponents, one Ke Dun and the other Ma Zhengchen, have not declared war on themselves, Liu Zheng naturally understands that these guys are all dog-like faces. I don't know when they will change their faces and will come to you there. One bite. Therefore, Liu Zheng's heart is now very unsteady. In order to prevent it, you have to think of a way first!

After thinking of this, Liu Zhengyi decided to use diplomacy to strive for a better combat environment for himself. So, I suddenly remembered the story in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Yes, you fight between the Three Kingdoms. In the final analysis, isn't it just two together to attack the other? Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided that he should also learn the method in Romance of the Three Kingdoms to unite one side and deal with the other.

Thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided that it would be more appropriate for him to show his goodwill to the guy named "Kedun". Because in terms of spatial distance, the center of the guy named "Kedun" is far away from his city center, and in terms of military tactics, he generally has to pay attention to a "long-distance friendship and close attack". Its city center is far away from its own city center, and in terms of the art of war, it is generally necessary to pay attention to a "far and close attack". Therefore, show goodwill to that "Kedun" and then unite it to deal with the red player "Li Shunchen" guy.

After thinking about this strategy, Liu Zheng sent an alliance proposal to the guy named "Kidun" through the diplomatic panel. However, not long after, Liu Zheng saw that Ke Dun actually rejected his proposal! Wow, he is really shameless. He doesn't drink and drink punishment! I took the initiative to show my goodwill to you, but you refused my kindness so easily. It's really shameless to give you a toast and a penalty! I took the initiative to show my goodwill to you, but you refused my kindness so easily. Damn, really damn it!

However, Liu Zheng then thought that it seemed reasonable for him to reject his proposal. Because it's true that's what I said, and I didn't use actions to show my friendship. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Wow, damn it! This matter, this matter, is really troublesome! Although I know that I can pay tribute to it, such as resources, such as production and construction funds. However, now, there is also a shortage of these things in my base, so how can I give them to others at will? After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help locking his eyebrows tightly.

Yes, the eyebrows are locked! After a long time, Liu Zheng finally clapped his hand fiercely and said, "Wow, I took the risk! I risked my life! If there is nothing, you can earn it again! However, the base is gone, but everything is nothing!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng opened the diplomatic panel again and gave the "Kedun" player 500 resources. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng opened the diplomatic panel again and gave the "Kedun" player 500 resources and 500 funds.

Sure enough, soon after, Na Ke Dun replied and agreed to Liu Zheng's alliance initiative. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Hey hey, old dog, I will feed you first. When my strength is strong, then I will kill you and eat dog meat!

Not long after Liu Zheng formed an alliance with the players of Nacoton, Liu Zheng saw that the players had sent troops to rush towards the area occupied by Li Shunchen. More than a dozen crossbow chariots, followed by some infantry, holding halberd in their hands. Under the sunlight, the silver light flashed and looked very powerful.

At the same time, Li Shunchen also sent a combat force to rush to the territory of Nakedon. Soon after, the combat strength of both sides attacked a military target within the territory of the other side! Looking at such a hot scene, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing happily. Hahahahaha, okay, okay, my plan finally succeeded, and my plan finally succeeded!

"Well, in the next step, I can safely carry out my own production and construction! Well, these diplomatic means can only be abandoned after the strength really becomes more powerful. At that time, what I came to was invincible!" Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing happily.

"However, in the next step, you should also be fully prepared for two aspects. On the one hand, you must actively carry out base construction and combat production. On the other hand, you can also consider occupying another piece of land, and you should also be fully prepared for two aspects. On the one hand, I must actively carry out base construction and combat production. On the other hand, I can also consider occupying another piece of land, so that my scientific and technological level will improve faster!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that at this time, things had taken a 180-degree change. First, Li Shunchen, and then Na Ke Dun, unexpectedly sent troops to rush to his base! Could it be that he betrayed the covenant I made with him? Damn, it's really hateful, it's really hateful!

Moreover, looking at that situation, it is not just a small-scale battle, but also wants to put yourself to death! Wow, damn it, it's really abominable, it's really abominable! However, most of my current combat strength is quite small, quite small! With a full calculation, I only have more than a dozen chariots! However, the enemy, at this time, came hundreds of all kinds of chariots, which is not a weight level at all! It's not an important level at all!

What can I do? What can I do? Liu Zheng really had no idea for a while. Yes, the disparity in strength is here. If you want to fight hard, you will never succeed. However, in the face of such a huge difference in combat power, there is absolutely no other way to defeat the overwhelming group of enemy forces!

When Liu Zheng was so anxious that his eyes suddenly saw a wooden box in the forest next to his base. Wow, wow, who knows what's in that box? Maybe there is really something good there!

"Well, I'm looking forward to it! However, in any case, you have to take a good look!" After thinking about this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sending several chariots over and gently touched the wooden box. Alas, I didn't expect that it would be 3,000 production and construction funds!

"Wow, I thought I could get some secrets or something. However, it's really useless to just get such a thing! It seems that my failure here today is also a kind of God's will, a kind of God's will!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing.