Star Trek

Chapter 130 Red Fusion 5

After seeing this, Liu Zheng really felt that his kind of "missile helicopter" was really powerful. Yes, Liu Zheng is really proud of this kind of missile helicopter. That thing not only has the ability to attack ground missiles, but more importantly, it also has the ability to attack against the air! Yes, and their kind of air-to-air missile attack is no worse than that of ground attack.

And just when Liu Zheng was compliant on the super ability of his kind of missile helicopter, yes, at this time, Liu Zheng found that three large enemy transport planes were buzzing from the southeast. At a glance, Liu Zheng knew that the three large transport planes were obviously that kind of airborne-moving transport aircraft.

Yes, Liu Zheng naturally understands that once this kind of "airborne paratrooper" lands successfully, then things will naturally change significantly. Because once some of the enemy paratroopers successfully land in their own base, they will inevitably cause chaos in their base.

The reason is actually very simple. Because once the enemy's group of paratroopers successfully lands on the ground, especially once they land in Liu Zheng's base, what will happen? You know, whether it is your own missile helicopter or your own "fire self-propelled rocket launcher", it has quite good automatic attack capability. Yes, it's the kind of quite strong automatic attack ability.

And when all kinds of rocket shells with considerable lethality accurately hit the target, it will be a situation that they may not accept at all: while attacking the enemy's combat targets, then some of their own military facilities , will also be knocked out! And it's not that I haven't experienced such a situation, so it's really better to be careful! It is absolutely impossible to land on the ground until a last resort!

"Fight! Be sure to beat him down, and be sure to beat him down!" Liu was looking at the three large transport aircraft of the enemy that flew by in turn, and gave the final attack order to his five or six "missile helicopters" that had been distributed over his base. The tails of the missiles also sprayed orange tail flames, dragging long gray-white tail smoke, roaring and flying away. The sound of flying through the sky sounds extremely harsh.

Fly at high speed, roaring by, with clear targets and strong guidance. This is also the most powerful and accurate description of the flight status of the missile launched by Liu Zheng's own missile helicopter. Those missiles, in the process of flying, constantly change the direction of their flight with the movement of the target, and closely follow the speed of the target. Moreover, it is often, after all, the flight speed of that missile is far faster than that of a fighter, so it won't take long for the target to finally be hit by a missile, and then there will be a loud "bang" noise...

Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng more gratified is that under the situation of those three large transport planes continuously attacking the enemy's air-to-air missile attacks from all directions, the target, the enemy's three large transport planes, finally, finally Yu was no longer able to insist on flying. He suddenly shook, and then suddenly lost his balance and suddenly turned over. Then, he fell from the air and hit the ground fiercely, thus suddenly stirring up a burst of smoke and dust...

"Hahahaha~~~~" With the sound of happy laughter, the enemy's three large transport aircraft finally fell helplessly from the air under the missile attack of Liu Zheng's missile helicopters. And this has also basically meant that its own base is basically no longer afraid of enemy air strikes!

Yes, now, Liu Zheng can say that he is fully capable and confident to defend the attack of the enemy's air combat power. There is no doubt about this. Therefore, in this case, there is no need for me to continue to defend my base, but should consider whether I should go forward and attack the enemy's base again. After all, just now, I had successfully destroyed an enemy base, so now that I have ready-made experience, why should I be impatient?

However, Liu Zheng has also realized that it is not impossible to further expand the results. However, the most important thing is to further strengthen your combat ability and further enrich your combat effectiveness type. For example, one thing that has always been placed in Liu Zheng's heart is, that is, when will he be able to have multiple nuclear energy mecha.

Yes, in fact, it doesn't have to be too much, as long as you can have three nuclear mecha. Yes, that's it. Basically, it can be said that once you have three nuclear energy mecha, then it is basically equivalent to that you have invincible qualifications. In that case, he will destroy all the enemy bases in a short time. Yes, that's definitely not a problem, absolutely!

Of course, the reason why Liu Zheng dares to say so is not that he is bragging. Liu Zheng knows that he only has one nuclear mecha now. The only weakness of this kind of nuclear mecha is that the cooling time is too long. Yes, that's it. And it is because the cooling time is too long that it is impossible to carry out continuous attacks. And this is exactly the biggest flaw of this type of combat power.

So, in this case, once you have two, preferably three nuclear mechas, then the cooling time between the three nuclear mechas will also be able to calm down. In this way, you will also be able to carry out devastating attacks on the target one after another. That kind of attack power, that kind of lethality, that kind of devastating attack effect~~~

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng also knows that the formation of such a combat plan requires a large amount of production and construction funds. Yes, that's it. You know, it takes at least 6,000 or 7,000 production and construction funds to produce a nuclear energy mecha. However, a large amount of production and construction funds are needed. Yes, that's it. You know, it takes at least 6,000 or 7,000 production and construction funds to produce a nuclear energy mecha. And this kind of cost is also the highest price that Liu Zheng has experienced in history.

"But, but, where can I get so much money now? Yes, although now, there is already an ore refinery and a technology drilling well in its own base. However, in any case, that's not enough! Anyway, that's not enough! Therefore, if you want to realize your combat purpose and combat power plan just now, you must first solve the problem of production and construction funds. And the only way to solve this problem is to build another ore refinery, or to occupy a scientific and technological drilling well!!! Liu Zheng couldn't help but calculate himself.

It should be said that Liu Zheng's idea is still in place. But now, his production and construction funds are not in place. In this case, Liu Zheng will have to find another way. Fortunately, Liu Zheng had seen it not long ago, and Liu Zheng had to find another way. Fortunately, not long ago, Liu Zheng had seen that on the highest peak of the mountain, there was a technology drilling oil well. However, there is no other way to reach the peak of that mountain. What should I do?

"Ha, ha, ha, as long as I produce another transport helicopter, can't I transport my engineer there? At that time, everything will be easy to say, and it will be easy to say!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking.

In this way, soon after spending 1,000 production and construction funds, Liu Zheng finally produced a transport helicopter and then trained an engineer. After that, Liu Zheng loaded the engineer into the transport helicopter. Then, it was carried to the highest peak of the mountain. Another engineer has been trained. After that, Liu Zheng loaded the engineer into the transport helicopter. Then, it was carried to the highest peak of the mountain. Naturally, the technological drilling well located on the highest peak of the mountain also belongs to Liu Zheng.

In this way, the collection speed of Liu Zheng's production and construction funds will naturally be greatly improved, at least half as much. Soon after, the second nuclear energy mecha was produced. Then, Liu Zheng immediately set up a production plan for the third nuclear energy mecha. Soon after, the second nuclear energy mecha was produced. Then, Liu Zheng immediately set up a production plan for the third nuclear energy mecha.

"As long as I have money, then everything is easy to say, really easy to say!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking.

However, just as Liu Zheng was actively preparing to produce a third nuclear mecha and preparing to drive into the remaining enemy bases at any time, he suddenly saw that the technology drilling well he had just occupied had been targeted by the enemy. At the beginning, several mad orcs of the enemy went forward, but they were all repulsed by the three-star elite-level infantry fighting power carried by those Liu Zheng at the same time.

"Wow, wow, I didn't expect that I just wanted to try that kind of transport helicopter, space can transport several people. However, I really didn't expect that I could transport five people at once! Moreover, except for that engineer, the other four infantrymen have really played a huge role now! It really played a huge role!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

Yes, just now, it was such a few "dada" shuttles, and those crazy orcs of the enemy army just said "oh-oh" a few times, and then they were sad. However, now, Liu Zheng has seen that the enemy has indeed attached great importance to the scientific and technological drilling oil well. Yes, that's really the case.

Among other things, this time, the enemy sent seven or eight gale chariots at once. It seems that the enemy is also determined to get that technology drilling oil well.

"Wow, damn it, you, when I don't come to occupy it, you won't come to occupy it! It seems that you have come to join in the fun! When I don't come to occupy, you won't come to occupy! It seems that you have come to join in the fun! Wow, you son of a bitch, you son of a bitch!" Liu Zheng couldn't help cursing.

However, Liu Zheng also knew about the scolding, that is, in fact, the reason why the enemy began to worry when Liu Zheng went to occupy it was precisely because he knew the great significance for Liu Zheng once Liu Zheng occupied the technology oil well. That is: once Liu Zheng occupies that technology drilling oil well, he will be greatly stimulated! Its production capacity and production speed will also be further developed! In this way, naturally, the enemy's actions against Liu Zheng are also worried about Liu Zheng's technology drilling of oil wells at the peak of the mountain.

"No, I can't let it pass like this! You know, once such a gale chariot rushes over, then, it is certain that the combat strength of its own infantry will certainly not be stopped! That's almost certain, that's almost certain!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

"Missile helicopter, let's go! Goal: Do everything you can to kill the enemy's seven or eight missile helicopters! Be sure to do your best to protect your hard-won technology drilling oil well! You must do your best to protect your hard-won technology drilling oil well!" Liu Zheng finally issued an order to attack.

So, Liu Zhengdun flew away from his base to three Samsung elite-level missile helicopters in a row to drill oil wells he had just occupied. Soon after, we arrived at our destination. At this time, the seven or eight windmills of the enemy had also rushed there. Therefore, an air-to-ground war is inevitable.

"Air-to-ground attack! Hit!" With Liu Zheng's order, his three-star elite-level missile helicopters made a painful attack from mid-air to the target and towards the enemy's more than seven or eight wind chariots. I saw a bunch of air-to-ground missiles fired out one after another, and in the very sharp sound of the sound of banging, hitting the five enemy wind tanks that were rushing in the distance.

Wrapped in the snoring flame, carrying the heavy wind, piercing the air, and the space was almost distorted. And at the moment when those huge shells had just fallen to the ground, Liu Zheng saw that it was like a carpet-style bombing. The black and red explosive firelight looked like a small mushroom cloud rising in the sky, stretching and spreading one after another, and In the black and red explosion fog that rose to the sky, the enemy's weather tanks had no resistance at all. Soon, with the explosion fog that rose to the sky, they turned into countless wreckage and fragments and dispersed...

Suddenly, at the moment when several wind chariots were blown up by the enemy, the wooden bridge was actually blown up by the huge explosive force. And the enemy's wind chariots, located on the bridge, naturally, fell into the river below with a bang from the bamboo bridge, stirring up waves rising from the sky.

"Ha, ha, in this case, you, I see you, how can you occupy my technology oil well again! Cut! Yaya!" Seeing the wooden bridge and being blown up like this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be full of joy. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that all those computer players will not repair the bridge. Therefore, once the bridge is blown up by yourself, it is equivalent to cutting off the enemy's back road. Unless the enemy's combat power is that kind of air bombing, it is almost impossible to recapture that technological drilling well.

At this time, Liu Zheng looked again at the nuclear bomb mecha in his base, which was placed great expectations on him in his own chariot factory. At this time, he had completed 85% of the progress. In this way, his plan to destroy all the enemy's combat strength and military facilities by relying on three nuclear locomotives will soon be realized.