Star Trek

Chapter 131 Red Fusion 6

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided to mobilizing part of his combat power again from his base. As for what kind of combat strength to mobilization, in fact, Liu Zheng has already figured out what kind of armed helicopter is better.

That kind of armed helicopter belongs to a pure missile attack helicopter, and its attack ability is quite strong. Therefore, it should be said that it is very good to use it as the main combat power to defeat the two enemy's spirit control vehicles. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng has also seen that at this time, after this period of operation, three missile armed helicopters have been remanufactured in his base. Therefore, Liu Zheng no longer has to worry about the situation in his base. Simply, with an order, three of the two missile helicopters that have long been upgraded to Samsung elite-level missile helicopters have been released. Therefore, Liu Zheng no longer has to worry about the situation in his base. He simply upgraded the two aircraft to a Samsung elite-level missile helicopter with an order and flew to the front line...

At this time, the two enemy mental control vehicles have rushed down from the hillside. On the roof of the car, the radar system that constantly sends control lines is rotating and rotating in all aspects. In this way, they chased behind, while Liu Zheng's three Samsung elite-class Thunderbolt rocket launchers fled in front of them. However, after all, the speed of Liu Zheng's Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket is naturally slower than the enemy's "spirit control vehicle". So, I was about to catch up.

So, after Liu was fighting off the six or seven counterattack forces in the enemy base, he commanded his group of combat forces and drove into the central area of the enemy base!

Yes, now, it is basically a wrong idea to use nuclear bombs to hit the enemy's core base. After all, the cooling time required for that kind of nuclear bomb attack is too long. In this case, instead of waiting there for nothing, it is better to send other combat forces to attack. In that case, the effect should be better.

However, Liu Zheng still took a lot of brains to think about which kind of combat power he sent. In fact, there are no more than three kinds of combat power that you can send in the past. One is its own main battle tank heavy guard tank. Another is the kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher. The third is the Samsung elite-class missile helicopter.

In terms of attack power, that kind of missile helicopter, and that kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher are all very good. Therefore, it can naturally be used as the main force of attack. However, the words came back. Things have to be decided according to your own situation. Yes, Liu Zheng's current combat strength is that he only has one missile helicopter now. In many cases, this kind of missile helicopter will play a very important role. Therefore, and, because there is only one left now, Liu Zheng also cherishes it.

Although its own main battle tank has also been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, after all, its range is too close to attack some distant combat power. Once, if any long-range attack power is rushed out of the enemy's base, then those few of their own tanks that have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level will be ruthlessly eliminated. And at that time, isn't it too unfair to be yourself? Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng still decided that it was the best strategy to send the three identical Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets that had been upgraded to the Samsung elite level.

Yes, as a medium- and long-range strong fire attack weapon, Liu Zheng's Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher is a kind of combat power that can be compared with the enemy's BTR70 armored vehicle. Although its own Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket gun does not have any air defense capability compared with the enemy's BTR70 armored vehicle, it is indeed beyond doubt that as a combat power mainly used in ground combat, its ground attack capability is indeed unquestionable. In particular, when it is upgraded to the Samsung elite level, its killing ability is quite powerful.

The monomer has strong lethality, and its lethal area is also quite large, almost a dozen. Therefore, the target combat power attacked by it will be destroyed in pieces. Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided to send his three Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launchers, which was naturally the right choice.

Moreover, as Liu Zheng saw that at this time, the combat power of the enemy's base had been almost eliminated. Therefore, simply, after defeating the main building factory of the enemy base, and then killing the main building factory in the enemy base, set its attack state to "automatic attack" mode. In this way, the three Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets can attack everywhere in the enemy's base, as if they were in no man's land.

In fact, after hitting the current share, it also indicates that victory is not far from me. Of course, the so-called victory here is only for attacking the first base of the enemy. In addition to attacking this base, you have to attack other bases. As for what kind of combat power the enemy will encounter in that process, it is really hard to say.

So, Liu Zheng concentrated his three Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets and started a comprehensive attack on the main construction factory in the enemy base not far ahead. With the harsh sound of missile fire, a bunch of ground attack missiles emerged from the rockets ambushed on both sides of the narrow road, dragging the colorful sparks, and its trajectory looked extremely smooth, and its flight During the journey, the roar of the wind was endless.

That kind of Liu Zheng's Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher, at least six or seven rockets flew out, dragging the orange flame and roaring away. It was the roaring all the way, and the fireworks all the way. Moreover, the number of missiles is still quite large. At the very least, there are at least five or six missiles launched by each Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket. Therefore, if several Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets fire at the target at the same time, the beam of missiles will roar in mid-air, which is simply flying like rain! After hitting the target, the dark red explosive fog that broke out also looked very eye-catching. For a moment, where the missile attacked was naturally filled with smoke and dust, and a large area of purple fog rushed to the sky.

The rockets fell from the sky one after another and hit the target - the main construction factory in the enemy base. Therefore, at that moment, the blue and white explosive flames shot out and rose to the sky, and a shot also caused a large area of lethality. Soon, the enemy's main factory could no longer withstand such a powerful bombardment. With a bang, the countless debris and debris of the base soared into the sky, and then fell from the air one after another. The enemy's main factory, which was still towering just now, will soon cease to exist.

In this way, Liu Zheng commanded his three Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets and rushed into the enemy's base that did not have much defensive combat power, where he rushed left and right, almost invincible. The rows of rockets shot out, roared away, and flew away. Moreover, the relatively accurate guidance performance made it cause great damage and destruction to the target immediately after attacking the target. Soon after, except for several enemy ore refineries, the combat power in other enemy bases was basically destroyed by Liu Zheng's three Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launchers.

"Haha, ha, the rest of the combat power, I won't fight. It's boring. Well, in this case, it's not too late to keep them first and wait until the end to kill them. However, although he thought so, the real result of the matter was that before Liu Zheng could take action, the enemy's ore refineries exploded by itself. Then, the system announced that the enemy's base had been completely gone.

On the mountain city in front of him, Liu Zheng saw a technology drilling oil well. After seeing the working science and technology drilling well, Liu Zheng knew that the science and technology drilling well had been occupied by the enemy, otherwise, it would not still work so normally. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Well, mother, I must occupy this technology drilling oil well, otherwise, that's too outrageous! After all, now, in my own base, I am short of money to spend! But I'm short of money to spend! If you don't need such an opportunity, then he is really too much!" Liu Zheng had made up his mind at this time, but just when Liu Zheng wanted to send an engineer from his base to occupy the technology drilling well on the hillside, he suddenly found that there were three enemy wind chariots under the hillside!

In fact, if there were only two wind chariots, it would not cause Liu Zheng's worry. The problem is that there are still several Yuri clones standing next to those two wind chariots. Wow, what a bastard! You know, once your three Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets are controlled by the enemy's Yuri replicators, then things will be difficult to deal with.

Yes, it is understandable if Liu Zheng is really afraid of the Yuri soldiers who suddenly appeared. After all, if it is controlled by them, it will bring great trouble to their attacks.

"Hey, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Anyway, these three rocket launchers have quite good long-range attack capabilities. At that distance, Yuri can't control his rocket launcher, but his rocket 1K charter can easily hit the released Yuri!" Liu Zheng suddenly felt confident. Mother! Let's kill the Yuri soldiers of those troops first. Anyway, my rocket artillery vehicles have a lot of shells. In this case, I'm still afraid of it.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng deliberately retreated his three Samsung Ruiying-class rocket vehicles by a few meters, which was also afraid that it would be accidentally controlled by the written Yuri soldiers. Liu Sen is very clear about the Yuri soldiers of that kind of army, that is, they must not get too close and have to keep the necessary distance from them.

That's it! When the three rocket vehicles retreated a certain distance, they felt that the enemy's Yuri soldiers could not control their rocket vehicles, so they began to fire at the enemy's Yuri soldiers at an order. I saw that with the harsh sound of missile fire ringing one after another, a bunch of ground-to-ground attack missiles emerged from the rockets ambushed on both sides of the narrow road, dragging the colorful sparks, and its trajectory also looked extremely smooth, flying past During the journey, the roar of the wind was endless. That's it! When the three rocket vehicles retreated a certain distance, they felt that the enemy's Yuri soldiers could not control their rocket vehicles, so they began to fire at the enemy's Yuri soldiers at an order. I saw that with the harsh sound of missile fire ringing one after another, a bunch of ground-to-ground attack missiles emerged from the rockets ambushed on both sides of the narrow road, dragging the colorful sparks, and its trajectory also looked extremely smooth, flying past During the journey, the roar of the wind was endless.

It's really one after another, it's really going through the wind and roaring away. The high density of those rockets launched at the same time is also a little amazing. It was the roaring all the way, and the fireworks all the way. Moreover, the number of missiles is still quite large. At the very least, there are at least five or six missiles launched by each Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket.

Even if the three Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets are not launched at the same time, it doesn't matter. Because when every Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher is launched, no less than five rockets will be fired. Those rockets all dragged the fiery red tail flame one after another, roared and shot away. Therefore, if several Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets fire at the target at the same time, the beam of missiles will roar in mid-air, which is simply flying like rain! After hitting the target, the dark red explosive fog that broke out also looked very eye-catching. For a moment, where the missile attacked was naturally filled with smoke and dust, and a large area of purple fog rushed to the sky.

However. The Yuri soldiers of the army died without even a single reaction in the rolling dark blue explosive flame--

Even a shout didn't have time to make a shout. And this is naturally expected by Liu Zheng. Yes, Liu Zheng knows best what kind of lethality the Samsung elite rocket launcher has. Especially for the infantry fighting power! That's simply a disaster intertwined with blood and fire! The blue explosive flames are overwhelming. After the explosion of 1K, it will suddenly disperse dozens of meters, and all the combat power in that range will be knocked out hundreds of points at one time. Therefore, those combat forces with health values of more than thousands of points can be held on for a while. However, those war offices with only a few hundred health points have only one life.

However, some of the Yuri soldiers who released the army were dropped! However, there are still two or three enemy wind chariots! And since then, the health of those wind chariots must not be so low.


At this time, from that Yuri's combat power base, there was actually an axle of mental control car, and several mad orcs, who rushed to Liu Zheng's three Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt rockets by themselves. Seeing this situation, Liu Zheng couldn't help screaming. Liu Zheng knows that our enemy's mental control vehicle can control as many as five or six targets at the same time. And its three Samsung elite-class Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets are exactly the best number it can control.

"Moreover, unlike the control of ordinary Yuri soldiers, this kind of mental control vehicle has a longer control distance and a larger control range. In this way, the situation will be in big trouble. Once its control range has exceeded the attack distance of its three Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launchers, then it has been controlled by the enemy before it can launch its own fire attack! Naturally, it won't work!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

"Wow, are you about to catch up? About to catch up? Yaya, don't be surprised, my missile helicopter is coming soon!" It's like comforting the three Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets, and at the same time, it seems to cheer themselves up. And just when his three Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets were exhausted, the two Samsung elite-level missile helicopters had flown to the designated area and flew over the enemy's two mind-control vehicles! In this way, the attack posture of the two Samsung elite-level missile helicopters against the two enemy's mental control vehicles has been formed!