Star Trek

Chapter 143 Marina Cliff 2

Originally, in Liu Sen's view, one of his own nuclear bombs knocked down an enemy's land-based Gate cannon, which was like a joke! After all, that's a nuclear bomb! Liu Sen naturally understands how powerful its explosive power is. However, the actual result is that one of its own nuclear bombs, which exploded on the edge of the enemy's base, unexpectedly, only reached every two nuclear bombs on average to defeat an enemy's land-based Gate cannon! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be speechless. Wow, damn it, this, this, this, this, this, it seems to be too inappropriate, right? How could this happen? How could it be like this?


However, that's what happened again. Anyway, Liu Sen has killed many of the enemy's land-based guns with the nuclear missiles launched by his two Samsung elite nuclear energy mechas. However, now, if Liu Zheng's two Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mechas want to attack further targets in the enemy base, they must travel a distance towards the enemy base again. However, the conditions are allowed. However, now, if Liu Zheng's two Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mechas want to attack further targets in the enemy base, they must travel a distance towards the enemy base again. However, the conditions are allowed.

Why do you say that? Liu Zheng found that if he wanted to push his two Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mecha forward again, he must pass through the enemy's spiritual control tower. And the enemy's mental control tower is strange. Judging from the distance measured by Liu Zheng, it is not too far. However, Liu Zheng's two nuclear mechas can't beat it. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel helpless. Wow, wow, what's going on? What's going on?

"Wow, damn it! It doesn't matter what happened! Anyway, that's what happened! Anyway, my own nuclear mecha can't attack it anymore!" Liu Zheng was very angry.

Where did you force your nuclear energy mecha through? Wow, is there water in your brain? In that case, all the combat power you pass through from there will be controlled by the enemy's mental control tower. In that case, your gains will outweigh your losses. Moreover, if you can't do it well, the combat power controlled by the enemy will have a big reaction to yourself, and everything will be solved!

"Since, since the ground means can't solve it, then there is nothing. I simply use that air combat power to solve him! I simply use that air combat power to solve it!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the five missile helicopters under his command (at this time, they had already been upgraded to the Samsung elite level). Under Liu Sen's order, they buzzed, buzzed, and quickly flew their propellers towards the target and towards the enemy. The one, which is far from Liu Sen's combat power, is not very close to the mental control tower. It flies away and flies away...

Finally, three seconds later, Liu Sen's five missile helicopters have flown over the target. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the five missile helicopters began to launch an air-to-ground missile attack on the enemy's spiritual control tower. One by one, air-to-ground missiles shot out of the air, dragging the orange tail flame, roaring, one after another, shot out from the helicopter, breaking through the wind and flying away.

"hong hong hong~~~~" A deafening explosion sounded, Liu Sen saw, wow, wow, the effect of the explosion, it seems that it is simply one small nuclear bomb attack after another! Wow, he is really awesome, he is really awesome!

In this way, it only took five seconds to attack. As a result, the enemy's seemingly threatening mental control tower exploded several times under the air-to-ground attack of the powerful missiles of those Liu Sen's missile helicopters.

Now, Liu Zheng's two three-star elite-level nuclear energy armors are stationed on the last enemy base, the mountain platform near the Yuri base, and are always ready to carry out that kind of devastating attack on the enemy's base.

Now, what can be attacked by them are six or seven Gate cannons (land-based, of course), and a mental control tower. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally not polite. Moreover, because of his two nuclear mechas, they have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, so the frequency of their attacks has naturally increased a lot.

That is to say, the attack cooling of Liu Sen's two Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mecha has been greatly reduced. In this way, the two Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mechas can alternately carry out that kind of attack. Naturally, their attack power will be further increased. And its attack effect will certainly be further enhanced.

"Wow~~~" One nuclear missile after another, continuously shot out, broke through the air, roared, hit the target steadily, accurately and fiercely, and made a earth-shattering, deafening sound of strong explosions, endlessly.

And the enemy's base was immediately shrouded in the dazzling, miserable white explosive firelight, which looked very scary. However, through this attack, Liu Sen also saw that the land-based cannon in the enemy base actually had such a strong health value and such a strong defense ability. Yes, it's like this! However, through this attack, Liu Sen also saw that the land-based cannon in the enemy base actually had such a strong health value and such a strong defense ability. Yes, it's like this!

"Hahahahaha~~~~" After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing happily. Yes, Liu Zheng felt very funny and naturally very proud. Because in terms of ground combat power, I have two Samsung elite-level nuclear mecha! Moreover, its attack distance is also quite far, and its destructive power is also quite large.

However, there is nothing we can do about a mental control tower of the enemy. However, there is a saying that the East is not bright and the West is bright! Although my ground combat power is not useful, it is nothing. Yes, that's really nothing. I still have good air combat power, especially that kind of heavy missile helicopter, whose strong air missile attack ability. Although my ground combat power is not useful, it is nothing. Yes, that's really nothing. I also have good air combat power, especially the heavy missile helicopter, whose strong air missile attack ability, which frightens the enemy!

Just now, relying on the five heavy missile helicopters, Liu Sen was able to kill the enemy's mental control tower so happily. Well, it's good, it's good, it's really good!

In front of the enemy's four or five wind chariots saw Liu Zheng's two Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mechas rushing towards his base, and couldn't help but be furious, so they began to attack Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha from his base! After all, the distance is too close, so Liu Zheng thought that if he still attacks with that kind of nuclear bomb, things may be very different. Yes, just take this opportunity to see what its three cannons have, and if they still attack with that kind of nuclear bomb, things may be very different. Yes, it's just this opportunity to see what kind of function its three barrel has and what kind of effect it has!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so, without transforming it (and in the case of transforming into a fixed weapon, the nuclear energy mecha can no longer move. At the same time, its attack weapon will also become a nuclear bomb attack) and began to approach the enemy that had approached him. Those wind chariots that were rushing over attacked them.

"Oh, with the sound of firing, Liu Zheng saw that the three barrels of his kind of nuclear mecha could actually fire as many as six or seven shells at once! Yes, it can fire as many as six or seven shells at once! The three barrels of my own nuclear energy mecha can actually fire as many as six or seven shells at once! Yes, it can fire as many as six or seven shells at once! Wow, wow, wow, six or seven at once! So, what kind of concept is that?

Although Liu Zheng has also seen that the six or seven shells fired by the nuclear mecha and fired at the same time are not very large, but they can form the so-called "carpet" bombing. In this way, the scope of the bombing will naturally be very large.

In this way, the general attack of this kind of nuclear mecha has the characteristics of multiple shells and a wide range of killing, which has a very good effect on attacking a large number of combat power. At this time, the enemy's windy chariots had approached a very close place, and Liu Zheng also felt that it was time to open fire!

"Fight! Conventional firepower, multi-bannon attack" With Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng's two Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mecha finally began to attack with a new experience. I saw, "Fire!" With Liu Zheng's order, the three-barrel cannon barrels on the two nuclear energy mecha were ** one after another, and then the sound of firing sounded one after another. At the muzzle, the dark golden explosive flame kept shining, and six or seven large shells crossed six or seven shells. The parabole fell into the enemy's strong wind chariot cluster.

"So, now, I can naturally push my two nuclear energy mecha forward a little more, right? In that case, the last base of the enemy must no longer be able to defend it! Haha, haha, once my two Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mechas can attack some of the combat power in all the remaining enemy bases, then things will soon have a clear result!" At this time, Liu Zheng already had a very clear idea about this battle.


It was not until then that Liu Zheng found that it was so ridiculous when his two nuclear mechas were ramping like two crabs and "climbing" towards the depth of the enemy base. At the same time, Liu Zhengzhi also found that, unexpectedly, that guy actually had three gun tubes!

Hahaha, hahaha, it seems that those three gunshots are conventional attack barrel! If you want to launch a nuclear bomb attack on the target, you should use the missile launcher behind to launch a nuclear missile. Now, Liu Zheng finally understands this. Wow, damn it, this thing is really quite powerful! It's just that I don't know how strong this thing's conventional attack ability can be? How strong can its conventional attack ability be? After all, Liu Zheng hasn't seen a lot of three cannonballs, and he really hasn't seen a lot!

The sound of a "boom" explosion suddenly sounded. At the same time, a dark red explosion fog rose to the sky. For a moment, the enemy's group of infantry fighting power, flesh and blood flew across the ground, and artillery fire rose in the sky. At the same time, Liu Zheng also found that after the explosion of the conventional shell fired by this nuclear mecha, with the explosion point as the center, it actually had quite strong radiation. In the golden light mapping, the infantry fighting power of some enemy troops who stepped in again turned into a pool of green water...< /P>

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be really dumbfounded. Wow, wow, damn it, this girl is really awesome, really awesome! It's really rare. It's really rare! So many shells can be fired at one time, and it can also form that kind of carpet bombing. In terms of its lethality alone, it is not necessarily worse than its nuclear attack!

However, at this time, Liu Zheng also felt that there was no need to play with the enemy now. With the powerful attack power of their two Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mechas, as long as they release a few nuclear missiles, the enemy's base will be basically finished.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he switched the attack mode of his two Samsung elite nuclear mechas to that fixed missile launch state. Then, with Liu Sen's order, a new round of nuclear missile attacks began.

Liu Zheng knew that this nuclear bomb attack was basically a kind of final destruction for the enemy's base. The target, the enemy's base, will soon turn into scorched earth under the successive attacks and explosions of nuclear missiles.

"Fight!" Liu Zheng felt that at this time, the time to launch the general attack was ripe. So, Liu Zheng gave an order, and the general attack began. The nuclear missile launcher behind the nuclear energy mecha had been opened, and then, two seconds later, the tactical nuclear missile began to ignite. After a loud sound, a missile that looked like a large warhead sprayed the orange tail flame and slowly rose from the launch frame. It was getting faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately turned a corner and then went straight to the target. The long tail flame is spraying, and the tactical nuclear missile is also flying towards the target with the faster and faster acceleration.

The nuclear warhead roars through the air, and its size looks much larger than that of an ordinary missile. Moreover, the tail of the newspaper also dragged the blue flame, which looked very strange.

Flying on a sky survey is like a cruise missile. The violent scream when piercing the air sounded to make Liu Sen feel an unspeakable pleasure. Drag the light blue tail flame and move forward. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion!

Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on the explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb falling one after another, on the ground, the ground that has just been attacked by the enemy, is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still constantly immersed and rendered there.