Star Trek

Chapter 144 Marina Cliff 3

It should be said that the emergence of Liu Zheng's maintenance vehicle is true for Liu Zheng's nuclear energy mecha, but it really plays a very important role. Yes, that's really the way it is. Because once the nuclear mecha produced by spending 9,000 of Liu Zheng's production and construction funds is really killed by the enemy's terrorist robot, it can be said that for Liu Zheng, it is definitely not just a question that the combat power has been seriously damaged. In addition, it is a matter that one's morale and confidence have been seriously destroyed. That nature, naturally, is very different.

However, now that the maintenance chariot has been produced, things are naturally much easier to do. He shook his huge steel pliers gently on the damaged multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle, and with the shaking, a "squeaky" sound of repair continued to sound. At the same time, there were sparks from time to time where the iron pliers came into contact with the magnetic and electric chariot. Yao looks like he is releasing fireworks.

And Liu Zheng's nuclear energy armor, originally, under the influence of the enemy's terrorist robot, has been shaken and its health value has been greatly reduced. However, as soon as the two repair vehicles were repaired, the two steel pliers shook one after another in the four shooting of Mars. When he shook, with the unique sound of repair, Liu Sen saw two steel giant pliers dancing up and down, and the wind was full of wind. At the same time, a burst of dazzling sparks came out, looking as bright and gorgeous as fireworks. With the sound of "squeaky" repair sounded one after another, and with the sparks splashing like fireworks, those cars lost a lot of health and finally recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon after, it completely returned to its original state.

At this time, Liu Zheng's base defense battle is still going on. However, soon, Liu Zheng saw the last scene he wanted to see, that is, with the strange sound of "buzzing" coming one after another, Liu Zheng saw that in mid-air, three Kirov airboats had slowly flew to his base! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning slightly.

After such a long battle, Liu Zheng has already known that in fact, this kind of enemy's Kirov airboat indeed has quite good defense ability and attack ability. Especially its defense ability, wow, wow, wow, that's really called broken thick, that's really called broken thick! No matter how powerful the anti-aircraft firepower is, it will take a long time to shoot it down.

Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng have some helplessness is that now, he seems to find it a little late. In this way, naturally, it will also bring considerable difficulty to its own air defense attack. Now, Liu Zheng can't take care of anything. He almost uses all his anti-aircraft firepower, such as light tanks, armed helicopters, etc., and so on.

Speaking of his own helicopter gunship, it is really a kind of combat power that Liu Zheng is very proud of. In the past, that kind of helicopter gunship only had the ability to attack the ground, but now, he has the dual attack effect of ground and air at the same time, which is naturally the most appreciated by Liu Zheng. Moreover, its attack ability and lethality are also quite large, and sometimes, especially after it is upgraded to the Samsung elite level, it has almost horrible lethality, which is very good, very good!

"Bat, fight for me! These three Kirov airships must not be allowed to fly over Laozi's base! We must not let these three Kirov airships fly over Laozi's base!" At this time, Liu Zheng shouted almost hysterically.

Yes, since entering this planet battlefield, it can be said that it has experienced almost all the strange combat forces. However, Liu Zheng's understanding of this kind of Kirov airboat is also the best! Well, it's really a very horrible existence! So, no matter what, you have to shoot it before it flies to your base! Otherwise, my own base, which has just been built, will suffer very serious damage!

"Whisw" With the sound of the sharp roar, Liu Zheng saw that anti-aircraft missiles breaking the wind and roaring towards the three enemy Kilo, who were slowly approaching his base in mid-air. The empty boat attacked and went, and attacked and went.

Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng really saw that the attack characteristics of his light tank anti-aircraft missiles are different from the characteristics of the anti-aircraft missiles of that multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, and the attack characteristics of that kind of anti-aircraft missiles launched by that kind of patriot missiles. It's quite different! The characteristics of the anti-aircraft missile of that kind of multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle and the attack characteristics of that kind of anti-aircraft missile launched by that kind of Patriot missile are all quite different!

Yes, it's really like this. That kind of Patriot missile, or that kind of multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle, the anti-aircraft missiles they launch, constantly adjust the direction of their flight and shoot away. However, now, the anti-aircraft missiles of these light tanks have almost no adjustment. Their flight trajectory is almost a smooth curve!

"Boom~~~~" After the anti-aircraft missiles hit the target one after another, a sound of explosion suddenly sounded. And the three Kirov airships were all over the battle, but it was impossible to beat them down all at once!

Moreover, Liu Zheng has also clearly seen that it seems that this time's Kirov airboat has a more seemingly stronger health value and is more "thick" than the previous Kirov airboat. Therefore, although Liu Zheng used almost all his anti-aircraft firepower to attack, in a long time, he only knocked down 50% to 60% of the Kirov airship that rushed to the front. However, although Liu Zheng did not shoot them down, their attack soon began!

Because at this time, they have flown to the edge of Liu Zheng's base. Yes, it has indeed flown there. And once they fly there, it almost means that some military facilities in their bases will be ruthlessly and crazyly bombed and attacked by it!

Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very helpless that at this time, the three enemy Kirov airships seemed to be exactly where he was located in his chariot factory! Mother, mother, why is it so unfortunate? Why is it so unfortunate! You can almost know it by thinking about it with your toes. Anyway, that chariot factory is almost the most important military facility in Liu Zheng's base, almost the most important military facility! Wow! What a bastard, what a bastard!

At this time, the enemy's three Kirov airboats seemed to have finally found the soft ribs in Liu Zheng's base. Therefore, soon, they began to drop bombs in mid-air and attack Liu Zheng's chariot factory! Bombing! I saw that the Kilo-class airships constantly changed their posture in the sky, and then slowly opened the magazine. Therefore, heavy high explosive bombs hit the ground in a free fall, and in the process of falling, the extremely sharp and harsh roar was very audible. Fearful." Boom ~ ~ Boom ~ ~ " With the hit of heavy bombs, a roar kept coming, and the dark red fire after the bomb explosion continued to shine, and smoke rose into the sky and went straight to the sky.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally understood very well, that is, now, it is actually impossible for him to shoot down the enemy's Kirov airboats at once! Yes, that's almost impossible. And the only thing you can do in front of you is to sell your chariot factory and sell it into a production and construction fund. In this way, naturally, it will also bring certain benefits for the construction of its own base and combat production, which is much stronger than being killed by the enemy's three Kirov airboats! After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally made up his mind, so he planned to start selling one of his most valuable military facilities: his chariot factory!

However, when Liu Sen finally made up his mind and wanted to sell his chariot factory, it was too late. With the extremely sharp sound of breaking the sky, heavy bombs, one by one, have fallen from the sky, cut through the air, and hit the top of Liu Zheng's chariot factory on the ground! With the extremely sharp sound of breaking the sky, heavy bombs, one by one, have fallen from the sky, cut through the air, and hit the top of Liu Zheng's chariot factory on the ground!

"Boom~~~~" So, with the heavy bombs hitting the target one after another, the sound of the explosion sounded one after another, bursting up in the sky, the dark red explosive flame, wrapped in that strand The rolling black smoke spread everywhere. And in the scattered and rolling explosion flames, Liu Zheng saw that his chariot factory was finally blown up by the enemy's heavy bombs one after another! And almost at that moment, in the dark red explosive flame, countless debris and fragments scattered and shot into the air one after another, and then fell down one after another, everywhere...

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was really a little confused. Wow, wow, he didn't expect it, he really didn't expect it! The enemy's three Kirov airboats could really break through Laozi's air defense system, and, moreover, they even blew up Laozi's chariot factory! This, this, this, what kind of shame is this! What kind of shame is this!

At this time, Liu Zheng's heart was naturally like being knocked over by a five-flavor bottle, and he had all kinds of flavors. However, these are no longer the most important. And the most important thing is that no matter what, no matter what you do, you have to kill the three Kirov airboats! Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult to support this hard-won base!

So, on the one hand, Liu Zheng continued to send and gather his own light tanks to continue the air defense attack on the three Kirov airships of the enemy. At the same time, Liu Zheng also took the position of his helicopter gunship for a while. In this way, it is naturally very easy and easier to carry out that kind of air-to-air, air defense attack on the target!

"Well, yes, yes, his own helicopter gunship should also play a role, and it should also play a role in air defense!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. Then, as his helicopter gunship flew forward, its air-to-air, missile attack was further strengthened. I saw that Dada Dada, countless crisp and pleasant sound of firing sounds sounded one after another. At the same time, one by one, in the way of that kind, was like a meteor in the air, no, let alone like a meteor shower. After turning a few turns, it went straight to the target.

"Haha, haha, I really didn't expect it, really didn't think of it! My own helicopter gunship really brought me a huge surprise! He can actually launch that kind of ion missile, and how can he launch that kind of ion missile!" Liu Zheng was almost stunned by the excellent performance of his helicopter gunship. The bunch of blue missiles crossed the shining tracks and sparked blue from time to time, and several tracks attacked the past work together, which was like a ponytail, and its guidance ability was particularly strong. Even if the target flies a long distance away, it doesn't matter. Those missiles that have been shot out can still be traced, and there is a lot of momentum to stop.

Moreover, once it hits the target, those meteor shower-like ion missiles will explode with a lightning-like white-blue light. At the same time, a sound of explosion "crack" sounded one after another, and electric flowers burst out. It's also very spectacular...

At this moment, the enemy's attack on Liu Zheng's base is even more fierce. Yes, that's almost close to a degree of madness. Moreover, it seems that the targets of the enemy's offensive forces are almost without exception, focusing the spearhead of the attack on Liu Zheng's newly produced nuclear mecha!

"Wow, wow, he's thee! It seems that the enemy really value that old man's nuclear mecha! Otherwise, they would not have concentrated so many combat forces and come to attack! Wow, wow, wow, he really looks up to me, and he really looks up to me!" Liu Zheng naturally had a headache about the enemy's successive waves of attacks.

Yes, although the enemy attaches great importance to his nuclear mecha, how can he not value it for Liu Zheng? Yes, after all, it cost 9,000 yuan to produce a chariot that can be said to be its own ace combat power!

However, the most important use of this kind of nuclear mecha is not to defend in its own base, but to launch the kind of missile carrying a small nuclear warhead at a distant enemy target when attacking! Haha, haha, that kind of attack power, that kind of lethality, that's not ordinary power!

Especially, especially when there is a large target in front of it, naturally, once that small nuclear warhead hits the target, it will definitely cause great lethality to the target! Moreover, it is still a wide range of lethality! Therefore, Liu Zheng naturally attaches great importance to his nuclear energy mecha.

Therefore, in the face of the enemy's successive attacks, especially the attack on his own nuclear mecha, Liu Zheng was really a little anxious. However, now, his only way is to carry it with his own nuclear mecha! Yes, at that time, it was the only way!