Star Trek

Chapter 146 Marina Cliff 5

Looking at his three chariots, they all seemed to be drunk, crooked and swaying, and Liu Zheng couldn't help but be speechless for a while. It seems that none of them can be saved. My own nuclear mecha is not so good, but not so! After all, that guy spent seven or eight thousand of production funds to produce it, and his life value is naturally quite high! My own nuclear mecha is not so good, but not so! After all, that guy spent seven or eight thousand of production funds to produce it, and his life value is naturally quite high!

However, the health value of your two repair cars is quite low! That's really it! And with their low health value, it will naturally be easy to be tossed to death by the enemy's horror robots!

"It seems that now, I can only hope that my chariot factory can produce a repair vehicle again in the shortest time! In that case, it is still possible to repair my other two maintenance vehicles and that nuclear mecha!" Liu Zheng thought helplessly.

However, suddenly, Liu Rutong was like an enlightenment and suddenly realized: Shit, why are you so stupid? Why am I so stupid? I can't completely do it. Can I use that kind of "head-to-end" way to complete the repair between them?

And the so-called "head-to-tail" way is actually to let the first repair car repair the second repair car. Moreover, let the second repair car repair the health of the nuclear mecha. At the same time, use the second repair car to repair the first repair car. In this way, naturally, all the chariots that have been drilled into the terrorist robots will also be repaired.

"Let's start!" Liu Zheng is now extremely proud of his own idea, which can be said to be almost a great initiative. The two repair cars gently shook their huge steel pliers on the other maintenance chariot that had been drilled into the terrorist robot, and with the shaking below, a "squeaky" sound of repair continued to sound. At the same time, the iron pliers and the magnetic and electricity Where the chariots came into contact, sparks sparkled from time to time, as if they were releasing fireworks.

"Squeak~~" With the unique sound of repairing, Liu Sen saw that two huge steel pliers dancing up and down, blowing the wind. At the same time, a burst of dazzling sparks shot out, looking as bright and gorgeous as fireworks. And with the sound of "squeaky" repair sounded one after another, with the fireworks blooming sparks...

"Ha ha, ha, this is really a pretty good way, this is really a pretty good way!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly. In this way, after about three minutes, the two repair cars and the nuclear mecha chariot, the horrible robot that was drilled into, finally eliminated all the hazards in the professional maintenance of the repair car.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his second nuclear energy mecha was finally produced. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing. Finally, I smiled happily. Yes, for a period of time, it is precisely because I have been thinking about my second nuclear mecha, which has not been produced, so the other combat power has naturally not been touched for a long time.

Now, since his second nuclear mecha has been produced, and Liu Zheng also saw that the level of his first nuclear mecha has also risen to the Samsung elite level. In this way, Liu Zheng suddenly came up with an idea, that is, in any case, he should let his aircraft, which has been upgraded to a Samsung elite-level nuclear energy machine, and go to the nearest base of the enemy to his side, to carry out a tentative attack!

However, next, Liu Zheng immediately thought that now, in any case, he has no other covering power, especially the power suitable for melee. Otherwise, once the enemy's large combat power fires its own nuclear mecha, especially when its own nuclear mecha attacks the target in the way of that long-range nuclear missile, it is almost certain, and it will definitely be given by the enemy's surging combat power. Ked it off.

Therefore, after thinking about it over and over again, Liu Zheng finally decided that he really couldn't be too anxious. Yes, that's it. In any case, you should be cautious and careful, not too reckless and reckless. At present, in the coming year, the only thing that can be used as a close combat force and can act as a barrier combat power of its own nuclear mecha should be the kind of combat force called "fire self-propelled rocket".

However, now, the combat power of my kind of "fire self-propelled rocket" has just been produced. In this way, naturally, it can't form such a strong combat power. Therefore, Liu Zheng was thinking that he had to wait until three or four Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets to be able to fulfill the heavy responsibility of covering nuclear energy mecha!

So, for the next step, Liu Zheng can only wait quietly!

However, Liu Zheng's waiting was not boring. Yes, that's it. Because at this time, Liu Zheng was thinking about launching a tentative attack on the enemy's base not far ahead. Moreover, Liu Zheng has also determined the main combat force of that attack, that is, his kind of nuclear energy mecha.

"Damn, the movement speed of this kind of nuclear mecha is too slow, otherwise, it will be better and will definitely be better!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. However, on top of the fact, because that kind of nuclear energy mecha does carry too many weapons and equipment systems, naturally, its speed will be affected.

However, at this time, a group of enemy amphibious tanks unexpectedly formed into clusters and rushed towards Liu Zheng's defensive position along the edge of Liu Zheng's base. Looking at the appearance of so many enemy amphibious tanks rushing over one after another, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be a little confused. Wow, damn it! Such a big offensive has been launched! It seems that it is really difficult for me not to kill this group of guys first and launch an attack on the enemy's base at ease!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help giving an order, so his own one, which had been upgraded to a Samsung elite-level nuclear energy machine, slowly turned over the front of the car, and then looked very calm, crossing the water that area and was rushing towards here. The amphibious tank threw three shells. Three shells were thrown out at one time, and at this time, this nuclear energy mecha has been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Naturally, the explosive power of the three shells is also considerable.

"Boom ~~~" The three cannon barrels stretched one after another, and then three huge shells shot out and crossed three arcs. In that very sharp cry, it bombarded and hit the several enemy amphibious tanks that were rushing over in the distance. And at the moment when the three huge shells had just fallen to the ground, Liu Zheng saw that it was like a carpet-style bombing. The black and red explosive firelight looked like a small mushroom cloud rising to the sky, stretching and spreading one after another, and In the black and red explosion fog rising to the sky, the enemy's amphibious tanks had no resistance at all. Soon, with the explosion fog rising to the sky, they turned into countless wreckage and fragments and scattered away...

"Ha ha, ha, it's really that kind of carpet bombing!" Watching the shells fall from the sky, bursts of yellow-brown explosive light fog rose one after another, and the enemy's several amphibious tanks that rushed to the front also turned into countless wreckage and fragments in the explosive light fog.

Even if, occasionally, there were several counterattack shells that hit Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha, but the huge guy, relying on the super health value, was only 120 percent of his health. And such a little loss of health is almost insignificant for it. Relying on that super health value, only 120 percent of the health value was knocked down. And such a little loss of health is almost insignificant for it.

At the same time, Liu Zheng was also happy to see that when he first built his base, he had begun to build at the same time. Those land-based ballistic missiles are also playing an increasingly important role. Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng happier is that those ballistic missiles have such accuracy. Yes, in fact, although my own nuclear mecha has quite good attack ability, after all, it is difficult to become a single tree. In this way, once it is besieged by an excessive number of enemy forces, it will also be outnumbered.

Therefore, Liu Zheng is very gratified that the eighty-nine ballistic missiles located around his base have played a great role this time. As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After drawing an arc, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately. After touching the target, the ballistic missiles were bombarded one after another, which was enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

In particular, even if the target is an amphibious combat vehicle, it can glide on the surface of the water, but it doesn't matter. The ballistic missiles will also drift with the target, follow them, chase them, and finally hit the target. So, on the surface of the water, splashed, and at the same time, a dark red explosive fog spread out and looked very spectacular.


At this time, Liu Zheng saw that in his base, in fact, the "Red Star Transport Ship" had been produced. It is a kind of air transportation equipment, such a "red star transport ship", but it can carry no less than five or six chariots, so its transportation capacity is still very good. It's really very good. Liu Zheng still has a very clear understanding of this.

"Well, that's good! I finally looked forward to you, and I finally looked forward to you!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, the newly produced Red Star transport ship slowly took off, and then, soon after, it fell in front of Liu Zheng's Samsung elite-level nuclear mecha. Then, in Liu Zheng's attention, his Samsung elite nuclear energy mecha slowly drove into the red star ship.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knew that although he was only a tentative attack this time, then again, his nuclear energy mecha, after all, was not an ordinary thing. It cost him seven or eight thousand yuan to produce and construction funds, which was finally produced. Therefore, you must do everything you can to ensure its safety, that's for sure!

However, just as Liu Zheng wanted to move his Samsung elite nuclear mecha from the surface of the water to the shore, and then station into the Red Star transport ship, and then carry out the task of attacking the enemy base, he suddenly found that his The Samsung elite nuclear energy mecha, which is floating on the water, suddenly moved slowly towards the shore! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling strange. Yes, yes, mother-of-law, what happened? What the hell happened?

Yes, according to the conventional understanding, since he deployed it on that water (in fact, Liu Zheng also knew not long ago that his nuclear energy mecha could also operate on the water), then It has its own reason, so it should not change its position at will. However, this time, why did that guy act without authorization? What on earth did this happen?

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very puzzled. However, soon, Liu Zheng also had an answer. The reason is that at this time, Liu Zheng saw that in mid-air, the enemy's four invaders fighters were roaring and diving! Then, with the sound of missile launch, a bunch of air-to-ground missiles were rapidly launched by four enemy invaders. Under the gray-blue sky, the air-to-ground missiles dragged long tail smoke and constantly changed their flight direction, looking like tadpoles with long tails.

"Boom~" After those beams of air-to-ground missiles hit the target one after another, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded. Then, Liu Zheng clearly saw that his one had been upgraded to the Samsung elite level nuclear mecha. At this time, his health value was actually only Less than 20% is left!

"It's no wonder it can't calm down anymore! It seems that if you don't come to the shore again, you will be knocked out! It seems that the intelligence of this kind of nuclear energy mecha is still quite high, or quite high!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing.

Yes, because my repair car can't get to the surface at all, so if you want to get timely repairs, then you have to rush to the shore first. There is nothing we can do about it. However, Fortunately, under the control of the highly intelligent system, Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha finally slowly drifted from the surface of the water to the shore. And Liu Zheng, when he saw its health value, there was only such a little left, naturally quite heartbreaking! So, with an order, his two repair cars came! Then, their chariot maintenance started again! The two repair cars gently shook their huge steel pliers on the damaged multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle...

And with the shaking, a "squeaky" sound of repair continued to sound. At the same time, the place where the iron pliers came into contact with the magnetic and electric chariot, there were bursts of sparks shining from time to time, as if they were releasing fireworks. With the unique sound of restoration, Liu Sen saw the two huge steel pliers dancing up and down, blowing the wind. At the same time, a dazzling Mars shot out, looking as bright and gorgeous as fireworks.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng sent the only two helicopter gunships in his base and kept up closely. Yes, once you encounter the enemy's air combat attack, you can defend through the two helicopter gunships. Then, with an order, the red star ship slowly rose up and flew slowly to the enemy's base closest to its base...