Star Trek

Chapter 145 Marina Cliff 4

Now, Liu Zheng has further increased his combat production. Yes, including the construction of another nuclear energy mecha. Indeed, Liu Zheng has clearly found that that kind of nuclear mecha really has quite good lethality! Well, it's really good, really good!

In particular, especially if its three cannon barrels fire at the same time, the fighting style of firing out one after another and breaking the wind and hitting the target like raindrops is really surprising and gratifying.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng naturally wants to produce one again, that is, his second nuclear mecha, to cope with the battle. At the same time, Liu Zheng further produced three helicopter gunships. Yes, that kind of helicopter gunship is also quite useful. Especially when it is upgraded to that kind of Samsung elite level, it has almost irresistible attack ability. Whether it is against the air or the ground, it is a fight. They are all quite powerful!

In addition, there is also a very good combat power, that is, that is, that kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher. Yes, for Liu Zheng, that kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher is almost the most powerful attack weapon except for that kind of nuclear mecha. The rocket launcher fired by that guy is quite dense, secondly fast, thirdly, its lethality is quite large, and fourth, its attack distance is also quite far away.

Therefore, although the cost of that guy is not low, it has also become Liu Zheng's first choice of a sharp weapon to attack the ground. Of course, this time, it is the role of its own nuclear mecha. Otherwise, Liu Zheng will have to produce a few Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets first!

However, the enemy's special attack on Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha is still continuing. Moreover, this time, their attacks have mainly come with that kind of terrorist robot! Yes, it seems that for some time, the opponent has also conducted a certain degree of battlefield research and found that if he used ordinary combat power, he wanted to destroy some of Liu Zheng's defensive combat power. Suddenly, Liu Zheng's defensive position entered Liu Zheng's base, just with that general combat power. By the way, in order to destroy Liu Zheng's defensive combat power, suddenly Liu Zheng's defensive position entered Liu Zheng's base. It was still difficult to use that kind of general combat power.

It's really difficult. Because now, Liu Zheng's base has basically completed all kinds of defense preparations for air, ground and so on. Therefore, if you want to carry out that kind of forced attack under such a defense, you will almost throw yourself into the net.

Therefore, the opponent used this terrorist robot to repeatedly attack Liu Zheng's position, especially the nuclear energy machine in that defensive position! However, Liu Zheng did not agree with the deliberate attack on the enemy. Yes, that's it. Because now, Liu Zheng has at least two maintenance vehicles in his hands!

At this time, the enemy's seven or eight terrorist robots were rapidly approaching in the direction of Liu Zheng's position. The action looks unusually fast, and the speed is also unusually fast. However, the 89 land-based ballistic missiles in Liu Zheng's base took the lead in responding to the sneak attack of some of the enemy's terrorist robots. As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately. After touching the target, the ballistic missiles were bombarded one after another, which was enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

In this way, in the process of the enemy's group of terrorist robots rising towards Liu Zheng's position, the ballistic missiles roared into the air, and then, under the command of their own high-precision guidance system, they rushed to the target and rushed to the enemy. The horrible robot, go in a hurry, go in a hurry~~~

The sound of explosion suddenly sounded, and the enemy's terrorist robots also exploded one after another. The countless wreckage and fragments scattered one after another, and the dark red explosion light also rose to the sky...


However, what worries Liu Zheng the most is the enemy's Kirov airship that once again flew in the direction of his position. Yes, last time, the enemy's Kirov airboats blew up their own chariot factory, which affected the progress of their base construction and combat production. And this time, Liu Zheng has made the final decision, that is, in any case, he will shoot down those Kirov airboats from the air. Otherwise, his own base can no longer withstand such a powerful blow from the enemy's Kirov airship.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng mobilized almost all the air defense forces in his base. Plus, my own helicopter gunship. In this way, the anti-aircraft attack force should also be considerably strengthened. Yes, that's it.

"yo-yo-yo~~~" An extremely sharp sound of breaking wind was endless, and the sound of the wind was blowing. The anti-aircraft missiles rushed to the sky and broke the air. This perfect trajectory directly hit the three enemy's Kirov airboats in mid-air. At the same time, Liu Zheng's helicopter gunship also attacked with all his strength!

At this time, Liu Zheng was surprised to see that after a period of fighting, his helicopter gunship had been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. At such a level, the missile it launches is almost equivalent to the explosive equivalent of a small nuclear bomb when it explodes!

"Wh..." Liu Zheng saw that at this time, his helicopter gunship finally showed its power. The guy, dragging the orange tail smoke, hurried forward and roared away. Sure enough, as Liu Zheng expected, the missiles fired by the helicopter gunships, after hitting the target, really exploded into a mass of explosive fog close to that kind of mushroom cloud. One of the enemy's Kirov airships was immediately shot down.

However, what makes Liu Zheng seem to have some helplessness is that despite this, his Samsung elite-level helicopter does not know what's wrong with the space. Unexpectedly, after destroying the enemy's Kirov airboat, it was also inexplicable. Wonderfully, it fell from the middle of the sky! Then, he fell on the huge stone on the ground, and as a result, it stirred up a burst of explosive flames. It seemed that there was really some thrilling feeling. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt a little speechless. Wow, wow, damn it, what do you say, what do you say?

Now, Liu Zheng is quite anxious. Yes, because now, it is really a very special period for Liu Zheng. Yes, because now, he really wants to launch an attack on the enemy! However, that comes back. Now, in Liu Zheng's base, he is producing his second nuclear energy mecha. However, that kind of nuclear energy mecha, even after building its own industrial factory (because it can save about 30% of the production and construction capital of the industrial factory, it would have cost 9,000 production capital, but now, it only costs 6,000 to 7,000 production. With construction funds, it is also quite laborious and time-consuming to produce such a nuclear mecha.

Now, Liu Zheng anxiously looked at the production progress of the nuclear energy mecha in his base and found that it was still seven or eight minutes away from completion! Alas, it seems that sometimes, in order to gain some new combat capabilities, you really need to pay some price! And this time, the cost seems to be a little higher.

Because, in order to wait for the production of his second nuclear mecha, the helicopter gunships Liu Zheng planned to produce, as well as those axes of Thunderbolt rocket launchers, will naturally have to be released first. Yes, it doesn't work. Since you can't produce that nuclear mecha, you don't need to think about the other combat power behind.

However, Liu Zheng now has come up with such an idea from time to time, that is, in the current situation, can he launch a small-scale attack on an enemy base first? Even if it's a sneak attack!

"Well, it seems that I really should think about this kind of combat idea. Otherwise, if you can't do it well, you will lose your wife and lose your soldiers! And that kind of situation is something I absolutely don't want to see!" Liu Zheng thought secretly in his heart.


"Wow, it seems that if I want to lead the battle to the periphery, I have to get rid of those enemy chariots that are rushing up." At this time, Liu Zheng actually found that the enemy's five main battle tanks (of course, they only belong to that kind of tank of general nature, and their lethality is not very powerful).

However, even if this is the case, Liu Zheng does not dare to despise it too much. Because, with the passage of some time ago, a considerable number of combat forces have been eliminated! For example, the helicopter, originally, had been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, but what I didn't expect was that not long ago, my helicopter gunship had been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, but It was shot down! Not long ago, my helicopter gunship was shot down after upgrading to the Samsung elite level!

Liu Zheng has actually thought about this. That is, the reason why his helicopter gunship will be shot down should not be the enemy's Kirov airship! Because according to Liu Zheng, that kind of Kirov airship can't have air-to-air weapons at all. That huge thing can only have the ability to drop high-explosive bombs. In this case, then your own armed helicopter should have been shot down by its own anti-aircraft firepower!

Yes, it is very likely that it was knocked down by its own anti-aircraft fire. Especially my own light tanks, their anti-aircraft firepower, which is quite fierce! Therefore, it is very likely that, on the one hand, while shooting down the enemy's Kirov airship, it is also very likely that it will also kill its own helicopter gunship close to the enemy's Kirov airship!

"It's so sad, so sad! My own helicopter gunship was actually killed by my own anti-aircraft firepower! What a mother of bad luck! It seems that in the future, I really have to be more careful about such things, and I really have to be more careful!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

However, on the ground, the attacks of the enemy's terrorist robots one after another are still ongoing. Just like what was analyzed just now. Now, the enemy seems to have completely placed their hopes for Liu Zheng's attack on that kind of terrorist robot.

That's also the guy, who moves fast and has the potential to go out. At the same time, once it gets into the chariot, if it is not repaired in time, the target will be slowly destroyed without any doubt.

"brush~~" suddenly, an enemy's terrorist robot jumped up and suddenly got into Liu Zheng's nuclear energy mecha! Then, Liu Zheng saw that his nuclear mecha began to shake constantly. It looked like he was drunk.

"Alas, there are still three fish that have missed the net! I really didn't expect it, really didn't think of it!" Liu Zheng obviously felt very helpless that he could not intercept the three terrorist robots of the enemy in the end. Yes, anyway, my attack just now, that air defense attack, should also be very good! Now, Liu Zheng has more than seven or eight of the Samsung elite anti-aircraft light tanks. And such a large amount of air defense firepower, naturally, should have quite good lethality!

"However, fortunately, I have already prepared several repair cars, otherwise, this time, it will be really quite troublesome!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order and summoned his two maintenance tool vehicles to his own one, which had just been drilled into the nuclear mecha of the enemy's terrorist robot.

However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that there was a bush next to the nuclear mecha. In the bush, two enemy terrorist robots suddenly rushed out. One of them, with the lightning speed, suddenly got into Liu Zheng's subordinates, the repair car that had just been gathered! Then, Liu Zheng clearly saw, hehe, hehe, the repair car also swayed, just like drunkenness.

Then, the second enemy's terrorist robot also jumped high again, and then plunged into Liu Zheng's second repair car... After seeing this, Liu Zheng was really dumbfounded. Mother, mother, what's the matter? What's the matter? In this way, Laozi's three chariots - a nuclear mecha and two maintenance chariots, were actually drilled into horror robots!

Looking at his three horror robots, all shaking, Liu Zheng couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile. Originally, Liu Zheng didn't feel much worried. Yes, especially after owning two repair cars, I am no longer worried about the situation of being killed by the enemy, or being drilled into by the enemy's terrorist robots.

However, now, the situation seems to be very different. Because, unexpectedly, his two repair vehicles have been drilled into the enemy's terrorist robots! And in this case, it's really troublesome!

In fact, it doesn't matter if there is only one repair car that is drilled into a terrorist robot. Because in that case, I have another repair car that can repair it. And as long as it is repaired, the enemy's terrorist robots will never do anything. However, now, two of my repair cars have been drilled into the horror robot. What can I do?