Star Trek

Chapter 150 Revenge 3

It seems that this place is always full of exotic customs. The golden desert, the palm trees, the buildings full of desert style, and the camels that can be seen everywhere...

This is a corner of the desert, and this is a desolate arena. And this time, Liu Zheng was ordered to come here. One of the most important features here is that here, in the upcoming war, there will be a war of super weapons! Yes, it's a war of super weapons!

The sound of the wind. And with the whirling wind, pieces of yellow sand also roared by, almost covering people's sight ruthlessly. At this time, Liu Zheng built his own main factory in the infinite wind, in the corner of the golden water desert, among the sparse palm trees scattered everywhere. Yes, another combat career began here.

Five multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, as an indispensable force among the Allied combat power types, have soon been produced. Looking at the very familiar shadows, looking at them, looking at them, they moved, as if they had danced happily in the desert. The tension and irritability in Liu Zheng's heart also seemed to be quickly offset.

The ore refinery has already been built. The own hyperspace mining truck came and went on the golden gold deposit for its own ore collection. Provide continuous production and construction funds for the construction of their own bases. And next to his ore refinery, just under the palm trees, a wooden box suddenly appeared there. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very happy. Naturally, Liu Zheng knew what that abduction box would represent.

"Haha, that box may be a good chariot, thousands of production and construction funds, or a global map, or an upgrade introduction..." Liu Zheng is constantly speculating about what that wooden box is.

Soon, with all kinds of doubts and speculations, Liu Zheng led several multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles that had just been produced and rushed straight to the wooden box. Yes, in Liu Zheng's heart, that wooden box is really full of infinite mystery! Shit, anyway, it should be a chariot, right? Even a very inconspicuous chariot...

At this time, Liu Zheng's eyes were already staring straight at his multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles and hitting the wooden box. And right in front of Liu Zheng, when that scene has emerged, what kind of scene may be transformed? At the moment when one of his multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle hit the wooden box, a loud and earth-shaking sound suddenly sounded, a dark red. The explosive fog mixed with the yellow sand soared to the sky. And that Liu Zheng's was the first to hit the top of the wooden box. The multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle was immediately blown into debris and fragments that soared into the sky and dispersed...

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling bitterly. Shit, damn it, I really didn't think of it, really didn't think of it! Originally, I thought I would come across something good, but, I didn't expect to come across a *! Damn, this is really unlucky, this is really unlucky!

Yes, if Liu Zheng thinks so, there are really some comedic effects. Originally, I went with hope. Originally, I wanted to touch a chariot, thousands of production and construction funds, or an opportunity to upgrade, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Shit, what a fucking bastard!

Liu Zheng really has some feelings of crying and laughing. However, this did not affect his mood too much. Then, Liu Zheng calculated that the five or six multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles were for air defense! However, the combat power on the ground has not been produced yet! Once the enemy's ground combat power attacks, what should you do?

So, with Liu Zheng's order, the production of five ray chariots has begun. Soon after, two or three ray chariots burst out of their own chariot factory. Seeing this, especially his two or three-edging chariots, when he just appeared from the chariot factory, the feeling of impatience in Liu Zheng's heart finally had a trace of calm.

Yes, anyway, after all, I finally have a weapon to defend myself! In this desert, my history of not having ground combat power has also come to an end. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

The sound of the wind. The palm tree kept swinging and making a rustling sound. In that rustling sound, Liu Zheng clearly found something, and then appeared: as many as seven or eight mobilized soldiers of the enemy were carrying guns, whispering something to each other, and were marching towards his base.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned and said to himself: Wow, damn it, the attack speed of this pair of hands is really not slow, is it really not slow! It's so fast, it's so fast, it's already rushed over, it's already rushed over! Wow!

"Fortunately, I have produced several edge chariots, otherwise, I'm afraid I'm really caught off guard by the enemy's mother!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Then, under an order, he saw that his five ray chariots, which had just been produced not long ago, had turned from the back of his chariot factory, and then, towards the group of mobilizers rushing over the enemy, began their laser beam-like shot. Attack!

Liu Zheng knows that that kind of laser beam attack is quite good, but quite good! The attack distance is far, the killing range is large, and it is true. It is a very good attack power! Several harsh sounds were made one after another, and then several dazzling laser beams shot out from the laser transmitters of the light-edge chariots under the soft snow. The powerful laser beams, wrapped in a fierce wind, pierced the air and roared away in that extremely dazzling form.

But at the core of the laser beam is the dazzling white light, and at the edge, there is a kind of cyan. Where the laser beams passed, the air seemed to have been ionized, making an abnormal sound. And the surrounding space seems to be constantly turbulent because of this. Almost at that moment, after the laser beams hit the target quickly, there was a strong scattering, and several laser beams scattered in all directions...

Yes, just after the mobilization of the enemy, between the mobilization of the enemy and the palm trees, the extremely strong reflection of the laser beam, naturally, has also caused a stronger killing effect! A sad wailing kept coming out, and the mobilization of the enemy fell on the yellow sand one after another, bleeding all over the ground...

After the enemy's mobilized soldiers were killed, Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's attack on his base might officially begin.

Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's attack just now was actually just a tentative attack. And the real large-scale attack is actually just the beginning. Liu Zheng actually has enough understanding of this. Looking at the flowing sand moving with the wind on the ground and the way the wind shook the palm tree like a dancer, Liu Zheng's mind couldn't help shaking. Yes, in such an environment, it is really a very small medical thing that I can still appreciate such beauty.

Liu Zheng knows that if he wants to stand on his feet, then the first requirement is to build his own defense system first, otherwise, it will not work anyway. As for how to improve your own defense system, you naturally need to think about it.

My own combat laboratory has just been built, so that I can produce some good advanced combat independence. Yes, experience has proved that if there is not enough advanced combat power to support it, then! Everything has become an empty word.

Looking at the mobilized chariots that had just killed the enemy, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing. Yes, I didn't expect that this former chariot can be driven by yourself and truly become your main combat power in almost every battle. Yes, it is this kind of briddy chariot that has made Liu invincible in many battles, making himself like a fish in water in every battle, thus further consolidating his position. If it is true that that kind of light nuclear war has indeed made great contributions in its own past battles, it is by no exawe.

However, Liu Zheng is actually very clear in his heart, that is, the pride and scenery of his glittering chariot have become a thing of the past. Now, although he still has the type of light chariot among his combat power, Liu Zheng also knows that the scenery of the past is infinite. Now in this situation, it is very likely that it will be difficult to show the original style.

Yes, anyway, the times are different. In the current combat power confrontation, generally speaking, it was the type of long-range attack combat power at that time, so the former long-range attack giant combat power has long been no longer dominant.

And! Liu Zheng has also known that what his opponent is best at is to use that kind of magnetoelectric weapon. Moreover. It seems that that kind of magnetoelectric weapon has a more terrible long-range attack capability. It is even longer than the attack distance of Liu Zheng's kind of edging chariot. Therefore, in the face of this problem, Liu Zheng also sighed helplessly 0

Moreover, according to what Liu Zheng has learned, his opponent is the best at conducting air attacks. Therefore, we must do our best to do a good job in air defense, which is already imperative. Yes! It's true that it's not like this.

And when he thought about what his air defense firepower had, Liu Zheng did not scratch his ears and cheeks. Yes, now, it is almost impossible for its own air defense force to really achieve the purpose of shooting down and releasing troops. Therefore, thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng felt that he must produce a more aggressive air defense force. And the most ideal air defense force, that is, the heavy main battle mecha. However, the cost of that kind of heavy main battle mecha is too high. There are more than 4,000 production and construction funds! Liu Zheng knows that such a high-cost combat power can't be produced if he wants to!


However, immediately, Liu Zheng has really understood the power of the enemy's magnetic explosive chariot. Yes, just when Liu Zheng was taking a rest for some of his combat power (after the rest, Liu Zheng planned to send some of his combat strength to launch a final attack on the enemy's base).

Yes, in Liu Zheng's view, if he does not attack the enemy's base now, then it is very likely that once the military strength in the enemy's base is further developed, then it will be difficult for him to attack again.

Yes, the so-called "raising tigers". That's probably the truth! Just now, I only competed with a few mobilized soldiers of the enemy, and I have initially understood the strength of the enemy's combat power. And once the real enemy's powerful combat power comes, then naturally, this matter should be more serious.

At this time, Liu Zheng has just formulated the production task of three heavy master tanks. However, because the cost of that kind of heavy dominant tank is too high, ** has 4,000 production and construction funds. Therefore, it will not be produced so quickly. However, the enemy's group of magnetic explosive chariots will not relax the attack on Liu Zheng's base because of this. At this time, in order to cope with the attack of the enemy's axes of magnetic and electric chariots, Liu Zheng has mobilized all the combat power in his hand to the front. Yes, in this case, the next step, another fierce battle will also begin immediately!

A harsh sound suddenly came out and cut through the space. It looked really like that stream of lightning, looking very sharp.

"Boom~~~" And with the enemy's magnetic explosion chariot, those lightning-like magnetic arcs shot out. Liu Zheng's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle unexpectedly exploded in the successive attacks of several magnetic and electric arcs. Therefore, the multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle, which was still good just now, exploded almost in a blink of an eye and became the flying, countless wreckage and debris scattered away. And on the ground, at this time, there was finally an additional crater after the explosion. It suddenly exploded and became the flying, countless wrecks and fragments, scattered away. And on the ground, at this time, there was finally an additional crater after the explosion.

Of course, in the face of the continuous attacks of the enemy's magnetic explosive chariots, Liu Zheng's light chariots and those multi-functional infantry chariots will naturally not wait for death, but fight back with all their strength! Therefore, for a while, laser beams and wisps of missiles continued to attack the enemy's magnetic explosive chariots.

"Boom~~Boom~~" After all, that kind of guanglint chariot, with the cooperation of those multi-functional infantry chariot, still has quite good lethality! Far and near, one is a live attack, and the other is a laser beam attack, which quickly interweaves a network of attack power. And the enemy's magnetic explosive chariots are still quite lethal! Far and near, one is a live attack, and the other is a laser beam attack, which quickly interweaves a network of attack power. And the enemy's magnetic explosive chariots were finally destroyed one by one under this powerful attack power...


Next, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's air strike force was getting stronger and stronger! It's getting more and more dense! Moreover, the most important force is the enemy's MiG fighter. Liu Zheng knew that the enemy MiG fighter carried a considerable amount of ammunition, and its lethality was also quite strong. Liu Zheng has a quite full understanding of this!