Star Trek

Chapter 151 Revenge 4

Wow!! Whoo!! Several enemy MiG fighters roared in one after another, and their speed was almost beyond Liu Zheng's expectation. Then, bundles of air-to-ground missiles shot out, so the air-to-ground missiles hit the target one after another - Liu Zheng's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles on the ground and two light-edged chariots. So, on the ground, another burst of explosive fog rose to the sky, and countless wreckage and debris of chariots scattered away...

"Damn it, this time, it seems that I was really killed by several enemy bombers! It seems that if there is not enough anti-aircraft firepower, it really won't work!" While thinking about it, Liu Zheng felt that the number of his multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles seemed to be too small.

Otherwise, once you have more than a dozen multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, things will naturally not be so passive. It seems that you have to seize the time to produce two heavy dominant tanks, and then, then, you have to produce more multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles! Shit!


However, Liu Zheng's worries have finally been resolved. That is, now, Liu Zheng has finally produced his first heavy master tank. And this is exactly what Liu Zheng valued most now. Yes, that's it. Because now, for Liu Zheng, what he lacks the most is that kind of defense force. Especially the anti-aircraft firepower there.

Although I still have several multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, then again, the anti-aircraft attack ability of those multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles is not bad, but the health value of that kind of guy and its defense ability are too poor. Therefore, once it is attacked by the enemy's air power, it is almost in vain.

Yes, in the face of the attack of the enemy's air attack force, almost every time, there will be several multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, which will be destroyed. And every time, Liu Zheng will also feel very uneasy and ashamed about this. And not to mention that kind of worry.

So, at that time, when he saw his multi-functional infantry chariots and were blown up one after another, Liu Zheng was always looking forward to: Shit! When you can build your own kind of heavy tank in your chariot factory, then you will be really reintentioned!

"Rumble!! ~" The first heavy master tank, at this time, its own heavy master tank, was finally produced. He rumbled to his own position. There, Liu Zheng's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles and those light-edging chariots were there to hold Liu Zheng's base. That's almost an inch of dirt! Yes, in order to be able to defend this base, Liu Zheng's group of fighting power has also been sticking to it for a long time, and it has also paid a high price! Therefore, Liu Zheng's position is also quite considerable! Quite cherished!

So, after his heavy master tank was produced and rushed to his own position, Liu Zheng's heart finally brightened. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that whether it is its air defense ability or its ground combat ability, it is quite excellent. Therefore, there should be no problem with it stationed there.

At this time, looking at the huge shape of his heavy master tank, Liu Zheng appreciated it very much. Yes, that heavy master tank has two huge barrel, which is extremely thick and looks extremely slender.

"Ji-jiu!!!" At this time, just as the bombing of the enemy's MiG fighters began, and when the four enemy MiG fighters flew over Liu Zheng's defense base again, a sharp laser beam suddenly shot out - from the heavy master of Liu Zheng. The anti-aircraft weapon of the slaughter tank was shot out.

Moreover, Liu Zheng has also seen that the air-to-air attack ability of that kind of laser beam is really very good! Obviously, it was just a few strokes, but an enemy MiG fighter was shot down in one fell swoop. At the same time, in the face of the enemy's waves of ground attacks, Liu Zheng saw that his heavy dominant tank was still quite powerful. At the same time, in the face of the enemy's waves of ground attacks, Liu Zheng saw that his heavy dominant tank was still quite powerful.

"tu tu!!! Suddenly!!!" With the sound of unique shells rang one after another, Liu Zheng saw that shells, after crossing the arc, hit the enemy's chariots fiercely with the ** blooming beauty, bombarded, bombarded!!!

However, soon, Liu Zheng saw that his big guy similar to the Apocalypse tank, and the heavy dominant tank also had some bad things. That is, the action is too slow and too slow. Therefore, it was besieged by all kinds of enemy chariots. Especially the attack of the enemy's magnetic explosive chariot!

At the same time, as his heavy dominant tank slowly approached the enemy's base, suddenly, a sharp magnetic arc suddenly came and hit the point! As a result, the health value of Liu Zheng's heavy dominant tank was suddenly knocked out by 60% or 70%.

And the enemy's chariots, like beating a falling dog, carried out a desperate attack on Liu Zheng's heavy chariot! Hey hey, hey, even a powerful chariot can't withstand such a fierce attack! Therefore, not long after, Liu Zheng's heavy chariot really has good resistance, but no matter what, it is still a hero who can't beat four hands! Almost in that blink of an eye, its health value has been knocked out by more than 90%!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very distressed. Yes, it's very heartbreaking! After all, it cost more than 4,000 yuan to produce a combat force! Moreover, so far, it is also the only heavy chariot that I have just produced! And surely, if it is destroyed by the enemy's wild dog-like chariots, it is also the only heavy chariot that he has just produced! And surely, if it is just like this, if it is killed by the enemy's wild dog-like chariots, then it's really too unfair to die!

However, now, some of the enemy's combat power is still closely surrounding the main heavy chariot and carrying out a pursuit attack. However, when Liu Zheng felt very unacceptable, things finally had a very good turning point, that is, Liu Zheng finally found that his "quick repair" function could finally be used now! Although, this is not the same thing as that kind of repair car. However, it has a faster repair ability! Very good!

So, after thinking about this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but give an order, followed by a circle of dense corrugated repair waves, like water waves, constantly moistening the heavy master tank of Liu Zheng, which had been attacked quite seriously. And it's strange that Liu Zheng saw that his heavy master tank had been damaged a lot of health after being repaired like a water wave at that time, and it was suddenly repaired intact!

And now, Liu Zheng saw that three heavy master tanks had been produced in his base at this time. In this way, Liu Zheng's heart is naturally much more relieved. Yes, that's quite reassuring. Whether in terms of ground attack or air defense, Liu Zhengke no longer feels much worry. Because, after all, with its own heavy dominant tank, relying on its rather terrible defense ability and its extremely huge health, it is almost impossible for the enemy to destroy it.

And as long as they are not knocked out, then things will be much easier to do. Yes, that's it. Because as long as their two heavy dominant tanks are there, it is almost impossible for the enemy's combat power, whether it is on the ground or in the air, to attack and hit Liu Zheng's base.

"Ha ha, ha, those three heavy dominant tanks are almost their own patron saints! That's almost my own patron saint! Hahaha, not bad, not bad! And with these two guardian gods here, I am much more relieved! It's really much more relieved!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking proudly.

However, with those three heavy dominant tanks, at best, they can only do their own defense. However, if it must affect the attack, it will not be such a thing. After all, that kind of "heavy dominant tank" belongs to that kind of slow combat power! And if you use such a kind of combat power to attack the target, then, it will be a mess! If you can't do it well, you can't steal a chicken, and it often happens to eat a handful of rice!

So, the attack that Liu Zheng hopes for is naturally a long-range attack! Moreover, in the end, it is the blow of that kind of remote nuclear force! That's a dozen large pieces! That kind of power, hehe, hehe, is really quite touching! Now, in Liu Zheng's expectation, one of his attack methods that meets this kind of attack characteristics: MOAB air raid can finally be carried out as scheduled!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng shook the baton of his MOAB air raid a few times over the enemy base. As a result, Liu Zheng soon saw that because of the role of his spy satellite, he had seen what was the most suitable place to use this kind of super weapon in the enemy's base.

"Yes, after all, this kind of MOAB air raid can only be done again in five minutes! Therefore, at the critical moment, or you can't waste such an action too casually! After all, this kind of MOAB air raid is very lethal!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking.

"Start!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's strong voice, then Liu Zheng's "MOAB air raid" attack finally began! From the sky above his base, a huge, black B-2 bomber, which looked like a huge bat, flew towards the enemy's base in the high sky. And as the B-2 bomber on its side moved forward, a large triangle shadow had been projected on the ground, and that shadow was clearly projected by the B-2 bomber in the sky.

However, Liu Zheng is also very considerable. That is, that is, considering the enemy's base, it is very likely that it will have very good anti-aircraft firepower! And once that's really the case, then naturally, your own MOAB air raid may fail! Yes, that kind of possibility is not impossible.

Because, although the large bomber in its own MOAB air raid is very strong and its defense ability is also very strong. However, then again, even so, it can't be said that it must be able to resist the attack of the enemy's overly dense anti-aircraft guns! Once, under the attack of the enemy's such dense anti-aircraft firepower, its own B-2 bomber should be shot down, then naturally, its own MOAB air raid will also be declared a failure. That's a matter that makes it almost impossible for you to be official!

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Liu Zheng really took a lot of effort. He first used an airborne opportunity to make the enemy's air defense force attracted to a certain extent. After that, he began to implement his own MOAB air raid. With the sharp harsh sound of "yo-yo~" suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that a huge air-drop bomb dropped from his own B-2 bomber, under the guidance of the high-precision guidance system he carried, cut through the air and towards the enemy base. The giant Tesla coil shot away and went away.

"Boom~~" suddenly sounded with the violent explosion, Liu Zheng saw that at this time, under the bomb attack of his own MOAB air raid, in the enemy's base, especially Liu Zheng carefully selected On the base full of many enemy chariots, at this time, it has become a sea of fire! The large area of destruction and the strength of the lethality are indeed what Liu Zheng did not expect, and what Liu Zheng dared not imagine!

However, Liu Zheng soon felt a threat from his opponent. Yes, it is the so-called horrible feeling of "treating others in their own way". Liu Zheng saw that in the enemy's base, he didn't know when it started. There, there, has been another construction. No, damn, at this time, another giant Tesla coil has been built! Alas, that's quite a terrible thing!

Liu Zheng remembered that before, there was only a kind of ground attack ability like this magnetic energy coil, and as for the air, there was almost nothing this time! However, this time, Liu correctly really opened his eyes! That kind of giant Tesla coil not only has a very good ground attack ability, but the attack distance is almost a few hundred meters away! Moreover, its air attack ability is no less than that of ground attack!

Therefore, Liu Zheng understands that once the enemy's base has this kind of giant Tesla coil that is very easy to use against the air and the ground, then it will not be so easy for Liu Zheng to kill some of the military facilities in the base and some combat power. ! Yes, it's really not that easy!

This seems to be a kind of sadness. However, above the facts, it is indeed like that. Moreover, there is something that makes Liu Zheng more frustrated, that is, Liu Zheng found that there was a strategic bomber stationed in the enemy base, in the enemy base, on the airport! Shit, Liu Zheng saw that that kind of strategic bomber of the enemy is almost as threatening as his own B-2 bomber! And once that guy takes off, does not mean that his base will face a disaster! Liu Zheng was really scared for a while!