Star Trek

Chapter 156 Enmity 9

However, at this time, although Liu Zheng used his third MOAB air raid, it dealt a heavy blow to the enemy base. However, back to that, this time's attack only knocked down the enemy base, some seemingly dispensable things. As for the superweapon in the enemy base, the rebound attack did not hurt it at all.

Damn, Damn, in this case, where is the rebound attack base in the enemy base? I really didn't notice it! Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very puzzled. Where is the rebound attack base? I really didn't notice it! Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very puzzled.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning. After thinking for a while, Liu Zheng resolutely decided: Well, I will personally send my combat strength over the enemy base to investigate! If you don't know where the enemy's super weapon is, that's amazing! Go over the enemy base and make some explorations! If you don't know where the enemy's super weapon is, that's amazing! That's amazing!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng has made such a decision! That is, first send your own kind of combat power to the enemy's base for reconnaissance. And Liu Zheng is also a little embarrassed about what kind of combat power should be sent. However, after thinking about it, Liu Zheng felt that it seemed to be the most appropriate to send his kind of combat power called "ghost bomber"!

An important reason for saying this is that its own ghost fighter has a very good defensive combat ability! Yes, that kind of defensive combat ability is really very strong! Its health value is also quite strong! In this way, since they have such a strong defensive combat ability, then naturally, if they are sent, it is also very appropriate!

After all, it is very dangerous within the enemy's base! With ordinary combat power, it is impossible to fly over the enemy's base! In addition, this kind of ghost bomber has quite good bombing ability! In this way, once an attack is launched on it, then, naturally, it can also cause great damage to the marching base!

"Well, not long ago, my attack has explained some problems! Yes, yes, that kind of bombing effect is not much different from that of your own B-2 long-range bomber!" Liu Zheng thought to himself.


On the one hand, the purpose of reconnaissance can be achieved, and on the other hand, it can also look at the timing and attack the target! Such a good thing is naturally very good, naturally very good! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but give an order, so he suddenly sounded with the sound of a loud roar. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the two ghost bombers in his base had taken off again!

It should be said that it is still a little exciting to see your own long-range bomber take off and fly towards the enemy base. Just over his base, Liu Zheng's two ghost bombers, like two eagles, gliding forward at high speed. Then, fly to the sky!

The roar is almost endless! In the high sky, Liu Zheng's two ghost bombers had turned into two small black spots and flew towards the enemy's base.

In fact, Liu Zheng's heart is very clear, that is, among the enemy's base, in fact, the most powerful is the attack power of the enemy's super magnetic explosive coil! Yes, that's a super defensive force that can be both air-to-air and ground-to-ground! The two ghost bombers of mine are the most worried about, that is, the two kinds of combat power! That's for sure! It's really certain!

At this time, it was seen that his two ghost bombers had flown over the enemy's base! At this time, as Liu Zheng expected, the anti-aircraft attack of the enemy's giant Tesla coil finally began! Suddenly, a sharp magnetic arc came out, and its attack distance seemed to be several kilometers away. With a strange loud sound of "squeaking~~" suddenly...

Yes, that scene is really quite horrible, really quite horrible! There is a great momentum that can stir the world. It looks like a few lightnings suddenly bursting down from the top of the tower, and it is like a curved and hovering dragon, grabbing the sharp claws fiercely towards the target. And with the sharp, high-intensity magnetic arc light emitted, the space almost burst for it, and the surrounding air seemed to be ionized, and there was an illusory feeling.

In this way, under several attacks, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of his two ghost bombers had been knocked out by 60% or 70% in a very short time. No, no, you have to find a target to bomb, otherwise, it's too late! Anyway, although his two ghost bombers have been flying over the enemy's base for some time, they still haven't found any suspicious targets there! Yes, Liu Zheng has almost scouted the enemy's base for a while, but he still hasn't found anything similar to a rebound launcher! After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally had some disappointment.

So, as I thought just now, now, anyway, we should blow up one or several targets of the enemy first, which is worthwhile! Otherwise, it would be worse to come here for nothing!

After thinking of this, with the sharp shrill sound of "yo-yo~~" suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that a huge air-drop bomb dropped from his ghost bomber, under the guidance of the high-precision guidance system he carried, cut through the air towards In the enemy base, the main building factory fell quickly and fell away.

Then, just at the moment when the huge shell hit the target, Liu Zheng saw that two earth-shaking explosions suddenly sounded, and then two yellow-brown explosive fogs, which were diffused in a large area, facing four sides. Spread away, spread away. And the enemy's main construction factory has been completely shrouded by the yellow-brown explosive fog at this time, and nothing can be seen at all. However, some small military facilities around were exploding, exploding, bombarding, booming, and when the yellow-brown explosive fog finally slowly dissipated, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's giant Tesla coil had finally disappeared!

"Haha, haha, it's good, it's really good! Not only did it blow up the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil, but also the enemy's main construction factory was killed by himself, and finally killed by himself!" At this time, Liu Zheng shouted excitedly. However, at this time, what Liu Zheng didn't have time to think of was that the attack of the enemy's super weapon had really arrived this time!

is still a long-range bomber that looks like its own B-2. At this time, it has flown to the edge of Liu Zheng's base. It seems that this is really the kind of stealth bomber! Therefore, Liu Zheng did not find out immediately! I didn't find that guy in time!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart naturally couldn't help but have a kind of fear. And this kind of fear is not the previous one, but a real fear! Perhaps, in many cases, people have an instinctive fear of that strange thing!

"Ji-jiu~~" At this time, Liu Zheng's two heavy armors are using their unique, laser anti-aircraft firepower to carry out that kind of fierce blow to the enemy's long-range bomber in mid-air! However, at this time, it is too late to carry out air defense attacks! With a "you" sound, a harsh and sharp voice suddenly sounded, and then a bomb that looked quite big fell from the sky! Then, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded...

Immediately after that, there was a huge exploding fog rising into the sky! Moreover, looking at that explosive light fog, it almost enveloped all of Liu Zheng's base! It seems that there is only such a yellow light fog, and it seems that there is a tendency to continue to spread.

And, just when the explosion of the yellow dust had not ended and had not dissipated, Liu Zheng had already seen that the power supply had completely become depleted in his base! A series of red lights were turned on one after another! Of course, Liu Zheng naturally knows very well, which also means the end of the power supply of those power plants in his base!

"Boom~~" continued, and several other military facilities were also blown up one after another! As the yellow dust gradually dissipated, Liu Zheng saw that the military facilities in his base had almost disappeared at this time! It's really almost gone!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help crying secretly in his heart! Shit, damn it! This time, I was really suffering! It's really hard! Seeing that in his base, some of the combat power he relied on, such as re-installed mecha and so on, were also killed one by one! Moreover, my own chariot factory and that general construction factory have been almost blown up by this time! They were all knocked out one by one! Moreover, my own chariot factory and that general construction factory have been almost blown up by this time! In this case, what else do you want to save? I'm really afraid that it's impossible, and I'm really afraid it's impossible!

After that, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen enemy chariots rumbled and attacked Liu Zheng from the enemy's base! After seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling a little powerless! Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order to blow up everything he had, and after seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling a little powerless! Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order to lead all the heavy things he had that had not been blown up and retreated to his big rear.

"Mom, mother, the so-called green mountains are there, and I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood! It seems that I have to eat this glass of bitter wine this time! This may also be a kind of God's will, or it may also be a kind of God's will! Shit, when I recover, let's see how I deal with you!" Liu Zheng couldn't help gritting his teeth and thinking fiercely.

It was not until Liu Zheng's defeated troops chased through the mountain range that the enemy finally stopped pursuing. Then, Mingjin received the army. Looking at the combat power of the enemy, the way they left proudly, looking at the wolf smoke everywhere after their team, looking at the large and small craters on the ground, and the burning wildfire, Liu Zheng's heart, the bitterness, needless to say.


After returning his defeated combat power and leading him back to his base camp, Liu Zheng felt that now, he should really adjust himself well! Yes, it should really be adjusted well. Shit, damn it! It should be said that I haven't fought such a defeat for a long time! This is almost to completely destroyed your whole army! Looking at that, a gust of wind passed, and then the palm trees were undulating like waves. Liu Zheng's heart actually surged up with waves!

What is the reason for this fiasco?

Liu Zheng is also very worried about this. Yes, it's really annoying! Shit, it can be said that I have fought for such a long time, and it is really rare to be as a coward like now.

The sunset is coming. Liu Zheng was very tired leaning against his own main construction factory, and his eyes were full of helplessness. However, soon after, Liu Zheng came out of the helpless mentality just now! He knew that his current situation belonged to that kind of situation that did not have much defensive ability. Yes, there is not enough defensive combat force, and it is almost impossible to defend against the enemy's counterattack. Yes, that must be impossible!

In addition, Liu Zheng can also have one more mind this time, that is, he once learned that if he was willing to spend 500,000 yuan, he could buy a kind of combat power called Yuri from the system. It is said that that thing can control the opponent's combat strength and thus strengthen its own combat strength. Indeed, that thing is quite awesome!

However, after Liu Zheng, he weighed the funds in his hand, and finally, that is, a total of less than 200,000 yuan! And this is too far from the goal of "500,000"! Shit, that's really too far apart!

However, the ** that "can control the opponent's combat power target and then transform it into its own combat power" is still very lethal. Therefore, Liu Zheng racked his brains and weighed this matter over and over again. Finally, Liu Zheng finally patted his thigh fiercely, and then decided to borrow 300,000 yuan first and get that kind of "Yuri" combat power! Mother, mother, this time, I really risked my life!

The ancients said it well, they couldn't bear to bear the child and were cruel! It seems that that sentence is really right!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help clenching his fist tightly. Yes, he has made up his mind, that is, he vows not to be a man without revenge! Damn, motherfucker, what a fucking bastard, what a fucking bastard!


Five days later. Liu Zheng borrowed 300,000 yuan through various means, and then really bought the production authority of Yuri special forces. Then, Liu Zheng put all the remaining 30,000 funds into his base construction and combat production. So far, Liu Zheng has put all the remaining 30,000 funds into his base construction and combat production. And so far, Liu Zheng can be said to have embarked on a desperate road!

"This may be a road of no return! However, even if it is really a road of no return, I will go to the dark one by one, and I will go to the dark one by one!" Liu Zheng bit his lips tightly, with a firm look in his eyes.

Soon after, on the east side of the mountain, on the very limited site, Liu Zheng's construction factory finally opened again! The sound of the wind. It seems that it is raining. Come on, come on, storm! I just want to live and die with my opponent in that storm!