Star Trek

Chapter 157 Enmity 10

And now, Liu Zheng finally realized the huge benefits brought by the production authority of Yuri's combat power that he spent 500,000 yuan on! Yes, that kind of benefit can't really be said in a sentence or two.

Liu Zheng couldn't help but project his eyes on the edge of his base again. There, Liu Zheng saw that to the north, there was a very wide river. A wooden bridge is framed on it, and the river is turbulent. Since it is far away, you can also hear the sound of "banging" coming.

And his own base is backed by the mountain beam. There is a mountain road, on a slope, extending from the beam. It seems that once there is any movement, the enemy's combat power will also rush down from that slope! Of course, that slope will definitely be the only way for Liu Zheng's combat strength to rush out!

Now, Liu Zheng has completed all the military facilities that can be built! In this case, for Liu Zheng, there is only one left to choose a suitable time and then attack the two bases of the enemy fiercely! Yes, it's two enemy bases!

"Damn, when I fought against myself, it was an enemy base! But, what's the matter? Now, it has become the base of two enemies again? What the hell is going on?" Liu Zheng couldn't help but hesitate and helpless, "Maybe it's the rescuer brought by the enemy from outside!" Well, that's not known, that's not known!"

Of course, after seeing that the enemy did not know where they came from and moved to save lives, and had to build a new base again, Liu Zheng couldn't help crying secretly. Damn, Damn, at the beginning, it was an enemy base, and I felt that it was quite troublesome to fight! In the end, it was defeated! However, now, under the current situation, the enemy has moved another base rescuer! Only God knows what the way ahead is, and only God knows!" Liu Zheng is almost helpless.

However, soon after, he was very relaxed. With the Yuri replicators trained not long ago, he controlled several tank killers of the enemy and then threw them into his base. When he went to the army recycling factory, Liu Zheng finally felt it. I received a rare pleasure!

"Bang ~ ~" My own army recycling factory opened and closed, and the fiery red light flashed, and a harsh sound sounded one after another. Therefore, a large amount of production and construction funds were also injected into the account in his base.

Finally, soon, Liu Zheng understood that the only mountain away from him was the base of the enemy that defeated him. The so-called "enemy web page, which is particularly jealous"! That's the truth. Seeing the original strong enemy, Liu Zheng suddenly had a feeling of blood surging. It seems that this time, my revenge is revenge, and it is revenge!

And according to Liu Zheng's plan, that is, he should make full use of the blocking effect of the mountain beam and control the enemy's first base separated from his base! In this way, I will also take advantage of the advantage of the enemy base to make myself have more types of combat power.

However, Liu Zheng also knows in his heart, that is, it is not easy to really occupy the enemy's base! Shit! Almost everyone knows that controlling a base must be much more difficult than destroying a base!

At the beginning, after Liu Zheng led several of his newly produced magnetoelectric fighting vehicles to the top of the mountain, he wanted to use their long-range attack capabilities to destroy some important military facilities in the enemy's base first. In this way, naturally, you will also get a certain initiative.

However, shortly after I led my own magnetic and electric chariots to the beam, the situation suddenly changed dramatically: several enemy fighters roared in, followed by one missile after another, that kind of air-to-ground missile Attack one after another! Then, fiercely and accurately, it hit Liu Zheng's magnetic and electric chariots!

In this way, with the sound of the explosion, Liu Zheng could only look at his five magnetic and electric chariots. At this time, more than four had been knocked down! After seeing this, on the one hand, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing his carelessness, and on the other hand, at this time, more than four vehicles had been knocked out! After seeing this, on the one hand, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing his carelessness, and on the other hand, he had to temporarily retire his remaining two magnetic and electric chariots to wait and see what would change.

"It seems that I can only hope that I have spent 500,000 production and construction funds to buy another additional combat unit, that is, that is, that kind of laser UFO! Well, it seems that it will be one of my own maze!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking secretly.

In this way, one of my combat ideas will also make a new adjustment. Yes, we have to make a new adjustment! And this time, the adjustment should be to take your own kind of laser UFO attack as your own attack support point! In that case, your own attack will be really opened! Otherwise, haha, haha, my own plan to control the enemy's base will be ruined!

Yes, through some reference materials, Liu Zheng has clearly learned the combat characteristics of that kind of laser UFO, that is, it has the special ability of "suspended power off"! That is to say, if it is placed in the enemy base, behind the sky above the power plant, then it does not destroy the enemy's power plant, but through the enemy's power plant, then it does not hit the enemy's power plant. Instead, it absorbs all the electricity supply energy in its base through the enemy's power plant, so as to cut off the power supply of the enemy base.

Of course, to achieve such a goal also requires a premise, that is, it must be determined that there can't be too much firepower around the power plant identified as the enemy's base. There, otherwise, that kind of combat plan is also invalid. Because, after all, that kind of laser UFO belongs to that kind of defensive ability is not very strong combat power!

However, fortunately, Liu Zheng saw that there was no air defense unit there! It seems that because the enemy did not really value their own combat strategy, they did not take precautions against themselves in this aspect!

So, taking advantage of such an opportunity, Liu Zheng finally decided to take action. At this time, his four laser floats are suspended over the chariot factory in their own base, buzzing and running at a high speed. It seems that we are waiting for a mission.

"Up! This glorious and great task is entrusted to you!" Liu Zheng seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be giving orders to the four laser UFOs. So, with Liu Zheng's order, the buzzing sound became louder and louder! At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that they were also moving towards the target and towards the power plant on the edge of the enemy base on the other side of the mountain!

So, Liu Zheng saw that his four laser UFOs looked like four straw hats, flying over the mountains from his base. Then he flew straight to the power plant on the edge of the enemy base.

Then, one of them seemed to be like a balloon, an agile leap, and suddenly jumped over the power plant in the enemy base! After seeing this, Liu Zheng was excited and worried! Shit, can you succeed in this action? I can't explain it clearly!

However, in any case, Liu Zheng's laser floating and power-off attacks have been successfully told the truth. Seeing that the strange sound of "yo-yo-yo" sounded one after another, Liu Sen saw that the light yellow aperture, from top to bottom, from small to large, shot out from a laser UFO, and then enveloped the power plant below. The light yellow aperture slowly rises from the top of the controlled power plant, from bottom to top, from small to large, as if it were a laser UFO, which is absorbing infinite energy from that power plant. At the same time, a strange sound of "buzzing" kept coming, as if it were a heavenly sound from heaven. Under this strange attack, the enemy's base was immediately cut off from the power supply almost at that moment...

"Hahaha, hahahaha, really, has the power supply in the enemy base been cut off? Haha, haha, that's great, that's great!" Liu Zheng's mood at this time really can't be expressed in words! Because Liu Zheng knows very well that once he really cut off the power supply in the enemy base, it basically means that he has basically occupied the absolute initiative!

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that under the enemy's power plant, several heavy soldiers of the enemy had entered that kind of lingering state, and then used that kind of shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft missile launcher towards his four The laser UFO, which is working on power absorption, is carrying out an air defense attack! The beams of missiles roared through the air, dragging the gray-white tail smoke of the building, and constantly flying in the direction of their high speed...

"Boom~~Boom~~" accurately hit the target, and then a roar sounded one after another! Naturally, Liu Zheng's laser UFO health value was also knocked out by 20% or 30% at once. However, after all, their own laser UFOs are not so easy to deal with! Yes, although they say that the most famous attack method is to carry out the power-off attack! However, they are not the kind of dogs without teeth!

Yes, and their teeth, that is, their kind of weapon called "air laser gun". Yes, it's the kind of weapon called "laser gun"!

Because the other laser UFOs have no power-off task, according to Liu Zheng's equivalent, they naturally assume that kind of escort. I saw Liu Sen's other three laser UFOs, and at their constantly rotating edges, the colorful light kept shining, which looked bright and extinguished, showing a very mysterious appearance.

It seems that there are endless sources of energy in them, and it seems that there is a wild flow of energy in the crust of the fiery magma. Then, from the five-colored light that kept flashing, suddenly there was a "squeak" sound, and a dazzling laser beam shot out, as if a dazzling lightning came out of the dark clouds, with the sharp sound of breaking the air, as if it had suddenly ignited the air around it.

Moreover, at this time, the rotating speed of the flying saucer-like laser UFO is getting faster and faster, and the colorful light above is also getting brighter and brighter, as if it is nurturing the next attack. The laser beam that had just been emitted, after a harsh cry, hit the heavy soldiers below who were carrying out air defense with their shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft guns.

Then, with the endless scream of "ah ah ah~~~", Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's heavy soldiers quickly turned into a pool of bright green **!

Then, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he had been prepared for a long time, the special attack team - a three-star elite-level guardian tank controlled from the enemy, a super Yuri replicator (that guy, but Liu Zheng used to control the enemy's main factory. The protagonist! Without it, then everything will become empty talk), rush to the base where the enemy's electricity supply has been cut off by itself!

After bypassing the mouth of the mountain, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's base had appeared in front of his eyes. Inside, the power supply was completely cut off by Liu Zheng's laser UFO, so all the fixed enemy defense forces that relied on electricity to attack have basically lost their combat ability at this time! One by one, they are all stupid and located there. It's just like a wooden chicken! That's just a pile of steel! There is no vitality and vitality! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help taking a deep breath.

However, suddenly, Liu Zheng found that in the enemy's base, next to the power plant, he was still coiled, with two or three seemingly white things. Wow, wow, what is that? Is it still that color? Then, Liu Zheng was suddenly shocked: Shit, isn't it - a space-time army soldier?

Liu Zheng absolutely knows that that kind of hyperspace legion is a trump card in the opponent's hand! That guy's whereabouts are very strange, and he can travel through time! Come and go without a trace! Even thousands of miles away, it can arrive in an instant! That speed, that ability to teleport, the whereabouts are very strange, and can travel through time! Come and go without a trace! Even thousands of miles away, it can arrive in an instant! That speed, that ability of teleportation, almost made Liu Zheng amazed!

Moreover, their attacks are also of the kind of hyperspace nature! Yes, it is a special time-space attack rifle that can fire a kind of space-time melting wave! And once hit by this kind of space-time melting wave, no matter what the target, whether it is movable combat power, or that kind of fixed combat power, it will suddenly be given there! Liu Zheng knows that it is indeed a kind of terrible combat ability!

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng still decided that his current good situation could not be defeated by the enemy's ultra-vacuum army soldiers! Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, and then sent a virus sniper from his base! Otherwise, it can't be said that some of your combat power will be killed silently! Shit, what a tragic thing that would be!