Star Trek

Chapter 187 Island Attack and Defense 3

Anyway, Liu Zheng has finally built his own base. However, Liu Zheng also knows that although it is not very difficult to build a base, it is not so easy to really manage a base well! Liu Qingshan still knows much about this.

Looking at his own base built on a high platform, Liu Zheng couldn't help squinting his eyes and looked as if he were doing some research. Yes, no matter what, you must seize this opportunity, otherwise, you can't explain it to anyone.

However, there must be many problems at the beginning of the construction of the base. However, the biggest problem is defense. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that his opponents often launch that kind of sudden attack on him when his legs are unstable. Moreover, due to the initial construction of the base, naturally, I am definitely only at the most basic time in terms of combat production. Therefore, in this way, it is not easy for you to defend yourself.

"As long as you can do a good job in the defense of the starting stage, then the rest of the next thing will naturally be much easier to do! It's much easier to do!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

Now, Liu Zheng has built three ballistic missiles. Liu Zheng knew that his kind of ballistic missiles, especially during the start-up period of the base, did have a quite good role. Its attack distance is far and its lethality is not bad! Therefore, it is also for this reason that many enemy forces have been defeated when they are still quite far away from Liu Zheng's base! And this is exactly the power of this ballistic missile!

Of course, Liu Zheng did not forget to make full use of the precious time of the start-up of the base to accumulate sufficient production and construction funds for future sustainable development. Therefore, taking advantage of the good opportunity of fast speed, sufficient funds and relatively good environment, Liu Zheng built two ore refineries in one breath. Moreover, what made Liu Zheng happy was that in the dense forest next to his base, a gem deposit was shining with the colorful light, which looked very dazzling!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel much more at ease. Haha, haha, I now have three ballistic missiles, and at the same time, I have also built two ore refineries! In this case, in addition, there is a gem deposit not far away, so my current economic situation should not be too bad! Moreover, Liu Zheng knows that when the military facilities in his base are almost perfect, he will still have the ability to build three technological drilling wells! The current economic situation should not be too bad! Moreover, Liu Zheng knows that when the military facilities in his base are almost perfect, he will still have the ability to build three technological drilling wells!

However, at this time, with the sound of the flying propeller that Liu Zheng was familiar with, Liu Zheng suddenly realized that now, it is very likely that the enemy's special forces have come to make a sneak attack on his base!

Alas, mother, opponents often do this for themselves! Mother! However, now, there is no anti-aircraft firepower on his base, so naturally he can't take down the enemy helicopter! Alas, it seems that I also made a big mistake just now, that is, no matter what, I should also produce some anti-aircraft firepower! And once you have five or six anti-aircraft vehicles, then a helicopter of the enemy is not under your own words at all! That's definitely not what I said!

Soon after, as Liu Zheng expected, an enemy samurai helicopter had flown over Liu Zheng's base in the sound of flying! Wow, damn it! Poor your own base, there is no anti-aircraft firepower at all! Alas, in this case, it can only be, what is nothing! However, when he saw the enemy's helicopter slowly landing next to Liu Zheng's base, Liu Zheng had slowly moved the combat power given by some of his systems to this side, slowly, moving over!

Yes, no matter what, I can't see the enemy's helicopter destroy the combat power into its own base! Liu Zheng knew that the combat power of the enemy transported by the helicopter would never be just a general combat force. It should be, engineer! Besides, the blasting soldiers! Yes, some combat forces with special combat capabilities like this will either occupy the target or blow up the target! In short, it will cause great damage and destruction to some of the military facilities destroyed by Liu Zheng's base!

"Once your group of system-level combat power cannot arrive in time, then I think I can only rely on those three ballistic missiles!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking secretly.

So, Liu Zheng saw that as the enemy helicopter armed helicopter slowly fell, three engineers, three blasters, and several heavy soldiers came out of the helicopter gunship one after another! Then, go straight to those different targets in Liu Zheng's base!

Among them, Liu Zheng saw a blaster go straight to his main construction factory. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel tight! Wow, wow, wow, building the main factory? That guy actually wants to blow up Laozi's main factory first? Hey, mother, this is really mysterious! Damn, once I destroy Laozi's main factory, how can I build and produce it again?

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng took the lead and made a package for his main construction factory in the first time! Then, he turned it into a base car, and then Liu Zheng led the base car and walked around his base to the relatively safe place.

However, at this time, when I saw that some of the enemy's other special forces also attacked their respective targets, and those various military targets in Liu Zheng's base, Liu Zheng's three ballistic missiles finally attacked the ground. It's started! And this is also what Liu Zheng has been looking forward to for a long time! As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Wow", several missiles were shot out from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and going away with the wind.

The missiles flew rapidly through the clouds and fog. After drawing a melon line, they hit the infantry power of the enemy very accurately. After touching the target, the ballistic missiles were bombarded one after another, which was enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

Then, Liu Zheng found that it was also Liu Zheng's base, and the most tested time also came. First of all, the airborne attack in the direction of the enemy is so dense! Although Liu Zheng has now produced five or six anti-aircraft vehicles, and the airborne attacks in the direction of the enemy are so dense! Although Liu Zheng has now produced five or six anti-aircraft vehicles, it is difficult to defeat the enemy's such dense airborne troops in one fell swoop!

Liu Zheng knew that his best main plan was to take down the enemy's large transport aircraft carrying airborne troops in one fell swoop. In that case, all problems can be solved in one fell swoop. Some of the enemy's airborne troops did not have to come down from the sky one after another. All problems can be solved in one fell swoop. Some of the enemy's airborne troops did not have to come down from the sky one after another. Naturally, Liu Zheng didn't have to see the umbrella flower anymore, and he felt lingering.

However, things did not develop as they expected. Yes, that's it. Because the attack of the enemy's airborne soldiers is too frequent, and the number of large transport aircraft of that kind of airborne soldiers is also quite large, in this way, it is difficult for Liu Zheng to defeat all of them at once. Therefore, there is no choice but to wait until some of the enemy's airborne troops land on the ground before attacking! In this way, I will be busy with my two or three ballistic missiles. Yes, it should be said that my three ballistic missiles really played a huge role this time!

However, the attacks of some of the enemy's airborne troops are not counted. On the ground, the enemy's large number of chariot attacks also began quickly! Yes, that's it. One after another, all kinds of enemy chariots, including phantom chariots, grizzly bear chariots, and that kind of ray chariots, are waiting one after another. At this time, they have attacked the entrance and exit of Liu Zheng's base! The situation seems to be very critical!

However, when you are in a hurry, the first thing that can turn the tide is your own three or four ballistic missiles! I saw that the enemy's chariots, just at the entrance and exit of Liu Zheng's base, the first thing that could turn the tide was his three or four ballistic missiles! Just as the enemy's chariots were preparing to attack Liu Zheng's base from the entrance and exit of Liu Zheng's base, a roar sounded one after another, and then the attack of the three or four land-based ballistic missiles followed!

Only saw that with a whistling sound, those ballistic missiles fired one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately. After touching the target, the ballistic missiles were bombarded one after another, which was enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.


Liu Zheng admitted that now, he does not have much decent ground combat power in his base. However, that does not mean that he really does not have enough, even terrible combat effectiveness. Yes, that's it. Now, in Liu Zheng's base, there are more than ten ballistic missiles alone. I really don't have enough, even terrible combat effectiveness. Yes, that's it. Now, in Liu Zheng's base, there are more than ten ballistic missiles alone. In this way, the ground attack power of ordinary enemies will no longer be afraid!

In addition, that kind of professional-level anti-aircraft vehicle now has no less than seven or eight. In this way, the general enemy's combat power in the air will no longer escape the palm of Liu Zheng's hand. Therefore, now, Liu Zheng's heart is relatively relaxed.

However, on the other hand, due to this war, both sides have opened super weapons. Therefore, there is still pressure. However, Liu Zheng has now built two iron curtain devices. One is an iron curtain device with a longer time, and the other is an iron curtain device with a shorter time. And with these two iron curtain devices, naturally, Liu Zheng will no longer care about anything! Even if the enemy really has that kind of rather powerful super weapon to attack, then its two iron curtain devices, coupled with its own "power field shield", then, there must be no big problem. Liu Zheng is still very firm about this.


However, this time, Liu Zheng is facing no less than four opponents at the same time, so the huge pressure he is under is self-evident. Stress? Yes, pressure! Because, although Liu Zheng can now also say that his base has been almost perfected by himself, and the defense system has also been quite formed. However, come back, after all, there are too many opponents! Therefore, in many times and in many cases, I can't defend myself!

For example, soon after, Liu Zheng suddenly heard a sharp sound of shooting! Ba Gou~~ Ba Gou~~ Wow, damn it, this is clearly the sound of fire of the Yuri's combat-type "virus sniper"! At the same time, with the sharp sound one after another, Liu Zheng heard a miserable cry at the same time!

"Ah~~" So, Liu Zheng looked at the sound and saw that his own magnetic explosive infantry fell into the pool of blood one after another with the sound of the gun! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned! Looking closely, I saw that on the edge of his base, an enemy virus sniper was shooting at this side, with his own infantry fighting power!

His hands shook, and the virus sniper rifle in his hand did not see any fire. The target had turned into a green monster in the bright green fog, and his body was nearly twice as large as before. After that, the dark green monster ran around painfully, rushed to the ground and died, turned into countless and bright green small light masses, scattered and flew away...

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be furious! Damn, Damn, I actually ran to my base to be wild! Cut it, baby, let's see how I clean up the extravagance! Let's see how I deal with you!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng felt that the one who dealt with the enemy, at this time, because he had just shot off his three infantry fighting power and upgraded to a Samsung elite virus sniper. Liu Zheng felt that if he used that kind of heavy missile helicopter to attack, the effect should be The best! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help giving an order, so he saw five or six heavy missile helicopters that had just been produced for a long time and flew away to the target!

At this time, the enemy's one has been upgraded to a Samsung elite virus sniper and is still shooting at the target! In order to eliminate it in one fell swoop, Liu Zheng suddenly dispatched four heavy missile helicopters and began to attack the enemy's three-star elite virus sniper on the ground at the same time! I saw that they began to adjust their postures towards the target one after another to adjust to the most suitable posture for attack.

Finally, the attack began: from the missile launchers on the seven missile helicopters, space missiles were constantly fired out. Those missiles roared, making the sound of tearing through the air, and the tail sprayed orange tail flame, dragging the longer, straight-looking gray-white tail smoke, and shooting at the target with an irresistible momentum and the power to destroy everything.