Star Trek

Chapter 188 Island Attack and Defense 4

"Hehe, hehe, not bad, not bad, really quite good, really quite good!" Looking at his heavy missile helicopter, Liu Zheng also felt a long-lost sense of comfort in his heart, which was very simple and knocked off the enemy's virus sniper.

Now, Liu Zheng has seen that as many as five or six heavy missile helicopters have been produced in his base. However, due to this kind of heavy missile helicopter, it is easy to be injured when attacking, and as many as five or six heavy missile helicopters have been produced. However, because this kind of heavy missile helicopter is easy to hurt each other when attacking, so after the battle just now, there are actually two helicopters whose health has been damaged to a certain extent. Moreover, the health value of one of them has been knocked out by 60% or 70%.

However, Liu Zheng knows that there is basically no way to restore its health for such an air combat force. Yes, unlike that kind of ground combat power, it can recover its health through that kind of repair car. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Unlike that kind of ground combat power, it can recover its health through that kind of maintenance vehicle. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. However, soon, Liu Zheng suddenly remembered that it seemed that this kind of heavy missile helicopter could land on the ground!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng seemed to suddenly find a new continent, and almost danced with joy! Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order and landed some of his two heavy missile helicopters from the air. After watching him finally slowly land down from the air and watch his propeller finally slowly stop rotating, Liu Zheng mobilized his two repair cars with an order. Then, with an order, the repair began! The two repair cars gently shook their huge steel pliers on the damaged heavy missile helicopter, and with the shaking below, a "squeaky" sound of repair kept ringing.

Liu Zheng saw that it was exactly the same as the scene of repairing an ordinary ground chariot. The place where the iron pliers came into contact with the magnetoelectric chariot, sparked from time to time, and it looked like it was releasing fireworks. With the unique sound of restoration, Liu Sen saw the two huge steel pliers dancing up and down, blowing the wind. At the same time, a dazzling Mars shot out, looking as bright and gorgeous as fireworks. And with the sound of "squeaky" repair sound, with the sparks splashing away like fireworks, a lot of life points were lost, and finally recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The speed of repair was so fast that it was almost shocking.

Looking at the health value of the two heavy missile helicopters, recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, Liu Zheng's excitement was almost unspeakable. Yes, that's it. It was because before that Liu Zheng had always thought that once his missile helicopter was damaged, it could no longer be repaired.

You know, it takes considerable production and construction funds to produce such a heavy helicopter! In this way, once it is damaged, it can be restored, how much production and construction funds can be saved for yourself! Moreover, more importantly, this will not affect your combat strength, which is indeed a very good thing!

Liu Zheng is now, the happier he thinks about it, and the happier he thinks about it. Looking at the two his own heavy missile helicopters that were still emitting thick smoke just now, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very excited. Looking at the two his own heavy missile helicopters, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very excited. Move, it's just like discovering a strange treasure.

Then, soon after, Liu Zheng raised the two heavy missile helicopters into mid-air again with an order. Looking at the two heavy missile helicopters that have regained their new self, and finally flew into the air again, Liu Zheng's heart, that kind of happiness, needless to say! Because this means that your own kind of heavy missile helicopter can be recycled! And the meaning of this is naturally, which is quite big!

Soon after, Liu Zheng will fly the two heavy missile helicopters that have just been repaired into mid-air. At this time, five or six of the enemy's infantry, damn, among them, there seemed to be several space-time soldiers, who had rushed to the forefront of their positions under the cover of five various chariots.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but secretly shout: OK, OK! Damn, just right, just right! I can just kill you! I can also verify what kind of attack power my two heavy missile helicopters have just been repaired! After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his two heavy missile helicopters flew straight to some enemy combat units! Soon after, it flew over its head! Then, with Liu Zheng's order, I saw that his two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters were slightly adjusted, and then the attack began!

I saw that they began to adjust their posture towards the target to adjust to the most suitable posture for attack. Finally, the attack began: from the missile launchers on the two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters, free-ground missiles were constantly fired. Those missiles roared, making the sound of tearing through the air, and the tail sprayed orange tail flame, dragging the longer, straight-looking gray-white tail smoke, and shooting at the target with an irresistible momentum and the power to destroy everything.

one after another. Two after another. The sound of breaking the wind sounded one after another, and air-to-ground missiles fired out one by one. And the target, some of the enemy's infantry and chariots that have rushed into Liu Zheng's defensive position, and some of the infantry and chariots, were blown up into countless wrecks and fragments in the sky under the bombardment of air-to-ground missiles as dense as raindrops and scattered...

A scream kept ringing, and one chariot after another was blown into countless chariot wreckage and fragments. A dark red explosive fog rose to the sky in the shape of a mushroom cloud. That extremely powerful lethality is shown on the ground, on that kind of carpet bombing! Yes, it seems that a series of dark red explosives have soared into the air one after another. It seems that no matter where the enemy's combat forces go, the extremely powerful lethality is shown on the ground, on that kind of carpet bombing! Yes, it seems that one after another of dark red explosive light fog has soared into the air one after another, as if no matter where the enemy's combat forces go, they can't run away! I just can't run away!

What is a carpet bombing? What is continuous? What does it mean to have nowhere to escape? It seems that all this has been interpreted most perfectly here.

At the same time, Liu Zheng also found that at this time, his super weapon, the nuclear bomb attack, had also entered the countdown to the last five seconds! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling a sense of excitement and tension again. Five, four, three, two one! Start! Attack!

Liu Zheng has finally chosen the explosive point of the nuclear explosion! Naturally, it is the central area of an ally's combat-type base that has been detected by its own reconnaissance aircraft. In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, with a earth-shaking loud noise, an earthy yellow explosive fire light rose to the sky. After that, the skylit firelight turned into a mushroom cloud and released a huge energy fluctuation. Even the whole enemy base was illuminated by the dazzling explosion. The ground shook violently for a while, and it was difficult to see the true face of the attacked target for a while, which was tightly shrouded and covered by the dark golden explosive light.

Because at this time, there are still a considerable number of enemy military facilities, including some various combat forces, which are still shrouded in the black light curtain, Liu Zheng can't see what happened there. However, even with his own imagination, Liu Zheng can imagine how strong the wonderful scene in it is!

Yes, Liu Zheng couldn't help but let go of his imagination: in the sky that was still very clear just now, suddenly, with the loud sound that wanted to break people's eardrums to the earth, then a dazzling white light began to spread, spread, expand-large, and then transformed into a mass. Mushroom clouds, a cluster of horrible mushroom clouds, a cluster of dark yellow mushroom clouds that seem to have the word "destruction", then soared into the sky, and suddenly a dazzling snow white between heaven and earth.

Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, centered on the starting point of the mushroom cloud, a huge shock circle was formed, and almost all military facilities in this shock circle, including various combat forces, were to a certain extent. The ground has suffered great damage. Some military facilities or combat power had not been destroyed at that time, but soon after, with the destruction of high-intensity radiation, they also exploded one after another!

"What a strong explosive power! What a lethality!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned by the extremely powerful explosive power of his long-range nuclear missile! It's really powerful, it's really quite powerful! However, immediately after Liu Zheng saw that shortly after his long-range nuclear missile exploded over the enemy's base, the combat forces in the enemy's base began to move one after another! Yes, it's just moving one after another!

Through his spy satellite and the situation detected by that kind of detector, Liu Zheng has found that at least 20 or 30 enemy attack forces are pouring towards his base! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help shouting: Shit, it seems that I really poked the beehive this time! At least 20 or 30 enemy attack forces are pouring towards their own bases! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help shouting: Shit, it seems that I really poked the beehive this time!

However, Liu Zheng now has such a large number of heavy missile helicopters, and most importantly, Liu Zheng has mastered the technology to repair it. In this way, naturally, Liu Zheng also has a fearless attitude towards all the attacks of the enemy.

Half a minute later. Finally, with the continuous sound of chariots, Liu Zheng saw that at least a dozen enemy chariots had attacked the entrance and exit of his base. Because there is a primitive forest at the entrance and exit of its own base, it looks dense and eye-catching. Therefore, some of the enemy's chariots were covered by the forest at the beginning, so that Liu Zheng could not see them at all.

However, soon after, with the continuous emergence of other combat forces and continuous rushing into the forest, Liu Zheng found that there were so many combat forces hidden in the primitive forest! Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, he kept rushing into the forest, and Liu Zheng found that there were so many combat forces hidden in the primitive forest! Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng couldn't help mobilize more than five, and all of them had been upgraded to Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters and flew over the forest!

Then, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng's five Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters began to complete the siege of the primitive forest, and the battle to encircle and annihilate the enemy combat forces also began! The five missile helicopters began to adjust their postures towards the target to adjust to the most suitable posture for attack. Finally, the attack began: from the missile launchers on the seven missile helicopters, free-ground missiles were constantly fired out. Those missiles roared, making the sound of tearing through the air, and the tail sprayed orange tail flame, dragging the longer, straight-looking gray-white tail smoke, and shooting at the target with an irresistible momentum and the power to destroy everything.

So, for a moment, the primeval forest almost became a sea of fire! In it, as the air-to-ground missiles continue to shoot, because the health value of those missile helicopters has been upgraded to the level of Samsung elite, the lethal ability of its air-to-ground missiles has also been greatly improved.

Corresponding to that, the terrible explosion scene formed after the explosion of the air-to-ground missiles in the virgin forest. Dark red mushroom clouds rising to the sky rose from the primeval forest! The countless wreckage and fragments swirling over the sky and falling one after another...

At this time, Liu Zheng found that his second nuclear missile attack opportunity had also come again! After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt an unparalleled sense of achievement. Haha, haha, nuclear bomb attack! Laozi's nuclear bomb attack has finally come again! Well, there is no need to replace it. It's still the enemy's base!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng made a careful choice again. Naturally, it was the enemy's base at the time of the first nuclear explosion. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that after his first nuclear explosion, a lot of space had been revealed in the enemy's base. Moreover, there are many military facilities that have been exposed.

Liu Zheng saw that some military facilities, including some power plants, several machine gun bunkers, a combat laboratory, etc., it seems that those military facilities are still very dense.

"Well, that's good, that's good, that's it, that's it!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking. So, immediately after Liu Zheng's order, his own long-range strategic nuclear strike operation finally kicked off again! Just above the enemy's base, with the shrill sound, a high-explosive bomb fell from the sky, cut through the air and made a very sharp scream. After that, they all hit the target accurately.

In the dazzling light, the bombed target was almost crumbling, and the thick smoke rising from the sky almost covered a large area of the sky. In this way, with the shrill sound of cutting through the air, the attacked targets on the ground finally exploded into countless wrecks and fragments in the sky-sharp fire and the thick smoke, flying around.