Star Trek

Chapter 190 Island Attack and Defense 6

Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the repair car came out of the red star transport ship. Then, without waiting for Liu Zheng's order, it rushed to the three heavy missile helicopters that had been parked next to it for a long time! The repair car gently shook its huge steel pliers on the damaged heavy missile helicopters...

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his three heavy missile helicopters had landed on the ground. It looked like three chariots, and there was no such a free shadow when flying in the air! Well, this is the hero! You can fly to the sky and land to recover from injuries! Being able to bend and stretch is a big man! It's a big man to be able to bend and stretch!

To be honest, Liu Zheng has mastered the law of repairing his heavy missile helicopter, which is very helpful for improving his combat ability. At the very least, it can also save a lot of production and construction funds for yourself. At the same time, more importantly, it can greatly improve its combat effectiveness, which is indeed quite important. It's really important!

However, just after Liu Zheng's heavy missile helicopters were just hurriedly up by his two, and his repair car was repaired, Liu Zheng suddenly found a new enemy. Yes, it's a new enemy! Wow, damn it! Far away, five enemy main battle tanks rushed towards Liu Zheng's resting forces!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning tightly. You know, the speed of the enemy's chariots is still quite fast. What's more fatal is that their heavy helicopters have landed on the ground at this time! And if you want to fly into that air again, it will take quite a long time to prepare! Otherwise, it won't work anyway.

However, just as Liu was preparing to make his heavy missile helicopters take off again - yes, in this case, he is still true and has no other way to go. The only way is to order the two heavy missile helicopters to take off! I'm still true, and there is no other way to go. The only way is to order the two heavy missile helicopters to take off! As for what the consequences will happen, I'm afraid only God knows.

However, Liu Zheng saw that just as his first heavy missile helicopter finally took off into the air, suddenly, shells crossed the arcs and hit the enemy's chariots fiercely in the sound of fire! Shit, it seems that the attack distance of those shells is quite far away!

"Boom~~~" As the shells hit the target one after another, a sound of explosion sounded one after another. And with the sound of explosions, Liu Zheng saw that the main battle tanks of the enemy had been killed a lot. And with the sound of explosions, Liu Zheng saw that the main battle tanks of the enemy had been killed a lot. At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help wondering: Shit, damn it, what kind of fighting force is that?

No wonder Liu Zheng was surprised. When Liu Zheng looked around, he really couldn't see anything! I didn't see any attack power! Obviously, the attack on the enemy's main battle tanks should be Liu Zheng's own combat strength, which is almost certain. However, the problem is that Liu Zheng looked around and didn't really find any of his own ground attack power there. Strange, strange, it's really strange! What a strange thing!

However, at this time, suddenly, Liu Zheng seemed to find something and couldn't help screaming: Shit, it turned out that it was his own, and it was his own heavy missile helicopters! Yes, it was not until this time that Liu Zheng found that his heavy missile helicopters that had landed for maintenance had deformed into a mecha just after landing! Yes, it's a kind of mecha! Above, a long barrel kept shaking, and the shells also shot out of the barrel! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be secretly amazed!

At the same time, Liu Zheng's heavy missile helicopter, which has flown into mid-air, can naturally take the opportunity to launch an air attack on the enemy's main battle tanks! With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring from top to bottom, and then hit the enemy's main chariot on the ground one after another.

So, with the sound of the explosion of "boom" constantly ringing, mixed with the explosion of shells one by one, Liu Zheng saw that above the head of the enemy's main battle tanks, there were almost dark red flowers that had been shot out one by one, as if an invincible * *General. The target was finally blown up, blown into countless debris and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...

However, despite this, Liu Zheng quickly wiped out the attack power of the enemy's vehicles. However, Liu Zheng was also surprised to find that among his combat power, although his two maintenance vehicles had repaired the two heavy missile helicopters, he was blown up under the rain-like shell attack of the enemy's main battle tanks.

Looking at the dark red explosion flames that have slowly extinguished, looking at the wreckage and debris after the explosion of the scattered chariot, they scattered on the ground. After that, they were scattered on the ground. Looking at the ground, the large and small craters were everywhere, looking at the scattered The wreckage and debris after the explosion of the chariot flew in all directions, and then they were scattered on the ground. Looking at the large and small craters on the ground, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel infinite emotion.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that the enemy's combat effectiveness and the attack on his own base are just the beginning. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help switching his perspective to his base defense position. There, at the entrance and exit of your own base, there is a big war going on!

Yes, at this time, several heavy missile helicopters are hovering in mid-air. The sound of the high-speed rotation of the huge propeller stirred the space almost to burst. At this time, a Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher launched an attack on the enemy's group of chariots with various combat powers. Naturally, its own health value was also quite damaged. So, at this time, two repair cars are being repaired there! Looking at the two repair cars serving so attentively, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing happily.

Moreover, Liu Zheng still knows that his own Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher can also have quite good health. Yes, that's it. Therefore, it is not easy to kill it. And some of the combat power of the enemy that has just charged, including a few grizzly chariots, a few phantom chariots, and a few blade chariots, etc., it seems that the formation is quite large.

However, most of the enemy's combat forces, especially those melee combat power, are basically above. They were almost hit by Liu Zheng's three-star classic-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets, plus the air-to-ground missile attacks of his own heavy missile helicopters in mid-air. Almost. Yes, it's almost done.

However, what worries Liu Zheng about is that there is a two-axis light-ed chariot in the enemy's attack force! And those two edral chariots naturally have quite good long-range attack capability! Although Liu Zheng is not very worried about his Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher, Liu Zheng is still very worried about his two maintenance vehicles.

Sure enough, at this time, Liu Zheng saw a sharp laser beam, which looked like a long sword, shooting out of the enemy's halobe chariot! He was squeaky and hit one of Liu Zheng's two repair cars fiercely! Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that there was already a thick smoke coming out of the repair car! And its health value was also knocked out by fifty or sixty percent at once. It seems that if you do it again, then, you must, for sure that your own repair car will also go to see the king of the den!

However, the good thing is that Liu Zheng has two repair cars here. In this way, the other repair car saw that their companions were injured, and because the two were very close, it would be convenient for them to repair. So, almost at that moment, the other repair car began to repair it! At this time, the other repair car shook its huge steel pliers gently on the damaged repair car, and with the shaking below, a "squeak" sound of repair kept ringing.

At the same time, where the iron pliers come into contact with the magnetoelectric vehicle, sparks shine from time to time, which looks like releasing fireworks. Squeak~~~~" With the unique sound of repairing, Liu Sen saw that two huge steel pliers were dancing up and down, blowing the wind. At the same time, a burst of dazzling Mars shot out. In this way, it didn't take long for his own one to be attacked. In this way, the repair car quickly regained its health.

After that, the two Liu Zheng's repair vehicles began to repair the Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher almost at the same time. With the sound of special maintenance that "squeaky" kept ringing, Liu Zheng's Thunderbolt rocket launcher recovered its health at that faster speed, and after a few seconds, it had recovered as before.

"Mom, mother! Since you can't kill me, then wait for me to kill you! Just wait for me to kill you!" Liu Zheng couldn't help saying viciously. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he saw that his one had been upgraded to a Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher and had begun to aim at the two enemy's halo-edge chariots under the cliff! Moreover, it may be just a coincidence that at this time, the two enemy's light chariots are right between that kind of attack gap! And naturally, this just gave Liu Zheng's Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher the best opportunity!

"Ready! Attack!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, with the harsh sound of missile firing, a bunch of ground attack missiles emerged from the Thunderbolt rocket launcher, dragging the colorful sparks, and its trajectory also looked extremely smooth. During its flight, the whistling sound of the wind was endless. It was the roaring all the way, and the fireworks all the way.

At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that after upgrading to the Samsung elite level, the kind of rocket projectile fired by a Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket gun actually had such a high speed! The sound of breaking wind was endless, and it sounded like a hurricane blowing over. The number of that bundle of missiles is still quite large. At least, there are at least five or six missiles fired by each Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket.

Therefore, if several Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets fire at the target at the same time, the beam of missiles will roar in mid-air, which is simply flying like rain! After hitting the target, the blue and white explosion flames also looked very eye-catching, as if it were pieces of lightning, which was shocking. For a while, where the missile attacked, there was naturally a large area of smoke and dust, and a large area of purple fog soared into the sky.

Moreover, the health value of the enemy's ray chariot is not very good. Therefore, in the face of the rocket attack of Liu Zheng's Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher, the two enemy's ray chariots have almost no resistance! Soon, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments and scattered.


At this time, Liu Zheng has led his own flight attack team. After regaining his vitality, he once again flew to the enemy base with the enemy's super weapon - lightning storm. However, this time, Liu Zheng really learned the previous lesson, that is, he can no longer attack the target in a straight line! Because in that case, it will be attacked by the anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy's base!

So, Liu Zheng led his three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters, turned a big bend and deliberately turned around the enemy's base, thus bypassing the anti-aircraft fire in the enemy's base. In this way, naturally, it bypassed the fate of being killed by the enemy's anti-aircraft fire again.

In this way, after another distance, the enemy's base with lightning storm is ahead! And now, Liu Zheng's air flight force is just stationed on that piece of water! Yes, it's just stopping on that piece of water! And the other side of the water is the enemy's base with a super weapon - Lightning Storm. Moreover, at this time, there is less than a minute left before the detonation of the lightning storm, the enemy's super weapon! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help taking a deep breath.

In front, Liu Zheng saw an enemy shipyard building in that area of water. Moreover, covered by a fog of war, it seems that there is an enemy warship next to the shipyard. As for what kind of warship it is, Liu Zheng can't say it all at once. Like a destroyer, it is also like an aircraft carrier.

"Well, he's a girl! If it's just these two warships, then I don't worry much! Well, I'm afraid, but if it's that kind of cruiser, then it will be terrible again!" Liu Zheng couldn't help praying secretly.

Yes, that's it. Because Liu Zheng's current attack team, almost all of them belong to that kind of power in the air! Yes, it's that kind of fighting and transportation! And the most frightening thing about that kind of air combat power is naturally anti-aircraft firepower. Both aircraft carriers and destroyers do not have anti-aircraft firepower, which is naturally clear to Liu Zheng. However, that kind of cruiser is deployed with quite good anti-aircraft firepower!

"Mom, mother, what the hell, I'll drive there first, and I'll drive there first!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking so.