Star Trek

Chapter 191 Island Attack and Defense 7

It is true that there is an enemy shipyard. It seems that the scale is really not very small. Fortunately, it's just a shipyard, but as for the ship, there is really only one.

"Mom, no matter what, I'll destroy that shipyard first! Let's destroy that shipyard first!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking secretly. Yes, for Liu Zheng, that shipyard is a potential threat. Although there were no anti-aircraft warships at that time, who can guarantee that there will not be that kind of anti-aircraft warships will appear the next moment? This is really a problem, and this is really a problem worth paying attention to.

After thinking of this, Liu Qingshan couldn't help secretly ordering: Prepare, attack! Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, his four heavy missile helicopters suddenly flew away like four eagles! Naturally, the target is the shipyard of the enemy! Soon after, as Liu Zheng's heavy missile helicopters continued to break through the fog of war, Liu Zheng also saw the warships moored around the shipyard! Shit, that's actually an enemy aircraft carrier!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked for a while. Shit, once the enemy's aircraft carrier really forms combat power, there won't be too much. If three or four aircraft carriers go to the edge of their own base, then when they attack their own bases together, there will be at least dozens of carrier-based aircraft! Shit, in that case, naturally, it will definitely bring great difficulties to your base defense!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng no longer hesitated. Therefore, with an order, his four heavy missile helicopters fired near the enemy base, and the shipyard launched a fierce attack! With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, and roaring through the wind from top to bottom.

"Haha, long time no see, long time no see! This kind of empty attack on the sea against the target is really a long time!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking secretly. After that, it hit the enemy's shipyard one after another. Moreover, because there is no anti-aircraft firepower near the enemy's shipyard, naturally, the attack of Liu Zheng's four heavy missile helicopters also seemed very comfortable. That kind of attack without pressure, of course, is quite good! So, as the sound of the explosion kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...

In this way, immediately after defeating the enemy's shipyard, Liu Zheng continued to attack, saw that the enemy had no air defense firepower, and killed the enemy's aircraft carrier in one fell swoop. After this battle, Liu Zheng saw that two of his four heavy missile helicopters were upgraded to the Samsung elite level again. And such a level undoubtedly has a fairly good improvement in combat effectiveness for Liu Zheng's heavy missile helicopter attack force. Of course, this is also an exciting thing for Liu Zheng.

And the next step is how to kill the super weapon in the enemy base! Yes, that's my biggest wish now, and it's also a task I must do. That's how to kill the super weapon in the enemy base! Yes, that's my biggest wish now, and it's also a task I must do. Otherwise, once you are hit by the enemy's super weapon, the result of the matter will be very different.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that it is not so easy to destroy an enemy base like this. So, after thinking about this, Liu Zheng began to think about a way to achieve his goal! Thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking to himself: Shit, on the one hand, he should not force himself to attack the target! Because in the enemy's base, it should be said that it must have quite good air defense. Yes, that must be the case.

In this case, once you forcefully launch an attack on the target, you will definitely be shot down by the anti-aircraft firepower in some of the enemy bases. Alas, if you can have some laser UFOs now, then you will naturally cut off the power supply in the enemy's base! And once such a factor is realized, then things will naturally be much easier to do!

Yes, it may not be so easy to defeat some of your own heavy missile helicopters with the movable anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy base. Therefore, in any case, you have to find a way to destroy some of the enemy's power plants. Well, yes, that's it.

However, after all, I am not the base of that kind of Yuri's combat power, so in this way, I naturally won't have that kind of laser UFO. However, in this case, without that kind of laser UFO, it is really not easy for you to destroy some power plants in the enemy base and cut off their power supply.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng seems to have seen that the enemy's air defense firepower is attacking his own heavy missile helicopters. Therefore, Liu Zheng thought that in any case, he had to mute the anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy's base.

And just one thing is that Liu Zheng has now found that the nuclear missile, the super weapon in his base, has entered the countdown to launch. Well, very good, very good, this should be a good opportunity, this is just a good opportunity! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so Liu Zheng gave an order, so, just after the final countdown began, Liu Zheng's eyes stared at the countdown to the launch of the super weapon without moving!

five, four, three, two, one! Start! In this way, as Liu Zheng put the detonation point in the enemy base, it seemed that there were many power plant areas. Then, the nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light and fog of the nuclear bomb explosion falling one after another, on the ground, the ground that has just been attacked by the enemy is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still continuously immersed and rendered there.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's mood did not ease with it. Yes, that's really the case. Because, now, Liu Zheng sees that although after his own nuclear bomb attack, the power supply has really been interrupted in the enemy's base. However, when the words come back, it doesn't mean that you can really do whatever you want!

At this time, the scene in front of him still made Liu Zheng feel a sense of relief. Yes, that's it. That's because at this time, Liu Zheng saw that just after he attacked the enemy's base, just after the power was cut off, and then, too many enemy's all kinds of chariots in the enemy base came out of its base one after another and rushed! Looking at that, it's like a grasshopper's nest that has been poked! Too many enemy chariots came out of their base one after another, rushing! Looking at that, it's like a grasshopper's nest that has been poked!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally understood: Shit, it turned out to be such a thing! It seems that after being hit by its own nuclear attack, the enemy was also anxious and had to retaliate! However, after seeing the enemy's rising chariots one after another, Liu Zheng finally breathed a long sigh of relief: Ha ha, ha, it seems that this time, I really have a chance, and I really have a chance!

Naturally, the opportunity mentioned by Liu Zheng is that he has left his base one after seeing a considerable amount of combat power of the enemy. Then, naturally, the anti-aircraft firepower in his base will also be further reduced! In this case, there is not so much anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy base. Of course, it is a very good opportunity for your own heavy missile helicopters! Therefore, it should be reasonable for Liu Zheng to think so.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order to rush his four heavy missile helicopters to fly to the enemy's combat-type base! At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the last attack time of the enemy's super weapon, the lightning storm, was less than a minute left!

"Damn, damn it! This is really mysterious! If I act a little later, then it is very likely that there will be no more chance!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking so.

Sure enough, as Liu Zheng expected, at this time, there was really not much anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy's base! Those combat power with air defense capabilities have rushed to their bases one after another to revenge! On the other hand, some of the enemy's ground anti-aircraft firepower should now be that its power system has been destroyed after its base suffered the nuclear attack just now, so naturally, its power supply has naturally had problems!

Liu Zheng's attack target, the first attack target, that is, the enemy's super weapon - the weather controller, which also enables the enemy to have the attack power of the lightning storm super weapon! This is naturally very clear for Liu Zheng, yes, of course it is very clear!

Four heavy missile helicopters have flown over the enemy's weather controller! Then, with Liu Zheng's firm order, the attack officially began! With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one.

At this time, looking at the air-ground missiles, dragging the orange tail flame and roaring away, Liu Zheng's heart is naturally quite excited and excited! Haha, haha, I finally began to attack the enemy's weather controller! Well, it should be said that as long as I knocked down that weather controller, it means that my worries have been alleviated to a certain extent! The huge air-to-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the top of the enemy weather controller on the ground one after another.

So, with the sound of the explosion that kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that under the continuous bombing of air-ground missiles falling like raindrops, the target, the enemy's weather controller, was finally blown up after losing the last bit of health. , exploded into countless debris and fragments, scattered, shot into the mid-air one after another, and then fell down again...

In this way, the enemy's weather controller was finally knocked down by Liu Zheng. Since then, Liu Zheng has naturally removed a huge burden. However, at this time, one by one, anti-aircraft missiles came! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Damn, originally, I didn't find any enemy's anti-aircraft firepower in this enemy's base, but this time, what happened?

Then, Liu Zheng followed the missile to the ground and looked over! Finally, almost at that moment, Liu Zheng finally saw that four or five enemy soldiers were firing anti-aircraft missiles at the edge of the enemy's main factory! Liu Zheng could even see that with the firing of anti-aircraft missiles, the enemy's heavy soldiers, four or five enemy heavy soldiers were firing anti-aircraft missiles there! Liu Zheng could even see that with the fierce shooting of the anti-aircraft missiles, the enemy's heavy soldiers also shook their bodies slightly, which looked very funny.

"Boom~~~" and as the anti-aircraft missiles continued to hit the target, Liu Zheng's heavy missile helicopters naturally lost some of their health points. At this time, Liu Zheng's mind turned around: Shit, damn it, now, should I destroy the enemy's heavy soldiers first, or kill the enemy's main factory first?

After thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng finally decided to destroy the enemy's main construction factory first! Yes, it's not easy to come to these heavy missile helicopters! After defeating the heavy soldiers of the enemy, the enemy can still train them again. And once the enemy's main factory is built, it will not be easy for his own heavy missile helicopters! After defeating the heavy soldiers of the enemy, the enemy can still train them again. And once the enemy's main factory is destroyed, then, naturally, a considerable problem will be solved from that root! At the very least, I didn't come here for nothing!

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng bit his teeth and did it. So, once again, he ordered to turn his four heavy missile helicopters around, and then resolutely locked the target of the enemy's construction factory!

However, at this time, Liu Zheng found that because his four heavy missile helicopters were very close to the enemy's main construction factory, the enemy's heavy soldiers naturally became stronger during the air defense attack! As the roar sounded one after another, more and denser anti-aircraft missiles fired away one after another, hitting the target one after another, making a deafening explosion sound!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally stopped hesitating, "Fire!" With Liu Zheng's order, his four heavy missile helicopters and the attack on the enemy's main factory finally began.