Star Trek

Chapter 192 Island Attack and Defense 8

Finally, Liu Zheng used his four heavy missile helicopters to set the enemy's main factory into flames. Looking at the fire rising to the sky and the burst of thick smoke rolling into the sky, Liu Zheng's heart was so happy!

Therefore, although facing the anti-aircraft shelling of several heavy soldiers of the enemy, Liu Zheng's decision to kill the enemy's base is quite strong, so Liu Zheng did not care about the air defense attacks of the enemy's heavy soldiers!

Suddenly, one of Liu Zheng's four heavy-loaded missile helicopters suddenly fought, and then the whole fuselage shook for a moment. Then, it tilted, rolled, fell from the air, and hit the ground fiercely. With a bang, it hit a burst of explosive fog!

However, immediately, the enemy's main construction factory was also hit by the continuous firing of air-to-ground missiles. In the dark red cloud-like dark red fog, the explosion became countless wreckage and debris, scattered away!

"Damn, I finally killed him! Finally, he was killed!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing and then looked at his several heavy missile helicopters. At this time, he only had less than 30 to 40 percent of his health! Besides, that's the best one! The other two aircraft exploded in the air under the attack of the enemy's increasingly dense and stronger anti-aircraft fire!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing: Alas, that's okay! Anyway, I finally destroyed a main factory built by the enemy! And with this alone, I am immortal! If you kill a few helicopters, just kill a few helicopters. It doesn't matter! Liu Zheng said to himself. However, before Liu Zheng's heart could put down, he suddenly glanced at the afterglow of his eyes and couldn't help but see the attack time of an enemy's super weapon shown on the control panel: only three seconds! Moreover, that enemy's, that kind of super weapon, is exactly the kind of super weapon similar to its own - nuclear missile!

"It's broken, it's broken. It seems that I can't escape this time! Alas, just now, I was just thinking about how to defeat the enemy's lightning storm, but I didn't expect that there was another super weapon!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly. Three seconds, three seconds! Liu Zheng knew that it was almost impossible for him to reverse the situation within these three seconds! That's almost impossible!

So, Liu Zheng hurriedly switched his perspective to his base. At this time, in my own base, my mining truck was collecting ore, and it seemed that there was nothing! At the edge of his base, more than a dozen ballistic missiles still stand majestically there, ready to attack the ground combat power of the enemy that may attack at any time.

And above its own main construction plant, a huge steel saw pliers are constantly shaking, which naturally indicates that the production of combat power in its base and the construction of the base are still in full swing. However, Liu Zheng knew very well that soon, the enemy's nuclear missile would fall from the sky! And after that time, which combat power and military facilities in your base will suffer that kind of disaster? Liu Zheng looked at it repeatedly, but it was difficult to determine it in the end. However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that in the sky that was still very clear, a rocket with a nuclear warhead suddenly fell from the sky. That speed was almost the real "thredding" momentum!

Then, the moment after the huge missile hit the target, a loud noise resounded through the earth, and then a dazzling white light began to quickly spread, expand, expand, expand-large, and then turned into a mushroom cloud and soar in the sky, and suddenly a dazzling between heaven and earth Snow White.

Yes, it's almost an explosive flame that destroys everything! The dazzling snow-white light kept spreading from the center to the surroundings. It's like a huge tsunami in the sea, spreading the huge shock wave to the circumference. Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, centered on the starting point of the mushroom cloud, a huge circle of impact circle was formed.

And almost all military facilities within this shock circle, including various combat forces, have suffered great damage to a certain extent. Some military facilities or combat power had not been destroyed at that time, but soon after, with the destruction of high-intensity radiation, they also exploded one after another!

Liu Zheng saw that his ballistic missiles, especially his own ballistic missiles, had suffered great damage at this time. Fires were swirling up from the base of the ballistic missiles one by one. And its health value has also decreased considerably at this time! Moreover, several of them have reached the verge of explosion! After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very anxious. Yes, wow, damn it, how could it be like this? How could it be like this?

However, Liu Zheng then thought about it, it seems that this is also called reciprocity! Yes, didn't you attack the enemy's base with nuclear bombs not long ago? Now, this is also a kind of revenge! In the next step, Liu Zheng knew that he should not only be saddened by the bombing of his base, but also think about what he should do next! That's the most meaningful! Otherwise, under the situation of such a fierce attack on your base, some of the enemy's combat strength will unite to attack your position with all your strength! And once that's the case, the situation is not great!


However, at this time, in Liu Zheng's base, because he had just suffered a nuclear bomb attack by the enemy, the defense system in Liu Zheng's base was actually destroyed to a certain extent. And the enemy seems to have taken a fancy to this opportunity and sent combat power one after another to get some advantage. In fact, it has been destroyed to a certain extent. And the enemy seems to have taken a fancy to this opportunity and sent combat power one after another to get some advantage.

Five enemy main battle tanks, at this time, have attacked the high platform of Liu Zheng's base and entered the edge of Liu Zheng's base. At this time, Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles also played a huge role. Yes, that's it.

Originally, the health of Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles had been almost hit. Some are crooked, and some are fireworks soaring to the sky, looking like a mess. However, because Liu Zheng has also considered it, he has been almost beaten. Some are crooked, and some are fireworks soaring to the sky, looking like a mess. However, since Liu Zheng has also considered it, it is very likely that the enemy will take advantage of the opportunity that his base has just been attacked by a nuclear bomb to attack his base, so Liu Zheng repaired his ballistic missile in time.

Now, the dozen ballistic missiles have been basically repaired by Liu Zheng. In this way, when the enemy's main battle tanks are gathered on the edge of Liu Zheng's base, when Liu Zheng's hand can hardly produce any combat power (on the one hand, Liu Zheng has sent a certain amount of combat power to form an attack team, and those combat power can be It's the elite combat power in Liu Zheng's base. On the other hand, there are also some combat forces, which have been destroyed by the enemy's nuclear explosion not long ago!

So, in this case, it is really difficult for you to really stop the attack of the enemy's combat power! Fortunately, more than a dozen of his ballistic missiles were finally repaired by Liu Zheng in time. In this case, with those ballistic missiles, Liu Zheng feels that he should be able to fight similarly! Well, it should be about the same!

At this time, the enemy's group of main battle tanks had begun to attack some military facilities on the edge of Liu Zheng's base! As the shells hit the target one after another, the sound of explosions was endless. However, at this critical moment, Liu Zheng saw that his dozens of ballistic missiles finally began to show their power! As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately.

Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng feel some incredible is that the guidance ability of this kind of ballistic missile is so powerful! Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow like shadows until the target is hit. After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red exploding fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.


In this case, in general, Liu Zheng has guarded his base. It should be said that if there are no other big problems, there should not be much danger.

It is also out of this kind of consideration that Liu Zheng turned his attention to his own attack team. At this time, Liu Zheng found that the power supply in the enemy's base that he had just attacked had suddenly been cut off! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed! Haha, haha, this is really God's help to me, and this is really God's help to me! Naturally, I should also take advantage of such an opportunity to destroy the enemy's base in one fell swoop!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he saw his remaining attack force - including two Red Star transport ships and a Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopter, flying across the sea and towards the enemy's base! Liu Zheng saw that some of the combat power in the enemy's base, including the hyperspace transmitter, which was originally the huge sphere with the polar light waves of the soul, has now stopped rotating. At this time, those light towers have also stopped rotating because of the termination of electricity. Moreover, it seems that one by one, they all show that kind of listlessness, without any vitality and vitality.

"Haha, haha, just right, just right, really just right! This is really a God-given opportunity, and this is really a God-given opportunity!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng led his two Red Star transport planes and prepared to land under the guidance of his heavy missile helicopter! However, at the moment when they were about to land, with the sound of machine gun shooting, Liu Zheng saw that his two red star transport ships suddenly had a touchdown!

Liu Zheng, who is well aware of the characteristics of this kind of red star transport ship, knew that there must be something wrong with this! Otherwise, his two Red Star transport planes would not have made such a move!

Sure enough, Liu Zheng then took a closer look and saw that at the bottom of the enemy's light tower, an enemy's machine gun bunker was still firing there! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but understand! Wow, wow, damn it, I finally understand. This time, I finally understand! That's purely the machine gun bunker of the enemy! Well, well, I'll just kill it in one fell swoop! Let's get rid of it first!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help ordering his heavy missile helicopter again to aim at the enemy's machine gun bunker! With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-to-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the enemy's machine gun bunker on the ground one after another. So, as the sound of the explosion kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...


Yes, it should be said that Liu Zheng really seized a quite good opportunity this time. Moreover, in addition, Liu Zheng also found another tactical skill that makes him regret, that is, the use of the iron curtain device. Yes, that kind of iron curtain device! Previously, Liu Zheng was of course very interested in that kind of iron curtain device, but he had never had the opportunity to use it. This time, because the situation was very dangerous, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about that kind of iron curtain device!

Finally, Liu Zheng saw and saw the two red star transport ships of his own, and finally slowly landed on the ground! That kind of down-to-earth feeling is really very good, really very good! After that, Liu Zheng took out his few chariots, including two Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets, and two maintenance vehicles, all of which were "pleased" from the two Red Star transport ships.

At the same time, Liu Zheng did not forget that he implemented that kind of "iron curtain device" technology for his own chariots. In this way, as the iron curtain device finally began to work, Liu Zheng saw that the chariots with the iron curtain device were shrouded in a pure black protective iron curtain. Moreover, the dark black iron curtain, flashing, looks very strange! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but have some expectations about what kind of combat ability he could have under that kind of iron curtain device.

Just in time, when I saw the combat power of Liu Zheng, I actually came to their base to "visit". The remaining forces in the enemy's base naturally felt very intolerable. Therefore, five or six enemy BTR-70 armored vehicles came one after another! Their long barrels are constantly swaying, as if they are ready to fire at any time.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart suddenly became awe-inspiring, but then it returned to its original state. Then, with the sound of bombardment one after another, the attack of the enemy's main battle tanks began! However, can Liu Zheng's combat power after being implemented by Liu Zheng's "iron curtain device" withstand the attack of the enemy's main battle tanks? Liu Zheng can't help but wait and see!