Star Trek

Chapter 194 Island Attack and Defense 10

And now, Liu Zheng found that his base had also been extremely damaged. Although he had used that kind of "iron curtain device" to protect the important military facilities in his base at the moment of the enemy's nuclear bomb attack, the actual situation is that the protection time of that kind of iron curtain device is indeed quite limited. Yes, that's it.

And such a short protective time of the iron curtain device is indeed quite difficult for Liu Zheng's large base! Therefore, although Liu Zheng had also prepared certain protective measures before the enemy's nuclear bomb attack, at the moment when the enemy's nuclear bomb exploded, the iron curtain device suddenly failed! In this way, Liu Zheng naturally couldn't help staring at his big eyes and seemed to be a little unbelievable.

"Wow, wow, this, how can this be? How could this happen?" Liu Zheng has some puzzles. Yes, he really didn't expect that that kind of iron curtain device would only last for such a short duration! In this way, Liu Zheng saw that in the period of time after the enemy's nuclear bomb attack, his nuclear power plant in his base was also preserved. However, his chariot factory was unexpected by Liu Zheng and was blown up without any debris left.

Seeing one here, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel helpless. Yes, if you want to comprehensively reorganize your base, it will take a lot of time and financial resources! Because now, it should be said that I can't produce any other combat power except that nuclear mecha production platform. That's really how it is. Because now, I don't have a barracks and a chariot factory! There is no airport! Therefore, it will take a lot of time and energy to improve your base and produce combat power as before. And time, now, is indeed quite nervous for Liu Zheng. Does he still have enough time to build that complicated base?

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided to temporarily ignore the situation of his base and transfer his main energy to his own frontline attack. Yes, now, for Liu Zheng, his front-line attack can be said to have reached a very critical critical moment! In this situation, if you can't grasp it well, then it's really outrageous.

So, after thinking about this, Liu Zheng almost switched his perspective to his attack front line within the first time. At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked! There are dozens of enemy challenger main battle tanks, yes, that kind of challenger main battle tank, rushing from the bottom of that cliff, through that slope, towards another enemy base.

It seems that those enemy's challenger main battle tanks must have gone down the mountain to carry out some tasks just now. Moreover, judging from the scale of the strategies they dispatched, the execution of that mission should not be a general task, but a It's a very important task. Otherwise, the enemy can't go out with such a large army!

Yes, dozens of chariots are dispatched at the same time, but the scale is really quite unusual. This situation, even for Liu Zheng, is quite rare. Looking at the scene of the enemy's challenger main battle tanks entering the enemy's base one after another, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning tightly.

However, Liu Zheng, who has a quite good combat power in his hand, is naturally not too nervous. First, the direction of the enemy's challenger main battle tanks is another enemy base, not the base where their own chariots are located. In this way, it is very likely to form a situation that does not offend each other. And that situation is also very happy for Liu Zheng to see. Therefore, Liu Zheng did not feel too nervous about the emergence of this situation.

Another point, that is, now, Liu Zheng has a fairly good combat capability, including two Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets, and a Samsung elite-level air combat power - that heavy missile helicopter, and another, there is also a weight. Grade nuclear energy mecha. These are all very good combat forces. Of course, if it is not a truly excellent combat force, Liu Zheng will not bring it to the front line! There is also a heavy-class nuclear mecha. These are all very good combat forces. Of course, if it is not a truly excellent combat force, Liu Zheng will not bring it to the front line!

One by one! Often, several enemy challenger main battle tanks lined up on the slope, along the slope and towards the interior of the enemy's base on the plateau located on the cliff. It seems that the scene is simply dense, vast, fighting against the bull, and full of long rainbow!

After looking at that scene, Liu Zheng couldn't help squeaking his mouth and said secretly, "Damn it, even I have never commanded such a powerful force!" Damn, he's mother, he's really awesome, really awesome! I admire, I admire, I really admire you!"

"Well, mother, you go, I'll do mine. It's better for us to be at peace like this. Well, this is also what I want to see most!" While thinking about it, Liu Zheng prepared to kill the enemy base he was attacking first, and then free his hands to launch the final attack on the enemy's base, which seems to have a considerable combat power! Hey hey, hey, although you had a good fighting power at that time, so what? So what can happen? The kind of nuclear mecha in my hand is not vegetarian!

When imagining his nuclear energy mecha launching a nuclear missile that can carry out long-range strike at the target, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little pride. Yes, yes, that kind of blow can destroy a large area of combat ability, which is not the effect that all combat power can achieve!

Yes, just when Liu Zheng thought that some of the enemy's combat power would never attack his own, things suddenly changed dramatically. Yes, it's really a big change! Moreover, Liu Zheng was very unprepared! Just as Liu Zheng clearly saw the enemy's chariots, the chariots called the "Challenger Main Battle Tanks" rushed towards the enemy's other base, densely, just as Liu Zheng was preparing to destroy the enemy's base, suddenly from that Halfway up the slope, suddenly, several enemy challenger main battle tanks suddenly turned around and began to rush towards the place occupied by Liu Zheng's combat power!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng almost couldn't believe his eyes. Wow, damn it, what's going on? What the hell is going on? How could it be like this? How could it be like this? Wow!

Because some of the enemy's actions were too sudden, Liu Zheng was naturally caught off guard. For a while, it seemed that its combat deployment was also disrupted by the enemy's action. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but open his eyes and stared at the enemy's challenger main battle tank, which rushed to his position like ten thousand horses galloping. For a moment, he seemed to be in an unmanageable state.

However, Fortunately, Liu Zhengke is a player with a high level, so under normal circumstances, there is really nothing he can do, but it is really not easy to do. At this time, as the enemy's challenger main battle tanks approached one after another, Liu Zheng's mind turned sharply. Suddenly, an idea had also been formed from his mind: first use his three-star elite-level heavy missile helicopters to defeat one or two enemy challengers who rushed forward. Tank - and the natural reason for doing this is that the two enemy chariots are indeed too close to their targets!

If you don't defeat it, then some of your main combat forces will be suppressed if they want to launch an attack. Therefore, in any case, you have to destroy the two challenger main battle tanks that rushed to the front of the enemy. Otherwise, it will be bad!

Yes, Liu Zheng's main ground combat strength at this time mainly includes the following combat forces: two Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets, one maintenance vehicle, and a nuclear energy mecha. And these combat forces, it should be said, are quite good combat forces. However, the problem now is that Liu Zheng's combat strength cannot give full play to his huge combat potential at all. Yes, it should be said that from the momentum, some of Liu Zheng's combat forces have been completely suppressed by the enemy's dozens of challenger main battle tanks!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very anxious. Yes, in the face of the tide, the enemy's dozens of challenger main battle tanks, indeed, together with their own mood, were greatly suppressed.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally satisfied with the combat plan he had adopted to attack from the air first with his Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopter. At this time, his Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopter has flown to the enemy's two front challenger main battle tanks. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the kind of air-to-ground missile attack with considerable attack power also followed. And it started.

With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-ground missiles, dragging the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the enemy's challenger main battle tank on the ground one after another. So, as the sound of the explosion kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...

Yes, because its own heavy missile helicopter has been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, so its attack power has naturally been greatly improved. And this kind of improvement is mainly reflected in the kind of light fog that exploded up after the air-to-ground missiles hit the target. Yes, it's almost equivalent to the explosion of that kind of small nuclear explosion! A dark red mushroom cloud rose to the sky, and as the mushroom cloud continued to rise into the air, its shape was also getting bigger and bigger, showing a huge umbrella crown shape.

At the same time, a earth-shaking explosion was really deafening. Then, as the mushroom clouds soared into the sky, Liu Zheng saw that in the dark red explosion fog, the two or three challenger main battle tanks of the enemy were blown into countless wreckage and fragments and scattered.

However, although the two or three challenger main battle tanks that rushed to the front were knocked off, the rear of the enemy's chariots followed by crushing the wreckage and debris, rolling the large and small craters one by one, and continued to coil towards Liu Zheng's tanks. The place, the impact is coming! Moreover, it seems that some of those guys seem to be even crazier at this time! It seems that they just want to avenge their comrades-in-arms.

However, this is the time, that is, the heavy missile helicopter, after the enemy's axis of challenger main battle tank, the little time won for himself finally allowed some of Liu Zheng's other combat forces to be properly adjusted. That is, the heavy missile helicopter, after defeating the enemy's axis of challenger main battle tank, the little time he had won for himself finally allowed Liu Zheng's other combat power to be properly adjusted. So, immediately, the two most powerful chariots under Liu Zheng can finally launch an attack at this time! Including the two Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets, and the one-axis nuclear mecha! They are their strongest trump cards!

Yes, it's true. In Liu Zheng's heart, that is naturally very clear. That is, that is, after destroying the enemy's two enemy's main battle tanks that rushed to the front, the Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopter just now has won an extremely important period of time for its next offensive! And now, my own attack preparation is finally completed!

First of all, Liu Zheng made full use of the five or six seconds to apply his short iron curtain device to his chariots, including his nuclear mecha and his Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket. Of course, naturally Including my own repair car. In this way, with the protection of that kind of short iron curtain device, no matter how fierce the enemy's artillery is, there is no way for Liu Zheng's three mecha within a certain period of time!

In this way, under the bombardment of the rain-like shells of the enemy's main battle tanks, Liu Zheng's mecha was nothing at all! Ha ha, ha, it's really quite an NB! After seeing this, Liu Zheng immediately increased his confidence. Ha ha, ha, next, I will fight back!

"Fire self-propelled rocket launcher, fire!" In this way, under Liu Zheng's order, his Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launchers launched that kind of rocket-style attack on the target under the action of that kind of iron curtain device! The launchers of their two Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets have slowly risen, adjusted the angle, and then the attack began!

With the harsh sound of missile fire, a bunch of ground attack missiles emerged from the two Thunderbolt rocket launchers, dragging the dark red tail flames and shooting towards the target. And its trajectory also looks extremely smooth, and in the process of its flight, the windy roar is endless. It was the roaring all the way, and the fireworks all the way.

At this time, the huge lethality of the rocket of the Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket was also suddenly shown! After hitting the target, it all emitted that kind of blue flame! After being hit by it, the health value of some of the enemy's main battle tanks was suddenly knocked out by 60% or 70%! That scene is really good, really quite good!