Star Trek

Chapter 195 Alone in 1

At this time, the situation is not optimistic within Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's it. Because, after the nuclear bomb attack by the enemy, Liu Zheng's production capacity has been greatly reduced, and there is no barracks or chariot factories. Fortunately, under the influence of its own force field shield, its own "nuclear mecha manufacturing platform" is still intact. Otherwise, there is really no production capacity in Liu Zheng's base.

Therefore, at the beginning, Liu Zheng made a plan to produce a few nuclear mechas first. In this case, it may be better than building a chariot factory again. However, Liu Zheng also knows that it is quite difficult to produce a nuclear energy mecha that requires more than 9,000 production and construction funds. Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng still decided not to plan to produce too many cars.

At the same time, because Liu Zheng has mobilized a considerable part of the elite combat force to attack the front line, there is not much combat force left in his base at this time. Yes, that's it. With only two heavy missile helicopters, it is really a movable military force. And others, at best, can only be regarded as anti-aircraft firepower!

Therefore, under such circumstances, Liu Zheng had no choice but to retract his position, and even once retracted his position to his base! There is really nothing we can do about it. Yes, no matter what happened, Liu Zheng had to retract his position, and even once retracted his position to his base! There is really nothing we can do about it. Yes, no matter what it is, if you want to do both things, if you want to be good in any aspect, it is almost an infatuation, which is really impossible.

At this time, although the enemy's combat power is no longer as crazy as before, it is not easy to attack Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's it. They seem to have adopted a rotating attack tactic. Although each attack is not very strong, it is true, which makes Liu Zheng feel a kind of helplessness. At this time, three enemy BTR-70 armored vehicles rushed into Liu Zheng's base crazily and rushed to the depths of Liu Zheng's base.

On the ground, the wreckage and debris of the chariot, and the wreckage and debris after the explosion of Liu Zheng's own buildings were covered with the ground! At the same time, one by one, large and small craters are also densely on the ground without any rules. And the enemy's BTR-70 armored vehicles also crushed the pieces of debris and debris, ran over the large and small craters of one person, and rushed in. And the enemy's BTR-70 armored vehicles also crushed the pieces of debris and debris, ran over the large and small craters of one person, and rushed in.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but pass by surprise. Then, Liu Zheng gave an order and once again covered his kind of "short iron curtain device" over his anti-aircraft and repair tanks. In this case, Liu Zheng saw that after a strange sound, some black spots were mottled and covered the chariots. Next, the black spots became more and more conspicuous. As time went by, they suddenly changed from the mottled appearance just now to pure black. During this period, a silver-white light also kept shining, which made people feel very strange.

"Oh~~" At this time, with the continuous sound of shelling, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's BTR-70 armored vehicles had begun to attack! Naturally, their attack targets were first locked on those Liu Zheng's chariots. The shells roared out one by one, and then fell on Liu Zheng's chariots one after another.

However, at this time, because Liu Zheng's chariots have been installed with an iron curtain device, although those shells fell like rain and hit it fiercely, they did not lose even a little life! However, now, those Liu Zheng's chariots do not have the ability to attack on the ground, so they can only be allowed to attack the enemy's several axes of BTR-70 armored vehicles to attack!

The sound of explosion came one after another. However, Liu Zheng's anti-aircraft artillery vehicles were motionless at all, falling from the sky like rain with shells. However, at this time, the dozen ballistic missiles in Liu Zheng's base were not silent. Their attacks fell from the sky like rain with cannonballs. However, at this time, the dozens of ballistic missiles in Liu Zheng's base were not silent. Their attacks, the kind of ballistic missiles with quite accurate guidance ability, especially those with tracking functions, finally began to counterattack!

Yes, for Liu Zheng, that kind of ballistic missile can be said to be his last trump card, for Liu Zheng's base defense. Because now, his own kind of nuclear energy mecha has not been produced, and without that kind of nuclear mecha, Liu Zheng can only rely on his land-based fixed ballistic missile attacks on some of the enemy's ground attack capabilities.

Looking at his ballistic missiles constantly turning in the direction, Liu Zheng knew that they were ready, and then it was time for them to launch that kind of directional tracking launch. As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately.

Never give up until you reach your goal! This is also the power of that kind of Liu Zheng ballistic missile! Looking at the roaring ballistic missiles, dragging the golden tail flames, roaring forward and leaving quickly, Liu Zheng couldn't help marveling at its power. Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng feel that the guidance ability of this kind of ballistic missile is so powerful!

Yes, in the face of those moving targets, it seems that my kind of ballistic missile has also been specially optimized in this regard. Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow like shadows until the target is hit. After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red exploding fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.


And at this time, at the front line of your own attack. Suddenly, with a strange sound, Liu Zheng saw that when he wanted to give the last blow to the enemy base, he really disappeared from this battle. Suddenly, with the sound of the sound that made Liu Zheng very familiar and comfortable, Liu It is seen that the remaining enemy's military facilities, including several power plants and machine gun bunkers, have gradually disappeared. Instead, it is an empty territory, but it is covered with too many wreckage and debris of chariots, as well as the remnants of some buildings after they were destroyed.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing: Wow, damn it, I finally killed that guy! I finally killed that guy! In this case, I finally lost a strong enemy! Well, in the future, I will only face two opponents! In that case, your pressure will naturally be much less.

Yes, that's it. Because, at the very least, the enemy will no longer have that kind of lightning storm attack weapon! It should be said that the most threatening thing to Liu Zheng's base is exactly that kind of lightning storm. Okay, okay, in this way, I'm relieved!

"Well, next, my goal is to launch another attack on the enemy base in front of me! Yes, that guy has been around for quite a long time! Not long ago, when watching its vast combat power pour into its base, how rampant it was! And now, I call you rampant again!" Liu Zheng thought with hatred. Then, with an order, his own attack team moved in a hurry! Rush to the other enemy's base!

Yes, now, some of the combat forces in Liu Zheng's hands include the following combat power content: a Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopter, a Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket that is also a Samsung elite level, in addition, a maintenance vehicle, and a general-level nuclear energy mecha. It's such an excellent combat power. With Liu Zheng's order, they all rushed in the direction of another enemy base.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that just below the cliff, there was a technology outpost that had been occupied by the enemy! Above, at the highest point, a missile launcher is constantly rotating, as if trying to capture any suspicious and attackable target!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart suddenly moved. Liu Zheng knows that that guy is not a good bird! Yes, especially when he still has a Samsung classic-class heavy missile helicopter, that scenario undoubtedly makes Liu Zheng more uncomfortable. Therefore, Liu Zheng made up his mind that he would definitely kill him! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng will naturally not send his own heavy missile helicopter, which is tantamount to self-netration.

Liu Zheng then sent his own Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt rocket launcher. Yes, Liu Zheng knows very well that whether it is the range or its attack ability, his kind of Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher is quite top-notch! In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his own Thunderbolt rocket launcher has come to the side of the cliff.

At this time, the enemy's stunt outpost seems to have found the arrival of Liu Zheng's Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket. However, because the enemy's technology outpost can carry out air defense attacks, it has no way at all in the face of Liu Zheng's Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt rocket launcher. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing coldly, and then gave an order: fire, attack! So, I saw that the launchers of my two Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets had slowly lifted up, adjusted the angle, and then the attack began!

I saw that with the harsh sound of missile fire, a bunch of ground attack missiles emerged from the Thunderbolt rocket launcher, dragging the dark red tail flames and shooting at the target. And its trajectory also looks extremely smooth, and in the process of its flight, the windy roar is endless. It was the roaring all the way, and the fireworks all the way.

The wind is blowing! Whistling away. They hit the target one after another. Blue and white flames rose to the sky. The sound of explosions sounded one after another. The target's health value was reduced and finally completely destroyed. Looking at the technology outpost of the enemy, it was finally blown up by Liu Zheng. Liu Zheng felt that it was as if he had put down a stone and felt very relaxed.

"Well, in this case, in this case, I can fire on the enemy's second base with all my strength!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking secretly. After that, with Liu Zheng's order, his attack team suddenly marched forward! The target is to point directly to the enemy's base that belongs to the Soviet combat power not far ahead!

However, the enemy is naturally not so easy to mess with! At this time, five enemy BTR-70 armored vehicles rushed out! Naturally, their target is Liu Zheng's attack team! Naturally, the enemy is not so easy to mess with! At this time, five enemy BTR-70 armored vehicles rushed out! Naturally, their target is Liu Zheng's attack team! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be slightly stunned. Then my heart suddenly tightened: Shit, it's broken, it's broken! Now, the current situation is quite bad for me, which is quite bad! He's a girl!

Is it quite bad? Yes, that's it. Now, what Liu Zheng is facing is that in one direction, he has transferred the Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt rocket launcher to the edge of the cliff and has just completed the operation of destroying the enemy's technology outpost. This is one of them. He has transferred the Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket to the edge of the cliff and has just completed the operation of destroying the enemy's technology outpost. This is one of them. In this way, Liu Zheng knew that some of his already few combat power had been dispersed. Naturally, it is not conducive to combat.

And another aspect is that, now, Liu Zheng sees that his kind of protective weapon, the short iron curtain device, is still in that kind of cooling state and cannot be used. In this way, his own chariots will not have that kind of combat protection. Obviously, such a situation is also quite unfavorable for Liu Zheng's current situation, and it is indeed quite unfavorable!

So, after Liu was seeing this kind of scene, he couldn't help but be speechless for a while. However, he also knows that in this case, once he chooses to give in, it will be a real complete failure. Because once you give in some of your combat power, naturally, your attack power will also be reduced. The attack power of the enemy will be the opposite, and it will be strengthened!

So, in this case, how to choose seems to be a very delicate matter. However, soon, Liu Zheng came back, that is, now, he can use his own nuclear mecha to fight! Yes, you know, your own nuclear mecha has quite good defense ability! It can even be said that among all the enemy and enemy combat power, that kind of nuclear mecha should be regarded as the most powerful combat power! After all, it was a super powerful combat power that I spent 9,000 yuan on production and construction!

In this case, since that guy has such a good defense ability, naturally, things are much easier to do. I can completely let my own nuclear mecha rush to the front, and my Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher follows closely. At the same time, my repair chariot naturally follows. In this case, after his nuclear energy mecha was attacked,