Star Trek

Chapter 198 Alone 4

Yes, that's it. Now, Liu Zheng saw that in his already built city center (the first center), the amount of production and construction funds is really quite large, with at least 2,000. However, the amount of raw materials in it is indeed quite small. It's less than seven or eight hundred. There are really many, with at least 2,000. However, the amount of raw materials in it is indeed quite small. It's less than seven or eight hundred.

In this way, I can only build my second city center after the raw materials rise to more than 1,000. At this time, Liu Zheng had already used his batch of combat power - in fact, only the two crossbow cars that had just defeated the three crazy thieves, protected his seven farmers and workers, drove out his territory, and moved to the second land he wanted to colonize.

In this way, two Liu Zheng's crossbows escorted his group of workers and farmers. Soon after, they left Liu Zheng's own territory and came to the area adjacent to his territory. That area also looks quite good. In front of it, there is a mountain forest as a natural barrier. The forest is deep and the water is indeed a blessed land. Fortunately, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the amount of resources in his base had finally reached more than 1,000. After seeing this, with Liu Zheng's order, he began to build his second city center in the new territory.

Of course, there is also a very important factor, that is, you must have enough military strength. Otherwise, even if you occupy more land and build more urban centers, what's the use? Therefore, in any case, you have to produce enough security forces. Well, it is indeed quite important!

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that there was a heavy rain in the world, and the gray rain and fog covered the day. In the rain curtain, the large-scale production and construction in Liu Zheng's base were proceeding as scheduled. It seems that the scene is simply in full swing.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that at least a dozen indigenous people had already built buildings in his territory! At a glance, it was at Liu Zheng's U mine. Haha, haha, it seems that you want to compete with me for uranium resources! However, you are too bullying, aren't you? Unexpectedly, the mine was built in Laozi's base!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but get angry! Therefore, under an order, his three newly produced rocket launch vehicles, plus the four main battle tank vehicles (of course, according to the main battle tank in front, and that kind of rocket launch vehicle in the back) began to be built not far ahead. Yes, the enemy's uranium mining factory launched an attack!

Yes, Liu Zheng is the kind of person who builds his own facilities in his own territory. Although, at present, the two sides have not yet fixed points, Liu Zheng also knows that once war is declared, then, basically, the battle between the two sides is inevitable. It's better to do it early now than to be cheated by your opponent for a long time. Built in its own territory. Although, at present, the two sides have not yet fixed points, Liu Zheng also knows that once war is declared, then, basically, the battle between the two sides is inevitable. It's better to do it early now than to be cheated by your opponent for a long time.

In this way, after Liu Zheng's attack order was issued, the attack officially began. Although this time, it only attacked the enemy's buildings, so there was no enemy's combat power to defend at that time. However, in order to kill the enemy's recognized military facilities as soon as possible, Liu Zheng has no choice but to seize the time now.

The more than a dozen missile launch vehicles slowly began to adjust their angle towards the target. Soon after, the missile launchers first slowly raised the missile carried behind the vehicle, forming an elevation angle of about 38 degrees. Then, after positioning, with a "bang" sound, missiles ejected out, dragging a long gray-white tail smoke, cutting through the sky and roaring away. That looks like a sharp sword, stabbing the target fiercely. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

The more than a dozen main battle tanks, the dark red fire kept shining in the barrel, and as the sound of explosion kept ringing, shells shot out of the long barrel, roaring away with a blue smoke. And the body of the battle was suddenly retreated by the powerful recoil, which seemed to strengthen the attack power of the shell. Shortly after the shell was fired, a continuous explosion began to sound. One after another of explosive artillery rose to the sky in the rolling black smoke~~~

However, just as Liu Zheng had hit the enemy's copper mine base and was about to explode, suddenly, with the sound of "huh" wind, Liu Zheng stared over and saw two or three enemy attack helicopters in the sound of huge propellers spinning. , has already flown over. Then, a bundle of air-to-ground missiles roared out. The three enemy missile helicopters began to adjust their postures towards the target to adjust to the most suitable posture for attack. Finally, the attack began: from the missile launchers on the seven missile helicopters, free-ground missiles were constantly fired out. Those missiles roared, making the sound of tearing through the air, and the tail sprayed orange tail flame, dragging the longer, straight-looking gray-white tail smoke, and shooting at the target with an irresistible momentum and the power to destroy everything.

"Boom ~ ~" The sound of explosion suddenly sounded. Liu Zheng saw that in the face of the enemy's air attack, his own main battle tanks and rocket launch vehicles that were attacking the enemy's uranium mining facility had been quickly blown up considerable health. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be extremely anxious. Shit, damn, the enemy's attack speed is really quite fast!

However, at this time, Liu Zheng's anti-aircraft rocket launcher was finally produced! So, with Liu Zheng's order, in the roar of that sound, anti-aircraft missiles, dragging the long sword-like tail smoke, broke through the air and were ready to hit the target one after another!

After the dark red explosion flash flashed, in the air, the enemy's missile attack helicopter was suddenly blown into countless wrecks and fragments, scattered...


However, Liu Zheng is not satisfied with his performance over the period of time. Yes, anyway, now, with a fairly good combat power, I can't achieve the expected goal. This is a problem. Liu Zheng has also considered the reason for this many times. Finally, Liu Zheng thought, "It seems that this is the reason why he is too careless. At the same time, sometimes I am too anxious. I always want to destroy the enemy at once! But that's impossible!"

Yes, everything in this world has its own unique reason. There are unique rules in it. And I, in many times and in many situations, I often ignore this point, which has its own unique truth. There are unique rules in it. However, in many cases and in many cases, I often ignore this point, which will cause great losses to myself.

Looking back on the smoke and war not long ago, although it was fierce, Liu Zheng knew that behind the seemingly fierce war, it was his own helplessness. So many combat forces have been wasted by themselves. Moreover, there have been several very good opportunities. Once you seize those opportunities, you will kill a considerable number of enemy combat forces to a considerable extent. In that case, there is no doubt that the situation will be further reversed and the situation will be developed in a direction that is beneficial to itself.

However, now, it's too late. At that time, more than a dozen enemy chariots had rushed into the valley. And on top of that mountain, he had already ambushed a lot of his troops. Yes, at the beginning, I really considered that the enemy's combat strength and more than a dozen enemy chariots had rushed into that valley. And on top of that mountain, he had already ambushed a lot of his troops. Yes, at the beginning, I really considered that the enemy's combat strength was really likely to pass through there, and that place was indeed a good place for ambush.

Some of their chariots can completely kill the enemy chariots below one by one with their condescending attack advantage. Yes, that's not a problem at all. Moreover, the narrow valley is still so narrow that even the enemy's chariots can't turn back. What a great opportunity to attack!

However, at that time, because his shipyard was being attacked by enemy missile destroyers, he only cared about protecting his shipyard, so the fighters in the narrow valley also went with the wind. When Liu Zheng once again switched his perspective to the narrow valley, he found that the last three enemy chariots had just rushed out of the valley. Liu Zheng wanted to chase them again, and when Liu Zheng once again switched his perspective to the narrow valley, he found that the last three enemy chariots had just rushed out of that valley. And Liu Zheng wants to chase them again, but he is really unable to do it.


And now, it should be said that after a period of adjustment, Liu Zheng has finally found a little feeling. Yes, it's not easy. It's not easy! However, in general, Liu Zheng's conclusion is as follows: first, he can no longer be too anxious and impulsive in the future; second, be patient. Third, you must do your own defense first. Without a defensive attack, it's actually just empty talk.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng quickly made a plan. First of all, in the early stage of the start-up of your own base, you must do a good job of defense. And its main defense force is to achieve its goal by building several more ballistic missiles; this is one of them. In addition, Liu Zheng has also considered that he intends to produce several opportunity attack teams to carry out that kind of mobile combat. First, the enemy's combat forces that attack their own base can be killed as soon as possible to reduce the defensive pressure of their own base. In addition, you can also carry out a sneak attack on the enemy's base through this mobile team. In that case, it is often possible to produce an unexpected result.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng began to deploy this kind of troops. One, two, and three ballistic missiles have been built on the edge of their own bases one after another. Looking at the ballistic missiles one by one, they kept turning their towers, as if they were constantly looking for the target of attack.

Liu Zheng knew that this kind of land-based ballistic missile was a fairly good combat force he had when the base was founded. It was indeed an indispensable defensive combat force and a combat force that Liu Zheng relied on very much when the base was built. Moreover, that kind of ballistic missile also has a very good range. Of course, its biggest advantage is its accuracy.

And at this point, Liu Zheng knows that his ballistic missile is much stronger than the rocket launched by that kind of rocket launcher. Liu Zheng knows that although that kind of rocket launcher has quite good lethality, it also has a considerable defect, that is, its striking accuracy is quite poor, and there is almost no lethality for that kind of movable target, because the rockets they launch, and It doesn't have such a powerful guidance ability! Although that kind of rocket launcher has quite good lethality, it also has a considerable defect, that is, its striking accuracy is quite poor, and there is almost no lethality for that kind of movable target, because the rockets they launch do not have much. Strong guidance ability!

Once the position of the target changes and you want to hit it, it is almost more difficult than climbing to the sky. However, Liu Zheng's current ballistic missile has a fairly accurate strike accuracy, and even for that kind of movable target, it can be chased! It means that you can't stop if you don't reach your goal. At this time, soon, several enemy mobilized soldiers were hurriedly coming, looking aggressive. Before Liu Zheng's mobile combat power could run, the attack of the five or six ballistic missiles had begun.

With a whistling sound one after another, those ballistic missiles fired one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately.

Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng feel some incredible is that the guidance ability of this kind of ballistic missile is so powerful! Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow like shadows until the target is hit. After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red exploding fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile. The ballistic missiles one by one still follow like shadows until they hit the target. After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red exploding fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

However, along with this ballistic missile, there is another offensive weapon that is also a land-based combat force - the field artillery. Yes, it was with the cooperation of the field artillery that some of the enemy's ground attack firepower could not achieve their goals. Basically, they were still far away from Liu Zheng's base and were killed one by one in the process of operation.

"Oh~~" With the sound of the deafening attack explosion, a one-time attack is often at least five or six heavy bombs, roaring, breaking through the wind, crossing arcs, and hitting far away. After it landed, a series of explosions sounded one after another, and the carpet-like explosion almost made the enemy's attack power difficult to walk!

In this way, under the staggered attack of more than a dozen ballistic missiles and field artillery, some of the enemy's combat forces could not attack Liu Zheng's base. And it is with their long-range attack that Liu Zheng's base has been relatively safe without other ground firepower. However, things are not absolute.

At this time, because Liu Zheng did not have anti-aircraft firepower, naturally, Liu Zheng also suffered a lot of losses in this regard! Yes, that's really the case.

"Rumble~~~" After the roar sounded, several large transport planes flew by. Then, a group of enemy airborne soldiers jumped out of the large transport aircraft one after another. And because Liu Zheng did not have enough air defense firepower, some of the enemy's paratroopers actually landed safely one after another!

After finally landing safely, it began to launch attacks on some of the military facilities in Liu Zheng's base. Therefore, there was a fire inside Liu Zheng's base! However, at this time, Liu Zheng's field artillery and Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles continued to launch attacks one after another! I saw that "wow~~" continued to sound with the deafening attack explosion, and the one-time attack was often at least five or six blockbuster bombs, roaring, breaking through the wind, crossing an arc, and hitting far away. After landing, a series of explosions sounded one after another, and the carpet-like explosion almost made some of the enemy's airborne paratroopers who were launching attacks cry and cry...

However, it is inside its own base after all. Therefore, while blowing up the enemy's airborne troops, those missiles and shells also destroyed many of Liu Zheng's military facilities. For example, there are two ore refineries, which have been blown up one after another. Even the core military facility combat laboratory of Li and Liu Zheng has suffered a devastating blow! It also destroyed many of Liu Zheng's military facilities. For example, there are two ore refineries, which have been blown up one after another. Even the core military facility combat laboratory of Li and Liu Zheng has suffered a devastating blow!

However, these are not the most powerful. Just as Liu Zheng was busy repairing the military facilities that were accidentally blown up by his gunfire, Liu Zheng suddenly heard a very familiar voice! It's not the most powerful yet. Just as Liu Zheng was busy repairing the military facilities that were accidentally blown up by his gunfire, Liu Zheng suddenly heard a very familiar voice! Buzzing~~wow, damn it, it turns out... Which kind of Yuri's combat power type of laser UFO? What kind of straw hat-like attack power?

Sure enough, it's them! One, two, three~~~ However, at this time, there was no anti-aircraft firepower inside Liu Zheng's base, so at that time, the laser UFO of the enemy one basically flew into Liu Zheng's base very smoothly!

And, just like the attack method that Liu Zheng is good at using. After the enemy's laser UFO flew inside Liu Zheng's base, it did not launch an attack on other military facilities, but directly carried out the power-off attack method. With the strange sound of "buzzing" sounding one after another, the pale yellow aperture went up from bottom to top, from small to large, rising and rising. It's as if there is too much magic, taking the endless power supply from that power plant. Then, as the light yellow aperture continued to rise, the power supply in Liu Zheng's base was basically completely cut off! All the Patriot missiles have stopped the missile, and all the light towers have stopped rotating. It looks like there is no life at all, dead, like a pile of scrap iron...

And during these period, what excited Liu Zheng was most was his own ballistic missiles, the attack on some enemy's military facilities on the edge of the enemy base. Yes, on the edge of the enemy base, there are military facilities one by one, especially those rims, which have brought great damage to some of Liu Zheng's mining trucks. And that gold deposit is just right between the two bases.

In this way, if Liu Zheng's mining trucks want to collect ore, they must go to the gold deposit between the enemy and us. There is really nothing we can do about it.

And with the sound of "squeaky" laser shooting, Liu Zheng saw that a series of laser beams shot out and hit the target fiercely. So, soon, under the attack of those thick and powerful laser beams, Liu Zheng's mining trucks finally burst into smoke! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be anxious for a while. Wow, wow, he is a bastard. What an asshole!

However, fortunately, at this time, Liu Zheng's ballistic missile has also been built on that gold deposit! In this way, naturally, it will also be able to put the enemy's light towers on the edge of its base under its own fire attack! As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Wow", several missiles were shot out from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and going away with the wind. The missiles flew rapidly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the light towers very accurately.

Yes, what makes Liu Zheng feel some incredible is that the guidance ability of this kind of ballistic missile is so powerful! Even the kind of mobile combat force aimed at the enemy, such as the enemy's various chariots, even the enemy's terrorist robots that move quite fast, can chase them in time! And don't use it, let alone the fixed combat power of the enemy.

Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow like shadows until they hit the target. After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red exploding fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

An enemy sniper didn't know where he was hiding. Anyway, with the sound of a very sharp sniper rifle, just in Liu Zheng's base, the group of infantry fighting forces all fell down one after another! The scream of "Ah" was endless, and the combat power of an infantry named Liu Zheng turned into the miserable white bone!

Yes, a large base is really troublesome for Liu Zheng to find the hiding place of an enemy sniper! However, Liu Zheng is not worried, because his kind of ballistic missile does have a quite good sense of smell. Yes, that's really the case. Well, as the roar kept ringing, ballistic missiles roared out again, crossed the arcs, and accurately hit the target!

"Damn, it's in that jungle!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but disdain. Yes, a scream suddenly sounded, and then there was a loud noise. After that, there was no such a sharp sound of sniper rifles in Liu Zheng's base.