Star Trek

Chapter 199 Alone in 5

Yes, Liu Zheng also relies on the strong defense capabilities of some land-based fixed missiles in his base, which makes his base still maintain a situation that is rarely destroyed within a certain period of time. Liu Zheng knew that if it hadn't been for the active defense of his ballistic missiles, his base would have been finished long ago.

Yes, this is indeed the case in reality. However, Liu Zheng also knew that with such a defense alone, he could only avoid being attacked by the enemy, but he could not make any progress in the direction of attack. Therefore, Liu Zheng has begun to prepare his second action plan, that is, to build his own mobile attack team in order to be able to move flexibly and carry out destructive attacks on enemy bases, or some attack troops, or some mining vehicles.

For good, after a long period of hard work, Liu Zheng found that his first nuclear energy mecha was finally produced! Yes, now, for Liu Zheng, nuclear energy mecha has almost become an indispensable combat force. Moreover, it is also the combat force that Liu Zheng relies on the most.

However, after all, it is 9,000 production and construction funds, and it is almost quite a long wait! Therefore, the birth of a nuclear mecha is indeed quite an easy thing. Naturally, Liu Zheng's heart is still very clear about this. However, no matter what, it is indeed quite an easy thing. Naturally, Liu Zheng's heart is still very clear about this. However, no matter what, Liu Zheng's idea of using this kind of nuclear mecha as the main force of attack has never changed.

Of course, in order to truly ensure the safety of his precious nuclear energy mecha, Liu Zheng still produced four field maintenance vehicles and planned to send two nuclear mecha to follow that one. In addition, he left two on his own base for defense purposes. However, Liu Zheng also knew that a single nuclear mecha was quite thin in the direction of attack. Therefore, after thinking about it over and over again, Liu Zheng decided to produce three heavy missile helicopters again as a covering force and take on the task of attack together with that axis of nuclear mecha.

In this way, the attack force has been organized. Looking at the enemy's base not far away and the closest to his base, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly: Alas, no matter how many ballistic missiles he has, no matter how powerful they are, no matter how powerful they are, Liu Zheng can't help sighing secretly: Alas, even if it's his own kind of bullet. No matter how many missiles there are, no matter how strong the attack power is, and how lethal it is, no matter what, it can't replace its own mobile attack weapon! Yes, it really can't be replaced!

The reason is very simple, because some of their own ballistic missiles cannot accept Liu Zheng's command, but can only automatically attack some movable enemy targets, and at most attack some enemy targets with offensive power. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that although the enemy's base seemed to have been hit in a mess by some of his ballistic missiles, in reality, what he destroyed was just an empty shell. However, the substantive things inside have not been damaged.

However, most of the area of the enemy's base is still shrouded in darkness. Therefore, Liu Zheng naturally can't see the actual content in it. However, this is not difficult for Liu Zheng. Yes, that won't be difficult for him at all. Because Liu Zheng knew that his reconnaissance plane was not a waste of rice. Yes, using your own reconnaissance aircraft will quickly remove the dark shadow above the enemy's base.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, and then the roar of "boom" kept ringing. Then, Liu Zheng saw three of his own reconnaissance and early warning aircraft flying from his base to the enemy base adjacent to his base. Fly away.

Liu Zheng saw that there was a lid like a pot lid on the back of the early warning plane. Liu Zheng knew that it should be a radar system. Because the reconnaissance target was very close to Liu Zheng's base, soon, as his three reconnaissance aircraft flew over the enemy's base, a torn gap finally appeared!

Haha, the combat laboratory, the chariot factory, the construction of the main factory, and so on. Most of the contents of the enemy base have almost appeared! Unexpectedly, it almost appeared in front of Liu Zheng! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very happy! Hey hey, hey, this is good, this is good, now, I can give full play to my attack advantages and use my own nuclear mecha to attack it with all my strength! Hahahaha~~ After thinking about this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing loudly.

"Buzz~~" With the strange sound, Liu Zheng has commanded his nuclear mecha and marched towards the enemy's base adjacent to his base! Above the head are the three heavy missile helicopters, and behind them, they follow the two field repair vehicles. Liu Zheng knew that it was with his own limited number of units that the defeat of the enemy's base would become a certainty.

It's true that after owning this nuclear mecha, Liu Zheng's heart also surged with incomparable confidence. In particular, in mid-air, there is also the cover of the three heavy missile helicopters, and above the ground, there is the escort of the field maintenance vehicle. In this way, naturally, the safety of my own nuclear mecha will be guaranteed. For this, Liu Zheng's heart is very bottomless. Otherwise, with its powerful attack ability and its super powerful defense attributes alone, it is also difficult to successfully destroy the enemy's base. Yes, that's for sure.

However, Liu Zheng's attack this time was almost ready, but it did not go so smoothly. Yes, that's it. Because, just as Liu was preparing to attack the target, the enemy's base, which was not far from his own base, suddenly changed suddenly! Just as Liu was preparing to attack the enemy's base, which was not far from his enemy's base, suddenly, a sudden change! Three enemy Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks (the combat power belonging to another enemy's base) actually rushed to Liu Zheng's base from another direction!

Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's Leopard 2-A6 main battle tank moved very fast! Although I also have a ground defense system, that is, those ballistic missiles, but then what can I do? So what can happen? Once the enemy's Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks really rushed into their own base, even if their ballistic missiles hit the target, it is very likely that some other military facilities in their base will be blown up at the same time. And this kind of loss, it can be said that Liu Zheng has already suffered a lot.

So, after thinking about this, Liu Zheng has decided that he can't let him rush into his base again! Now, since I already have a good combat ability, I will simply destroy you halfway! After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he only saw his three heavy missile helicopters flying at full speed! The enemy's three Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks that were rushing towards their own base not far ahead flew straight away.

Soon, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters have flown above the head of the enemy's three Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks. Then, the attack began. Moreover, Liu Zheng saw that the three Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks of the enemy looked very huge. Moreover, two high antennas were erected on both sides of the turret, which looked very funny.

Moreover, Liu Zheng also knows that this kind of enemy Leopard 2-A6 main battle tank should not have air defense capability, so he can safely fight his three heavy missile helicopters! Thinking of this, I saw that Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters had flown to the air less than a few hundred meters away from the target. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the time had come, so he gave an order to attack! With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the three enemy Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks on the ground one after another.

"Boom~~" So, a violent explosion suddenly came out. At the same time, a dark red light fog also rose to the sky. The enemy's Leopard 2-A6 main battle tank was almost beaten to a straight turn under the attack of the super powerful shock wave. However, there is nothing they can do. Yes, they have no way. Because they do not have air defense capability.

Therefore, under the full attack of Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters, he could only be beaten straight at this time. So, as the sound of the explosion kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...


In this case, Liu Zheng saw that he had finally knocked out the enemy's Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks. In this case, at that time, there was no power to stop the pace of attack! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his nuclear mecha continued to drive forward. Go ahead and go.

A buzzing sound kept coming. It looked like a huge beetle. Liu Zheng knew that although his huge "beatle" was moving quite slowly, it was also quite powerful. And as the nuclear mecha keeps moving forward, it is finally getting closer and closer to the enemy's base. At the same time, just now, because Liu Zheng had sent his own reconnaissance aircraft to carry out reconnaissance on the enemy's base, it now seems that some enemy military facilities have been exposed.


Damn, this enemy is really powerful enough to build the location of its own combat laboratory on the edge of that base! In this way, naturally, the enemy's combat laboratory has become the first target of Liu Zheng's first attack!

Moreover, there is still a very important point, that is, the chassis of the enemy's combat laboratory looks quite large. In this way, it should be more beneficial for your nuclear mecha to attack! Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, it was not far from the target, and his ordinary nuclear energy mecha finally began to attack the target!

However, Liu Zheng knew that within such a close distance, he did not have to use the long-range nuclear missile attack of his own nuclear energy mecha. Yes, that's it. Because that kind of nuclear missile has considerable lethality, I'm afraid that even my own nuclear mecha will be implicated. Therefore, after thinking about it over and over again, Liu Zheng decided not to do that.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that, in fact, the general fire attack of his nuclear mecha is actually quite lethal. Especially for the kind of chassis that looks like a larger combat power. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng no longer hesitated and gave an order, so he saw that the attack of his nuclear mecha finally began! With the continuous sound of shelling, the three barrels were stretched out one after another, and then three huge shells shot out and crossed three arcs. In that very sharp cry, they banged and hit the enemy in the distance. Above the war laboratory. And just as soon as the three huge shells fell to the ground, Liu Zheng saw that it was like a carpet-like bomb. The black and red explosive firelight looked like a small mushroom cloud rising to the sky, stretching and spreading around one after another.

A thunderous sound came out one after another, and the firelight soared to the sky. And in the black and red explosion fog rising to the sky, the enemy's combat laboratory had no resistance at all. Soon, with the loud explosion suddenly came out, and saw that the enemy's combat laboratory, in this way, as if the sky had collapsed, The explosive fog that rose to the sky turned into countless debris and fragments, scattered everywhere...

Just after Liu Zheng had just destroyed the enemy's combat laboratory, a barracks and an enemy's barracks suddenly rose up! Shit, it's built quite fast! It was built very quickly! Damn, but facing Laozi's nuclear mecha, hehe, no matter what you are, it will be in front of Laozi's nuclear mecha, which is not worth mentioning at all!

In this way, one after another enemy's military facilities were destroyed by Liu Zheng one by one. Moreover, up to now, it is Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha fighting alone! Haha, haha, mother-of-law, this is really awesome! This is really awesome! However, Liu Zheng is also thinking that this thing seems to be a little strange, that is, it seems that his nuclear mecha has not been attacked by an enemy's chariot! Occasionally, what I encounter is just the infantry strength of some enemy troops! Moreover, those infantry combat power also crawled out of the ruins after the explosion after the nuclear energy mecha destroyed a military facility of the enemy!

"Oh, mother, this is really strange! This is really strange! There won't be a base of the enemy, and there won't be a chariot, right? That's absolutely impossible!" At this time, Liu Zheng was puzzled. And his nuclear mecha is ready to deal with the simultaneous attack of at least four or five enemy chariots! However, the fact is that I can't even touch a chariot! This is really quite incomprehensible!

However, soon, Liu Zheng finally understood! Hey hey, hey, it seems that all this is done by my own ballistic missiles!