Star Trek

Chapter 206 Step by Step 4

A building is surrounded by a variety of other military facilities, including power plants, barracks, ore refineries, chariot factories, combat laboratories, etc. Of course, among the various military facilities, there are also one chariot after another!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed: Well, not bad! Not bad! That's it! Isn't such a dense deployment just right for me to take advantage of it? In this case, once my nuclear missile explodes, it will definitely cause the maximum lethality!

Yes, Liu Zhengzhen didn't expect that it would be so easy to destroy an enemy base! Indeed, in Liu Zheng's view, after all, a base is not a joke! After all, it has also been operated and accumulated by the enemy for a long time! However, in the face of the facts, Liu Zheng can't believe that after reaching a certain level of strength, it turns out that it is not difficult to destroy an enemy base.

Yes, with the light fog of the nuclear explosion finally dissipated. In the enemy's base, Liu Qingshan saw that it had been blown up by himself and in a mess. Moreover, according to the usual practice, after being beaten by Liu Zheng, then, inevitably, the enemy will definitely launch a large-scale revenge. That is, in any case, the enemy will concentrate all their strength to make the final counterattack!

Yes, Liu Zheng saw that too many enemy chariots rushed out of the enemy's base, including five Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks, five BTR-70 armored vehicles, and three multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, almost moving!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be secretly surprised: Shit, although I have also concluded that he may launch an attack, I didn't expect to launch such a large-scale counterattack! Yaya, it seems that my own attack just now really drove the enemy crazy, and it really drove the enemy crazy!

However, now, Liu Zheng doesn't care much about such an attack. After all, he has quite good strength now! The most powerful thing is that he now has a special skill: the short iron curtain! That's a strange combat kinetic energy that all the enemy's combat power can't do in nearly a minute!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so, in his three most important chariots - a nuclear mecha, and two Thunderbolt-fire self-propelled rocket launchers - Liu Zheng saw that as he applied the short iron curtain on it, and with a "chi" sound, Then, some black spots were mottled, covering the chariots. Next, the black spots became more and more conspicuous. As time went by, they suddenly changed from the mottled appearance just now to pure black. During this period, a silver-white light also kept shining, which made people feel very strange.

Ha ha, ha, mother-of-law, this is the so-called invulnerable! This is the so-called knife and gun! Liu Zheng couldn't help exclaiming. Then, with an order, he saw his three main battle tanks and hurried out, facing the fighting power of the enemy's group of crazy counterattacks, and then went away!

"Oh, boom~~" all kinds of shells like rain fell on Liu Zheng's three chariots one after another, stirring up the sound of explosions, endlessly. At the same time, the explosive light fog rose to the sky and went straight to the sky! The seemingly rather strange, huge and quite thick explosive fog almost drowned Liu Zheng's three chariots! However, Liu Zheng is very clear that despite this, the health value of his three chariots has still not been destroyed at all! It can be seen to what extent the power of that kind of iron curtain device has reached!

However, Liu Zheng has some regrets that his two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters were not affected by the short iron curtain! Moreover, Liu Zheng also has doubts, that is, I don't know whether that kind of air flight combat power can be protected by the short iron curtain? Yes, that is indeed a mystery, but Liu Zheng has made up his mind, that is, once there is a chance, he will definitely solve this mystery.

And now, in the face of the big enemy, Liu Zheng naturally fights everything first! Therefore, in mid-air, the two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters naturally became Liu Zheng's first combat strength to meet the enemy.

So, with Liu Zheng's order, the continuous sound of missile fire suddenly sounded, and then air-ground missiles came out one by one. The huge air-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the enemy's various chariots on the ground one after another. So, as the sound of the explosion kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...

Looking at the dark red, explosive firelight, it rose to the sky like a mushroom cloud. Liu Zheng's mood also suddenly became excited. Yes, the missile attack of this kind of heavy missile helicopter, after it was upgraded to the three-star level, is indeed true and has quite extraordinary attack ability! After upgrading to the three-star level, the missile attack of my own heavy missile helicopter is indeed real and has quite extraordinary attack ability! That cloud-like explosive fog has almost said everything!

And in the following time, after the short iron curtain had been imposed, Liu Zheng's three chariots were fearless, rushing left and right between the enemy's more than a dozen chariots and fighting wantonly. Only they blow up the enemy, and they, under the protection of the strange short iron curtain, will never change their health at all!

The Thunderbolt fire blew up with the dense rocket gun. Because it has also been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, the fire after the explosion is a blue color! That's an almost dazzling blue! Because it has also been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, the firelight after the explosion is a blue color! That's an almost dazzling blue! Naturally, its lethality is also quite huge! There is no doubt about this!

Although the general artillery attack of Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha is not as powerful as that kind of nuclear bomb attack, it is said again. After all, it can also be a unique attack with one blow! Yes, seven or eight shells and shells can be fired from one attack, and each shell is also quite lethal! That scene, naturally, is also quite spectacular!

In this way, although Liu Zheng's combat strength is not very large, that is, there are three chariots and two heavy missile helicopters, but then again, it is the light of the short iron curtain, and in mid-air, there is a assisted attack of the two heavy helicopter missiles, so soon after , the enemy's nearly 20 chariots are three chariots and two heavy missile helicopters, but then again, they are stained with the light of the short iron curtain, and there are two heavy missile helicopters in mid-air, so soon after, the enemy's nearly 20 The chariot, the nearly 20 vehicles of all kinds of combat power, has been eliminated by Liu Zheng.

However, after all, his two heavy missile helicopters were not subjected to the short iron curtain, so in that melee, the anti-aircraft firepower of some enemy chariots also caused some damage to them. Therefore, after hitting the end, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of one of the heavy missile helicopters had been killed by more than 70 or 80% and had approached the dangerous warning line!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng cleaned the battlefield on the one hand, and on the other hand, he led his two heavy missile helicopters back to his base camp and landed. Then, just after the two heavy missile helicopters landed, Liu Zheng saw that there were two field repairs and rushed over! Then, the two heavy missile helicopters were repaired at a professional level.

And Liu Zheng is naturally very convinced of the maintenance technology of his field repair vehicle. Yes, many times, their injured chariots were rejuvenated by their wonderful hands. Even if it is your own kind of chariot that is almost about to explode, it will be repaired by them as before. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his two heavy missile helicopters had just landed from the air and turned into a kind of land-fixed combat force with a long gun barrel, and the two field repair vehicles had already rushed over! Then, in the maintenance of their professional level and level, it was immediately launched!

I only saw that the two guys looked really attentive. It seems that they haven't carried out this kind of maintenance task for a long time. The two repair cars gently shook their huge steel pliers on the damaged heavy missile helicopter, and with the shaking, a "squeaky" sound of repair continued to sound, and at the same time, the iron pliers touched the magnetic and electric chariot. From time to time, Mars shines, as if fireworks are released.

"Squeak~~" With the unique sound of repairing, Liu Sen saw two huge steel pliers dancing up and down, blowing the wind. At the same time, a dazzling sparks shot out, looking as bright and gorgeous as fireworks. And with the continuous sound of "squeak" of repair, and with the splash of sparks blooming like fireworks, those cars lost a lot of life points, and finally recovered and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The speed of repair was almost shocking.


Now, Liu is looking at his three heroic chariots, which have been implemented by himself, and continue to rush towards the depths of the enemy's remaining base. Moreover, at this time, when he has beaten the military facilities in the enemy base into a mess, he can't help but Finally, he smiled with relief. Haha, haha, with such a powerful combat unit, I'm really quite worry-free, but I'm really quite worry-free! Wow! Okay, the remaining military facilities in the enemy's base and the remaining combat forces of the enemy's base. In this way, let's completely hand over the three chariots. As for myself, just think about how to kill the other enemy's base. This is the right thing to do. This is the right thing to do. !'

Then, Liu Zheng locked his eyes on the ground, his two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters. Yes, there, two heavy missile helicopters are stationed there. And these two heavy missile helicopters are the two heavy missile helicopters that made the greatest contribution not long ago when they fought back against the attack power of the enemy's group. And these two heavy missile helicopters are the two heavy missile helicopters that made the greatest contribution not long ago when they fought back against the attack power of the enemy's group.

And I landed them just in order to be able to repair them. Yes, they, should be said, as a helicopter gunship, indeed have quite unusual attack capabilities. Especially after upgrading to the Samsung elite level, it is more terrible and lethal. Their air-to-ground missiles, no, to be precise, should be air-to-air and ground-to-use missiles. Once they hit the target, the extremely huge destructive force formed, the explosive light and fog similar to mushroom clouds, is lingering!

However, Liu Zheng has been thinking that this kind of armed helicopter can be protected by his own short iron curtain like his own various chariots? If possible, then you can send it to the last one of the enemy, on the island where your base is located, and attack it after implementing the short iron curtain!

Yes, that's it. Liu Zheng has a hundred percent reason to believe that once successful, with the great power of the missiles of his two heavy missile helicopters, within the effective time of the short iron curtain - within a minute, even if the whole enemy's base cannot be completely destroyed, Most of the important military facilities in it can be killed one by one! This should not be a problem!

However, after seeing this, Liu Zheng saw a heavy missile helicopter still flying in mid-air. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Wow, damn it. In this case, why don't I protect it with a short iron curtain together? Three, after all, are more combative than one!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng landed the heavy missile helicopter that was still flying in mid-air and transformed it into a land-based combat force. Then, with an uneasy mood, Liu Zheng once again released the control point of the short iron curtain to the three heavy missile helicopters that had landed on the ground, like three small beasts.

And Liu Zheng's eyes stared there almost without blinking. Immediately after a strange sound, some black light spots were mottled, covering the chariots. Next, the black spots became more and more conspicuous. As time went by, they suddenly changed from the mottled appearance just now to pure black. During this period, a silver-white light also kept shining, which made people feel very strange.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart, needless to say how happy he was! Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, the three heavy missile helicopters that had been successfully implemented with a short iron curtain began to rotate, and the faster they turned, the faster they turned, and finally flew to the sky!

It was not until this that Liu Zheng completely believed that his three heavy missile helicopters had been successfully implemented by his short iron curtain! In this way, his three heavy missile helicopters can boldly attack the enemy's last base on this island!