Star Trek

Chapter 207 Step by Step 5

It should be said that Liu Zheng is really the first time for this kind of heavy missile helicopter after the Iron Curtain device has been implemented. Although Liu Zhengna is quite appreciative, optimistic and quite believe in its huge lethality, but then again, after all, the health value and defense ability of that thing are indeed not very powerful. Therefore, since then, naturally, it has also formed a situation that makes Liu Zheng very uneasy.

Yes, that's actually normal. Isn't it killing if such a low-defense air combat power attacks over the enemy's base? Yes, isn't that looking for death? Whether it is the enemy's old-style anti-aircraft firepower multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle or the latest anti-aircraft firepower BTR70 armored vehicle, it has quite good air defense capability!

Therefore, in this case, once your own heavy missile helicopter is attacked by some kind of anti-aircraft fire from the enemy, the consequences will be self-evident. Even if it is not disastrous, it must be tragic. Therefore, Liu Zheng will always be self-evident about his own heavy missile helicopter. Even if it is not disastrous, it must be tragic. Therefore, Liu Zheng has always been quite embarrassed about how to use his own heavy missile helicopter.

On the one hand, Liu Zheng appreciates the super combat ability of his own heavy missile helicopter, and on the other hand, Liu Zheng is worried about his health and defense ability. Therefore, although it has often been used as a fairly good offensive force, it has only played its role with other combat forces. And it has never been used to carry out that kind of separate combat operation. This time, because Liu Zheng has successfully implemented the defensive protection measures of that kind of iron curtain device, now, Liu Zheng can naturally use his three heavy missile helicopters to fight the enemy fiercely without any worries!

Yes, it's still the same sentence. Even if it can't be completely destroyed, but it should be able to destroy some of the quite important military facilities in the enemy bases, such as the construction of factories, war factories, and other kinds of barracks, one by one. . In this way, naturally, some quite important military facilities, such as the construction of general factories, war factories, and that kind of barracks, will be destroyed one by one. In this way, naturally, it is equivalent to cutting off the regeneration capacity and production capacity of the enemy base. In this case, what are you afraid of and what are you worried about?

And now, there is no doubt that there is such a good opportunity. Now, with the continuous sound of "buzzing" flying, Liu Zheng saw that his three heavy missile helicopters had turned over the mouth of the mountain and flew straight to the enemy's base. Although at this time, Liu Zheng has also found that there seems to be a sound of the launch of anti-aircraft missiles from the enemy's base, but Liu Zheng is very clear in his heart that that is, now, he doesn't have to be afraid of those things at all.

Yes, with such excellent defense capabilities, almost the invulnerable "iron curtain device" is protecting its three heavy missile helicopters, so what else do you have to worry about? Yaya, let him fight! Let his mother have a look. Now I also have a combat unit that is not afraid to fight at all! Once these three heavy missile helicopters fly over the most important military facilities in the enemy base, the truly powerful bombing of their own heavy missile helicopters will also begin!

Now, Liu Zheng saw that with the spread of the fog of war, some of the various military facilities in the enemy base, of course, also include some enemy combat forces, such as BTR70 armored vehicles, and multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, etc., are undoubtedly revealed. . In addition, what surprised Liu Zheng more was that there were two aircraft carriers moored on the sea near the verge of the base! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be secretly surprised! Shit, damn it! Aircraft carrier? Once it is attacked near its own base, how can you fight it? That dense carrier-based aircraft is definitely not a joke!

It seems that this time, I really came right. This time, I think I really came right! OK, OK, come here, then hit it! Now, start attacking!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack on the enemy's last base on the same island as his own base officially began. What made Liu Zheng feel a little funny is that this attack actually started with the attack of those three heavy missile helicopters!

Well, with the super lethal ability of his Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopter and the protection effect of the short iron curtain that has been successfully implemented, Liu Zheng knows that his three heavy missile helicopters will definitely make considerable achievements!

Naturally, I am also looking forward to it! I'm waiting!

In this way, Liu Zheng led his three Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopters, and soon after, they finally flew over the enemy's base. Sure enough, then the dense artillery roared and attacked. At a glance, it was known that the enemy was really anxious this time! However, whether it is the anti-aircraft shell of the BTR-70 armored vehicle, the anti-aircraft missile of the multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle, or the Patriot missile, after contacting Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters after being implemented by the short iron curtain, There is no harm to Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed. So, immediately, he began to order his three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters to launch an air-to-ground and powerful attack on some of the most important military facilities in the enemy base! The first target Liu Zheng aimed at was the enemy's main construction factory. Yes, Liu Zheng just wanted to destroy the enemy's main factory first. Naturally, it would be much easier to do after that.

In this way, in the rain-like and dense cross-attack of the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters aimed at the target and began to attack! With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-to-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusted the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the enemy's main construction factory on the ground one after another. So, as the sound of the explosion kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...

So, the general factory that looked very suddenly just now, the general factory, which covers a considerable area, was almost killed at that moment! Looking at the carpet soaring in the air and the small mushroom cloud-like explosion fog, Liu Zheng couldn't help nodding secretly and was very satisfied with the attack effect of this kind of heavy missile helicopter.

At this time, Liu Zheng felt that there was only half a minute left in the short iron curtain time of his three heavy missile helicopters. Well, half a minute! In this half minute, I can do a lot of things! Although I dare not say that the enemy's base can be destroyed, basically, there is little left.

In this way, Liu Zheng made full use of his three heavy missile helicopters and destroyed too many enemy military facilities under the protection of the short iron curtain, including the main building factory, as well as the chariot factory, barracks and shipyard. In addition, he saw that there were two aircraft carriers on the edge of the shipyard, so Liu Zheng also knocked them off one by one.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's base had been turned upside down by himself! Liu Zheng roughly speculated about the time it took for his iron curtain device, that is, at most, only five or six seconds left. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng also thought of the advice that could not be too greedy, so he turned around and led his three heavy missile helicopters, turned around and began to return to the way.

However, some of the remaining tanks of the enemy, especially the Leopard 2-A6 main battle tank, looked like a group of angry wolves, rushing out of the remaining base that was beaten by Liu Zheng, while driving artillery fire. As we go forward, we naturally want to catch up with Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters, and then destroy them.

Looking at the enemy's Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks and chasing them one after another, Liu Zheng felt very funny in his heart: Well, well, you dare to chase them, then I dare to let you die without death! And Liu Zheng only dares to think so, and naturally knows it in his heart. In the rear of his attack, he still has the three main battle tanks - a nuclear mecha, and two Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets. Those three chariots are not a joke!

However, when Liu Zheng led his three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters and finally came to the rear of his attack, he glanced at it with such a glance. Good boy, where is his three chariots? Wow, I can't even see a shadow!

And it was not until this time that Liu Zheng suddenly realized: Shit, damn it! It turned out that in the dark area still shrouded in the fog of war by the seaside, there seemed to be some enemy combat forces. However, at that time, Liu Zheng felt that it was absolutely impossible for those enemy troops to become any more. As long as they dared to move, they would definitely be killed by his three chariots!

However, now it seems that it is really not such a thing! It's really not such a thing! Shit, there, it is very likely that there are a large number of enemy chariots ambush! Otherwise, with the health value and extremely great lethality of his three chariots, it is absolutely impossible to be killed by the enemy!

There is nothing we can do, but the pursuers behind the enemy are still rampant! Liu Zheng had to continue to lead his three heavy missile helicopters and fly straight to the base of the base camp! Anyway, there, the group of ballistic missiles can also destroy some of the enemy's pursuers!

And the development of things is really as Liu Zheng expected! Just after the pursuit of the enemy's group of combat power, just entered the attack range of the group of ballistic missiles located on the edge of his base, and then, with a whistling sound, the ballistic missiles fired one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately.

Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng feel some incredible is that the guidance ability of this kind of ballistic missile is so powerful! Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow like shadows until the target is hit. After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red exploding fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

Fortunately, the attack power of Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles is quite good, especially they all have quite strong strike accuracy. In this way, some of the enemy's chasing chariots were blown away by the hail-like ballistic missiles! For a moment, on the empty field around Liu Zheng's base, it almost became the slaughterhouse of the enemy's combat power. As the ballistic missiles roared, with the deafening explosion sounded one after another, and as the explosion fog rose to the sky, the enemy's seven or eight chariots disappeared almost in a blink of an eye.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing in his heart, "Wow, it seems that I really made a small mistake just now! After all, those three chariots are also quite important for themselves! Alas, after all, all three of them have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level! However, such excellent combat power was killed by the enemy like this!"

It is no wonder that Liu Zheng is so sorry. Yes, you know, it is really not easy to cultivate a Samsung elite level. Yes, that's really the case. Because it needs to go through quite a lot of battles to destroy a considerable amount of enemy combat power, and make sure that you are not destroyed by the enemy. Therefore, it is really quite laborious to upgrade the elite-level combat power of Samsung that can be successfully upgraded after such a baptism.

However, it is not easy for Liu to cultivate three Samsung elite-level chariots - one nuclear energy mecha and two Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launchers, but because of his momentary negligence, he was actually knocked out by the enemy's combat power! This makes Liu Zheng feel very painful!

However, at this point, it is useless to regret more. Forget it, forget it, damn it, I have to rely on my three heavy missile helicopters! However, now, the kind of "short iron curtain" attached to his three heavy missile helicopters has long disappeared so far! Therefore, in the next step, you have to use those three heavy missile helicopters!

However, Liu Zheng also knows that if you want to use your own three heavy missile helicopters to attack the enemy's base again, then naturally, there must be a premise, that is, his three heavy missile helicopters must be implemented again. Iron curtain! Otherwise, with their rather poor defense ability, it is difficult to prevent others from falling down!

However, next, Liu Zheng couldn't help but think of another problem, that is, just now, he could implement the short iron curtain of the three heavy missile helicopters under the ground state. I just don't know whether it can also implement that kind of short iron curtain in that state of the air?