Star Trek

Chapter 208 Step by Step 6

After the battle went on, Liu Zheng had to consider such a very important issue, that is, now, the three main attack chariots were killed by the enemy due to his carelessness. In this case, there was no better attack power at that time! Therefore, the task of destroying the enemy base on the same island can only be entrusted to its three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his three heavy missile helicopters slowly landed. Of course, Liu Zheng's purpose of doing this is naturally to protect it. Once this kind of protection is successful, it basically means that your iron curtain device this time has been successful!

At this time, Liu Zheng saw his three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters and finally slowly landed on the ground! Then, Liu Zheng smiled and gently wiped the short iron curtain at them. After a strange sound, some black spots were mottled, covering the three heavy missile helicopters that had been transformed into a chariot mode. Next, the black spots became more and more conspicuous. As time went by, they suddenly changed from the mottled appearance just now to pure black. During this period, a silver-white light also kept shining, which made people feel very strange.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's face couldn't help but flash a smile that was not easy to be detected. Then, under an order, he saw his three heavy missile helicopters turn the huge propellers loudly again, and then went straight to the sky. With Liu Zheng's order, they flew straight to the enemy's base, the last of the three bases on the same island as Liu Zheng's base. Fly straight away...

Liu Zheng is quite shrewd in such a thing, that is, in this case, what he is playing first. Yes, this is indeed a problem! Wow, when Liu Zheng first saw that there were all kinds of enemy military facilities and combat forces on the enemy's base, this was indeed a problem! Wow, Liu Zheng was naturally quite dazzled when he saw that there were all kinds of enemy military facilities and combat forces on the enemy's base. However, soon, he also immediately selected the target of the priority attack: that is, that is, the enemy's chariot factory!

Yes, Liu Zheng knows very well that now that he has destroyed the main factory in the enemy base. In this way, once all the military facilities in the enemy base are destroyed by himself, it basically means that the enemy can't build more of the same army at all. The facilities are coming. Therefore, it can be said that it is now killing one by one!

Looking at his three heavy missile helicopters that had been successfully implemented by himself with a short iron curtain and flying casually in the air, Liu Zheng couldn't help showing a smile that was not easy to be detected. At this time, look at the three heavy missile helicopters. On the fuselage, the black and red light flashes, bright and dark, which looks quite strange! Liu Zheng couldn't help showing an imperceptible smile. At this time, look at the three heavy missile helicopters. On the fuselage, the black and red light flashes, bright and dark, which looks quite strange! That's just the color of death!

"Ha, ha, in this case, it's only for me to attack you, but it's not for you to attack me!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Then, seeing his three heavy missile helicopters, they had finally flown over the enemy's chariot factory, so Liu Zheng gave an order and began to launch a fierce attack on them! With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one.

The huge air-ground missiles dragged the long, thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the enemy's war factory on the ground one after another. So, as the sound of the explosion kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...

Then, in the following time, Liu Zheng used the three heavy missile helicopters to destroy the enemy's combat laboratory and several ray towers, and then Liu Zheng turned to some of the enemy's combat forces. From aircraft carriers, to multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, to light-brimmed chariots, to BTR-70 armored vehicles, to Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks, almost all of which can be seen and beaten are almost invincible air-to-ground missiles of Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters. Dropped.

Looking at the fireworks soaring to the sky and the wreckage all over the ground, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be proud: Ha ha, ha, now, he is basically above, I have controlled this base! Well, it should be said that in this situation, there is not much defensive force in the enemy's base!

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the duration of his three heavy missile helicopters and their short iron curtain had also come to an end! Haha, just right, just right! The combat forces in the enemy base have also been basically destroyed by themselves. At the same time, the short iron curtain attached to their three heavy missile helicopters has also faded! OK, return!

So, with Liu Zheng sounding with a little excitement, the three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters have flown away from the enemy's mutilated base in the direction of their own base. That's a triumphal return!

And in the next time, what Liu Qingshan has to consider is naturally how he should come to the island of Jingying. Although there are still a few remnants of the enemy's base, everything is secondary. Because the enemy's base has no combat capability for a long time.

In such a situation, naturally, it will not pose any threat to Liu Zheng. Moreover, now, Liu Zheng can't distinguish more combat forces, or Liu Zheng now has no mobile ground attack power at all! And it is not appropriate to use the three Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopters again. After all, they have just come back, and it takes a certain amount of time to rest!

So, in this situation at that time, the best way is to ignore it! Yes, just ignore it. In this way, you can calm down and specifically consider how to run this island that basically belongs to you. Then, I gained a firm foothold and thought about how to launch an attack on the enemy's base on another island!

And Liu Zheng is now facing one of the most important problems, that is, the lack of production and construction funds in his base. Yes, that's it. Now, Liu Zheng sees that there are less than 2,000 production and construction funds in the accounts of his base. And such a value is just enough to build an ore refinery. However, the construction of an ore refinery also takes a certain amount of time! However, apart from that, there is really no other better way. Yes, that's it.

The reason is also quite simple, that is, now, except for that kind of ore refinery, Liu has no other better means to earn production and construction funds. Except for that kind of ore refinery, Liu has no other better means to earn production and construction funds. And this is a kind of sadness for Liu Zheng. It's really a kind of sadness!

However, the current situation is that the house is leaking and it is cloudy and rainy! Just as Liu Zheng was in his base, there was no better way to earn production and construction funds. At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that there was a scream in his base, which sounded almost endless! What sound?

But soon, Liu Zheng understood that a certain military facility in his base seemed to have been attacked by the enemy! As for what kind of military facility it is and what kind of combat power it has been attacked by the enemy, it is difficult to say for itself. However, you have to take a look to know!

Immediately, Liu Zheng switched his perspective to the rear of his base. At this time, he saw that his base had been attacked! Moreover, the location of the attack and the target of the attack are exactly the most painful place for Liu Zheng! It seems that the enemy on this other island has really seen their current predicament! No money!

Yes, the enemy saw their current situation and launched an air raid on their own ore refinery, the newly built ore refinery! Naturally, the enemy knows that once their ore refinery is killed again, then, basically, it is equivalent to killing Liu Zheng!

Yes, that's indeed the case. Because now, Liu Zheng knows that he is basically above the basic level and doesn't have much production and construction funds! Not long ago, the production and construction funds in my hand were just enough to build an ore refinery! In such a situation, naturally, if you destroy the ore refinery that took a lot of effort to build, it will directly affect your next development!

At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that his ore refinery had just been built for a long time. At this time, it had been bombed by 50 to 60 percent of his health by the enemy's air raids. At this time, he was shouting towards the air. The fire that rose to the sky looked very heavy.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that he could not lose this ore refinery anyway! Yes, that's true. To some extent, this ore refinery is almost its own life-root! And once my life-root is gone, how can I build and produce it if I don't have the money? If you don't have the fighting power, take the bullshit to fight! Yes, this is indeed a very simple truth.

In this case, Liu Zheng has to do his best to carry out that kind of air defense attack on the enemy's air strike force. Yes, at least, as far as the current situation is concerned, that is the most important thing, indeed the most important thing!

Those who came to participate in the attack were basically the enemy's kind of invaders fighters. Listening to the roaring sound, Liu Zheng will feel an inexplicable panic in many times and in many situations. So, no matter what, he will definitely strengthen his anti-aircraft firepower! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng mobilized almost all his anti-aircraft firepower from almost every corner of his base. Among them, the most important is its own light anti-aircraft vehicle.

And just after Liu Zheng had just deployed his firepower, suddenly, after hearing the sound, it was almost a chilling roar, roaring from the air again! The roar sounded so harsh, as if the muffled thunder resounded between heaven and earth.

"Ready! Air defense fire preparation!" Liu Zheng was almost bulleted by a spring, and almost reacted at the first time. Therefore, five or six of them have been upgraded to Samsung elite-level light anti-aircraft vehicles, and soon gathered together, and then adjusted Zhuyuan and prepared to shoot! And just after they made some adjustments, the enemy's invaders fighters, damn, not only the intruder fighters, but also the enemy's Black Hawk fighters! Whistling, he flew to Liu Zheng's base again!

And now, Liu Zheng is quite clear that the target attacked by the enemy's fighters is the ore refinery in his base! Yes, it is still the ore refinery in its own base! It seems that the enemy will never stop this time if it doesn't reach the goal! However, now that he has such a large amount of anti-aircraft firepower in his hand, naturally, Liu Zheng will no longer be so nervous and worried.

"Fight!" The time for an anti-aircraft attack is finally ripe! At this time, with Liu Zheng's order, I saw that the sound of such a sharp and harsh scream suddenly sounded, and anti-aircraft missiles shot out one by one, crossing the sky, forming a gray-white trajectory towards the target, towards the Black Hawk fighter in mid-air, straight Run away.

Moreover, Liu Zheng found that the gray-white missile flight trajectory looked very smooth, as if it were a beautiful curve on the girl's body. Those missiles, the gray-white tail smoke dragged behind them, looks very smooth. Obviously, the trajectory of this flight also shows the rapid flight of this kind of anti-aircraft missile. They are not like other anti-aircraft missiles, flying while adjusting the direction of flight from time to time, or left or right, but a curve that looks very smooth.

"Boom~" suddenly sounded with the loud sound, Liu Zheng saw that after the anti-aircraft missiles hit the target, the enemy's Black Hawk fighter that rushed to the front was first a fierce battle, then the fuselage tilted, and then rolled helplessly from there. In mid-air, it fell down and loaded on the ground, blowing up a column of smoke in the sky...

In this way, one after another, Liu Zheng's anti-aircraft fire on the ground was full of power and tried his best to carry out that kind of fierce attack on the enemy's flying fighters in the sky. In the end, although some of the enemy's fighters finally dropped a few bombs, they did not cause too much damage to their ore refinery. Because of the previous damage, they have already been repaired by Liu Zheng, so this time, even if they suffered the enemy's battle again The bombing of the plane is not harmful.

In this way, with such several anti-aircraft vehicles here, Liu Zheng naturally felt that his ore refinery seemed to be fine. Next, it seems that you need to consider how to build another ore refinery, or that kind of super technology drilling well, to continue to expand your industrial scale, so as to create conditions for the expansion of your base and the expansion of combat production!