Star Trek

Chapter 210 Channel Fire 1

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng finally made the final decision, that is, in any case, he would first issue an attack order on the two aircraft carriers that were moving towards his base!

So, I saw that their three, Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters, which had already been moored in the waters of the strait, were on the turbulent sea, facing the sea breeze and set up into the standard combat attack formation, attacking in the direction of the target!

At this time, Liu Zheng has also seen that at this time, three enemy cruisers are urgently mobilized around the enemy's shipyard. It seems that it came for his three heavy missile helicopters. Shit, mother, cruiser? That's obviously a sharp weapon for air defense! Why have you aimed at my heavy missile helicopter now? Yaya, that's too much, isn't it?

"No, I must kill the two enemy aircraft carriers before the two enemy cruisers arrive! Yes, it must be killed!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng did not hesitate any more. With an order, his three heavy missile helicopters advanced together towards the target, towards the two aircraft carriers of the enemy that were rapidly entering in the direction of his base on the strait, and began to carry out the kind of air-to-ship type. The missile has attacked!

In the dark clouds between the sea and the sky, just as the snow fluttered, the attack of three heavy missile helicopters on the two enemy aircraft carriers finally began! With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the two enemy aircraft carriers above the sea one after another.

So, with the sound of the "boom" explosion, the columns of water rose to the sky, and immediately became surging above the sea. And in the turbulent waves, a small mushroom cloud wrapped in the dark red explosive flame rose to the sky, and even the waves splashed away. Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, exploded into countless debris and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down again...

And just after Liu Zheng had just knocked down the two enemy aircraft carriers, the three enemy cruisers have also followed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it was time for him to retreat. So, with an order, his three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters hurriedly retreated! Fly straight in the direction of your base.


At this time, several warships that have finally been produced have been gathered around Liu Zheng's shipyard. Including two Longmen attack submarines, two heavy cruisers, and two Return Line-class warships. Liu Zheng knows that his type of combat power is indeed true. Although he has a quite good attack ability in terms of ground attack, it is quite poor in naval combat.

However, now, I can't just think about those things. What I must do now is that I must first explore a channel, and then follow the channel and send my naval forces to firmly control the strait. After that, try to attack!

Of course, the task of exploring the sea passage is naturally entrusted to the two submarines to complete. It should be said that it is the most complete plan. However, my kind of Longmen attack submarine is indeed far worse than that of Yuri's combat power attack submarine! However, Liu Zheng has no better way now. He has to rely on the idea of "better than nothing" and send his two dragon gate attack submarines to that strait. Liu Zheng has no better way now, so he has to rely on that kind of "better than nothing" idea. The two Longmen attacked the submarine and sailed towards the strait, still covered by the fog of war.

In this way, as the fog of war was gradually pulled away, a strait that did not look very wide finally emerged! At the same time, the enemy's shipyard also revealed its true face.

"Well, since I met you, then I will kill you!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his two dragon gate attack submarines began to attack the target with that kind of * bullet! I saw the * bullets, wrapped in the snow-white airflow, clinging to the surface of the water and flying in quickly...

However, after seeing this, Liu Zheng was not interested at all. Yes, that's true. The reason is that Liu Zheng didn't expect that his kind of dragon attack submarine was so much worse than the thunder attack submarine possessed by that kind of Yuri's combat power type! You know, that kind of Yuri combat power type thunder attack submarine can fire at least two * bullets at a time! Moreover, when it is upgraded to the Samsung Elite level, it can launch as many as four * bullets at a time! Wow, that situation is really quite good, really quite good!

However, Liu Zheng still won't give up. Shit, mother, since this kind of * bomb attack is not good, I might as well take a look again. How about that kind of missile attack? Yes, Liu Zheng knows that his dragon attack submarine also has the attack ability of a submarine-launched missile! However, how does its submarine attack compare with the Yuri-type thunder attack submarine submarine missile?

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng temporarily stopped the * bomb attack on the enemy's shipyard, and then turned to an enemy's light tower on the coast on the edge of the enemy's base to carry out the test of that kind of submarine-launched missiles. On the missile launcher on the two Liu Zheng's Longmen attack submarines, there was immediately a thick gray-black smoke rolling from the bottom of the water, and it lasted for a long time. Then, a missile stood straight and firmly, like two standing swords, straight to the sky.

Then, with the sound of two "wow~" missile launches suddenly sounded, and with a deafening sound of ignition launch, the tails of the two major thrust rockets on the two dragon gate attack submarines spewed dark red. The tail flame, and almost at the same time, several missiles, finally slowly separated from their launchers, and then flew over their hull. After hovering over the sky for a while, they turned a large or small circle, and then became faster and faster, adjusting the attack towards the established target. In this way, the two large thrust rockets quickly broke away from the surface of the water, crossed the clouds, skimmed the sea, and flew towards the target.

However, with the two submarine-launched missiles hitting the target one after another, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be more dumbfounded: after hitting the target with two submarine-launched missiles, they didn't even lose 10% of their health! The target, the enemy's all-light temper, is still the same! Still turning its big tower head, and the one kept turning the top of the tower head, the silver-white light flashed from time to time, which looked like a ghost shadow...

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was really determined: Shit, damn it! It seems that my kind of dragon gate attack submarine is really chicken ribs! Alas, it's really a pity to abandon it! Shit, get this thing to act as my naval combat power, what a fucking bastard! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very annoyed.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking that it seemed that I had to change the way of attack! It seems that I have to change my combat strategy! Damn, Damn, he, my navy, I don't believe it, it's all mallet! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng looked at the water near his shipyard. At this time, there were already four Tropic-class warships and four heavy cruisers.

Well, these two types of combat power should be good, should be good! So, let me use them this time! Let's see what their combat firepower is! What the hell! After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the two ships, fourhui gui-class warships, and four heavy cruisers all marched forward together and sailed along the route opened up by themselves in the direction of the enemy's base. Soon after, it appeared near the enemy's shipyard.

"Well, then, let me try the power of my regression-class warships first! Let me try the power of my return-class warships first!" At this time, Liu Zheng arranged his four regression-class warships into an attack formation, and then pointed at the group of seemingly concentrated enemy chariots on the edge of the enemy base with an order!

Look at those chariots, there are both Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks and BTR-70 armored vehicles, which look a variety and messy. However, Liu Zheng certainly knows very well that if those guys don't kill them, the back road will be endless, and the back road will really be endless! Thinking about how much pressure there will be when so many combat forces will launch a landing battle in the future, Liu Zheng couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

And this time, all kinds of enemy chariots are just concentrated under their own eyes. Then, in this way, it is just enough for their four return-class warships to train troops! After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his four Tropic-class warships soon began to attack the target from a long distance! With the continuous sound of gunfire, shells shot out one after another. Moreover, Liu Zheng had already seen very clearly that four shells shot out in one attack! The shells crossed the sky, and it looked like hail. However, it is obvious that although the gunfire attack of this kind of warship has a long range and the amount of bombs is also very dense, it does lack accuracy. Therefore, after playing for a long time, the target's health value only declined quite slowly.

Each regression-class warship has four guns. So, when four of the same regression-class warships fire at the same time, what kind of attack capability will be formed? 416! Sixteen shells fell from the sky one after another. It seemed that it was definitely falling like rain, and it was definitely falling like rain!

So, Liu Zheng saw that in the enemy's base, shells fell from the sky and hit all kinds of chariots in the enemy's base one after another, so a violent explosion sounded one after another! Boom~~~~

What makes Liu Zheng feel more gratified is that due to the long-range attack ability of his Tropic-class warships, some of the shells they fired, after crossing the big arcs, due to the long-range attack ability of their ownhui gui-class warships, The shells they fired hit the target fiercely after crossing the big arcs!

However, there is nothing wrong with the enemy's various chariots, including the enemy's Leopard 2-A6 main battle tank and that kind of BTR-70 armored vehicle. Yes, of course they have no choice, because their attack is not far enough! Liu Zheng's return-class warships can't be beaten at all! Therefore, they only have some regression-class warships that are allowed by Liu Zheng, because their attack is not far enough at all! Liu Zheng's return-class warships can't be beaten at all! Therefore, they can only let Liu Zheng's return-class warships attack at will!

In this way, with the rain-like shells hitting the target one after another, Liu Zheng clearly saw that on the enemy's base, which originally looked dense, some of the enemy's chariots had been killed by Liu Zheng's regression-class warships. It's 70% or 80%. On the ground, the smoke was permeated, and large and small craters were scattered there, and the wreckage and fragments of all kinds of chariots were all over the period...

"Well, it seems that you are right to attack it with that kind of regression-class warship, or right!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Yes, although the shells of that kind of their own regression-class warships are not accurate - to be precise, the inspection is quite inaccurate - but after all, when dealing with that kind of dense, large-scale target, it has quite good lethality and destructive power!

Yes, it seems that it is almost everywhere! That's almost a disguised carpet bombing! Looking at the enemy's group of all kinds of chariots and the enemy's base, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing happily.

However, Liu Zheng is also thinking that he can't just use that kind of close artillery to hit the enemy's nearshore target! After all, the most important military forces in the enemy's base are in the enemy's base! Moreover, the shells of their own return-class warships are not very accurate. Since then, naturally, there has been a considerable gap in the accuracy of the blow.

However, Liu Zheng quickly thought of it, that is, in fact, his kind of regression-class warship actually has a very good long-range strike ability! That is, the kind of helicopter attack it carries on! Yes, although they can only send helicopters to attack each attack, but that's nothing. It's really nothing, because he has plenty of time now! Before your own more powerful attack weapon is produced, it is okay to attack with your own helicopter.

However, now, for Liu Zheng, it seems that the time is not yet. Yes, it seems that the timing is still very immature. Now, Liu Zheng saw that there are more and more enemy chariots rushing towards his several return-class warships! Moreover, Liu Zheng saw that the various chariots came one after another, looking very crowded and dense.

Yes, why is he so dense? Why does this enemy look like a stimulant? Continuously, the rush is coming!

However, although Liu Zheng is also very surprised at this point, after all, it can also provide him with the opportunity to upgrade his military training! Well, anyway, you can't beat me, you can come, you can come! After my nuclear mecha is produced again, let's see how I deal with you! Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking hatefully.